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File: 68 KB, 480x434, D7B17509-9CAD-4D1B-AEF7-131E713F2819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12214741 No.12214741 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about narcissism?

>> No.12214743

>he thinks women use the term incel on 4chan
Bruh, it's non-incel men that call you an incel, you fucking incel.

>> No.12214749

the term is entering mainstream discourse

>> No.12214753

Stick it up your arse incel, inb4 b-but that's not what I mean with narcissism it actually means (straw grasping from another incel sophist).

>> No.12214758

pic unrelated. i was either this or all the frog pictures i have saved on my computer

>> No.12214763

4chan isn't mainstream discourse though, is it? You tithead.

>> No.12214776

Wrong. The majority of people who use the terms "incel" or "virgin" on here are women or effeminate nu-males.

>> No.12214778

bait or not, cringe

>> No.12214779

"women" you mean

>> No.12214786
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Before this thread explodes into another 500 post shitfest I want to remind you that sex really isn't that important.

>> No.12214800

That's your fantasy.
I'm a 6'4 240lb weightlifter and could strangle you to death with ease, and I shame incels on 4chan all the time because you're fucking pathetic cunts and I'm sick of your constant female-like whining.

>> No.12214802

Of course it is. Breadpillers are just incels trying to larp as volcels.

>> No.12214803


>> No.12214809

Breeding is delusion, only the ego matters, ignore the incels.

>> No.12214813

Sex is literally one of the top 3 things that keeps marriages and couples together. When you fuck your gal, she releases chemicals which bond her to you.

>> No.12214815

Guys I just want to talk about books about narcissism...

>> No.12214817

>this is your brain on STEM

>> No.12214822

You mad incel?
I've fucked at least 10 different women since I was 15 and have turned down more than that since my attraction is very specific.

>> No.12214823

Marriages and couples don't matter in the context of spiritualism.

>> No.12214829

You need to get out more.

>> No.12214834

A STEM fag would know better than to care about such useless and adorn mental things such as emotions.

>> No.12214836

this is your brain on reality***

>> No.12214841

>since I was 15
10 women in the last year? impressive

>> No.12214846

Case study right here

>> No.12214847

If you were truly the spiritual autist you're professing to be, you'd be cut off from the internet and sucking cocks in a monastery.

>> No.12214855

I'm 25 now.
It's not narcissism, I've literally rejected more women than I've slept with. I have also never used tinder or apps like that, only met women in real life.

>> No.12214857

I'm not an incel, brainlet. Also, gymceling is a cope, nice bad genetics LMFAO.

>> No.12214858

There are 9 billion people right now, breeding is easy, yet everybody is going to die, literally the entire point of breeding.

>> No.12214860

Except I had gf's and sex before I touched a weight.
Nice COPE, incel.

>> No.12214861

You're an effeminate dork. Only effeminate males boast about how many women they've slept with, you'd get boinked in real life, fucking loser.

Choke on my cock LMFAO

>> No.12214863

>I've literally rejected more women than I've slept with
And you're using them now as evidence to prove that you're a superior hotshot to some strangers on the internet. That's narcissism.

>> No.12214869

Who cares loser


>> No.12214870

Post pics tough guy.

>> No.12214871

Absolutely this. Our animalistic-society prizes sex above all else, but the spiritual masters of all cultures have promoted celebacy as the path to true enlightenment. Jesus we already know ofnas being celibate and promoting abstinence for those who could manage it, but also someone like Sri Krishna in the Gita also state that the "undivine souls see sex as the highest vocation of life, and lust as the central cause of existence" which perfectly matches so many modern Darwinian-pseudointellectuals who propagate their nonsensical, nihilistic and reductionist views. The Kali Yuga, which we are in has long been prophecied of to be rampant with such kinds of perspectives.


>> No.12214872

Why such unneeded obscenity? Clean your mind of this sexual filth, brother.

>> No.12214875

I win, thanks for playing.

>> No.12214880

It's all just chemicals, man. The entirety of life and all human behavior, man.

>> No.12214883

post pics, incel

>> No.12214885

*does a big shart on your head*

thanks for playing, it was nothing personal

>> No.12214887

The bonding chemicals during sex are unique and necessary. Once people stop fucking, marriages die.

>> No.12214892

>it's not narcissism
>continues to list describe sexual experiences no one asked for
C'mon man I usually don't strike out against boasting or being open about sexuality, in fact I'd usually encourage it, but this is starting to sound pathetic.
How many twinks or qt catbois did you score? Or how qt are you? This is a far stronger measure of a boy's worth.

>> No.12214896

And marriage is important because ?

>> No.12214905

Stop reducing the value of sex to brain chemistry

>> No.12214906







>> No.12214912

My shits would block your little baby sized toilet, incel.

>> No.12214917

>that loser calling someone that isn't a loser a loser in capitals because he feels insecure

>> No.12214932 [DELETED] 

I wonder if the person who made that shitty meme understands the irony of it.

>> No.12214936

I wonder if the person who made that meme understands the irony of it.

>> No.12214938

I want a fight vs 3-5 incels in a cage match. How many of you incels would sign up?

>> No.12214939

And Love, too, is just "oxytocin", I imagine? Everything humans do reduces to simple chemical activities? The semantic meaning of these words I am sending to you, can we find them in chemicals? And the greatest spiritual revelations felt in hearing a piece of religious music, be it Christian or Hindu or elsewise, also reducible to chemicals?

>> No.12214949

Uhh, yes we can.

>> No.12214952

>this entire thread

>> No.12214953


>> No.12214970

HOw do i upvote this

>> No.12214974


>> No.12214978

finna cum a nut

>> No.12214980

the dude that made this meme complains about women straw-manning incels by straw-manning women

>> No.12214984


Just read The Last Psychiatrist

>> No.12214985

yes ?

>> No.12215001

or roasties i guess but that doesn't affect the irony

>> No.12215002

the original meme withthat drawing was funnier

>> No.12215003
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>> No.12215077
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god I wish that were me

>> No.12215098

not it really wasn't and it was equally ironic.

>> No.12215106

i dont see how it can be ironic it was just making of fun of the emergent 'daddy' thot, which is clearly a thing

>> No.12215109

Hi OP,

Read anything by Christopher Lasch

>> No.12215110

Sauce ?

>> No.12215135

Real answer, Lasch's "The Culture of Narcissism"
It's about narcissism as clinically defined by Freud, so it won't really give you ammo to bitch about those self-absorbed girls who won't fuck you, but it'll tell you exactly why they enrage you so much.

Here's a tl;dr version of the book

>> No.12215151


>> No.12215187

I would never touch a girl who looked like that, even if I was good looking enough for them to let me

>> No.12215189

well here goes and after I really gotta go to bed :
The dude that made the original meme makes fun of the daddy thots lack of originality and the fact that she doesn't realize how boring she is. But doesn't realize that incels (and other variants) do the same thing when they feel entitled to pussy because they believe themselves nice guys or whatever. what I mean is they think it's unfair their not getting a cute gf because they obviously have this and that qualities even though they may lack here and there etc.. but the thing is they're not better than the normal fags they despise they just suck in different areas.

>> No.12215194

but the original comic made no reference to incels, it was a just a funny joke about tinder thots

>> No.12215202

in fact iirc the context of the original comic was a girl leaving a guy and saying he couldnt find another girl like her

>> No.12215214

it in the subtext. It's what makes the punchline. otherwise the joke isn't even funny at all it's just "these thing look similar" also I did say "other variants" I don't mean only incels just losers in general

>> No.12215216
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>I would never touch a girl who looked like that, even if I was good looking enough for them to let me
this is you

>> No.12215220

This is exactly why I fuck my daughter. Wouldn't want her to rebel against me when she becomes a teenager.

>> No.12215223

yeah she's saying you'll never find a girl like me.
and incels are like : I should be getting laid I'm so different from these other assholes and they're getting laid.

>> No.12215225

do you feel the same way about women complaining about fuckboys, i think youre taking it too seriously. IT's just a fact that the modern dating world has produced these types, and it's also a fact that everybody promotes this illusion of being unique

>> No.12215239

>do you feel the same way about women complaining about fuckboys
yeah sure.
>i think you're taking it too seriously
not really It's just banter man don't worry !

>it's also a fact that everybody promotes this illusion of being unique
That's why I think it's funny and ironic.

>> No.12215266

it is a symptom and a protection strategy and you are asking wizards how they got their wizardhood. psychologists are filled with books about themselves and doctors tend to agree. *snort* *snort*

>> No.12215268

She's ugly

>> No.12215278

Reminder bragging about how much of a normie you are on cantonese melon farming boards is pretty much pure narcisissm and no one cares and you would come off as a real loser to actual normies
>hurr youre an incel


>> No.12215287

>I'm 17 now.
>It's not narcissism, I've literally rejected more women than I've slept with. I have also never used tinder or apps like that, only met women in real life.

is good looking rich gay guy

>> No.12215290

>sexual harassment is okay if it's women doing it!

>> No.12215297

next time make a better thread then.

>> No.12215303

fuck you're right.

>> No.12215348

people bond through sex yes but women don't bond with males anywhere near as much as males bond with women, you are literal trash that they settle with unless you are like the 0.01% or something

>> No.12215356

i think this is the most non-pc concept currently on offer. it gets even more fireworks than racism

>> No.12215366

>4chan isn't mainstream discourse though, is it?
What's 4chan?

>> No.12215375

>narcissism is bad!
>I don't care, but here I am replying

>> No.12215380

I fucked the best looking women in my life when I was poor NEET and living with my parents.
Thanks to feminism modern women care about your looks and personality, primarily.

>> No.12215392
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>> No.12215397


>> No.12215405
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>> No.12215410
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>> No.12215420


>> No.12215422

>culture of narcissism
be warned. it's purely analytical and observational. do not expect any prescription for change, or unique viewpoint on the "culture of narcissism" it presents.

>> No.12215437


Snakes in Suits by Robert Hare largely discusses psychopathy but also addresses dark triad personality traits. Fascinating read.

>> No.12215442

What are some books about "What are some books about narcissism?"

>> No.12215447

What are some books about an incel OP who has nothing but frog pictures saved on his computer?

>> No.12215455

>this thread again
my 2 cents is that instead of using the term incel, we should start calling involuntary celibates smeggies, due to the amount of smegma under their foreskins. this is akin to the classic roastie insult.

>> No.12215466

we could but why would we

>> No.12215469
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>> No.12215514

Hey OP
I don't have anything when it comes to books

But TheLastPsychiatrist's blog focuses on narcissism pretty often, and is altogether one of the most substantively entertaining websites I've ever visited.

Sorry to see your thread got butt-fucked to death.

>> No.12215540

badass dude
you watch joe rogan ?

>> No.12215567

this pic was 100% made by an incel lmao

>> No.12215773

What's it called when you've had plenty of sex but wish you were a virgin? That's me.

>> No.12215807
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That's where this comes in

>> No.12215813

>mfw i realized you can quantify a reactionary's entire philosophy into binary solutions
>black bad
>white good
>woman bad
>man good
>monogamy good
>polygamy bad
>faith good
>science bad
>hetero good
>homo bad

>> No.12215816

if you flip this you get progs

>> No.12215825

>mfw i realized you can quantify a progressive's entire philosophy into binary solutions
>black good
>white bad
>woman good
>man bad
>monogamy bad
>polygamy good
>faith bad
>science good
>hetero bad
>homo good
Walked right into that one you dumb idiot

>> No.12215863

HOw do I retweet this?

>> No.12215888

Interesting perspective, found a higher calling?

>> No.12215899

Sex is not an inherent good. Its perfectly normal to regret doing it.

>> No.12215902
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>> No.12215909

>found a higher calling?
Yes, and a woman too. She's a virgin and I wish I had saved myself for her.

>> No.12215947

Props man, it's quite something to find an endearing partner let alone a virgin one. All the best.

>> No.12215954

Thanks man.

>> No.12215959

Why does this pic trigger this board so bad?

>> No.12215966
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My diary, desu

>> No.12215981

>sex is not important!
>you are just pretending that people are asshole just to be judgmental

Them why guys and woman call people out for being virgin? You know maybe roasties and chad are just bad people

>> No.12215985

everybody is bad people tbqh

>> No.12215987

Because /lit/ is unironically female

>> No.12216001

>if you flip this you get progs
how so? progressives are a much more diverse and inclusive group than reactionaries just take a look at trump's rallies and compare them to obama's or hillary's. you see white hetero men democrat voters all the time but you never see black homo women republicans

>> No.12216039

That explains a lot. It’s a shame.

>> No.12216044

maybe more diverse racially, but progs are way more ideologically uniform

>> No.12216048


>> No.12216222

Wow women without make-up actually look like people

>> No.12216239
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>> No.12216243

Freud's oeuvre?

>> No.12216247

This, I'm 6'2, active, intellegent and interesting. I'm calling y'all incels because you are pathetic.

>> No.12216286

you fit the thread topic at least

>> No.12216288

t. incel

>> No.12216295

do u want to see a pic of my cock

>> No.12216303

>implying those men aren't coerced by women subconsciously as payment for fucking them

I honestly don't believe a man can be economically democratic without an ulterior motive.

>> No.12216314

I'm 6'5", likely on the spectrum, occasionally funny and I'm calling you out as a phony. How am I so inquisitive? Why, you're on 4channel!

>> No.12216320

Unproven by your post.

>> No.12216553

for someone whos 6'4 you sure do act like a manlet lol

>> No.12216576

My grandpa doesn't visit my Alzheimers diseased grandma everyday because the sex was good back in the day. They built a life together and were married for over 70 years. I doubt you know what kind of love that is. Their marriage had its ups and downs but I doubt you can image giving yourself completely to someone when you do it so haphazardly. This generation can't even handle a relstionship that struggles a week. Try years at a time. Faggot

>> No.12216592

its popular nomenclature now. most times i hear it are ironic though

>> No.12217358

I'm 6"13' chad intelligent beautiful and y'all incels finna get strangled.

>> No.12217693

What is this about?

>> No.12218936

Thats not true in the slightest and you know it. The poltards/conservative idiots are almost all think the same that there "realest" that think objectively because of some out of context statics.

You cant even pin down the main source of liberals reasons for being liberals because there from such a diverse group.

>> No.12218949

>I’m a six foot four guy with 185 IQ and my hobby is insecurely flexing to people online to reaffirm that I’m totally super cool.

I’m sure you’re not a very mediocre male who makes fun of “intels” to feel better about your pathetically mediocre life, mister six four weightlifter who can strangle me in real life.

>> No.12218967
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The purpose of sex is estrangement, affirmation of all ostensible differences between you and another, mutual abasement through embodying the Other, and shying away from what you truly are.

>> No.12219025

OP for some reason I have an urge to kill you. You should probably watch out. Not for me, but when you're walking in the dark a homeless guy will tackle you and try to slit your throat.

>> No.12219094

Progressives frequently purge each other from their institutions, the right doesnt even have any comparable institutions. You cannot argue at all, evne a little bit about race, sex, orientation, etc. You cannot stray an iota from the latest scripture on these subjects

the Right has no comparable dogma, you have a weird amalgamation of Tea Party, Christian evangelists, Libertarians, Neocon Jews, White nationalists, etc.

>> No.12219328

What the fuck?

>> No.12219336

>all think the same
>Everyone who disagrees with me all think the same
Sorry, this sounds like an intellectual cop-out. It's cowardly. Do better.

>> No.12219738

>I honestly don't believe a man can be economically democratic without an ulterior motive.

that's because you are projecting your irrational and artificially manufactured bootlicker mentality onto the rest of us who are not as stupid or gullible to believe the brown people are the end of civilization

>> No.12219759

Kek open borders and being super pro immigrant is like the easiest way to lick boots as it currently stands

>> No.12219771

his point was that men dont benefit from taxes, they pay into them, well white men anyway
taxation is just a transfer of wealth from men to women and minorities

>> No.12219780

you dont understand, saying exactly the same thing as Harvard and Google is the pinnacle of rebellion

>> No.12219830

>his point was that men dont benefit from taxes, they pay into them, well white men anyway
>taxation is just a transfer of wealth from men to women and minorities

you are intentionally being ignorant when you don't go any more into detail than superficial qualities like skin color. ask yourself WHAT type of whites don't benefit at all from tax payer provided social services? what do you think rural dumbfuck america is subsisting on, their tumbleweeds and churches?

i repeat: you are projecting your brainwashed world view onto everyone else because you need to believe everyone is as fucked up as you or you would just off yourself knowing you are not the center of the universe and there are indeed people literally better than you

>> No.12219839

240 at 6'4 is pathetic lol

>> No.12219846

it's not a matter of opinion, men, as a group, pay taxes, and women do not. same thing with race, asians and whites pay

>> No.12220740

This is a beautiful painting

>> No.12221332

Catcher in the Rye lol

>> No.12221468

Go back

>> No.12221479

I wonder if these types will ever realize they are enslaved to trendy vernacular. It's gotten to the point where they aren't even trying to play psychologist when they accuse someone of protection, it's just a word you use to strengthen your "argument" it's gotten even worse than when everything was "ad hominem"

>> No.12221482
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>incels assuming other people care about what they say except for mockery

>> No.12221504

This is a repost thread but dissociation propaganda inherently distances itself from the accuser. The goal is to make girls think that if use the word incel, they were be perceived as one of the caricature of thots in the image by a nebulous society. They don't care about actually being that caricature, or the individual judging them, they care about the perception. it's a threat that is very commonly used, rather than address the principle of a subject you merely show a "cringe" person that could loosely associated with some position you also associate with, and suggest the idea that you and that person are now equivalent in the eyes of others.

>> No.12221755

Holy crap! Thanks for the kind gold stranger

>> No.12221963

You sound middle eastern

>> No.12222380

Ive never seen women that look like this outside of Instagram

>> No.12222382

There is also no reason to needlessly avoid it

>> No.12222383
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>> No.12222391


I fucking hate this website

>> No.12222399

Yes there is.

>> No.12222401

t. soiboi

>> No.12222498
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>he thinks women use 4chan
Shiggy diggy.

>> No.12222511

What would you gain out of that?

>> No.12222697

When will hiroshimoot just fucking filter it?

>> No.12224068

>4chan is traditionally a place for social outcasts
>women show up
>orbitters show up
>virgin shaming starts
and that's what will cause WWIII

>> No.12224122

Soon I hope, honestly soiboi wasnt even this bad

>> No.12224138
File: 468 KB, 650x536, dont_fuck_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that's what will cause WWIII
Don't fuck with me anon, you can't just get a man's hopes up like that.

>> No.12224146

I met a Chinese fembot on Tinder senpai

>> No.12224154

>and that's what will cause WWIII
God I can only hope

>> No.12224157

Good for you, Chad.

>> No.12224167

BASED Jesus Christ poster

>> No.12224431

Living in the Culture of Narcissism.

>> No.12224510


>> No.12224518

>even though you can't get laid
>you can still be a good person
>and help all those fuckers
this is a cuck mentality
>everybody else is fucking while you suffer alone

>> No.12224525

shut the fuck up you goddamn autist

>> No.12224531

i hate you, please die

>> No.12224539

it's hilarious how angry and resented the incel who made this was

>> No.12224569


>> No.12224598
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>it's hilarious how angry and resented the incel who made this was
Work on that abhorrent personality, chief. Don't you know women only like guys with endearing personalities? :^)

>> No.12224619
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>> No.12224631

honest question: what reason do you have to believe that an anonymous poster who makes a reply suggesting women should be treated equally to men is hoping to be rewarded sexually for his effort?

did it ever occur to you that believing women and men, and any other categorical placement of people, is a self evident truth to pursue for a more just and free society?