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/lit/ - Literature

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12207889 No.12207889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you major in?/What are you doing for a living?

How do you like it?

If you could change the past, what would you have done?

>> No.12207906

>Creative writing. A student still.
>I like writing. It's the only kind of work that'll keep me from pulling the noose.
>Nothing in the past should change, because you might step on a butterfly and become a famous dictator.

>> No.12207918

I majored in English with a concentration in comparative literature.

I work as a speech pathologist now. I like it, I make good money, I’m comfortable, and it feels good helping people and children.

If I could change the past I wouldn’t stress over deciding on my major so much, I did a lot of different things because I didn’t have the courage to study what I loved. Just do what you love, if you get good grades, go to your professors office hours and make friends with them, and use the career counseling services, you’ll be fine. Just do what you want and do it whole heartedly. It’s when you do some shit you hate out of a feeling of obligation, or don’t throw yourself into your passion because you feel guilty over it not being a money maker, that’s when you’re in hot water.

>> No.12207926

I majored in English, and do something completely unrelated in the corporate office at a large business. I like my job and if I got to do college over I'd have majored in something more practical. I still read in my free time and my program was never all that informative, so I don't think much would change.

>> No.12207988

Founded an IG model agency

No but it pays well

Fix my grades and study medicine

>> No.12208009

My IQ is about 118. I don't have any friends. Should I read more or is there no point?

>> No.12208103

I'm just a NEET :}
Who loves the humanities and the sciences

>> No.12208125

The 115-135 range is depressing. Not smart. Not dumb.

>> No.12208142

current Industrial & Systems Engineering student. Done some work for an oil company, trying to get an internship with a family friend who does consultation for the construction of hospitals to ensure they're efficient in a variety of ways, am currently doing AFROTC and will probably do either operations research or work in acquisitions until I get tired of it or retire. I genuinely love anything that my major applies to because it lets me exercise my critical thinking skills and it rarely gets too technical. If I could change anything I would have been more social up till now, joined the rowing team and worked hard in the first half of each term, kek. Luckily I don't have any huge regrets. All my biggest mistakes that make me cringe have made me a better person so I can't complain too much. Failures really are good learning experiences so long as you don't fuck up so much you can't pick up the pieces

>> No.12208149

Biz, M&A
Kinda except culture
Smoking less weed

>> No.12208150

AI, jobless and only technically not a NEET.

It's ok, but I'm a bit broke, so I should get a job.

Not change to a public school so I could have learned how to work for results from a young age instead of having to learn it mid twenties. It's hard.

>> No.12208152

I'm a mid-20s boomer and didn't go to university until now. I'm currently in my first year studying electronic engineering, but I am regretting it. I chose engineering for rational reasons, but my heart/gut has been drawing me toward psychology for a long time.
The problem is that I'll need a doctorate in psychology to be a forensic/clinical psychologist, so I'm very conflicted. I'm in a very unique position to most people because my family is very wealthy, so I have no problems with funding my studies, but the prospect of studying for 8 years is not particularly enticing since I'm already approaching 30-year-old boomer territory.

>> No.12208159


>> No.12208167

Majored in philosophy. Currently a pediatric nurse practitioner. Love it. Kids are truly closer to God.

>> No.12208180

How long did it take you to retrain?

>> No.12208183

Three years of grad school. I was a paramedic before college so I had healthcare experience.

>> No.12208199

hate to be that guy promoting his major but ISE has a lot of elements that incorporate psychology. There are certainly specializations that would allow you to focus primarily on that. Industrial engineers spend at least as much time thinking about human factors (that's a major too by the way, but only ever heard of it at military schools) as they do about facility layouts, equipment and supply chains. If you've already taken engineering prereqs it'd also save you time and money

>> No.12208213

I would love to work in prisons and with dangerous or/and mentally ill people, anon. I can't do that with an engineering degree. My interest in psychology is solely in the clinical/forensic/developmental side of it.

>> No.12208216

Studying political science which I'm overall happy with, getting good grades and pretty passionate about studying for. That said, I would probably rather study humanities. Guess that'll just have to stay a hobby of mine.

>> No.12208230

you should work in a hospital for awhile to make sure you actually want to do that. I have a friend who is responsible for looking after drugged up/drunk/mentally ill/belligerent patients and he fucking hates it. I understand your interactions would be of a very different nature but that's the sort of thing you want to be very sure of lol. Fair enough on not wanting to be an engineer though

your post reminded me I was considering a minor in medieval literature. I find the idea of being an Industrial Engineering major with a minor in medieval lit hilarious

>> No.12208233

Nice life advice, I'm actually in a bit of trouble for not having followed it.

Do you think you will regret not taking those 8 years for the next 30 years of your life ? Only you can answer, so think clearly and thoroughly anon, or there will be suffering.

>What did you major in?
Mathematics. Currently doing a PhD in statistics/machine learning.

>How do you like it?
A friend of mine once aptly described mathematics as a beautiful woman you're in love with but that has an habit of brutally fisting you in the ass without warning durnig sex. You do not like that and you don't get used to it, it's painful and scary as hell, but you can't bring yourself to leave her. Also, brutal fisting aside, the sex can be amazing.

That's a pretty good description of my relationship with mathematics.

Currently I'm missing her because I barely do any maths anymore.

>If you could change the past, what would you have done?

At this point I'm wondering if there is anything I could have changed besides resorting to some fucked up hormonal alteration in utero. All my decisions seem to have been determined pretty strongly by my character, and in my case it's not reallya good thing.

>> No.12208247

>you should work in a hospital for awhile to make sure you actually want to do that. I have a friend who is responsible for looking after drugged up/drunk/mentally ill/belligerent patients and he fucking hates it. I understand your interactions would be of a very different nature but that's the sort of thing you want to be very sure of lol. Fair enough on not wanting to be an engineer though
My fiancee is a nurse who has worked in a mental hospital before and one of my acquaintances is a forensic psychologist that works in prisons. I have a general idea of what it is like on day to day basis. If I were to switch to psychology, I would volunteer somewhere relevant (otherwise I wouldn't be able to find work/doctorate placements).
I actually enjoy mathematics a lot, luckily there is quite a bit of stats in psychology, so I wouldn't have to relinquish it entirely.

>> No.12208270

Psychology. I decide whether people who repeatedly drove under the influence get their license back or not. It's comfy and pays well enough.

>> No.12208278

You poor saps. I love being a couple SDs above. It’s a difference that really makes a difference.

>> No.12208279


>What did you major in?/What are you doing for a living?
Rhetoric. I work with SEO at a media agency

>How do you like it?
It's nice. There is a demand for SEO professionals and it's decent to work with

>If you could change the past, what would you have done?

>> No.12208298

What msc/doctorate did you do?

>> No.12208307

Would be pretty funny. Here's a recommendation if you haven't already read, anon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_and_Goldmund

>> No.12208352

who is it that is so intent on datamining /lit/?
>write what's on your mind
>post your city, age, what you're reading
>give me your psychometric test results
>what is your job, what did you study etc.
For what reason?

>> No.12208358
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Take your meds, anon.

>> No.12208363

To imply I'm paranoid is ridiculous. I know that they read what I post. They compile everything you write here. If you're fortunate you won't have to find out.

>> No.12208366
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>I'm not paranoid, I swear!
>But "they" are tracking our every move!

>> No.12208380

Cognitive psychology, my Master thesis was on differences in facial attractiveness within the same person. So completely unrelated to my current job.

>> No.12208387

How do I get my meme post t reach more ppl on ins?

>> No.12208460

"Going private soon ;)" on story.

>> No.12208783

>What did you major in?/What are you doing for a living?
Didnt go to uni. Unemployed
>How do you like it?
Love being a neet.
>If you could change the past, what would you have done?
I dont like to dwell on it.

>> No.12208889

too bad you feel fulfilled by the number and will never actually do anything of worth.

>> No.12208934

Visual Communication (basically graphic design) , I want to specialize in UX

Currently in an apprenticeship for a year. I love the field but hate the job. I did nothing today except reading Berserk online and digging for some ideas.

>> No.12208989

>love being a neet
>too scared to think about his past and causal factors leading to his neetdom

>> No.12209564

I'm a dentist
I'd still be a dentist
If I could rewind time I'd just read even more.

>> No.12209585

Do you still like blowjobs?

>> No.12209593

>Accounting and Finance
>Management Consultant and part own a small tech business
>Yes, it’s a good balance of freedom and challenge
>I didn’t revise and could of gotten much better grades and studied something other than A&F but I’m not sure I would have come to the same conclusions about life and ended up unhappy.

>> No.12209617

Shouldn’t it be called machine learning instead of AI?

>> No.12209668

Jewish Studies / full time student

It's alright. Tryna become Indiana Jones.

Should've gone sociology.

>> No.12210052

Why didn't you just go anthropology if you wanted to be Indiana Jones?

>> No.12210061

I'm majoring in computer science. 2nd year undergraduate.

I hate it. I find no joy in it and I'm on the verge of flunking out.

I wish I would have tried more in high school so that I could have gotten better opportunities and not be in the somewhat grim situation I'm in

>> No.12210067

Helping get a VR arcade off the ground
It's fine, but I'd like to get back to voice acting

>> No.12210122

no majors/minors in england, but i'm studying computer science at ucl and i love it
relatively interesting subject with plenty of job opportunities and it's not too difficult either, leaving me with enough free time to read and watch films as well as occasionally have sex with one of the many chinese girls here

>> No.12210139

>chinese girls
t. dweeb that fucks ugly gooks because he can't get white women

>> No.12210150

true but it's alright because i can't tell whether they're ugly or not

>> No.12210157

I studied Product Design Engineering and failed it, getting an Ordinary degree. I now work in a different country doing CAD modelling/ Design Engineering to a lesser degree.

It's fun. Like playing computer games but feels like I'm actually creating stuff for the good of man and getting paid for it.

If I could go back I'd fuck more women before settling down. If I hadn't been such an autist when I was younger I'd have gotten loads more pussy. I'm married with kid on the way now. Still happy but what could have been...

>> No.12210168

>anglo women
yeah you sure showed him

>> No.12210171

I "majored" in education studies (we don't have majors in the UK in the same way) and also took English lit and theatre classes.

3 years on and I'm a lawyer. Wouldn't change much about the studying stuff apart from maybe working a bit harder on the English lit stuff. I didn't learn enough critical theory and, other than reading lots of primary texts, don't really feel like my knowledge improved while I studied.

>> No.12210230

He's in london, it's full of international people.

>> No.12210253

Didnt go I wound up being another cubicle mongoloid. Shit sucks and is so monotonous how can someone not want to be a fucking NEET. Wish I went at least for the social part I have never had any idea of what "INTERESTS" me to the point that I would study it for four plus years. Lifes to short to be so autistically attached to one subject or profession. But thats just what our society expects.

>> No.12210260

dropout here was doing a chem masters but y heart was never in school from an early age
want to become a chef, slightly worried i've left it too late or that my taste buds arent good enough for aspirations, i want to open an elite vegan fine dining experience, for e cooking is making art.
probably tell my parents to send me to a top private school, not sure it would've changed anything but i might have found good lit sooner

>> No.12210279

Current student majoring in Classics. Not sure yet if I want to go to law school, grad school, or just teach high school Latin. If I could change anything I would have actually tried in high school and went to a better college, but this current one is alright.

>> No.12210327
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Majored in biomedical science, currently studying medicine

Still feel like a useless failure haha