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1220975 No.1220975 [Reply] [Original]

Cuz we need a thread like this some nights.

>> No.1221005

forty year old guy in love with a fourteen year old girl.

>> No.1221008

Guy on firing squad (Capitol punishment technique where 5 people shoot guns at the target, one of Whig has the bullet so no one feels guilt) ironically goes insane over the fact that he doesn't know if he did the killing.

Hope I didn't obfuscate the idea.

>> No.1221003

A novel about someone browsing 4chan, changing styles to reflect the new board being visited.

>> No.1221010

>meant one of which**

Fucking iPod autocorrect.

>> No.1221012



You use that word...

>> No.1221026

the point of the one-false-bullet practice was to see to the mental health of the executioners, by giving them some measure of solace - so they could say "well, mine was probably the blank."

This measure CAUSING someone to lose their head is situational irony.

>> No.1221033

Alright e/lit/ist
hear me out on this one
My story will be structured like The Fall by Camus and Notes of the... by Dov. where the main character addresses the reader directly
The story will take place in a bar, and it will be basically the main character talking about his family history and his own personal life
It will be a book about greed, pride, jealousy, vengeance and basically everything thats wrong with society.

Please rate :)

>> No.1221038

-insert generic Hero's Journey plot-

>> No.1221049

Alien supersuit sent out to different worlds so a random inhabitant can unite(conquer) the world bafore the super-advanced militaristic alien race gets to the planet. One creature(from Earth) considers the whole universe his home and seeks to conquer everythin by starting a rebellion from inside the super-advanced aliens own army, which would consist of the conquerers(some happy, some not) of other planets.

>> No.1221055

Seemed fitting because I just stated the process was meant to prevent guilt, and the main character is suffering from rather intense guilt.

>> No.1221096

that's fucking stupid, you whore

>> No.1221105

I thoght it was okay for sf but out of respect for those who came before me I give it a whore/10

>> No.1221128

very basic idea iv'e been mulling over...

human race circa 3500ad has discovered FTL travel and went exploring/colonizing the galaxy. they discover no alien races no life at all except a few planets with early life form(simple multicell stuff nothing really interesting). though they have FTL they lack any means of rapid information/communication exchange(ftl to expensive or something) anyways humans the expand and thrive inhabiting thousand of world and except piracy and some small terrorist cells on certain planets opposing local governments the galaxy is at peace and near utopian.

then all of a sudden a large fleet of unknown ships emerge around one of the largest colony and unprovoked annihilate the local populace while a few ship manage to escape.

the fleet moves throughout the galaxy destroying planet after planet the humans try to mount a defense but the lapse in military might from relative peace for centuries have left them ill equipped and prepared.

I'm thinking of telling the story from the perspectives of a leader of one of the major planets, a ships captain trying to fight the enemy and a tech guy(weapon developer) not sure how to go about it, and sorry if this was long winded/ simple my first try at this.

I don't wanna give away the ending because
1.haven't figured it out completely
2.afraid my story would be stolen

also was this done before?

>> No.1221132

a dumb plain chick falls in love with some amazingly sexy rich guy and is thrusted into a world of myths and legends. She finds out hes a vampire but keeps a humane lifestyle and falls deeply in love with her aswell. problems arise though that may tear them apart!

>> No.1221134

read lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.1221141

>also was this done before?

yes. can't remember where, but i'm pretty sure it's been done before. parts of it remind me of the man-kzin war stories? but yeah, there's a lot of common sf tropes and shit in there.

>> No.1221145

reminds me of the Enders Game trilogy

>> No.1221148


>> No.1221166

an entire novel about a man's stream-of-conscious thoughts as he's poopin'

gonna call it: thinkin' n' poopin'

>> No.1221178

I'll take 20!

>> No.1221195

approved. now, gentlemen, TO THE PRESSES!!!

>> No.1221198


>> No.1221216


read Gabriel Garcia Marquez's, Memories of My Melancholy Whores

>> No.1221219


seriously- make this happen. have someone invent some crap service like twitter but it's called "shitter" and it can only be activated while yr lead character, or anyone in yr universe, is pinching a loaf. perhaps it has some bio-feedback rig to verify the shitting...that can be all prologue crap---get that out of the way and then let the shit fly.

don't change the title. the title is golden.

those are my contributions and, no shit, i am behind this project 110%.

>> No.1221230


yah but joyce already did it in chapter 4 of ulysses. bloom drops a turd, thinks about the weather.

>> No.1221245

whatevs' "simpson already did it." add the sci-fi shit and genre-bend...stretch it out forever. "Think'n and Poopin: Shitstorm Shandy."

>> No.1221290

might even steal the idea.

>> No.1221299


>> No.1221651

young boy in 19th century london becomes a call girl, without hilarious results

>> No.1221654

sounds a lot like oliver twist