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/lit/ - Literature

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12210127 No.12210127 [Reply] [Original]

Start with the greeks huh? So goddamn much brah. It'll take years to get to the pre-socratics, let alone Plato and Aristotle themselves. How did you manage this lads?
>Trojan Fragments
>Works and Days
>Shield of Herakles
>Homeric Hymns
>Cult hymns.

>> No.12210130

all of this is just before any pre socratic philosopher, how the fuck do you manage this?

>> No.12210137

just read the republic and a book on presocratics.

>> No.12210141
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one page at a time, op.

>> No.12210163

I already bought all of these in 15 volumes
yeah i guess

>> No.12210167

in any field, if you understand the exemplar you don't really need to understand the prototypes and the inferiors.

the exemplar Greek text is Plato's Apology. If you can get a good grasp on that then you've done enough to qualify as "starting with the Greeks". But if you want to be thorough about it then go through Aristotle's Metaphysics and Plato's Republic.

>> No.12210180

Aristotle goes through the Presocratics in his Metaphysics, which is why I say that reading that book (with the Republic) suffices if you want to be thorough

>> No.12210190


>> No.12210194

Ok but these are all Pre-presocratics

>> No.12210200
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well, you won't regret the lyric poets at least. hesiod is based too, and homer of course. you've got a lot of poetry there. you should get a complete plato.

what volumes did you purchase?

>> No.12210210

The typical /lit/ dumbass could read every text fragment ever produced in the B.C. era and not learn a thing.

>> No.12210238

All loeb editions, was expensive. Finished Homer a bit ago, took a break, and am diving back in with Hesiod . Almost all of those are Lyric Poems I believe

>> No.12210362
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yeh, excellent choice. LCL is the final final final on these mad lads.