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12202224 No.12202224 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a chart like pic related for those seeking an introduction to postmodernist philosophy? I am not as interested about postmodernist literature or art.

>> No.12202231

Post-modernist philosophy does not really exist under that name. What is often called post-modernist philosophy is usually either Critical theory (founded by the Frankfurt school) or Post-Structuralism (founded by Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Lyotard).
The common roots of these two schools of philosophy lie in Freud, Marx, and Nietzsche.

>> No.12202266

Is there a chart for critical theory?

>> No.12202329

Is there a chart on how to understand the French Revolution? Pls help

>> No.12202352

No, but if there were, it'd begin with Hegel, go over to Marx, after that go into Nietzsche, from Nietzsche through Husserl and Freud to Heidegger, and from Heidegger over to Adorno. And then there's several Critical theorists from the Frankfurt school (Adorno, Marcuse, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Habermas).
The ones you'd definitely want to study the deepest would be Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger.
The causes for the French Revolution are strongly tied to the birth of the French nation-state and the consolidation of power in the hands of the monarchy. You'd have to study French history from at least the Hundred Years' War period onwards to really understand both its direct and indirect causes. It wasn't just a few years of hunger and economic crises.

>> No.12202492

Though all of those are pre-postmodern...
What about those mentioned by: >>12202231

(+ Jean Baudrillard + Gianni Vattimo + Mario Perniola + Judith Butler) and add to the precursors (Kierkegaard + Kant)

Also this website is pretty useful: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/postmodernism/

>> No.12203061
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>> No.12203066
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>> No.12203520

is there a chart for hegel?