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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12206965 No.12206965 [Reply] [Original]

Let's take a look at Reddit's opinion on 10/10 novels. It's as embarrassing as you imagined.

>> No.12206971

>Count of Monte Christo. It's like business class version of Shawshank Redemption.

>> No.12206974

Why go to a website where you know people will have shit taste? What are you getting out of it?

>> No.12206975

the inevitable Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy answer. Sad

>> No.12206986

I want to observe the decline of western standards of art in real time occasionally.

>> No.12207003

>Finally, DUNE. Surprised I had to go down this far into the comments to find it. That book is mind-blowing.


>> No.12207010

Stop making Reddit threads

>> No.12207014

>I'm in my mid-twenties and rereading the series now for the first time since Deathly Hallows was published, and they're really really good! Very fun, but also not too shallow. I've really been enjoying it.

>My biggest gripe is something my research advisor pointed out to me: revenge, as a concept, is almost looked upon favorably from the narrator's perspective. For example: the way the Dursleys are treated (by the narrator, by other witches and wizards, etc) is really a terrible model for young children to be taught, because they essentially walk away with the belief that if people do bad things to them, then they are justified in retaliating. Neither Harry nor anyone else attempts to see things from their perspective. The same is true of other adversaries, like Malfoy. I'm not saying they shouldn't be painted as bad people from Harry's perspective, but that making the reader laugh over Dudley growing a giant tongue that has to be magically removed (which would have been mortally terrifying for the Dursleys) is maybe not great. It makes for fun reading, but it teaches kids (the target audience) that getting revenge on people is okay, which I don't think is alright.
-Reddit on Harry Potter

>> No.12207028

it’s like /lit/ but with less posturing

>> No.12207044

Yeah, Reddit taste is dime store novels and sci fi. We get it already.

>> No.12207046

the larger problem is how in hp there is this unambiguously evil guy and a bunch of his evil buddies against a preternaturally moral kid and his other hypermoral friends

this is ok in like the first book i guess because it's a kid's book, but by the end of the series it has morphed into something which is attempting to talk about like politics and morality, and life and death, and etc. yet it still has this ridiculous black and white evil set up.

>> No.12207078

Nothing is declining. You're a historically illiterate moron. Stop making Crabbit threads.

>> No.12207083
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>MFW OP is literally a redditor making a Reddit bashing thread

>> No.12207087

Stop making Reddit threads you fucks

>> No.12207267

Why mock what these people like? At least they actually read, unlike a lot of people (including /lit/ users)

>> No.12207285

At least they actually read which is more than you can say for /lit/

>> No.12207299
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There but for my infinite scorn for the lesser breeds go I.

>> No.12207300

>they actually read
Just like /lit/ they regurgitate the same books again and again in every thread, only with a preference for different authors. The grass is not greener.

>> No.12207320

How THE FUCK are redditors such a perfect epitomisation of bugmen and man-children??

>> No.12207353

link this thread there so they know how pleb they are

>> No.12207357

Best post itt desu

>> No.12207369
File: 123 KB, 660x495, DB00D455-9FDC-4125-ADDC-B31D959F0B7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few gems from that thread

>Slaughterhouse-Five: The only book I started reading again immediately after finishing it.
Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy: The only book I've read straight through in less than 24 hours.

>I'd say Neuromancer. I loved it start to finish. A philosophical heist story.
>philosophical heist story

>A Confederacy of Dunces
EDIT: Thank you kind Redditor for my first silver!

>1984 by George Orwell. Such a perfect character arc and incredible ending. Also it gets scarier the more I think about the books world and the similarities with our world today.

>Two of my very few 5-star books on GR (I'm pretty stingy with it) :
The Book Thief - It was the first book that showed 13 year-old me that books can do so much more than tell a fun story, and holds up really well going back to it. I was iffy about the whole thing at first, but personified death as a framing device was pulled off really well. Slower pacing, but never feels aimless.
Ender's Game - Author controversy aside, this book is just about perfect. I was surprised when I found out it was only 100k words (pretty short) because it feels like that book goes on forever (in a good way). I can't think of anything I would change, it just executes everything it goes for so well.

>Dune. Both Asimov’s Foundation and Robot series. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Should be required reading for the world.

>Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I posted a write-up with my musings on the book here and on r/literature a few months back, so I guess I'll just link that instead of reproducing an entire essay here. But the long and short of why the book is 10/10 for me is that I found it to be incredibly thought-provoking, and the implications of certain things laid out in the book blew my mind both while I read them and while I thought about them in retrospect. Everything – from the premise to the execution – is brilliantly done. I don't usually re-read books, mostly because there are so many titles in my backlog that I don't feel inclined to revisit a previously read book and feel that I could utilize that time to read and enjoy something new instead, but for Brave New World I'm willing to make an exception and re-read it one of these days.

>The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

>The Hitchhikkers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Not one you see very often, but it’s so witty and funny while still having a rich and vibrant universe with unique, or generic like Arthur, characters that really piece it together

>> No.12207375

this shit isn't that bad come on

>> No.12207381

>bad books
>actually discuss books

>good books
>don't talk about them

>good books
>actually talk about them

>> No.12207392

theres a discord?

>> No.12207398

there's several

>> No.12207400

>good books
>use them to talk about ourselves

>> No.12207412

I am reminded that I like Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde better than BNW. More of you here should read it. I will read The Winds of Winter straight whenever that lazy fat old porn addicted cunt fucking finishes it.

>> No.12207423

>>1984 by George Orwell. Such a perfect character arc and incredible ending. Also it gets scarier the more I think about the books world and the similarities with our world today.

The lefties of Reddit liking 1984 is pretty high level irony.

>> No.12207432

Fuck discord, bunch of admins telling other people what to say and do like they're some god or some shit fuck them in their tight ass.

>> No.12207454

>t. awful poster

>> No.12207464

post discord link

>> No.12207475

You know that it's secret premise is that it's the NatSoc that took over, 1984 is the dystopia of Hitler winning

>> No.12207478

>1984 by George Orwell. Such a perfect character arc and incredible ending. Also it gets scarier the more I think about the books world and the similarities with our world today.
Like clockwork someone talking about this book and how "eerily similar it is to modern society zooomg"

>> No.12207479


>> No.12207484


>> No.12207487
File: 54 KB, 727x487, 9C82951B-2745-4747-BA14-DFEFF1172164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah indeed my fellow fourchannerarian, the redditor is a mysterious creature indeed. For he reads but does not learn. He consumes but does not create. His mouth is constantly agape yet his soul wide shut. The melancholic languor of the 21st century soul is nearly distilled, bottled and packaged inside these curious fellows. To observe them in their tedium is truly a blessing for those adjusted to the fourchanneranic mode of living, those who are awake to the world around them. To live among them would make one feel as solitary as a dervish in the desert. If you listen closely and observe as the common redditor stands with his mouth agape you can hear a sound. A choir of the dying moans of a human being— some poor weak relic of mortality who has left all hope behind, who howls like an animal, yet with human sobs, on entering the dark valley, made more awful by a certain gurgling melodiousness— I find myself beginning with the letters gl when I try to imitate it—expressive of a mind which has reached the gelatinous, mildewy stage in the mortification of all healthy and courageous thought. To gaze at the soul of a redditor in his abode, in the midst of his atrophied existence is a sorrowful sight indeed for one such as, we fourchannerarians.

>> No.12207488

Is it not?

>> No.12207490

i am actually most proud that buried in there, there are actually are some decent responses

>> No.12207498

The Nazis win and thereafter is the inevitable natural progression into actual socialism which is not successful. The dystopia of 1984 is what the Nazis do after they successfully repress a socialist revolution in the 1950's

>> No.12207528

Who is bill bryson and why can’t they stop sucking his dick?

>> No.12207667

Go read Don Quixote mate.

>> No.12207696
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 3047619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good book though tbhfampai

>> No.12207939

Missing the point retard. The books aren't bad, the people are stupid. Those aren't their opinions because they don't have opinions. They're regurgitating information or being vague with what they like about the books, because they don't know enough to actually be specific.
It'd be better if they just said "I liked X because it was fun to read." Still plebby, but at least that's an honest answer.

>> No.12207973

As if /lit/ doesn’t constantly regurgitate received opinions about literature

>> No.12207985

It's not "eerily" similar, it always was an exaggeration of pre-existing concepts.

brave new world is eerie tho.

>> No.12207986

then, what was Dune part? That redditor just listed books.

>> No.12207993

/lit/ does the exact same thing near constantly, its gotten much worse in the last 2 years

>> No.12208004
File: 17 KB, 282x252, 25fz2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you fight your enemies, they win

>> No.12208021

A short history of nearly everything how is it?
But abart form a few stand out teenagers it's not too bad for Reddit

>> No.12208047

Have you tried discussing any non-/lit/ approved meme books on here? Those threads die immediately because no one on here reads anything other than what /lit/ memes. It’s literally the exact same thing as what the leddit folk do only people on here get to feel a smug sense of superiority as well.

>> No.12208063

What's ironic about that? Orwell was a big lefty himself. 1984 is about totalitarianism.

>> No.12208077

>It's as embarrassing as you imagined.

get fucked, its worse.

>> No.12208079

half of these are on the /lit/ top 100.

>> No.12208081


are you implying you cant have left wing authoritarian governments?

>> No.12208114

Really disappointed at the lack of books by women and PoC

>> No.12208118

What does this post mean?

>> No.12208121

He’s telling the poster to whom he is responding to go read Don Quixote, as well as calling this posting his “mate”.

>> No.12208469

What is it with this suits a obsession with reddit and it's opinions on things?

>> No.12208479

The two last books change that a bit. But not too much.

>> No.12208524

>The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfus

>I’m surprised I had to come down this far to find this!

>> No.12208542


>> No.12208563

Mind Comf is the most important nonfiction. It was written by Adolf Hitler

>> No.12208577

>I like Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde
that is a good book anon

>> No.12208590
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>> No.12208604

finally, what we're all thinking! upvoted. and i think you deserve gold, too, good sir. :)

>> No.12208644

Eh it's okay. I was expecting shit like The Name of the Wind to be fair

>> No.12208675

I don't really care about Reddit, but it ranks 17 on Alexa's top 500 websites. It has a massive userbase, so if you look at Reddit you're indirectly looking at normies in general.

>> No.12208781

>I heard someone on here once call it basically a book about medieval batman and I think thats really on point
I want Reddit to perish

>> No.12208818

From what I’ve read Reddit hates us too. Meanwhile we have the same taste most of the time

>> No.12208832

I actually go on Reddit's writing board sometimes. They link a few interesting but basic articles sometimes and have a weird infactuation with Stephen King.

>> No.12208843

Ingsoc is not a "left wing totalitarian" government though. They're not even socialists. That's the point of the ministries doing the opposite of what they are named. It's all for the doublethink and it's only for the middle-class. The party has the proles well under control thinking that it's good socialism for them and free gin and cigarettes, no need to think so don't think, anyway that gets explained.

>> No.12208862

Not him but Don Quixote is an old book mate. Go read Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Hobbit, The Wind in the Willows, and there's others like that and then compare to Ender's Game, Maze Runner, Divergence, Hunger Games. I know it's comparison of children's books to YA but that adds to my argument.

>> No.12208948
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>> No.12209029

who the fuck is bill bryson and why do they all love him so much?

>> No.12209046
File: 127 KB, 710x594, 1524795587228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1984 by George Orwell. Such a perfect character arc and incredible ending. Also it gets scarier the more I think about the books world and the similarities with our world today.

>> No.12209050

nice headcannon, retard

>> No.12209056

I thought this board was above the low hanging fruit that is reddit. But I forgot this is also the board of pseuds

sage and fuck off back, linking to reddit should be an instant ban

>> No.12209057

1984 was a direct critique of stalinism

>> No.12209129
File: 48 KB, 500x451, 1450735056616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is bad.
>basic bitch choices for the OP (they're mostly very good, don't get me wrong, but so tasteless and bland and 9/10 at best)
>first response literally Bill Bryson
>replies to first comment are 'eats, shoots and leaves'-tier choices of pop-non-fiction
>second response literally Terry Pratchett
>Shogun, meh choice but certainly not 10/10
>Count of Monte Christo. It's like business class version of Shawshank Redemption. (jfc I bet this guy thought he was being insightful typing that shit)
>deleted comment (based on response it was some meme erotic fiction)
>East of Eden, six comment threads in before the first half decent recommendation, although again very obviously not 10/10 despite how good it is, and also bland as fuck
>Flowers for Algernon, 'literary-scifi' meme book, okay but 6/10
>The Princess Bride, holy shit reddit please stop, please just stop
>All Quiet on the Western Front, guy obviously hasn't read anything since year 8 English classes

and it just goes on and on and on...
really, why is reddit the way it is? how can they be so unaware of themselves?
it must be something to do with the format and dynamics of the site, right? like how you can't be anonymous, how everything gets a vote and so 'mean' (read: critical) comments are suppressed so nobody feels the need to better their taste or reading list, comments getting removed or blocked by reddit jannies etc.

it's so pathetic

>> No.12209134

Neuromancer is philosophical though, pseud.

Disliking something that's genuinely insightful and literary because it looks superficially like genre lit marks you as being just as pathetically vapid as someone who claims to be an "avid reader" but doesn't read anything without a big, flashy plot.

Here's a hint on how to not be a pretentious retard: Read books for their plot and ideas instead of reading the synopsis and deciding whether it seems "literary enough". A work of literature can, in fact, have serious philosophical and intellectual value while having a plot with high tension and drama.

Your comments have marked you as a genuine pseud in the worst sense of the word: someone who enjoys literature that is superficially 'literary' instead of actually attempting to learn anything or better yourself from the works you read. You are a cancer upon this board, and I dislike you.

>> No.12209136


>> No.12209174

the functions and formatting of the site predispose for retardation. no one with half a brain would enjoy using a site like that, which is essentially a youtube comments section turned into a website. i don't understand what's fun about having no interaction at all, its just commenting on comments about other comments. there is no dialogue, its just a thousand different monologues crying out in a disturbing cacophony.

>> No.12209189

not him but please write briefly and in your own words on what you took the philosophical content of neuromancer to be, to prove you are not a pseud also.

>> No.12209206

In a sentence, necromancer is commentary on the philosophy of technological advancement and, to a lesser degree, societal stagnation. It was one of the defining pieces of transhumanism as we understand it today.

Similar to Rappacini's daughter in many ways, but more comprehensive in its criticism of "progress" as it intersects with society.

>> No.12209207

i liked the cover. it looked like some vaporwave shit or something which means its cool and deep, but old people don't get it

>> No.12209272

no, that's animal farm. 1984 is about hypothetical socdem totalitarianism where they became obsessed with power for power's sake. it was a sham from the start, there was no betrayal of a legitimate revolutionary impulse, which is how orwell saw stalinism.

>> No.12209371

you're not answering the question. i didn't ask for context, i asked what you learned, to see if you really learn from what you read. this is evasion, and it smells of pseudery.

so it's a commentary on technology. what does the commentary say?

>> No.12209497

Sorry, I stepped out for a moment.

I felt it was fairly obvious that I feel Neuromancer was largely critical of pure technological progress from the Rappacini’s daughter comparison. And the fact that I explicitly said that?

If you’re going to make some ridiculous test of psuedness you’re going to have to try harder than calling a clear opinion with references evasion.

>> No.12209576

it's not ridiculous to expect a literate person who learns from what they read to be able to summarize briefly what a book is about. it should be very easy, but with you it's like blood from a stone. so it's about technology, and it's critical. how is it critical of technology? what points does it make? what did you learn?

>> No.12209607

Do you just want me to write you a synopsis the entire book? Neuromancer explores potential issues with technological advancement through the veins of criminal exploitation and dehumanization, showcasing a number of characters that feel (and seem to us as readers) increasingly lost and depraved due to deep-rooted and potentially misguided connections with technology, from cybernetically-enhanced superhumans who seem more like monsters than ubermensch (Molly) to pointless jobbers who exist in the listless womb of a society that sees humans as nothing more than pieces of an equally listless machine (Case).

Does that satisfy your ridiculous need for detail to prove that my opinion isn't "pseud"? Christ this board sometimes.

>> No.12209627

Lmao @ you thinking you’re any different from the redditors

>> No.12209671

You are reddit, if you were just visiting you wouldn't have linked us to the legacy site @
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.12209876

well now you're just playing stupid: i ask you what you learned, philosophically, and you're like "why do you want plot details?". first of all, it's been a while, but your summary does not even seem accurate on a basic level, like: how is molly characterized as monstrous? doesn't she have a whole sequence about mourning her dead boyfriend? she seems like the most human character in the book. and how is somebody like case "increasingly lost and depraved" when he starts out as a broken nobody and then goes on this world-altering espionage mission to regain what he lost and remake himself? there's no spiral of depravity, it's more like a heroic quest of self-discovery with cyberspace instead of the spirit world. and within this quest "technology" is not as much criticized as treated as some sort of unpredictable divine force that will destroy one person (armitage) but save another (case) depending on its inscrutable plans.

but back to the actual point: what i want from you is to demonstrate that a. neuromancer is a philosophical work and b. you can read like a big boy, by summarizing, in your own words, some coherent philosophical point you learned from it and how the book made that point. and no, "technology is bad because it can sometimes hurt people", as unimpressive of a point as it would be, does not count anyway since i already explained it's not even accurate to how the characters' relationships to the ai as a manifestation of technological progress are portrayed. look, i'll even give you an example of what i expect: plato's republic makes the philosophical point that justice comes from the proper cooperation of parts, whether the parts are social classes or aspects of a human soul, though constructing a model city in which yadda yadda. now you: neuromancer makes the philosophical point that ??? by ???.

>> No.12210245

Mate, I’m not going to sit here and keep typing out longer and longer arguments for the same point with more and more references because you refuse to accept it as valid. I could pull out my copy of Neuromancer and give you references and details for why I believe, for instance, Molly represents a spiral of depravity though her visceral cybernetic murders, but I’m really not going to waste the next hour trying to convince a bullheaded anonymous poster of my sweet anonymous lit cred.

My argument, for the third time, is that Neuromancer makes a philosophical case laying out transhumanism as a dangerous and unreliable modal of progress through explorations of the worst excesses of a near future, digitalized society, filtered through rose tinted glasses. Clearly you won’t accept that as valid, so have fun calling me a pseud who won’t lay out his argument. Remember that it’s stated right above you twice before this post before you demand I cite 3 quotes and 7 examples from the book demonstrating this belief and then accusing me of not explaining my argument.

>> No.12210276

>Plebbit considers a bunch of genre garbage to be 10/10 literary works of all time.
Oh, what a surprise.

>> No.12210290

>I hate to be that guy... Harry Potter!
Jesus Christ.

>> No.12210316

>people who tend to lean left enjoy this book written by a socialist
>he actually thinks the point of 1984 was "socialism bad"

>> No.12210335
File: 226 KB, 2478x848, CRINGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god reddit is trash

>> No.12210366

you're literally not allowed to have an unpopular opinion on reddit, the website removes your ability to post if your "karma" gets "low" enough

>> No.12210393

What the fuck do they even mean by "business class?"

>> No.12210400

why are half the books in the thread novellas? who the fuck has a novella as their favourite book? if someone tells me l'etranger is their favourite book i would just assume that it is the only book they have read recently

>> No.12210407

Cathartic enjoyment of laughing at someone who's neither based nor redpilled

>> No.12210414

I don't think the length is as important as the actual choices. Harry Potter is longer than Ficciones.

>> No.12210455

the problem is that you're fronting. after your post about striving to learn from everything you read it seemed perfectly normal to ask what specifically you learned from neuromancer and you could have shut me up in thirty seconds by simply writing intelligently about your impressions for half a paragraph, but instead you tried to feed me second-hand buzzword bullshit about how the book is respected for contributing to some canon of transhumanism. like, let's be serious here - nobody's impressions when opening up a book are "whoa this sure defined transhumanist fiction as we know it!" - that's not a person's opinion, that's second-hand internet consensus. it's, let's be honest, something you've seen on reddit, and exactly the sort of thing you just shat all over that other guy for (you just care about genre fiction "canon" and not literary "canon"). since then you've been trying to add substance to this borrowed opinion with inaccurate references that get basic characterization and plot progression wrong - references that i never even asked for. all the while you're acting like talking about literature is ridiculous, unreasonable and not worth your time.

i mean, yes, this conversation is pointless because if you were going to turn out to be legitimately literate and not just posturing it would have happened immediately and not on post 5, but it's still worth mentioning that you could have some real fun with books if you actually practiced what you preach.

>> No.12210486

Comments are the best part of reddit. The commentors constantly tries to outwit each other to reach to the top. As a result, everytime you enter a comment section of a post, you either leave entertained or informed.

>> No.12210504


stop trolling anon

>> No.12210556

To be fair, as far as comedies of the last hundred years, Confederacy of Dunces is pretty great

>> No.12210812
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, UtterDisgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moby-Dick(0 Results)
>Ulysses (0 Results)
>Bible (0 Results)
>The Divine Comedy (1 Result)
No results

No Results

Truly a place of learned individuals.

>> No.12210841

Not sure what you mean, OP. Minus Bryson and Pratchett, the top 20 replies are all books /lit/ won't shut up about, and are represented in the most common flowcharts spammed here.

>> No.12210860

Imagine being this obsessed with some random website and what random people do with their daily lives.

>> No.12210923

Someone did post the bible, learn to navigate the site you sperg

>> No.12210940

>CTRL + F “1984”
>browser crashes

>> No.12210958
File: 155 KB, 500x554, AmusedBear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually navigates reddit

>> No.12211002

I mean it's good, but what is with r*dditors blowing everything way out of proportion?

>> No.12211015

>The Hitchhikkers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
>Not one you see very often

>> No.12211020

It's not really the books, it's the things r*dditors say and how they write

>> No.12211254

This. They’re likely grown adults but still have the brains of overindulgent 15 year olds

>> No.12211311

redditor here we dont pretend to be pretentious and actually enjoy reading

>> No.12211323

>Medieval Batman
>story is set 1810s-1830/40s
Kill me now.

>> No.12211325

It's not even about pretentiousness. Fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.12211381

lol u really got em

>> No.12211385

oh fuck you

>> No.12211408

It's just a register switch. If they came here they'd start calling people niggers and care much less about content. It's all about those magic internet points

>> No.12211698
File: 275 KB, 364x461, ragret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these years later and I still can't believe that /lit/, as shit as it is, is still the best place on the internet to discuss literature. And then this cunt comes along inviting us to dilute this sea of piss with his diarrhea.

>> No.12211726

Now this is epic

>> No.12211786
File: 496 KB, 1242x1423, 9A0F9D7A-6DDF-4B9A-95C7-9D346E9F1177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12211851

>redditard spends days masturbating through the cockcage to internet points for being so "witty"
>wants to appear intelligent so people on /r/videogames think he's more clever than them and give more obligatory upboats for his retardation along the lines of "he posts on /r/books, he must be smart even though that sounded like bullshit to me, upboat"
>only read 5 books in his life that everyone else has, too (because if everyone else read it you have to, too)
>has to participate on /r/books to keep up illusion of intellectualism
>"what books are 10/10 for you?"
>lists the only ones he's read
>ah yeah man like, harry potter was brilliant, no it's not just a kid's book, it's genius, it's for adults too, everyone else on reddit said so

>> No.12211866
File: 136 KB, 722x770, 591772BE-8F19-4847-ADCA-9FB81DDF8CB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immaculate like marys virginal conception of christ the savior

>> No.12212104

Not him but neuromancer is one of my favorite books and it fucking kills me to see someone butcher the it like this.
Here’s why I think neuromancer is good.
The point of Neuromancer has nothing to do with transhumanism. It is, at its core, an exploration of platonic dualism. This should be obvious to anyone at the end of the first chapter, with the line ‘case fell into the prison of his flesh.
The medium is representative of the world of the forms, case the platonic hero imprisoned in the material world, and wintermute represents god or the form of the good. Case struggles throughout the entire book towards true freedom from the material, and his digital replica seen at the very end of the book, accompanied by Linda and the laughter of the flatline (a character freed from the material entirely) is in fact case’s true self. Long and short of it, neuromancer taught me about the dualistic relationship between mind and body, and how human suffering can only be escaped when one realizes the truth that the mind or soul is all that really matters. It does this with pretty straightforward reimagininga of platonic philosophy alongside some cool religious symbolism.

>> No.12212126

>harry potter
>last few months rereading

>> No.12212139

that is not immaculate conception you tard

>> No.12212387

not saying that Harry Potter is deep, but it's intentionally set up to be black and white. Tom Riddle/Voldemort came from a home situation that was fairly similar to Harry, but ended up taking a very different path despite their common backgrounds. Of course you don't find out until later (since this last info was from the second book) that Riddle was some super secret Slytherin heir bastard child or whatever so surprise it was in his blood the whole time, but nevertheless the concept of the antagonist being a reflection of the protagonist is hardly uncommon in fiction.

>> No.12212402

It is, most of these are good books. It’s just that it’s laughable to call any one of them a 10/10. ACoD is maybe a 8/10 at best

>> No.12212403

no u