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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.97 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20181209_043121249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12202430 No.12202430 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck, I ordered a book on The Peloponnesian war and decided to spend a few extra bucks on a hardcover 'The Landmark' edition --- AND HOLY FUCK ---
This tome is absolutely beautiful and gets my dick as hard as obsidian. It's filled with maps, notes, images, etc.
It's easily one of the greatest books I own now. What are some other beautiful editions of books, or great publishers, etc? Post some book porn.

>> No.12202436

Great! Now go read it :>)!

>> No.12202448

Dust jackets are a sin. Get rid of it. Now.

>> No.12202455
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>Book Porn

>> No.12202459
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Don't stop there, anon. All the Landmarks are worth getting.

>> No.12202462

Post more pics of the book OP

>> No.12202464
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Here's a 1st edition Huck Finn

>> No.12202469
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And a deathbed edition of Leaves of Grass

>> No.12202470
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>> No.12202473
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Here's the book without dust cover

>> No.12202474

That's better.

>> No.12202476
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Here's some of the inside

>> No.12202480
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More inside.
This is a proper history book.

>> No.12202484
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This is my fav book that i have, aesthetically, but also i luv the book itself

>> No.12202486
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Gahdjrhrrhkelsibekdoicri why 4channel even have a rotate function for

>> No.12202505

>Book Porn
>gets my dick
You need to go back to book-reddit and stop watching porn. Porn from porne literally means whore. It is an insult to call a book this.

>> No.12202518

Very jelly. I've wanted that edition for a while. Do you have the matching Ulysses?

>> No.12202521

Doesn't Caesar have like 350 pages of essential text missing from the book?

>> No.12202535
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Cambridge Turquoise KJV

They are so beautiful I almost feel bad for using mine.

>> No.12202545
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It has all of Caesar and some contemporary officer who fills in the gap, plus a full introduction and two or three appendices/essays. ~300 pages of additional appendices and essays are on a ~300 page pdf online. It's disappointing they didn't just fit them in the volume, and hopefully they'll move back to having everything in one volume in future landmarks.

I actually had the extra essays printed and bound so I could have them on hand, which has worked well, but it shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

>> No.12202631
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Here are some handsome examples from my modest collection.

A Visit to Godenholm - Beautifully illustrated; rare copy 1:400
A Rebours - 1931 Edition, Fine illustrations
Ancedotage - boom condition is not remarkable but there is a signed letter from the author on the inside cover
Grimm’s Fairy Tales - another finely illustrated book circa 1920

>> No.12202647

I had that same copy of Grimms growing up. Don't know what happened to it.

>> No.12202651

Very nice collection anon.

>> No.12202741

was this a subtle troll?

>> No.12202755
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>A Visit to Godenholm - Beautifully illustrated; rare copy 1:400

>> No.12202761

Me on the left

>> No.12202769

Book porn threads (i.e. reddit) are worse than stack threads since they attract the worst kind of commodity fetishists out there. People who fetishize the object itself, hence pornography.

>> No.12202784

>throwing away something you paid money for
Do richfags really do this?

>> No.12202790

How are you finding the translation? I read a review saying this edition used an oudated translation, the reviewer recommended the more recent Cambridge version instead.

>> No.12202813
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What's more psued, people who enjoy the look of books as much(or more) than their content or people who use the phrase 'commodity fetishism' when describing literally any time somebody enjoys the look of something they bought because they think it makes them ((real)) and ((authentic)).
Kill yourselves faggots, everybody likes looking at pretty covers and pictures. I choose fiction soley from the cover. Not being able to recognize basic visual aesthetics is just signalling the authors diminshed aesthetic eye in their own medium. And the authors who make their book ugly or boring on purpose are more interested in their image as an 'outsider' than they are about people reading and enjoying their work. The MF doom of literature. Ohhhhhh you have a mask cuz all DA other rappers like their image??? SO DEEP LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK

>> No.12202817

Not OP, but have the Landmark. The translation is serviceable, and the maps/notes/appendices make up for any moments of artlessness. The translations in the Landmarks have been getting better in each volume, to the point where I actually prefer the translations of Arrian and Caesar in the landmark volumes to those of other editions.

>> No.12202828

>I choose fiction soley from the cover.
And this is the most pseud post on /lit/ right now.

>> No.12202850

Happy for you frens.

Pls no bully

>> No.12202853

Damn, I'm jelly.
>tfw I will never find any Jünger

>> No.12202854

Based and underrated

>> No.12203981

Yes i do, and def recommend it, i will post when i get home

>> No.12203995

Geniet van je chocoladeletter, vriend.

>> No.12205009

Is there a collection of all those books? They look awesome and I might be getting them for myself :^)
Got a link to the collection of missing texts?

>> No.12205012
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>> No.12205042

>dust jackets
>gigahuge hardcovers

Only people who don't read say these things


>ancient (((historians)))


>> No.12205053
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Perhaps this photo (from a previous stack thread) is from the same guy, in which case he's reading the wealth of nations and capital, which would make him well informed

>> No.12205239

I’ve read History of the Peloponnesian War twice. Would this be worth getting? Does it add anything worthwhile?

>> No.12205308

Des Esseintes was unironically into book porn

>> No.12205326

Shitty condition. I’ll give you 5 grand for it

>> No.12205342
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>> No.12205349
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>> No.12205412

>And the authors who

the majority of covers are completely handled by the publisher, sometimes with input from the author and sometimes without

>> No.12205421

>People who fetishize the object itself

Why wouldnt you? Its a fucking book, if you dont care about owning a book then you might as well read the shit off of a computer screen

>> No.12205497

ok this is legit awesome. I want this now. I already have the Oxford Word Classics version of Herodotus, so I'll probably pick up your one, anon.

>> No.12205513

What's the wordsworth Capital like? Is it abridged at all? What's the translation like? It's the cheapest way to get the first two volumes

>> No.12205775
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I absolutely love the Landmark series and recommend them to people interested in history but I do wish they would place their maps better sometimes. I kept on going back and back at certain points because different places were named, while the page that has the map on it has no mention of any of those places.

>> No.12205942

Nice to see someone actually posting old, harder to find editions of books rather than just shitty gaudy contemporary hardcovers (I don’t consider OP’s book to be that, but it is something that shows up on this site a lot). Maybe a little later I’ll contribute (I like hunting/collecting first editions and older editions.)

>> No.12205949
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>What are some other beautiful editions of books, or great publishers, etc?
I like Easton Press. I've started a small collection of ones that I've picked up from thrift shops (pic not mine). I've noticed the price on even just the standard editions of their books going up, which is unfortunate; the "deluxe edition" prices are outrageous. Still really nice books though.

>> No.12205965

On the table, I assume.

>> No.12205975

Don't buy any of their stuff from their website unless it's new. Most of their more common books can be bought on Ebay for $20ish. They are very nice though. I have a copy of their Earth Abides, and I love it.

>> No.12205991

It's just packaging.

>> No.12206008

It's a piece of paper. Literally worth nothing, unless it's to a valuable book.

>> No.12206017


>> No.12206030

If anyone here wants sturdy, take-with-you safe, yet very elegant editions of classics, look at Everyman's Library (the new line they started in the 90s). They're like $10-25 and really quite nice. I like collecting books, too, so they're fun to search for in bookshops.

>> No.12206087
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>> No.12206096
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>> No.12206151


>> No.12206159
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One of my dream books is the Arion press version of Moby Dick. I’ll never get it probably, since it’s $750, but there is a trade edition for $70.

>> No.12206171

Typical bugman reddit response, especially coming from a dumb frogposter.
Because you are judging the book on its outer appearance and not its abstract intellectual value that is gained by reading the text. You are still caught up in the thinking the book as a thing.
>you might as well read the shit off of a computer screen
Irrelevant. Besides, reading on a computer screen is bad for your eyes.

>> No.12206179
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>> No.12206207
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Goethe's entire works in German, published 1881. No idea if these are worth anything but they're in decent condition and look bad ass.

>> No.12206220

>he didn't buy the superior paperback
shame desu

>> No.12206227

imagine being so autistic you write an entire shelf of bullshit. literally kevin spacey's John-Doe-in-se7en tier.

>> No.12206234

Those look very nice, especially the font used on the spine. Those are keepers.

That sure was edgy

>> No.12206245

Uh Anon the anon press is like 3000 dollars.

HOWEVER i can tell you that i bought the paperback facimile by California University Press and it is amazing. It's a high wuality paperback thats huge in size and the print is just lovely. Full of those Barry Moser illustrations and no preface or introduction, the book is in its own world

>> No.12206248

>Anon press

Arion press*

>> No.12206253

You just uncovered a conspiracy...

>> No.12206369
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Yeah just get the california press version. I got mine on ebay for like $6.

>> No.12206370

ITT: Subhuman consumercucks

>> No.12206373


>> No.12206378

>you might as well read the shit off of a computer screen
pdf master race coming through

>> No.12206387
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>Typical bugman reddit response, especially coming from a dumb frogposter.
>literally nothing but prefab phrases and buzzwords from le thinking man

>> No.12206411

Real one sold in for like 20k recently

>> No.12206553

I just bought a really old one I’m having trouble dating. Older dated one I have is 1917, so I’m guessing this one might be older than that. (Think Everyman started in 1906, so it’s probably not older than that.)

>> No.12206609


>> No.12206617

Oh and this is a helpful resource for EL.

>> No.12206842

There was nothing in your post to refute, so I paid in kind the same courtesy you gave me.
>Call him a dumb frog poster
>Proceeds to shitpost and post another pepe anyway
Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.12206848
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>nothing in your post to refute
Indeed because it's a perfectly accurate representation of your pseud tripe and cannot be refuted.

>> No.12206863

Intriguing post

>> No.12206874

>Got a link to the collection of missing texts?

It's actually in pretty decent shape. I don't intend to sell it, though.

>> No.12207271

There is nothing wrong with appreciating the aesthetic value of a physical book itself

>> No.12207298


>> No.12207438

herman melville was a faggot who stalked nathaniel hawthorne

>> No.12207860

Sorry, actually it’s an undated Modern Library edition, not Everyman. Should have paid closer attention I guess. The 1917 book with a date I was mentioning is also Modern Library (Twain’s Connecticut Yankee), so my theory about this one being older probably still holds (since once they started putting dates they probably didn’t stop).

>> No.12207870

>stop enjoying things that look nice
Fuck off, Pedant.

>> No.12207875
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Bored so I’m gonna post some.

First edition BNW. Was part of a library collection on an ocean liner (see the spine).

>> No.12207878
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Signed Bradbury.

>> No.12207886
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, 94EDB37D-8E56-41D9-BA9B-B14610BFF5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had fun meeting him.

>> No.12207891
File: 1.48 MB, 3024x3024, 7611B01B-F54C-4CEE-8023-3AEF95DC7872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two US first editions of Waugh.

>> No.12207898
File: 1.35 MB, 3024x3024, 294413F7-03E8-4DC2-83C4-7A3FE244663E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1960 reader’s digest edition including To Kill a Mockingbird that came out a few months after the stand-alone first edition of the book.

Might post more later. Going to bed now.

>> No.12208001

They often include other stuff too - The Castle (Kafka) Everyman had a number of revised chapters, first drafts etc included with the original text

>> No.12208011
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>tfw will probably never meet Zizek
It might be a catastrophe, but it hurts nonetheless...

>> No.12208042

Easton Press makes beautiful books, but unfortunately they are almost all reprints of reprints so the translations are usually poor or outdated.

>> No.12208067
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This brazilian edition of Gargantua and Pantagruel with all of Gustave Dore's illustrations.

>> No.12208069
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>> No.12208072
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>> No.12208075
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>> No.12208101
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I got this one

Very nice leather cover and golden edges of the pages. Looks and feels really nice.

>> No.12208362
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>100 posts and no Red Book
Get on my level, faggots.

>> No.12208371


>> No.12208418
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My humble contribution itt...

>> No.12208420
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>> No.12208557
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>> No.12208598
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bought this in the summer. facsimile of the kelmscott chaucer.
it's too big to read like a normal book. need to invest in a lectern or something.

>> No.12208680

Goddamn, been wanting that one, thouhh i think i'll wait until the norton chaucer comes out next year. Good stuff anon, wish i had it too

>> No.12208683

Also want this one ofc, looks much better than the L.E

>> No.12208765

What volume of Karl Marx's capital is that?

>> No.12208953
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The oldest book i have
1870 edition of complete Alfieri tragedies with many illustrations

>> No.12209096

Wordsworth. It's cheap but wordsworth is memed around here because they are notoriously bad. They might have a good translation but you will have to do some research

>> No.12209100

>Because you are judging the book on its outer appearance and not its abstract intellectual value that is gained by reading the text
Those are not mutually exclusive, what the fuck are you talking about?