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/lit/ - Literature

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12205101 No.12205101 [Reply] [Original]

How do people do this? Even if you don't subvocalize I can't imagine reading fast enough to average more than a book a day

>> No.12205107

They probably include stupid shit like picture books and read a lot of novellas

>> No.12205111

Comic books and manga so they can fudge the numbers.

>> No.12205138

This. A lot of volumes of manga can be read in under thirty minutes, and their ISBNs are included in the Goodreads database. Realistically, if you were to devote yourself to reading, you could get through a couple hundred pages per day (of real material)

>> No.12205151

link their profile

>> No.12205154

one page per minute - read ~4 hours a day - 300 pages a day
that's about a book a day

>> No.12205184


I think he posts on /lit/

>> No.12205249

being a NEET is a hell of a drug

>> No.12205258

Based avant-teen BTFO of normies on /lit/

>> No.12205262

This is what you can do if you actually read, not that most people on /lit/ can understand

>> No.12206359

fakerating like L "A" D

>> No.12206690

I spend pretty much all the spare time I have reading and I only read 50 or so books a year desu. Maybe they skim read though (like faggots).

>> No.12206730

If they're all non-fiction readings its likely they're research students that just add every book they peak into as an entire read

>> No.12206748

My goal is to read 10 books a month. It's not too many.

>> No.12206791

Okay and how much of those 400 books a year will you actually remember or fully understand? Close to 0.

>> No.12206812

I read 1600+ pp a day, AMA

>> No.12206832

you can read my pp, buddy.

>> No.12206913

>Abstracting reading as number of books
>Abstracting reading as number of pages

Why not just take it down the word level. Hell even characters. Measure the amount of minutes you spent staring at the page. Measure the order you read them and what time of day. Also don't forget to put it into our tracker™ so that you can train our algorithm how to sell you more pages to track, gotta fill those bars, ding! GRATZ!

FUCK just read the damn book

>> No.12206981

Why do you care? Why not just enjoy whatever you are reading at the pace that's most comfortable for you?

>> No.12207588
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they read kid books. i remember that as a kid i would read these pretty fast

>> No.12207608

I never believed people reading entire books in 1 day unless they were speaking of tiny, easy-going works less than 150 pages; that, or they are skimming most words. You are absolutely not reading any proper 500+ page non-fiction in one day.

>> No.12207715

No thanks. I only like long reads.

>> No.12207782
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>Proper non-fiction

>> No.12208008

Reading 300 pages a day isn't difficult if you have nothing to do that day. It's the same time commitment as marathoning a netflix series

>> No.12209644
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Bellicose lit observer here. 1600+ pp/day. I read all kinds of books. If it's non-fiction it'll take a lot longer sometimes. It took me three months to read Moby Dick because I had to read every page thirty plus times to even understand it (yes I counted then averaged it). I used to practice reading on the KJV bible as a kid and I'm convinced that did help some. I didn't stop until I could read it in a day. I was thirteen. It's taken thirty-four years to go from 1200+ pages a day to 1600+ pages a day. Take that as you will. Average time spent reading a day is 16-20 hours with only breaks for eating, sleeping and using the toilet.

>> No.12209848

why? just read at your own pace and enjoy the book

>> No.12209870
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I did some adderall and about an 8-ball of coke in college and read all of Ulysses in one night. I know I read the whole book because every page was wet at the bottom right and I always chew my fingers when I’m high in coke. Also my roommate said he came in and saw me in the corner with coke all over my upper lip reading and growling to myself

>> No.12209902


>> No.12209903

>thinking he actually read all of that
lmao getting fooled by a dilettante like that

>> No.12209919

Does /lit/ really thinks it's not possible to read a couple hundred books a year? Doesn't seem that impossible if you spend all or most of your free time reading

>> No.12211295

Are you Steve Donoghue?

>> No.12211314

No it's not.
Underrated *sips*

>> No.12211455

Yes it is. It's 10 hours at 2 minutes a page, which is about the same as a Netflix season

>> No.12211463

I enjoy subvocalizing. I have several voices depending on the material I'm reading.

>> No.12211501

>Implying reading anything less than 10,000 books a year is noteworthy

>> No.12211579

If you only read one book per year how much would you remember a year later? Think about what you're saying for just a minute.

>> No.12211591

It's not too crazy if they're reading shorter books. I'm at around 150 finished with quite a few tomes mixed in. I spend almost all of my free time reading but i'm also a fairly slow reader.

>> No.12211599

>coke all over my upper lip
That's not how coke works. You watch too many movies.

>> No.12211929

I read a 600 page book in one night

>> No.12212061

Fry Me Up Some Dubs AntiWonton

>> No.12212081
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>> No.12212700


>> No.12212896

>Also my roommate said he came in and saw me in the corner with coke all over my upper lip reading and growling to myself
This is very good except for this fucker's >>12211599 breaking kayfabe.

>> No.12213085


>> No.12213718

I know this guy - at his job he basically did almost no work so he would just read epubs at his desk and then he would also read for a few hours at home. Absolutely amazing that people don't' believe in the ability to read a book a days here. If the average book length is 300 pages and you read at a fairly normal reading speed of 40-60 pages an hour this is easily achievable. People who think that this type of reading isn't possible probably have had their attention span destroyed by a cellphone and internet porn addiction.

>> No.12213733

bro, that's not reading that's skimming
try to rad 60 pages an hour of some babby philosophical text such as BGE by Nietboy and I'll bet my virgin asshole that if I'd ask you to summarize what you just read you'd say "it's about beating people, fapping, atheism and master morality"

what the fuck are you reading that you can read so fast? most academics read one or two papers a day, and that's only a couple dozen pages
you're either reading "for fun", i.e. skimming like a lunatic, skipping entire paragraphs like a neurotypical wasteman, or you're reading just slow enough to understand the main ideas and not much else

>> No.12213736

They’re full of shit or they just read children’s books

>> No.12213741

if the book can be understood in less than a few hours it isn't worth reading

>> No.12213742

some people in philosophy do their PhD thesis on a fucking paragraph of a simple philosophical text such as thus spoke zarathustra or hume's enquiry, and in parallel we have pseudointellectual trash that pretend to "read" (an euphemism for "skim") books by jumping from paragraph to paragraph, never doing any introspection or highlighting or summaries

bro, you're wasting your time and your life if you're readign like that and here's a piece of advice: go outside, go to a club, fuck some bitches, get drunk and stop reading -- it's not for people like you
fucking kek'd my ass off

>> No.12213750

no man you're bullshiting, I skimmed, err, oops, I meant "read" through all of Kant's critiques, son, and I gave them 3/5 on bestreads, he wasn't making much sense I presume he was just being verbose and impenetrable because he was self-conscious or something, he knew he was dumb so he was basically making a word salad so that people would think he's deep, nah, I don't like that shit, I enjoyed the silmarillion a lot more, the elves there have a deeper philosophy than Kant
also, kant looks like a monkey
but I recommend you read him, though, he's pretty important, he was a big german enlightment illuminist kind of guy, he influenced Schopenhauer, Plato and Euthyphron and even though his books have hundreds, thousands of pages you can read through them pretty quickly, he's bullshitting a lot, there's a lot of padding, trust me on that one
t. 500 books read in 2017

>> No.12213761
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>actually reading
>quantity over quality
>posting on goodreads

>> No.12213784

is this guy retarded? there are fucking academics that wasted thousands of hours on this subject and he comes around like the dumbest of the dumb and considers himself a fucking authority in linguistics and language processing

this guy hasn't even read fucking facebook titles of articles shared by phys.org and similar websites that share papers on language processing and etc.
I'm not even interested in this subject and I don't read a lot but even the fucking wikipedia page on subvocalisation will tell you that this is pseudoscience
you need to subvocalise to understand a text
subvoc. can't be stopped by conscious means
subvoc. actually moves the vocal cords
the vast majority of people think in images and words, very few think only with words or only with images (check some recent publications in psychology)
it's not about moving your lips for fuck's sake, it's about barely noticeable, subtle but measurable movements of the vocal cords, throat muscles and lips

this guy is amazing, he's a living meme, the fucking essence, the epitome, the cherry on top, the king of all pseudointellectual retard fuckfaces that I would fucking murder in real life with my bare hands because of how disgusted and angered I am whenever they defecate through their filthy, thin-lipped mouths and wiggle their noses like a pig wiggles its snout looking for undigested food in a pile of fresh shit in the pigsty

>> No.12213794

so this guy reads 10000 books a day but he knows less than the 2-3 paragraphs of information wikipedia presented in the article for "speedreading" or "subvocalisation" (I don't remember which, it's either one of these two)

fuck your teeth, loser, I will continue reading books slowly, at my pace, subvocalising, actually thinking about the fucking book for fuck's sake, I won't treat my books as fucking prayers or rituals done for the God of pseudointellectuality, I actually want to learn something and I don't give a fucking shit about how many books I can boast about having read this year to fellow losers that don't understand much besides the fucking title and the main ideas or the plot or some other stupid shit

these people should go outside, fuck, do drugs, slam their heads on the sidewalk, jump from buildings, suck a hobo's dick, etc. anything is better for them than reading, which is a pure fucking waste of time for book-skimming peons

>> No.12213804

Quality > Quantity

>> No.12213815
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nah man that's not right
this is why everyone that lives up to the age of 80 is full of wisdom
imagine how much sensorial information is contained in those decades
it all adds up to something, right? every 80yo is full of wisdom! just read a lot and live a lot and it's fine bro! whatever you do... just... don't... think....don't introspect and don't subvocalise and you'll be fine!

all aboard the train! the rail tracks were on have no switches, it's straight ahead until we die, baby! no doubting, no changing direction, no anything here! just live and read read read! "devour" books as we intellectuals say! heheheheheh

>> No.12213817

this is a quote from Nabokov

>> No.12213832

>How do people do this?

Why is a better question. How empty does your life have to be for some number challenge on a website to be worthwhile, even as a distraction?

>> No.12213839

He's an idiotic pedophile and the epitome of low substance ephemera.

>> No.12213865

If you read a lot of shitty romance and fantasy novels it's not a problem.

>> No.12213987

This guy reads books just to list them on goodreads and watches movies just to list them on letterboxd or rym or whatever. It’s a terrible existence. Don’t follow him down that road.

>> No.12214003

I read 3 books this year. Failed to finish 2.

>> No.12214856

How do you know? Maybe he just reads a lot. I managed to read 50 books this year and I only read maybe one or two hours a day

>> No.12214890


>> No.12214929
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>> No.12214992

This is an interesting topic you bring up, subvocalization.
I realised at around elementary school, that I can read really really fast. I was very happy and started reading books, until I realized that I'm actually reading so fast, I don't exactly understand what I have read. Like, I knew I read out the words, the sentences, but I would miss the whole picture. Only when I started slowing down to actually understand what I was reading is when enjoyment dervied from reading skyrocketed.
Even now, I can read out shit loud so fast I would have no idea what I was reading, but would definitely be able to read it out loud.
Now I learned that what I'm doing is actually subvocalizing, and I also learned, that there are many many grown adults who don't give a fuck about not understanding what they read, they don't care about subvocalizing, they only care about how many books they can read in a year and how fast. Not a single care about understanding the text itself. Something I learned on my own not to do in fucking elementary school. Fascinating.

>> No.12215019

Assuming 100,000 words per novel, reading 500 words/min = 200 minutes to complete the novel; 3.3 hours to complete the novel. That's 3 to 4 100,000-word-novels a day, if you just focus on reading and nothing else. It's entirely possible.

You're now aware that you don't actually read anywhere near as fast as you believe you do. Most people re-read sections and slow down significantly the more engrossed they become in a book.

>> No.12215042

I re-read and slow down all the time, and I'm shocked that apparently there are people who don't.
They are either super geniuses and I'm dumb, or they actually don't care that they don't get everything and they are dumb. I honestly can't tell.

>> No.12215059

Nobody that actually enjoys reading use that page.

>> No.12215246
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>needing more than an hour to both read and re-read a normal length book

>> No.12215264

Literally everyone except for dirty skim readers.

>> No.12215310
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>he doesn't read 1000 pages per hour with excellent comprehension