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/lit/ - Literature

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12208686 No.12208686 [Reply] [Original]

Who do I namedrop on the approach boys? She's reading Flannery O'.
pic rough approximation

>> No.12208703

Just namedrop your favorites authors like a true alpha. You force your tastes on her, not the reverse.

Also since you want to be a considerate alpha, you're allowed to ask her for recs from time to time.

>> No.12208802

>Hey there. Like books huh? Have you read Neetcha, Camoo or Proost maybe? Yeah I like french literature mostly: Ballsack, Victor Hugh-go, you name it.

>> No.12208810

Just ask her what she reads, what she thinks etc. just allow her to talk about herself and interject with pithy comments as you are able. Maintain a certain irony and you’ll win. They don’t care about what you think at first at all. If you are attractive to them then they will talk to you but you can fuck that up about talking about your favorite books like an autist.

>> No.12208850

Don't forget Alexandre Dumbass, he is one of the most important hommey duh letrez

>> No.12208858

>Hi, my favorite author is Otto Weininger. Do you have a boyfriend?
Is that good introduction?

>> No.12208866

Yes. If she says no ask "why don't you have a boyfriend". Then ask for her number. If she refuse apply the same protocol to the hottest girl in the library (besides her), and makes sure she notices.

>> No.12208874

I'd like to know if she's a virgin before I commit to asking for her phone number. How should I bring that up?

>> No.12208881

You shouldn't. Virginity is a retarded concern. Experienced gilrs bleed less and suck better.

But if you insist on it, ask her "Has thee ever been in the acquaintance of a man or woman or beast ?" in aramaic.

>> No.12208903

first thing you always ask a girl abouyt, before names even, is her relationship with her father. just go up to her and say "hey i saw you reading *whatever bullshit she's reading* that's pretty cool, so uh, how's your dad anyway? is he still around or?"
also this. but if she is a virgin, you could always just get a black guy to break her in for you. then she will be experienced enough to please you

>> No.12208907

If she’s older than 14, she can’t be a virgin, mate.

>> No.12208909

>Has thee
"Hast thou" you utter plebe.

>> No.12208910

Namedrop Jesus and marry her.
Then and only then you can have missionary sex for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.12208982

Sorry, I'm transliterating from aramaic, I get confused sometimes.

>> No.12209016

based and christpilled

>> No.12209320

>Hi, my favorite author is Otto Weininger.

Based and redpilled

>> No.12209858

>Virginity is a retarded concern

>> No.12209910

Quote scripture to women, preferably Old Testament, Ecclesiastes:

And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

It demonstrates refinement, they don't give a damn what some cloistered 19th century ascetic had to say about patriotism, they respect wisdom and conviction

>> No.12210086
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>> No.12210205

Larry Brown. That's it. Do a little research and youll be fine. Perhaps Eudora Welty as well (read The Ponder Heart this evening- it's very short- /you can!) especially if it's felt she's looking for another Southron womens to read.

>> No.12211245

Samuel Delany. "have you read 'Hogg'? it's really, uh, transgressive."

>> No.12211255

this board sucks so fucking bad

>> No.12211279

where can i find women that look like this i think i am in love and i dont know what happening to me right now

>> No.12211437

Literally any college campus in America

>> No.12211493

Uh, hi. I'm not really into that, I'm more into Deh-lose, Foo-Coo and Lake-uhn because Zeezeck was talking about him in an youtube video, and I read the wikipedia page in its entirety and skimmed through two of its books so I feel like my name-dropping is entirely justified.

>> No.12211506

>namedropping as flirt strategy
you have 0% chance of success.

>> No.12212099

Its the journey, not the destination Anon. If you cant get a partner with your knowledge of literature why bother?

>> No.12212158 [SPOILER] 
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>"that books really bad, huh? I can recommend some real patrician stuff if you like"
>"Oh, I, um--"
>"--btw, are you a virgin?"

>> No.12212168
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>not exclusively breaking down conservative jewish girls to fuck
I actually feel sorry for goys.

>> No.12212192

Ask her if she likes southern gothic fiction, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Eudora Welty, (only reference female authors).

>> No.12212198


>> No.12212307

drop my name, and then my number, and tell her I'm not the kind of guy who relies on the words and ideas of other people to introduce myself
unlike yourself

>> No.12212839

t. incel

>> No.12212841

Kys roasties/fag