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/lit/ - Literature

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12197959 No.12197959 [Reply] [Original]

An oversimplification of Ecclesiastes:
>just be happy, and also don't forget God.. even though praising God won't do anything for you, and everything is random anyway and we all die

Are you kidding me? I can make a better logical argument for the point of life. The bible is a sham

>> No.12197966
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<-- picture of OP.

fpbp and /thread.

>> No.12197986

Tell me then what I'm missing from Ecclesiastes, and in what way is do you find Solomon to be intelligent other than the Bible just saying it.

>> No.12198013

Actually even calling this an oversimplification is a mistake. It's more like an abstract.
There is nothing anywhere near profound to be found in Ecclesiastes. Solomon was an idiot

>> No.12198036

I like ecclesiates, he was an existentialist before existentialism and he did it better

>> No.12198087

The theme of all human action being in vain is probably one in the same as the theme of human nature.

The same exact idea informs great works by, for example, Samuel Johnson ("Rasselas" and "The Vanity of Human Wishes") and Shakespeare (Hamlet's great monologue). There is a part in Ecclesiastes where the author speaks of having all his worldly desire satisfied-palaces, power, women, gold etc. And how still its all in vain. Exactly the same idea is taken up in the Buddhist Pali scriptures (cant remember, will try to find it if anyones interested)

I think theres a brief period in life where young people do not yet realize that everything they undertake is going to end in dissapointment, and they are the least likely to grasp this. That might be the exact meaning of youth, in fact.

The writing in Ecclesiastes should resonate with almost any human, even if many will abort the text as soon as it invokes worshiping God and following his law. Context at least lets one appreciate these parts. The text is probably from the Helenistic era and has the marks of Greek influence (from what I remember reading about it), but was still written by a Jew for the Jews, for whom the existence of the God of Abrahamic Isaac and Isaiah was always bearing down or elevating, but never questioned in ancient times by Jews themselves.

Its well known as a more philosophical book of the Bible, but it was written to encourage world wearied believers, not for a modern skeptic.

>> No.12198094

Isaac and Jacob*

(My cousins are named Isaac and Isaiah, sorry)

>> No.12198118

You're not saying anything of substance. Your first paragraph is an appeal to authority.

Putting aside the fact that beating death is still a possibility (I won't argue this), pleasure is meaning enough in and of itself. This is the same conclusion Solomon comes to anyway, but he puts the importance of pleasure onto God rather than it being inherently the best way to exist.

He also fails to back up the axioms of not being wicked and praising God, because he says favor finds people randomly (it doesn't) and we all die anyway (death only emphasizes the importance of our life while we're living it).

It's poetry, not philosophy.

>> No.12198131

>fails to back up the axiom

You brought up Ecclesiastes, please let the non brainlets redeem your thread by discussing it.

And for fucks sake its not written by Solomon

>> No.12198157
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>> No.12198158

Doesn't change anything I said, you fucking moron. Ecclesiastes says nothing profound, contradicts itself, and comes to conclusions that are either lacking or wrong.

>> No.12198167

How is that grammatically incorrect in any way?

>> No.12198183

No offense taken. You're young. The one thing young people hate more than anything is having their youth held against them. I remember.

You wont get Ecclesiastes until a few years go by. In those few years you will undertake different things, maybe you'll have a first serious relationship, maybe you'll go to college or snag a job. You'll have some goals and some hopes, and you'll try and you'll hope. And one of two things will happen

1. You'll succeed and be dissapointed
2. You'll fail and be disappointed

And then you'll be ready to appreciate Ecclesiastes.

>> No.12198187

Its not grammatically incorrect. The term axiom refers to a statement advanced during argument/proof which is accepted as true without argumentation.

It serves as a foundation for other conclusions to be built on. Axioms by definition arent backed up.

>> No.12198207

I'm 26 and to be honest I've likely experienced more extremes in life this past week than you have for your entire life up to this point.

The meaninglessness in Ecclesiastes centers around the inevitability of death, not a lack of fulfillment in life. The 'meaninglessness' in the fact that wicked people often live well while good people live poorly, only renders the morality used to judge them as incorrect.
People don't live poorly or well at random. The universe is made up of causality.

Happiness and fulfillment is success. If you've failed to attain them or hold on to them, then you haven't succeeded.

>> No.12198214

Postulate, then.

>> No.12198222

I don't think literature is for you man. Consider taking up a different hobby.

>> No.12198226

>Happiness and fulfillment is success. If you've failed to attain them or hold on to them, then you haven't succeeded.
I think the point of Ecclesiastes is that these are worldly and therefore temporary goods (vanity), while only in God can one find spiritual and eternal goods.

>> No.12198237

If you reduce the bible to 'literature' then I don't think thinking is for you.

It's hard to over emphasize how narrow your worldview looks from this post.

>> No.12198239


i finally understand why the greeks discouraged young people from debating philosophy. you know a tiny bit of philosophy and turned into a CUNT

>> No.12198242

Hey well I hope things even out for ye, that life gets less bumpy, from one anon lost in this crazy world to another.

I dont think youre being fair to Ecclesiastes and I think youre missing out. Its a good book anon.

Dont get too stuck up on having and holding happiness/fulfillment. You can win times of contentment, but death and sickness and worldly loss cannot be stopped. They are coming for you, and for me, and for everyone we love. Thats the world we live in.

>> No.12198248

I just read it. That definitely isn't what its getting at.
It does say God is how we enjoy worldly things in the first place, but that's saying Godless people can't enjoy worldly things which is wrong.

Ecclesiastes puts an emphasis on the world in general. Which, considering 'everything bound on earth shall be bound in heaven', is biblically correct.

>> No.12198255
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This is some reddit-tier shit. If you don't realize how silly you're sounding, no wonder you don't understand Ecclesiastes. Don't take yourself so seriously, man.

>> No.12198259

The Hebrew name of this book and of its author, Qoheleth, is actually a title, and it perhaps means “assembler” (of students, listeners) or “collector” (of wisdom sayings). The book’s more common name, Ecclesiastes, is an approximate translation into Greek of this Hebrew word. The book comprises an extended reflective essay employing autobiographical narrative, proverbs, parables, and allegories. An almost unrelenting skepticism characterizes the tone or outlook. The issues with which the author deals and the questions he raises are aimed at those who would claim any absolute values in this life, including possessions, fame, success, or pleasure. Wisdom itself is challenged, but folly is condemned.

The refrain which begins and ends the book, “Vanity of vanities” (1:1; 12:8), recurs at key points throughout. The Hebrew word, hebel (“vanity”), has the sense of “emptiness, futility, absurdity”: “I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a chase after wind” (1:14; 2:11, 17, 26; etc.). Everything in human life is subject to change, to qualification, to loss: “What profit have we from all the toil which we toil at under the sun?” (1:3). The answer is in the negative: No absolute profit or gain is possible. Even if some temporary profit or gain is achieved, it will ultimately be cancelled out by death, the great leveller (2:14–15; 3:19–20). Wisdom has some advantage over foolishness, but even wisdom’s advantage is only a temporary and qualified one.

>> No.12198284

>Wisdom itself is challenged, but folly is condemned
At multiple points it talks about how he tried and failed in seeing a difference between wisdom and folly.

It does say wealth *with* wisdom is very good, and that wisdom alone can lead to riches.

And at multiple times it comes to conclusion that, as well considering God, the point of life is to enjoy food and drink and work.

>> No.12198292

What's your point, anon? I am genuinely confused as to your continued denial of the theme of emptiness that runs throughout this text. It's in the first fucking verse.

>> No.12198294

Ecclesiastes doesn't seem to have a concept of eternal life, it's very much centred on this world and says the dead don't praise God. The moral seems to be "life is tough and mysterious, but it's all up to God, we can only enjoy the world he made as much as we can"

>> No.12198297

The OT exists to be read in the light of the NT and the message of the Gospels.

>> No.12198303

Good LORD, now is not a good time to invoke supersessionist exegesis, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.12198306
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>just ignore all context, interpret in light of a much later text

>> No.12198308

Damn this thread really cements the fact that Ecclesiastes IS the most profound text in the Bible

>> No.12198312

>it's in the first fucking verse
And I illustrated that in the first non greentext line I wrote.


lol what

And that's a sad thing

>> No.12198323

I think you guys are misinterpreting my initial statement about Ecclesiastes and overreacting to it. When I say 'eternal goods' I am not using the phrase 'eternal life.' The point is that there is a gap between material and spiritual goods. In the OT, death is the end, yes. However, the NT also exists, and to deny the relevance of the NT is really to raise far larger questions than have yet been raised intelligently ITT. Yes, Ecclesiastes CAN be interpreted without reference to the New Testament, but there is literally no reason to do this in a Christian interpretation of the text.

>> No.12198333

>And thats a sad thing

The Bible is an ancient scriptire made remote by the evolution of language, culture and ideology. I want to say: its truths are beyond the milieu we find ourselves living and thinking in, and can be "translated" into that milieu if need be.

However the idea that the bible is a collection of "truths" in the sense that we understand truths nowadays ("a water molecule has two hydrogen atoms" or " Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States") is incorrect.

It is an ancient text that records a snapshot of Truth, in a language and culture particular to the times and places of its writings, but the nature of Truth is that it may be discerned regardless of ones time-ranged culture/language.

My main point is to argue that profound truth can underly ridiculous portions of text in the Bible, if only one is willing to transform it. Or transform themselves, I dont know. The worst thing you can do is read it like it was published by some ardent fool of two weeks ago with the intention of gaining converts from schools of the natural sciences and Anglo American philosophy.

God I hope that makes sense.

>> No.12198339

Post ending in 303 here.

You have taken all discussion on a tangent and should have anticipated this effect. Focus.

>> No.12198384

How is a Christian interpretation of a Jewish text at all relevant to me?

Jesus failed to prove himself as the Christ as far as I can tell. The Jewish world agrees.

> truth can underly ridiculous portions of text in the Bible, if only one is willing to transform it. Or transform themselves,

I'm not going to move goalposts so I can trick myself into thinking the bible is in any way profound.

The logic in Ecclesiastes is weak, period.

>> No.12198387

Meant to quote you before the greentext here:

>> No.12198444

True, at some point I decided I wanted the Bible to be a book of wisdom and not a book of nonsense. It was not a whimsical decision. It was a difficult decision, but one which I felt increasingly compelled to make in the interest of self honesty.

I find my ability to be persuasive, to ne honest and to be succinct are exhausted here. I cannot say in so few words as I would like what I mean to say, I am sorry.

>> No.12198500

>and everything is random
No, it does not say that. Sorry, you’re dumb. That is not what it said at all and I think it’s not only possible, but most likely, that you missed the point entirely.

>> No.12198512

Seriously man I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to do you a behavior. This medium will only frustrate you if you continue.

>> No.12198614

>Even though the actions of godly and wise people are in God’s hands, no one knows whether God will show them favor
>People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.

>When you dig a well, you might fall in.
>When you demolish an old wall, you could be bitten by a snake.
>When you work in a quarry, stones might fall and crush you.
>When you chop wood, there is danger with each stroke of your ax
>Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.
>And this is not all that is meaningless in our world. In this life, good people are often treated as though they were wicked, and wicked people are often treated as though they were good. This is so meaningless!
>...So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life

It does say everything is predetermined by God, but that it's unknowable and essentially random to us.

I'd welcome you to tell me what you think the point is but I doubt you have many concrete thoughts of your own.
Sorry, you're dumb

Please tell me how literature is not for me and will frustrate me if I continue

>> No.12198865

that’s just another word for axiom

>> No.12198888

sick threaaaad brahhh

>> No.12198967

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

>> No.12198988
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>...So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life
He doesn't recommend pleasure you brainlet, after finding vanity in wisdom he attempts to find peace in pleasure, it's literally the second chapter of the book. He recommends thanksgiving.

Think of life like a banquet. When you are handed a plate, take and eat of it, but don't try to keep track of every plate being passed around and worry about when you'll get one. Be thankful for when you are given an opportunity to eat, because you do not know when you will eat again, but at the times where you're without food do not gripe and call it unfair, because God is ultimately the author of life. The plates will move around the table according to God's will, and we cannot suss out why God chooses the people he does to receive whatever food they recieve. We do not praise God merely for giving us food, because then we will damn God when we are without. We praise God for whatever lot he has given us because that is his will, and the ideal life is to live by the will of God. Anything beyond that is "chasing after the wind" or if you like "chasing after the plates".
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk that will be 300 dollars.

>> No.12199401


>he doesn't realize yet that "happiness" and "fulfillment" are temporary states and therefore vanity

Talk about missing the point. Here's a cool exercise, lock yourself in your room for two hours with no external stimulation. Sit and just be. See what happens.

>> No.12199425


>> No.12199863

Because he sought wisdom, and wisdom in order to make the world better not for personal gain.

If you were actually listening you fucking ultranigger

>> No.12200034

Not that anon but please dont apologise. I've browsed here since 2011 and I can tell you that trying to use logic to decode the Bible and simplify it is something that a lot of anons on here do regularly. Every discussion about the Bible here really does hit a dead end, so stay blessed and move on

>> No.12200076

this is correct
this thread will go nowhere, because there will be no understanding between those to whom this is revealed, and the godless

>> No.12200331

sure, but solomon was king and what the fuck are you?

>> No.12200450

try again.

>> No.12200478

if you're going to use words that don't mean anything out of context at least do us the courtesy of defining them

>> No.12200500

>If I assume away the loving exchange and pleasure for its own sake of serving God, then serving God has no point

>> No.12201529

I know you probably won't see this anon, but I want you to know this was a great post.

Also you got dubs.

>> No.12201630

>Jesus failed to prove himself as the Christ as far as I can tell.
I really don't see why I should take your word on this.

>> No.12202634

>I'm 26 and to be honest I've likely experienced more extremes in life this past week than you have for your entire life up to this point.


>> No.12202711

believe in Karma

>> No.12202824

Like an anon said:

1. You'll succeed and be dissapointed
2. You'll fail and be disappointed

but the most important: eat, drink and be married. (enjoy good in his labour)

3. Love what you are doing. FIND something that you can love in what you are doing.

It does not mean be happy. Nothing about being happy.
If you don't understand 3, you don't have enough experience.

>> No.12202873


I can't believe how someone can be this dumb, all the OT is foreshadowing Christ, Christ says that all that is important in life is your soul and how rich it is, and the only thing you start caring if you have happiness in this world by earthly endeavours, how blind can you be

>> No.12202879

good pic

>> No.12202897

>better logical argument for the point of life

lmao is there a bigger brainlet tell than shit like this?

>> No.12202910

stick to books with naked elves on the cover stemlord reddit trash

>> No.12203295

>I'm 26 and to be honest I've likely experienced more extremes in life this past week than you have for your entire life up to this point
Judging by what you just said here, I think you accidentally typed 26 instead of 16

>> No.12203322

>In the OT, death is the end, yes.
In Mark 12:18 the NT refers to this topic to show how that Sadducee belief is wrong: “Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection [...]”

Then Jesus answers in verse 26-27: “‘And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.’”

This shows how the Old Testament Israelites did in fact believe in the resurrection, even the Pharisees believed in the resurrection.

>> No.12203334

youre such a dickbag that you even make the guy youre replying to look decent in comparison

>> No.12203484

>quoting Jesus to show that the OT Israelites believed in resurrection

Also Second Temple Judaism was heavily influenced by the Persian religions. That's where they got their ideas about resurrection from.

>> No.12203790

You're not going to make it. Move past logical positivism you dullard.

>> No.12203816

>starve to death while janny grows fat on hot pockets
th-thanks G*d

>> No.12203818

Fuck off

>> No.12204122

>I'm 26 and to be honest I've likely experienced more extremes in life this past week than you have for your entire life up to this point.
Funniest thing I've read all week. Thanks for the chuckle Anon.

>> No.12204372

We’ll Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, I don’t think the OT was saying he was just taken up really high by God then dropped down so he died and that’s it, and I don’t think it’s like he is the o lot one and everybody else through time died and that’s it but Elijah was the only person up in heaven

>> No.12204381

Wew them’s some phone typos

We’ll = Well
o lot = only

>> No.12205088


Apart from the obvious argument that, if this were true, no one save for the oldest would be fit to speak of anything at all, which is absurd through and through; there is also the pitiful truth that the older have nothing to say in regard to how or why they know better than the younger, only stupid quips, empty irony, sarcasm, beating around the bush, hysteria, Nostradamic threats, etc.

>> No.12205093

Dumb OP

>> No.12205108

Never even read ecclesiastes but this thread is massively entertaining

>> No.12205124

>logical argument for the point of life
That's not what the book is about.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12205143

everyone is slamming >>12198207 for the first sentence but >>12198183 is a far more toxic post. they are both wrong but the old guy is even more wrong.

> school of hard knocks will teach you a lot

this sort of post is not required.

>> No.12205319

>We’ll Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind
He wasn't dead yet, was he?

>> No.12205871

Im "the [toxic] old guy." I felt I had two options in reading OPs ridiculous amd angry posts, one of which was to consider him a buffoon and to try and insult him as much as possible. The other was to acknowledge the very real possibility that he is very young and give him the benefit of the doubt.

I try to keep in mind that teenagers use this website. I understand that "high road" posturing or holding age over someone's head is annoying (I think I mentioned that in the post). I was 21 the first time I read Ecclesiastes and thought it was boring, underwhelming and weird, so I tried to imagine I was talking to myself back then. Life arrives at a different pace for everyone. Some 16 year olds have dealt with more hardship and sorrow than many 60 year olds. It would be obscene to presume to know the content of someone's life, but it is hard for me to imagine why Ecclesiastes would not resonate with someone unless they have not dealt much with loss, dissapointment, or failure. I forget that some people are bitterly cynical and will refuse wisdom for all sorts of reasons, on second thought, even after being much world wearied.

>> No.12205891

god isn’t real you insipid oversocialized cow. all your verbal convolutions and sidesteps, alleyway insights and scars of experience won’t save you from annihilation, fuck off you fucking faggot

>> No.12206005

I hope you're okay.

>> No.12206196

That’s my point, and that’s the point of the verse from Mark. The God of the OT is the same God as the NT. God is the God of the living so those saved who died in the OT are alive and will reseurrect with their glorified bodies

>> No.12206240

Top fucking cringe

>> No.12206277
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>> No.12206299

Ecclesiastes features the sayings of Qohelet, an unnamed philosopher of the day. He is comparable with Solomon and it is possible that he is Solomon, but regardless, the purpose of the book is to discuss and reflect on different forms of epistemology.

>> No.12206312

>god isn’t real

>> No.12206347

you're making it extremely difficult for me to hold to my distaste for the boomer over my distaste for you.

>> No.12206456

All is in vain and meaningless precisely because there is a god, I for one, vote for killing him.

>> No.12206476

Now youre just trolling. Try harder m8.

>> No.12206523

What? All wordly pleasures are meaningless, because there is heaven as described in the bible.

>> No.12206582

I think its more that worldly pleasures are meaningless because they end, and if we ever feel fulfilled by them it is for a very brief moment. And they are never quite perfect, we could always add a little (or a lot) more to them.

This is not a particularly Biblical idea, you can find it in Buddhism and in secular works of literature.

>> No.12206654

as always. old people are a cancer

>> No.12206667
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I would have been better for anon to have said 'Interpret the OT with Christ in mind', not the NT

>> No.12206669

Dont worry youll grow up someday.

>> No.12206683

the inevitability of my future loathsomeness doesn't attenuates yours

>> No.12206701


>I think theres a brief period in life where young people do not yet realize that everything they undertake is going to end in dissapointment, and they are the least likely to grasp this. That might be the exact meaning of youth, in fact.

A great part of my teenage years was about this question - maybe that's why I didn't fit in...

>> No.12206714

A better summary.

>Life's shit. Humble yourself before God and be a good person ( follow God's law).

>> No.12206721


>> No.12206726

I'm laughing out loud lol

>> No.12206727

we already did, 2000 years ago

>> No.12206732

I agree. And neither does your present loathsomeness preclude the possibility of your future amiability. Time, perhaps, will not be such a bad thing, wisdom being preferable to folly, after all, "It is better to hearken to the wise man's rebuke, than to hearken to the song of fools."

>> No.12206739

>Implying either phrasing is wrong

>> No.12206777

I mean I guess.

>> No.12206807

Spare us of self-satisfied boomer shit.

>> No.12206854

Rejoice, O young man, and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth.

>> No.12207649


>> No.12207669

lol great post

please stop replying. isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.12207680

you didn't get it. sorry.

>> No.12207683

kinda better. but life is not shit.

>> No.12207685

protestcuck detected.

>> No.12207686

I dont sleep. I just feel more and more tired and expect where this will go.

>> No.12207703

Okay I'm back.
I'll share this because it's worth listening to:


Okay, first off I think some people like you have a problem with the term pleasure. Feel free to replace it with happiness, or fulfillment, or whatever you feel comfortable with. At their core these are all expressions of pleasure.

Second, what you're saying is wrong. We can affect change and rise above our station.

Third, the text contradicts itself where it says what you're talking about. It literally says at one point that an intelligent person could make himself king.. then later it tells you not to crave anything above your station.

But the text tells us to enjoy what we can for what they are, even though everything is an exercise in futility.

What makes you think he found it.

>The Jewish world agrees
If you don't want to make your own opinions, do you take the word of the Jewish world? (ie the world Jesus was a part of and preached to)

The Messiah was supposed to be a King that would unite the tribes of Israel. Jesus got tortured, humiliated, and killed.


It is literally saying 'enjoy food and wine, and work'. Enjoy.

>If you don't understand 3, you don't have enough experience.
You do realize that nothing you posted was profound or contentious in any way. I understood the concept of finding something to enjoy in things when I was 17 and writing about to myself about what the point of life was. You don't need any experience past childhood to know that.

Jesus is not Christ in the opinion of the religion Jesus belonged to. He failed in proving himself as Christ.

You have no idea what you're talking about do you.

It wasn't a typo, and not necessarily a good thing.

I think you both are right. The promise seemed to be eternal life.

>> No.12207736

What the fuck are you talking about?
We live in an ordered world of causality.

I know

My point was I have lived in a school of hard knocks harsher than the vast majority of people will.
I only like myself less now for it. There's no dignity in letting yourself being beaten down by life.

I've also experienced some outsized positive aspects of life. I'd like more of those and only those.

The person who thinks it's impossible to learn life to that extent is the person who doesn't do what it takes to make it happen. Worse case scenario, there is still dignity in making it to the clouds.

> I forget that some people are bitterly cynical
I hope you're talking about yourself because all you're preaching is to be cynical. Ecclesiastes is cynical lol.


>> No.12207747

there is no god you should all get over this now before its too late

>> No.12207781

IMPORTANT: Ecclesiastes / Qoheleth (Author's name basically means 'One who speaks to a group". Jews believe it was a pseudonym for either Solomon or Hezekiah.
Both are kings. This is clearly meant as a philosophy for the masses.

Given we live a life of causality, there is an ideal way to live. This purpose of this thread is about that and you'd know that if you didn't have such an aversion to the words "bible" or "god"

And keep in mind that Jesus was a Jew, preaching Judiasm - and Jews don't believe he was the Christ

It repeatedly says to enjoy food and drink and work

I'm not a part of any religion whose followers can be said to be 'successful' in the religion without achieving outsized success in life.
No religion for the masses.

>> No.12207844


You need to explain yourself. Right now.

>> No.12207854

You just quoted 3 instances of me explaining myself.

>> No.12207867

Are you OP? Why are you late to your own thread? Do you have imposters? Why is your tone cheery and jocular whereas before it was cynical and humorless?

>> No.12207883

i dont understand these big words

>> No.12207897


God how embarassing, you're samefagging.

>> No.12207899

I'm OP. I haven't seen any imposters ITT, I just forgot about it.

Idk why I'm in a better mood

>> No.12207989

>I'm laughing out loud laughing out loud

>> No.12208046

I unironically agree with OP.

>> No.12208617

>OP thinks it was by written by Solomon

Reading this thread, I suspect OP didn't really read the book, just the wikipedia entry.

>> No.12208888

>anon suffers as he munches his Doritos in his mother's basement in some suburban Western neighbourhood while posting on the internet