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12210661 No.12210661 [Reply] [Original]

post your ideal gf's hypothetical favorite book

>> No.12210689

Are there people who unironically have this as their favourite book?

>> No.12210702
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me, anon ;)

>> No.12210706


>> No.12210889

Histoire d'O

>> No.12210906

based as fuck holy shit

>> No.12210928
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>> No.12210934
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>he has an ideal gf

>> No.12211009
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If somebody were deeply into both Spinoza and Hume, but held a slight preference for Hume over Spinoza, I would probably love to know that person.

>> No.12211049
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>> No.12211059
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>> No.12211065
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the french ... its always the fucking french

>> No.12211069

If she had a second favorite book, would it be:
a) St. Augustine's Confessions/The City of God
b) St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica
c) The Philokalia
d) Dante's Divine Comedy
e) Dostoevsky's The Karamazov Brothers

>> No.12211070 [DELETED] 

What a bizarre and uncomfortable picture.

>> No.12211072

God I wish that were me

>> No.12211096

Homer or Virgil? Homer

Favorite Greek playwright? Aeschylus

Herodotus or Thucydides? Thucydides

Plato or Aristotle? Plato

Dante or Milton? she can’t decide, slight preference to Dante

Montaigne or Bacon? Montaigne, but she loves both

Dostoevsky or Tolstoy? Dostoevsky, she knows Tolstoy is better but thinks he’s a hypocrite and a poseur and therefor allies herself with Dosto

Her favorite book is Don Quixote, second favorite is The Idiot

>> No.12211102
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absurdly specific gf memes are the best memes

>> No.12211106

>Thucydides over Herodotus, but Plato over Aristotle

>> No.12211109
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>> No.12211110
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hon hon hon

>> No.12211135

How would you guys feel if you encountered an attractive girl who almost exclusively read Dostoevsky repeatedly. Mainly TBK, The Idiot, and Demons.

>> No.12211164

Wuthering Heights.
It's my favourite book as well as being pure of heart and if we're being honest it would make an average looking chick look like a goddess if she admitted this to me personally.

>> No.12211179

tfw no Platonist gf

>> No.12211180

>Latin Mass
Most Catholics hate Latin Mass, anon. They think it's too old fashioned, undemocratic and sexist. They want to be able to understand the words and listen to modern styles of music during mass. That's the kind of catholic gf you'd most likely get in reality.

>> No.12211236

She's mentally ill, avoid

>> No.12211346

I'd ask her why she doesn't read Tolstoy?

>> No.12211382

This is true; I actually had this experience in college- she had also read ALL of Hermann Hesse. She did turn me on to The Crocodile, however..

>> No.12211391
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It would indicate so much more

>> No.12211748


>> No.12211776

Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds

>> No.12211833
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>> No.12211834
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this pic is proof that JBP is controlled op. if he was actually a threat to anyone in power, CIA would've crashed that plane with no survivors, just like they tried with farage. they have the technology, we know this from wikileaks. or he just sat in the plane to take a pic like a huge faggot, in which case he's still a faggot

>> No.12211839
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>> No.12211852

I met one girl whose favorite book was wuthering heights. She was pretty cool

>> No.12211860

realistic catholic gf:
>wears yoga pants to Mass
>has loads of premarital sex with heathens, but its okay because everyone is doing it
>hasn't been to confession since first communion
>only goes because her cultural catholic parents make her
>is 15 and still doing confirmation classes because "lawl my dumb parents are making me *tired face emoji*"
>will never come back to Mass after getting confirmed
>if she does it will be after 10 years on the cock carousel to find some beta provider

>> No.12211874

I bet... I bet

>> No.12211890

This is also why you never see single attractive disabled women. The protective urge hits overdrive for relationship driven men and they see the one chance they might get to relieve themselves of a bitch of a wife and take it.

>> No.12211907

wheelchair girls are the only 3D moe girls

>> No.12211923
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>> No.12211935
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I went to Catholic mass every Sunday for the first 17 years of my life and this poster is in fact correct

>> No.12211950

This makes me sad because it’s true

Catholic girls are thots

>> No.12211961
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>> No.12211966

I don't have one. Eligiblity for being a romantic partner and favourite books have very little correlation.

>> No.12211971
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its okay bros, we still have jesus. and honestly it makes it easier to not feel lustful because i'm just disgusted by them

>> No.12212073
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>> No.12212080

>wanting a gf who reads
enjoy your opinionated annoying pseud gf

>> No.12212439
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>> No.12212457

This one is cute and funny

>> No.12212510

The girl I'm talking to now says The Catcher in the Rye is her favourite book.
What does that say about her?
She also read Siddhartha, but said it was "hard to read".

>> No.12212680

brainlet, pump her and dump her

>> No.12212802

yes sir

>> No.12212835

Id tell her that she has a shit taste and how that means she will like my personality

>> No.12212849


The reason there is no attractive disabled women its because its just male fantasy and wishful thinking, being seated all the time causes critical liver and kidney failure, not to mention she would be totally the opposite of "fit" and "good looking" due to lack of movement or exercise.

Please google disabled women.

>> No.12212863

Ex-gf loved that meme book of that schizo Portuguese you guys post all the time here.
Book of despair? Something like this.
Is she a pleb?

>> No.12212870

le big book.jpg means le smart gf
le smart gf means le good relationship
t. le stupid 12yo moran

>> No.12212884

nah thats based

>> No.12212885

Rising Up and Rising Down

>> No.12212886

>but its okay because everyone is doing it

This is basically how normies think, women especially.

>> No.12212895

Pessoa. Based and redpilled

>> No.12212899


A man can dream...

>> No.12212902
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Honestly any non-YA/pop-fiction would be fine. It would just be nice to have someone I could discuss books with.

>> No.12213530

when I was on OKCupid there was a london chick, an arab who said that.

I liken it to a woman reading Lolita, they don't read it because they want to understand the plight of the male protagonists, they read it because they get off of being / feeling special in Lolita's shoes.

>> No.12213590

I love Spinoza and Hume with a slight preference for Spinoza, but I'm a man.

>> No.12213593

My diary

>> No.12213729

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.12213734

Her diary.

>> No.12213744
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>> No.12213778

beat me to it

>> No.12213866

I want to be a girl.
>not being gay

>> No.12214921

Don Quixote was one of my favorite books when I was 12-13, but I haven't reread it since becoming an adult.

But yes, Dosto > Tolstoy.

>> No.12214941

We’ll all be women soon don’t worry

>> No.12214951

>implying we aren't all women already

>> No.12214976
