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12214505 No.12214505 [Reply] [Original]

>that feeling of sudden panic when you realize nighttime effectively doesn't exist unless you stay up all night
>that feeling of disgust when you remember that humans go through periods of rapid, uncontrollable eye spasms when they sleep as their perceived path through time takes a shortcut

>> No.12214581

How do idealists reconcile with the fact that Ego is demonstably not persistent? Like, you today is quite obviously a completely different person than you 10 years ago. You from 10 years literally died, and the body was repurposed for You Of Today.

>> No.12214585

Holy fuck is that one terrifying frog picture.

>> No.12214586

>you today is quite obviously a completely different person than you 10 years ago
lmao. no.

>> No.12214593

how do you reconcile that with the fact you maintain psychological continuity with your past selves and are able to be recongized as you even by people you haven't seen in years? the problem of identity cuts both ways.

>> No.12214598

This, our atoms change each 7 years, which makes consciousness a meme

>> No.12214602

>what is the ship of thesus

>> No.12214603

the world is my will

>> No.12214610

>you maintain psychological continuity with your past selves
this is untrue no matter how hard do you wish to believe it. It's just memory, a faulty one at that. The very existence of the feeling called regret arises from the fact that you CANNOT empathize with your past selves - you look back at your fuzzy memories and realise that that past belonged to a different person, an alien - this creates a feeling of visceral disgust, a regret.
>and are able to be recongized as you even by people you haven't seen in years
What does it have to do with identity? Yes, humans are good at recognizing familiar faces.

>> No.12214644

correcto until
>this creates a feeling of visceral disgust, a regret
yeah maybe if you are low power, or have some weird characterization with emotional embeddings that you still reinforce for whatever reason. And the phrasing "past belong to a different person, an alien" doesn't quite capture all that's happening does it? Doesn't that phrasing come off a bit too human?

>> No.12214650

psychological continuity is entirely based on memory, if you had ever studied philosophy of identity -- plus I think its a specious argument anyways. you don;t get confused about who's memory it is, you instinctively know it was you who made X mistake which you now regret.
>humans are good at recognizing familiar faces
most of the time (for me at least) I don't remember people by their face, especially after a decade, but their voice, mannerism, attitude, ect. It often takes a moment of conversation before you remember who they are. Hell, someone could have had facial reassignment surgery and you could still recognize them easily through conversation.

>> No.12214653

>The very existence of the feeling called regret arises from the fact that you CANNOT empathize with your past selves - you look back at your fuzzy memories and realise that that past belonged to a different person, an alien - this creates a feeling of visceral disgust, a regret.
This isn't true - I regret many things I do moments after I did them, and I regret many things I plan to do in the coming days. I sometimes even regret actions whilst in the act of performing them.

>> No.12214687

I don't subscribe to this, but the thought of it gives me strong anxiety. It feels like I could die every minute and cease consciousness and wouldn't even notice it and another entity would "take over my body".

>> No.12214723

You're 'dying' every single moment. Self evidently does not exist in the present. It's a fusion of past memories and future projections (dreams, plans, ideas, all thinks conceptual and abstract). Think of it as a flashlight beam slowly making it's way across the wall of time. Parts of the wall ahead slowly come into the light, while parts behind quietly fade out, and your sense of "you" is just whatever happens to be right in the middle at the moment, the most illuminated point.

>> No.12214731

>Self evidently does not exist in the present. It's a fusion of past memories and future projections (dreams, plans, ideas, all thinks conceptual and abstract).
that literally is what self means you retard

>> No.12214742

>you retard
Rude, please be nicer, this isn't 4chan.
The point I was making is that "Self" is not a parcel you carry through your parcel like some brain avatar. You can't pinpoint Self and claim - yup, this is self, it will be there 20 years from now.

>> No.12214750

no one thinks self is some unchangeable thing which must remain static, you are arguing against a strawman

>> No.12214764

Thanks to my whim worship.

>> No.12214808

Which of the (You)s is the real you? Is it the one you present yourself as when with a certain friend? A group of friends? Your s/o or your granny? Is the real you the one you are alone with?
Why can all of them exist? Why can they at times be so different from each other?
Isn't there an array of other yous buried inside yourselves that need yet to be awaken?
If you want to awake your, say, French-speaking self, does this you have to kill all the others first? Absorb them or fuse with them? Are they the same person or an accumulation of all the yous that have existed prior?

>> No.12214835

There is no me from ten years ago. There is only the state of having existed ten years ago, which is a feature of the present

>> No.12214911

i was sitting infront of my computer depressed 10 years ago too ur retarded

>> No.12215388


There is only an eternal present. The past is not some entity that exists in-itself, as if one could possibly return to the pass and affect it in some manner. Time is an unreal instrument.

>> No.12215396
File: 30 KB, 330x330, 19-true-detective-reggie-ledoux.w330.h330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes in the continual flow of time

>> No.12215443

Why would those things cause you panic or disgust? Are you autistic?

>> No.12215456

I am constantly haunted by things that happened to me in the past, or embarrassing shit I did. There's no separating my identity from those failures.

>> No.12215485

I wiSh So much that I was asleep right now. I fucking love sleeping. I wish I was rich and live forever just so I could sleep, sleep and sleep some more.

>> No.12215498

Your real you is unironically the one that is taking a shit at 6AM in the morning
No other moment is more authentic

>> No.12215509

You know Death is also called Everlasting Sleep.
Just kys then.
>inb4 but i need the waking up to appreciate the enjoing part

>> No.12215511

I had the same question today. I'm a neet and I asked myself: what should I do with this body? I need a job. But then it struck me that all I really want is to sleep forever

>> No.12215517

Sleeping and death isn't the same. There are sweet sweet dreams and your brain does all sort of pleasant slow self cleaning. Also waking up and then going to sleep again after breakfast is based

>> No.12215626

Oh shoot, that reminds me. My atoms need to be replaced in March. Better book myself in now just in case.

>> No.12215649

if you continue down the path of NEETdom you will be sleeping forever by the time you're 35. men can't bear the shame of being redundant and parasitic for long. i really believe the NEET culture on this website are just men in denial, and they do themselves a further disservice by glorifying the lifestyle since it only means they happily dig themselves a deeper hole, which they then can never get out of, other than by ending it all.
just get a job, sleeping feels better after a hard day's work anyway.

>> No.12215666

>>that feeling of sudden panic when you realize nighttime effectively doesn't exist unless you stay up all night
Are you an actual toddler? Of course night time exists when you are asleep, you're just sleeping.

>> No.12216357

I'm 31 with no qualifications nor experience because I was sick. Nobody will ever take me

>> No.12216359

I just sail my ship of Theseus over the Sea of Heraclitus

>> No.12216361

le epic science man
Shit literally doesn't exist if you don't look at it, dumbass

>> No.12216370

How do you reconcile with the fact that you right now are basically the same as the last nanosecond, and that last nanosecond you is basically the same as you from two nanoseconds ago, and so on and so on?

>> No.12216377

well this dude wants to sound deep so let him have his moment

>> No.12216424

What is this site again? The one that changes pictures like this.

>> No.12216443


>> No.12216466
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How can death be possible if consciousness cannot comprehend it's own non-existence? This shit spooks me the fuck up. In the moment of my death, what will inform me that I, in fact, died? I imagine the initial experience is similar to falling asleep, but we only know that we fell asleep because we woke up, having successfully skipped 6-8 hours of sleep. So, whats there to stop my consciousness from 'waking up', say, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000^99 years and universal cycles into the future where the same mind-structure randomly emerges in another body?

>> No.12216515

I don't exist, whatever is in this body is whatever it feels it needs to be.

>> No.12216565

I'm never surprised when people recognise me, because I'm a particularly static person. The me of ten years ago might be dead, but there has been no remarkable change except some aesthetic aging.

Other people move so quickly. I often don't recognise people who were once friends, and episodically don't recognise my own family or acquaintances I otherwise see on a weekly or daily basis unless they have a particular contextual role that I can use to fill my mental image of them in from the outside.

>> No.12216578

>episodically don't recognise my own family or acquaintances I otherwise see on a weekly or daily basis
this sounds like something you should see a doctor about

>> No.12216593
File: 42 KB, 569x510, 1432608392448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats there to stop my consciousness from 'waking up', say, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000^99 years and universal cycles into the future where the same mind-structure randomly emerges in another body?
God fuck hasn't the ride been long enough?
All I expect of death is peace, please, let it be so.

>> No.12216599

wtf is that picture im not even

>> No.12216651

Nah, it's mostly face blindness.

>> No.12216683

Maybe it has happened before. Maybe you have died a thousand times but you would never know.

>> No.12216801

>This shit spooks me the fuck up. In the moment of my death, what will inform me that I, in fact, died?
idk maybe the awareness of your own consciousness
but usually there is no death for consciousness you immediately take birth in a new being

>whats there to stop my consciousness from 'waking up', say
hasn't that question been answered many times already

>> No.12216832

based schizo poster

>> No.12216872


seems demonstrably the opposite