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File: 54 KB, 640x474, lowlandtapir-640x474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12214354 No.12214354 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12214412

Fade to blue background. An ocean of turds rippling and the spray thick with feces. Alone on a boat a dog is trapped and the people are gone. It is night and a light is on in the cabin. The dog is looking for somewhere to sleep after eating a few turds that had landed aboard. He felt unwell and could not eat the remainder the next day or the day after as he floated on the current with the turds. After the fourth day when he made himself sick on saltwater, he then began to have seizures and shake. He was shaking while the boat began to sink. The dog died and the water entered the boat through the hold. The ship took on many turds though and the hole was blocked enough to keep it afloat. It was then I came upon it as is the custom of my ship. I rode the mermaiden bow with my cock out and I came all over my property. The ships crew cheered and I when I turned to ask who was next, all turned from me or looked down. I laughed and landed my rope onto my new ship. I later enjoyed dog for dinner and we discussed the viability of these turds in ship maintenance.

>> No.12214417

heh, pige.

>> No.12214423

dragons arguing
but its in space

>> No.12214455
File: 29 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A recluse who spends his time on obscure imageboards is finally forced to leave his home to find food by the complete economic and social collapse of society. He links up with a large group of people and is astonished to discover that after immersing himself for years in a miasma of memes and post-irony that he struggles with basic social interaction and normal communication. Over time he goes from being the awkward black sheep of the group to impressing them with his impressive knowledge of lolicon doujins and anti-semitic conspiracy theories.

>> No.12215034

Tapirs are renowned for their long prehensile penises

>> No.12215976
File: 712 KB, 889x1216, 1511313362168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotic novel starring a nine month pregnant Anne Frank.

Would you like to know more?

>> No.12215984

I had no idea tapirs were so large until I was watching that "dogs" show on Netflix with my mom and a tapir attacked and injured like 4 dogs. I saw one kept in an indian village when I visited South America, but I guess it was just a small/young specimen.

>> No.12216308

What are they space arguing about?

>> No.12216390

it's a children's fantasy novella about a group of wizards whos spellbooks keep getting stolen by a snarky tapir

>> No.12216403


>> No.12216409


>> No.12216461

Tapirs are chill and jacked

>> No.12216477

would read if the tapir had large brappers

>> No.12216604

Why all the sudden interest in tapirs?

>> No.12216626

have you noticed anything about the OP

>> No.12216654

a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, except super cereal

>> No.12216659

>not being intimately aware of tapirbro's presence on /lit/
Tapirbro has been here a long time, boy, and he isn't going anywhere

>> No.12216920

it’s a
book about a man sitting sitting at a
sitting at a computer and wheezing or maybe sitting in in silence and you can see
you can actually SEE
in his eyes is empty and the whole world revolves around his solipsist (nonsensical) desire to be something better
superhero supervillain esper hero pretender defender lover rapist guardian fucker giant god demigod hero
but he knows he is the sum total of all the wasted years of his life
and he will never again be a- Human

>> No.12216935

>anti-semitic conspiracy theories
A little redundant considering semites are behind everything that's wrong in the world.

>> No.12217056


Rip what I have written apart.

>> No.12217203

I couldn't make it past the first sentence, overwritten af senpai.

>> No.12217329

The book of Disquiet but the main character is Chad.

>> No.12217376

We literally wrote a book about tapirs, anon

>> No.12217609

I've never seen any Tapir's on /lit/ before. Only Pige. and I have no interest in reading about tapir either.
Only Pige.

>> No.12217662

holy shit what a shitty first line

>> No.12217694 [SPOILER] 
File: 524 KB, 1361x2048, 1544610700374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, I greentexted the first chapter.

>it began with a whisper
>the rolling fields of roses from the Earth withered and turned to dead twisted shrub
>the blue sky darkened as black clouds swirled in from ever direction
>the sound of singing birds was drowned out by the shrill howl of the cold wind whipping against her skin
>she grabbed his hand and held it tight
>they were children, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatened to swallow them whole
>her grip only grew tighter when she saw "it" approaching
>she knew what "it" was, she had seen it before
>she suddenly felt herself lose her grip, she let go of him as he vanished into the vast nothingness
>she was alone
>with each approaching step, the figure grew
>it grew, and grew, and grew
>until it was not only a giant, but the cruelest Fascist in the world
>she felt its cold lifeless hands touch her and she let out a scream, but she could not hear
>she let out another scream, but all she heard was the endless silence
>she had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she couldn't even cry for help
>as the Fascist raised her into the air, as if to savor her before devouring, she heard a sound, the most terrifying sound she had ever heard
>never before could she have imagined a sound like this
>it was more terrifying than any sound the Fascist had made
>it was an animalistic shriek, the bark of a dog, with the screech of a monkey
>she watched the Fascist's face turn white with horror
>she looked and saw a demon rise from the Earth, as if Hell itself had sent it
>it let out another terrible shriek
>she cupped her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the sound but it penetrated through, filling her with a terror greater than even the Fascist
>the apparition charged right at her
>she felt as she was thrown into the air as something impacted the Fascist, causing it to drop her
>she landed on the cold hard ground with a thud
>she looked up to the demon and the Fascist locked in deadly combat
>it was ghost-like, evading most of the Fascist's blows effortlessly
>the ones that did find their mark went through the ethereal being as if it were a cloud of smoke
>the apparition moved with such speed and agility that she could barely make out its form
>its mass was grey like the darkened sky
>it seemed half-beast, half-man
>it looked and moved with the grace and purpose of a man, but fought with the ferocity of that of an animal
>the duel between the Fascist and this phantom went on for hours
>finally the demon let out another terrible howl and raised its arm for the final blow
>the howl turned to words
>"Wake up Anne..."

Should I try and greentext the next chapter or skip ahead?

>> No.12217713

i want to do a shitty mashup of pseudo ww2 history with tolkien fantasy dressing. like, not actual fantasy shit, but basically translating everything to foreign metaphors and shit. going for the feel of catch 22 mixed with a classical epic. really more of an excuse to string together a bunch of bullshit semi-modern scenes with a chance at fancy wordplay.
i really wish i had my notes on my computer but theyre basically word salad.

>> No.12218575


What about having a nine month pregnant Anne Frank as Arwen?

>> No.12218820

I don't have original ideas, just copy passages from others and rewrite, like this

>Come playfellow, I will speak rich and you will hear poor
>But what would world be if tongues would aid truth, and
>Ears not hear deceit? The tale told by me, indeed, me, is
>Of as great of deep ditches as of great high heavens; My
>Story wears a lot of stiches and with what I will dress you
>Has the last one by me sewd, but when you will wear it...

I have my first lines, now just need to find another passage and so on

>> No.12219021

"travis groaned"

>> No.12219047

>bloody slaughter in the opening paragraph
>"transpire" twice in the opening paragraph

Nice one, Punchy.

>> No.12219212



>> No.12219384

Predictable from the first sentence. Overwrought. Would probably go over well if Hot Topic held a prose night, but not before major revisions. But then you'd have no story.

>> No.12219498


>> No.12219684



>> No.12219686
File: 574 KB, 511x850, 1489993151564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I try and greentext the next chapter or skip ahead to some of the more actiony parts?

>> No.12219926

>Waves crashed all around as a thundering applause to the events that transpired in the past twenty four hours, dark skies came down as a curtain call for the lives lost and as such, the actors in this tragedy must take a bow and thank the audience for their participation in the show.

If the way you structure sentences wasn't so bad and clunky, it'd be much better. In fact, some of the ideas in your prose are really good, but you wrote them so terribly lol. Also, the subject matter seems pretentious and edgy.

>> No.12220540

Dystopian novel where people learn what day and year they are going to die as soon as they are born.

>> No.12220573

>a world where the Confederates won and also where the Nazis exist to expell the Jews there
>pregnant Anne Frank

>> No.12220697

sometimes I write a couple scenes of a spec script, basically whatever the fuck I'm half watching on basic cable. Right now I'm watching a Chevy Chase Vacation marathon. I am nothing like the guy, but I still identify with Clark on a deep level. I'd like to think, if I could write something worth buying, maybe I could have a life like him.

>> No.12220834

Alright, I expected something like this. Before I go any further with writing anything, what can I personally do to improve my prose? I want to write, but I don't want to end up like every other hack and just write garbage.

>> No.12220868

water pige

>> No.12220873

To you it's writing, but for the narrator it's speaking. Don't make him sound like an asshole.

>> No.12220962

This. The narrative is also a character, don't make him suck.

>> No.12221381

It's a four-parter:

1. A young boy hunt's the coyote that killed his cat
2. The town outcast, an alcoholic nihilist, wanders about town in the wake of a devastating accident, rambling about everything.
3. A sixty-year-old widower witnesses the disaster and after helping the survivors, enters a psychotic daze during which he reminisces about the past
4. The old town priest struggles how to commemorate the disaster and console the townspeople while outcast from part 2 pesters him for an incident from their past.

(based on a true story)

>> No.12221435 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1157x1053, 1544693478758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not exactly how it's supposed to go.

It's supposed the Nazis try to carry out the Holocaust as in our timeline except there's ones thing blocking their path.

The Good Men of the Confederacy.

>> No.12221454

Some dystopian vampire novel where the vampires have blocked up the sun and the humans live as second class citizens and constantly have to do blood donations, it goes into detail that some vampires prefer different kinds of blood.

>> No.12221697

reminds me of the movie daybreakers

>> No.12221784

The Jewish question. They had to go all the way out there to be able to discuss freely after Jews cancelled freedom of speech.

>> No.12222861 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 2500x2456, 1544725950857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meant for >>12220573

>> No.12222892

Tapirs are NOT piges they are odd-toed ungulates and closer to horses and rhinos

>> No.12223323



>> No.12223499

>believing pigs are piges

>> No.12223911

Baby brains post

>> No.12224680

I thought dragons were Jews

>> No.12224841

An old man loses his wallet while putting his jacket over his freezing lover while they're walking through a quiet neighborhood at night. His wife berates him for losing a wallet and goes out in the snow alone to find it. She finds it covered in snow and correctly decides he must have been out with a lover.

She goes back home and asks for a divorce while he's in bed, reading, with the night-stand lamp overexposing his face in yellow light.

The old man gets up and goes to the spot she tells him the wallet was at. He looks up at space above and cannot see the great cloud in the dark and imagines in his old man brain that the falling snow is stars moving around and decides he doesn't want to live anymore

>> No.12225044

It's a fantasy novel inspired by Viking Age history. A young Norseman goes on a raid to prove himself and gain the attention of a girl he fancies. Although the raid is fairly successful, several of his friends die along the way and his leg is injured enough to halfway cripple him for life. The close encounter with his own mortality haunts him, and he realizes, as Clint Eastwood put it, "Dying ain't much a living". He returns home and focuses instead on farming. He becomes fairly successful, marries, and has two sons.

The older of the sons is strong, competitive, and warlike. He aspires to be a warrior despite his father's encouragement to instead take up a humbler but steadier living as a farmer or craftsman. The other son is clever and compassionate but meek, and is bullied by the other boys his age and often his own brother.

As is custom for families trying to forge an alliance, the farmer and the local chieftain foster one of the other's sons and raise him as his own. The older of the farmer's sons is taken to the chieftain's family, where he is raised to be a warrior.

Eventually, both men come of age. The farmer still hopes to convince his older son to manage the farm. Instead, the older son sets out to begin his career as a viking, as he is eager to explore the world and adventure. The younger son takes well to managing the farm, but he is still seen as a liability because, if he inherits the farm, he would be unable to protect it and keep it. The farmer dies in his older son's absence so the younger son takes over the farm, despite the farmer willing his older son to inherit it.

The story would mostly focus on human drama and deal with themes about loyalty to one's family versus loyalty to yourself and generally an exploration of pagan Norse society and its norms. There'd be plenty of conflict between the two brothers, as the younger envies his older brother for being so readily accepted despite doing less for the family than he has, loathes him for 'abandoning' him in his youth, but also deeply misses the friendship they had. The older brother has a kind of identity crisis and struggles with the feeling that he's betrayed his blood father by being nothing like him and not wanting to follow in his dream. This is compounded when the older brother intervenes in a duel (brought about by background drama, the sideplot to the story) between his own brother and his foster-brother. He saves his blood-brother by killing his foster-brother, thereby betraying his late foster-father as well.

Book ends with the older brother embittered against his sibling. He joins a viking expedition, intent on finding his place in the world and hoping he can forgive his brother with distance and time. The younger brother tries and fails to make amends and is left alone at home, now forced to take on the role of the family patriarch in the face of a society that rejects him.