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12217717 No.12217717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>licking fingers to turn the page

>> No.12217721
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>folding cover to back

>> No.12217739
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>licking fingers ever

>> No.12217762

I can't fucking stand it when I'm eating dinner and people lick their fingers. It's purely a hedonistic impulse, that serves no end. It's unsanitary. It's unsightly. But the fact that they're willing to make such an open display, to get that one little ounce of flavor (which when divorced from serving in question, has zero marginal returns, in fact, often gives disappointment to the true gastronomic mind), shows that they are mad. They are blind, sensualists trying to squeeze every ounce of pleasure they can out of the meal, disregarding any social sanctions that may arise. HELL, even when there is plenty of food around, so that they could have say, just grabbed another piece of chicken, they'll lick anyways. I shutter to think what behaviors they engage in when people are NOT looking and what thoughts pervade their hedonistic minds. They're always obese too, it's never fit or skinny people licking them.

>> No.12217775
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Jokes on you, I lick the page directly!

>> No.12217779

Licking your fingers is a good way to avoid staining your napkin though.

>> No.12217783

>It's unsanitary
Actually, the enzymes in your saliva help to kill bacteria, so as an evolved impulse it does make sense. A napkin is probably far less sanitary.

>> No.12217791
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>shitting on the book page to shit int the shit shit ifuckf shit

>> No.12217794

I have a strong visceral reaction when I see people eating outside of 'designated eating places', like dinner tables, or restaurants. It's strange because a dinner table is not much different from an office table, but my reaction to seeing a man consume a sandwich at them would be that of indifference and disgust respectively. I think out biological functions, eating included, all must be adorned with some kind of custom, to prevent our minds from engaging into the crude animality of our bodies. We need customs because they make us more than animals. That's why we wince when we see people shit publicly, or masturbate publicly, or have sex publicly, or pick their noses, even though none of these activities are unnatural or immoral. And yet when it comes to food, just another biological function of the body, society willy-nilly decided that it shouldn't be a subject to customs, that humans are free to dump liquids and nutrients into their bodies everywhere, slurp on that fucking juice on public commute sitting next to me, buddy, it's alright! Fuck this shit.

>> No.12217890

I just spit on the book, myself.

>> No.12217899

Shitting is disposing and breeding is an aberration, I take pleasure from seeing people extend their lives, because I reflect myself into them.

>> No.12217903
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>hucking up a big loogie directly onto the page before turning

>> No.12217913
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>that satisfying crunch as you crack a book's spine, tearing parts of the cover

>> No.12217933
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>that satisfying crunch as I break the spine of a person that does this

>> No.12217946
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>taking a big whiff of the book, sighing contentedly while exhaling, and commenting on that classic book smell

>> No.12218007

Licking your fingers is an evolutionary response that introduces healthy microbes produced by the sweat glands into your digestive system you fool.

>> No.12218188
File: 62 KB, 640x424, 14618684427912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a hypothesis. And not a very good one.
The diet of ancient man would have far sufficed for sustaining a healthy gut flora, there was no reason for superfluous finger licking to have evolved. The hunter-gatherer diet consisted of raw meats, raw fruits, and raw vegetables, all abounded with so-called probiotics.
Furthermore, I see that you subscribe to a pop-sci view of evolution, and view it as an action verb with the implicit intent of always getting better (pro-tip, this isn't how it works). Evolution has no way of knowing what the gut bacteria needed. Evolution as you see it is some mysterious force rather that generates mutations as needed. In reality, it is a cold numbers game of totally random mutations propagated only by survival (and to a lesser extent, sexual selection). You're a midrange IQ imbecile justifying his finger licking with some big words he heard once or twice.

>> No.12218198

wow that's pretty gay

>> No.12218243

But what if there is no napkins?

>> No.12218267

You use the pages of the book you're reading.

>> No.12218284

I always carry a book with me, just in case.

>> No.12218407

Don't forget to sell it used, near perfect condition.

>> No.12218448
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>The diet of ancient man would have far sufficed for sustaining a healthy gut flora, there was no reason for superfluous finger licking to have evolved. The hunter-gatherer diet consisted of raw meats, raw fruits, and raw vegetables, all abounded with so-called probiotics.
Source me, show me your clay tablet birth certificate, or fuck off.
>Furthermore, I see that you subscribe to a pop-sci view of evolution, and view it as an action verb with the implicit intent of always getting better (pro-tip, this isn't how it works).
Mother fucker, I don't even care what you two are arguing about but the smug pretentiousness in this sentence is ridiculous. I'll bet you posted this thinking "Damn, that was a good post, go me. I really showed him." Did you go to Princeton? Are you wearing a scarf right now even though it's 82 degrees F outside?
>You're a midrange IQ imbecile justifying his finger licking with some big words he heard once or twice.
One, the only big word there is microbe. Two, was this supposed to be your "gotcha" sentence or something? Because it's pretty weak for supporting an argument. Inb4 "got you to reply tho"

>> No.12218450

Nice meme

>> No.12218462
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>folding the corners pages as a bookmark.

>> No.12218466

>got into the habit of doing this
>also shoved books into my bag
>picked up my old Hobbit I read as a kid
I couldn't belive how good the condition was. It was a wake up call to treat my books better. If anyone does the corner folding, just stop, you'll thank me later.

>> No.12218469

>About to turn the page
>Friend licks my fingers

>> No.12218477

>Ripping out the page after reading it

>> No.12218492

anime isn't allowed here

>> No.12218499

Where do I get a friend like this? Preferrably with a girl face and cute penis

>> No.12218508

I used to do it with my poetry collections so I could carry the poems with me during work and slowly memorise them. Now all my poetry books look like unfinishied sandwiches, but at least I did manage to commit a lot of great poems to the memory.

>> No.12218526

>Source me
>It has been suggested that a return to unprocessed food diets, consisting mainly of plant-based complex fibers, seasonally fresh raw food, fermented foods and low in red meat, can help promote the proliferation of the beneficial microbes that are considered indigenous to our gut



>Microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with probiotic properties are also isolated from other fermented and unfermented products of animal origin, such as meat and raw cured cold meats [101, 102], fish and seafood [62, 103, 104], or honey [105].

>Mother fucker, I don't even care what you two are arguing about but the smug pretentiousness in this sentence is ridiculous. I'll bet you posted this thinking "Damn, that was a good post, go me. I really showed him." Did you go to Princeton? Are you wearing a scarf right now even though it's 82 degrees F outside?
Unlike you, I have an IQ high enough to realize that such things as going to these institutions are not proof of intelligence. They speak more to circumstance, preexisting. And no, it's not 82 degrees out where I live.
>One, the only big word there is microbe. Two, was this supposed to be your "gotcha" sentence or something? Because it's pretty weak for supporting an argument. Inb4 "got you to reply tho"
Microbe is not a big word. If you must know, I was referring to your invocation of term 'evolutionary response', which I assume you had learned from a PBS program, or perhaps an NPR newscast (pseud central), as you certainly shoehorned this term in along with the current buzz over probiotics to legitimize and justify the barbaric act of licking ones fingers. The end result was most calamitous, as someone with an understanding of evolution came along (i.e., yours truly) and clearly made an example out of your post and misunderstanding of all matters. I hope this was educational. Now, please, take the advice in your image and study what you wrote in your post so you do not wind up with your foot in your mouth again. I am merely teaching you not to be a pseud. Consider yourself fortunate that you learned this lesson online instead of the real world which is much less forgiving.

>> No.12218580

>"I skim the pages with descriptions or dialogue"

>> No.12218632

you shouldn't be eating without a napkin

>> No.12218782

>I shutter to think

>> No.12218793
File: 714 KB, 1920x1082, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laying a book open face down instead of using a bookmark

>> No.12218818

>mfw fingers too salty from sweat to lick them

>> No.12218821

Oh okay, so you're shitposting. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.12218823

>Using a bookmark
>Not just remembering the page

I enjoyed reading these

>> No.12218835

My aim with any book is that is shouldn't look like it has been read when I'm done with it.
Any of you feel the same?

>> No.12218837

>purely a hedonistic impulse

>> No.12218848

>>Not just remembering the page
I usually do but if you need anything a bookmark should be used.

>> No.12218888

I rip out pages after I’ve read them.

>> No.12218931

i do this bc it makes me feel cool desu

>> No.12218946

That's not my conscious aim but I'm quite careful when reading and even wash my hands before I start.

>> No.12219018

>not reading the book in one go
what's wrong with you ADD plebs? it breaks the immersion completely

>> No.12219080
File: 3.32 MB, 600x408, E56A0EB4-6841-41F0-BB35-CBB3128997A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekd and checkd

>> No.12219422

Why? Are you ashamed of the books you read and don't want people to know you read them?

>> No.12219430

i do this on instinct even though i read on the family kindle now

>> No.12219452
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>> No.12219646
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>using bookmarks instead of just remembering what page you were on

>> No.12219715


>> No.12219894

>doing either of these instead of just dog-earing them

>> No.12219946
File: 23 KB, 550x550, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually reading

>> No.12220347

>taking a big whiff of the book, sighing contentedly while exhaling, and commenting on that classic book smell

>> No.12220452


>> No.12220499

you aren't allowed here

>> No.12220523

Dude im here at the airport trying not to fall asleep and the chink sitting on the bench across just blew out his nose on the ground. And continued playing on his Huawei.Come back to the real world

>> No.12220531

>It's purely a hedonistic impulse
>that serves no end.

Are you fucking dumb? The food on your fingers tastes good, that's the end.

>it's never fit or skinny people licking them.

But I do this all the time, and I'm skinny.

>> No.12220535

>and wiping your voluptuous behind

>> No.12220537

that's fantastic.

>> No.12220544

>You mean you dont scribble your thoughts and comments on it, preferably with thick ink so it's visible through the next page
What are you people!?

>> No.12220577
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>Licking your fingers is a good way to avoid staining your napkin though.

>> No.12220701
File: 99 KB, 645x729, ⚠️ CRITICAL ERROR ⚠️ INVERSE MASS LIMIT EXCEDED - DANGER - DANGER - GET THE FUCK BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's purely a hedonistic impulse
>that serves no end.
>Are you fucking dumb? The food on your fingers tastes good, that's the end.

>> No.12220798
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>> No.12221196

>he doesn't have a glue-filled dipping bowl at his side when reading