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/lit/ - Literature

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12202014 No.12202014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stumbled across this vid. What have you done to her /lit/? Any anon could fill me in with some background?

>> No.12202032
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>> No.12202036
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thinspo thread

>> No.12202049


lit being lit, shooed her off by relentless misogynistic remarks.

>> No.12202071

>Ontilogicool posts videos
>Some people on /lit/ discuss videos in a mostly negative light (not /r9k/ style, more critiquing her lack of understanding in the typical abrasive style)
>Someone oinks the thread in her video or Tumblr
>She makes that video, causing a thread on /lit/ to be made about it
>People start Katie posting, her boyfriend gets really mad, she quits YouTube
The end.

>> No.12202100

I ducking hate these jelloheaded peasants. Assuming you guys deconstructed her vids and labelled her ideas as trash can belongings, notice how she still accepts these as 'criticisms' and admits that her ideas might stem from her personality flaws. She genuinely seems like a nice person. And you retards still couldn't keep your virgin frustration out of this.

>> No.12202106

I was watching this not even ten minutes ago...are you following me

>> No.12202120

>her boyfriend
Goodreads Author Ben Stephenson

>> No.12202124

No one would even give a shit if she wasn't attractive, including you

>> No.12202134

Yes, and what's wrong with that again?

>> No.12202142

>get a funding from the government that easily because muh oppressed woman

>> No.12202164

The only reason she was targeted in anyway was because she looked like an easy lay.
No one actually paid attention to what she said, just how she said it.

>> No.12202172

>shooed her off by relentless misogynistic remarks.
And thank God for it. There's nothing more pathetic than lonely incels fawning over what are essentially cam-whores-lite.

>> No.12202175

>thot gets patrolled
>soiboi gets mad

>> No.12202194

They've been broken up for a few months

>> No.12202211

i bet she thinks she's some kind of genius for diagnosing us as a bunch of incel shut-ins

>> No.12202212

I doubt it. Her lady dick is rock hard for a Jordan Peterson

>> No.12202214

we are tho

>> No.12202220

her video about 4chan shared those kinds of sentiments about /lit/. i'm sure she has used JBP's talking points and applied it to /lit/r9k in her paper/conference. she always struck me as the kind of person that takes banal observations and packages them in a way to make it seem novel
i wrote a paper about water being wet, where's my UK conference?

>> No.12202222

Someone post a link to the paper

>> No.12202226

she looks like she could suck a good dick

>> No.12202235


Do you pick apart every thing that comes out of a female mouth in real life?

>> No.12202239

>...my boyfriend
Aaaaaand dropped

>> No.12202243

the tone of your response, coupled with the redditspacing, is enough for me to disregard it. i will not be engaging you anymore.

>> No.12202246

It always seemed to me that the bulk of online misogyny was a backlash against white knightery. A somewhat over the top expression that "I'm not like that and I'm not going to treat you special"

>> No.12202260

Nah dude, she seems way too up herself to put any effort into that. From my experience, the only girls that are any good at sucking dick are the more homely, trad-types

>> No.12202263


terrible dodging techniques. Atleast try to be unobvious

>> No.12202279

The thing that I hate about this, and it goes for so many areas in life, is the passive wink of superiority that all of these morons who make that stupid fucking duck face for instagram posts use whenever they get to spout "yeah, I got FUNDING to write a PAPER (academic stuff, no biggie l o l basically a doctorate dissertation teebeH) and presented it at a CONFERENCE (I know, big corporate, six-figure salary type stuff) in the UK (uh huh I travel, and of cooooourse my trip was comp'd ;), I'll probably go going to Italy this Summer for """"""""""""STUDIES"""""""")"
But if you actually examine what it is they are producing it is trite, superfluous shit. "How Trump's Tweets Demonstrate The Need For More PoC In Star Wars Roles." And this thot wrote a paper on 4chan. Did she include the "They targeted gamers.. GAMERS" pasta in her little project?? Was she astounded by the frivolous usage of "nigger" and was she able to demonstrate how it proved that most people here don't wash their penises??
Academia is a fucking clown world. They are literally just one big, expensive reaction channel at this point.

>> No.12202312

ooooooooo source?

>> No.12202314

>oooooooooooo look vagina
>oooooooooooooo look a word i recognize
>ooooooooooooooooooooooo look i can imagine boobies
>ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo look im imagining boobies
>oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now im imagining putting my dick inside her urehtra
>ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wow my imaginations really vivid it feels really warm, and i can feel heat
>ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my dick is in a toster
>oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wow 4chan is for the intellectuals

>> No.12202315

My conversations with her

>> No.12202331

Katie was better and more wholesome

>> No.12202339

I wish people cared about my half informed opinions in real life, or even on the internet.

>> No.12202356

do you know why?

>> No.12202363

Its stuff like that that makes me doubt women being human.

>> No.12202369

She looks like the kind of girl who would accuse you of hitting on her and call you a creep if you said anything to her.

>> No.12202387

I was checking out Katie's channel and she reads and reviews like 4-5 books a month each of 400-500 pages. How is this even possible?

>> No.12202396

Shocking truth: booktubers don't actually read.