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/lit/ - Literature

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12192684 No.12192684 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna start getting into literature recommend me good reads of any genre u word whores

>> No.12192696

Normally when people ask me something like this I recommend Dubliners. Everyone likes Dubliners.

>> No.12192836
File: 6 KB, 415x416, 1529434058529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you check out the sticky, newfriend.

>> No.12192844

MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich

>> No.12194254
File: 123 KB, 960x720, 1502491828351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Trial, Franz Kafka
>The Stranger, Albert Camus
>No Exit, Jean-Paul Sartre
Conquer these short reads three, and wow all the art hoes.

>> No.12194507

When people this fat die, how do they dispose of them? You can't put them in a coffin...

>> No.12194512

Their sheer adipose makes crematoriums go up in flames.

>> No.12194527
File: 62 KB, 968x681, Goliath-Casket-Company-Indianna-getty-subscription.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually giant coffins topkek
What a time to be alive

>> No.12194599

I wonder if in 1000 years when future archaeologists dig up these massive coffins if they will think that these people were like some super important aristocracy in order to deserve such a magnanimous burial

>> No.12194600

Mythology by Edith Hamilton.

Coffin makers are booming in certain U.S. states because of orders for really large ones becoming more frequent. Not even joking.

>> No.12194609

I wonder how many people it takes to carry that shit, it must weight a literal ton

>> No.12194613


Make up your mind haha

>> No.12194644

start with Finnegans Wake, it's a classic

>> No.12196325

White Noise by Delillo is really accessible and really good. It has fallen out of favor on Lit recently because it was over hyped on this board for a while.

It’s also contemporary. It was written in the 80s but Normie/NPC “Culturel which is a big part of the book has flourished so much that it’s actually gotten more and more relevant.

>> No.12196327
File: 96 KB, 340x499, D496729E-AC1B-4FE6-831B-01EE4726DFA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.12196332


What's it like? Will I like it if I know nothing about Dublin?

>> No.12196347

Used to work in funeral industry in customer service. One service many homes offer to avoid the expensive of buying a monster casket and two grave sites is a partial crematorium. The body is burned one section at a time and the head is prepared and affixed to a dummy during the funeral and burial so a smaller cask can be used. It is a fair service and only marginally more expensive than your usual burial. It requires consent from parents spouse and children. Some have religious objections.

>> No.12196366

Cool, I feel like I learned something

>> No.12196380

I wish I was a professor of Hitler studies...

>> No.12196503

How are there so many girls like this? Where do they come from? How do they become this way?

>> No.12196575

I've met tons of them. idk. Ironic twitter, cynicism induced by the dumbasses they have dated, Lady Gaga music videos, tinder, jealousy of "normal" girls during adolescence..

>> No.12196588

How is that girl smiling
how is she not completely horrified by that monster's touch

>> No.12197027

mostly just tumblr

>> No.12197367

>how are there so many girls like this?
bad parenting
>where do they come from?
suburban homes devoid of role models
>how do they become this way?
monkey see, monkey do; kids turn into their parents

>> No.12197500

The life of a pornstar is thougher than you think. She's probably fucked worse

>> No.12197517

It's basically a bunch of cute little stories about people of various ages experiencing some kind of a life-changing moment. It's comfy

>> No.12197523

>The body is burned one section at a time and the head is prepared and affixed to a dummy during the funeral and burial so a smaller cask can be used.
Honestly, I rather dispose of the body in a river than to behead the body and attach the head on a dummy.

>> No.12197534

>implying she isn't a monster herself

>> No.12197577

Not OP, but I've read the book and really enjoyed it (outside of the disgusting shit near the end of the book, like the saliva exchange and the fedora-like religious conversation with the nun), should I read Underworld from him next?