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File: 27 KB, 313x500, jordanetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12197535 No.12197535 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think of this book? IMO the foreword was kinda edgy, but otherwise it had some pretty solid info.

>> No.12197544

four memes in one cover, wew!!

>> No.12197545

I think you should stop shilling your self-published autism here every day and quietly fade back into total obscurity, Ted.

>> No.12197553

>it's real
Holy shit

>> No.12197631

>Of course, Jordan Peterson also happens to be a narcissist, a charlatan, and an intellectual con man who doesn't even bother to learn the subjects upon which he lectures. He is a defender of free speech who silences other speakers, a fearless free-thinker who never hesitates to run away from debates, difficult questions, and controversial issues, a philosopher who rejects the conventional definition of truth, and a learned professor who has failed to read most of the great classics of the Western canon. He is, in short, a shameless and unrepentant fraud who lacks even a modicum of intellectual integrity.

But is Jordan Peterson more than a mere fraud? Is he something more sinister, more unbalanced, and even more dangerous? In JORDANETICS: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker, political philosopher Vox Day delves deeply into the core philosophy that Jordan Peterson advocates in both his written works and his video lectures. In doing so, Day methodically builds a shocking case that will convince even the most skeptical Jordan Peterson supporter to reconsider both the man and his teachings.

it's actually a critique of him.

>> No.12197638

Fuck off you living failure.

>> No.12197643

Stop shilling your shitty pamphlet, Vox.

>> No.12197655

Didn't read it and probably won't waste my time with it, too much classics and worthwhile books on my reading list. If I want a rebuttal to Peterson I just watch some youtube vids.

>> No.12197662

i'll just wait for the 2-hour long critique by molyneux

>> No.12197732

Go take your LARP sword and visit your dad in prison Teddy

>> No.12199117

Vox Day is a joke, don't even bother.

>> No.12199131

Why does he so badly trigger people?What he says is barely controversial.
>eh buddy it's aboot time you cleaned your room and got a jerb eh?
It's strange to be living in a world in which this profoundly stretches the overton window.

>> No.12199134
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, 3245634212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped this with MAGA Mindset, Lauren Southern's book, and Dangerous. Based centipede!

>> No.12199516


>> No.12199520

forgot the part where females are the dragon of chaos trying to destroy the basic foundations of civilization and only I know how to fix it (so give me money so i can solve all of your problems with my totally not cult-like antics, bucko)

>> No.12199532

I'm sure he would approve of this version of his theory
Fucking brainlet

>> No.12199537

you niggas can't be fucking serious

>> No.12199540

Yes, that is EXACTLY what he is saying.

>> No.12199569
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>> No.12199623

I saw some friend on Goodreads reading it. I honestly couldn't tell what the fuck it was supposed to be, it's one obscure alt-right meme atop an another one.

>> No.12199640

Possibly the greatest work of philosophy since MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich

>> No.12199660 [DELETED] 

It's so funny you should mention this because Jordon Petersen wrote a forward for the bestselling novel "Death only KNocks Sometimes".

Follow three hard on their luck good boys sodomize alien octopussy


Only 5.5???? Godood deal!!!?!!!

>> No.12199662

Someone ban this guy shilling his book in every thread.

>> No.12200180

JPB, vox day and milo. What's the fourth?

>> No.12200194

While no one is perfect or above criticism, I feel like Vox Day’s hate for Jordan Peterson comes out of a place of jealousy

>> No.12200286

the title r*tard

>> No.12200301

ofc. anyone can tell that the charlatan who rose to prominence with a publicity stunt is jealous of the charlatan who rose to even more prominence with a publicity stunt

>> No.12200676

Dianetics is not a meme.

>> No.12201073

>rebuttal to Peterson
Zizek destroyed him

>> No.12202349

this probably isn't even a proper polemic. I don't get why he and Alex Jones hate Peterson so much

>> No.12202558

I don't get why normies are so captivated by this guy. His speeches put me to sleep.

>> No.12202565
File: 75 KB, 720x708, 1538986956144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's real

>> No.12202581

haha holy shit, do you guys think Milo actually knew what this book was about before writing the forward? No way he knew he was going to be contributing to a critique of a fellow conservative thinker. (also, lecture 'upon'? fucking dropped)

>> No.12202608

it might set up the stage for a """"debate"""" which is just another one of these charlatan's means to profit by exploiting an audience of insecure males who are in desperate need for self-help rhetoric disguised as pop science or pop philosophy or, even worse, a combination of both.

>> No.12202612

Imagine being this disingenuous

>> No.12202622

this is a reddit meme, all of these gapekeenoh memes are reddit

>> No.12202656

>lol all these desperate males who were probably brought up by overbearing single mothers, how dare they get so interested in some basic works about masculinity, psychology, and growing as a person.... they should be ashamed of themselves for even having to find that sort of starting point in BOOKS of all places lmao!! Any masculinity is toxic masculinity btw... sorry sweety, white males have had their time in the sun, now they can sit in the background for a little bit, become autistic neets, its only fair. The future is female! How dare ANYONE challenge the dogmatic progressive narrative?
You can still recognize peterson as a bit of a fraud, with entry level pop sci / motivational garbage, but its like not he had the best selling book in the world for a time without good reason. Who cares if guys need inspiration like that, that they're "desperate" for it? You don't make fun of fat people in the gym. Not everyone's had a good enough upbringing to know how to cultivate themselves properly and not fall into NEETdom.

>> No.12202669

Can someone give me the quick on Vox Day?