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12191061 No.12191061 [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not read my latest book: "Anti-Tech Revolution: The Why and How" yet?

You know I was right about everything.

>> No.12191831

fair critiques but there is no solution. No point reading anything by him other than the manifesto

>> No.12191836

there is always a solution. people just have to care more. Start organizing.

>> No.12191858

Did he seriously write another book?

>> No.12191869

yeah, we can't get 10 people in a room to agree on a subject however we will somehow organize a worldwide rejection/rebellion against the uncontrolled advance of technology. . .
very likely to happen. Just like Marx, brilliant critique, shit/non-existent solution

>> No.12191882

Eh, Ellul was right about everything. Especially God being the only answer to this situation.

>> No.12191912

Ted Kaczynski and the people who agree with him are all charlatans who don't know any more about the current social situation than the average Joe on the street, but like to act as if they do, because they invent terms no one besides them uses and refer to concepts no one besides them are concerned with. They conflate their convolutions with wisdom. They have no more insights to share than common people because their experiences are common.

>> No.12191920

not an argument

>> No.12191966

But that is an argument. You're a simple commoner who uses highfalutin language to appear more knowledgeable than you are.

>> No.12192025

2 posts and not a single refutation of the works of kaczynski in sight

>> No.12192037

The stark reality of kaczynski's work, particularly his parts on modern leftism, stir up tremendous rage and resentment in such weak and insecure people who can simply produce no logical rebuke to his comments. Example here

>> No.12192103
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Here's a repost of mine from a past thread, which got unsatisfactory responses and no convincing rebuttals. Pic related is a great example that showcases exactly what I am talking about. Here is what I wrote in reference to it:

>He undermines human nature in the first paragraph with his vain moralizing, aka "artificial goals" — there are no goals which are not visibly about satisfying our biological needs, even if the goal is to gain mastery over the field of marine biology. His concept of a "biological need" is arbitrarily defined by his own anti-philosophical convictions.

To which someone chimed in: "If Hirohito would suddenly stop doing marine biology he wouldn't starve or become homeless or ill." And my response was:

>Do you not have any concept at all of what passion does to a human? Have you never read poetry in your life? What do you even make of the Epic of Gilgamesh, when Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is so heart broken and becomes so full of fear of death that he pursues to the ends of the earth the plant that will grant him eternal life? Humans are more than just their stomachs, livers, and body temperatures. When you define our "biological needs" in such a way as to include only the most basic physical needs, you disregard SO MUCH that makes humans humans. Civilization was a natural occurrence and only vain moralism judges it otherwise.

Original thread:

>> No.12192169
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Goonan is like Ted K, except he has stronger insights and solutions and he isn't in prison as far as I know.

>> No.12192175

brb reading Ellul

>> No.12192408
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Oh! Hello my friends! "Anti-Tech Revolution" is probably the greatest and most insightful piece of social theory since... well... wait.....
on second thought, it's the greatest OF ALL TIME!

>> No.12192418

Cause it's not so simple to discern what's technè and what is not in the sphere of human behaviour.

>> No.12192422

As someone who disagrees with you, I gotta give you credit. You're critique is thoughtful, respectful, and articulate.

>> No.12192428


>> No.12192458

>Do you not have any concept at all of what passion does to a human? Have you never read poetry in your life? What do you even make of the Epic of Gilgamesh, when Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is so heart broken and becomes so full of fear of death that he pursues to the ends of the earth the plant that will grant him eternal life? Humans are more than just their stomachs, livers, and body temperatures. When you define our "biological needs" in such a way as to include only the most basic physical needs, you disregard SO MUCH that makes humans humans. Civilization was a natural occurrence and only vain moralism judges it otherwise.

I think you're only talking about a specific kind of human. As Kaczynski himself has pointed out, there are individuals who have a far less powerful drive to experience the "power process" or who can more successfully sublimate their "power process" through surrogate activities. He is arguing that for the vast majority of people, surrogate activities like marine biology are not enough to make up for deprivation with respect to the power process, which is why their is so much anxiety, depression, and unhappiness.

Another point Kaczynski is making is that these "passionate" people you are alluding to, for example Hirohito, simply don;t know what they're missing. Kaczynski would argue that if you took them out of the laboratory or the concert hall and put them in a proper hunter-gatherer existence, after they had adjuster, they would come to realize that they were far more happy and fulfilled than they were before. They would realize that their real "passion" is to be at one with the wilderness.

>> No.12192471

And what about you? What are YOU as individual gonna do about state of modern world? Are you gonna build a cabin in the woods and hunt down your food?

>> No.12192491

It starts with one person. Then 5. Then 10. Then 100, and so on.

>> No.12192522

That's a good question. I'd love to live by myself in the woods, but only to experience it, and capture the feeling of being totally wild. It's not a long-term solution for me individually, or anyone, though unfortunately.

The simply fact is at the rate the techno-industrial system is expanding, soon there may no longer be any truly wild places left. And, although I could probably live out and die in some far off place in some part of Alaska, what about posterity? What about future generations who will not have this ability? I could not live with myself knowing I was just selfishly running away from an ever growing monster.

No, the only solution is for a collapse of the technological system either spontaneously or through deliberate human action (i.e. revolution). Therefore, logic demands that a revolutionary movement dedicated to the collapse of techno-industrial society forms in case the spontaneous collapse does not come, or, if it comes, it comes too late and there is nothing left of humanity or the biosphere.

The first step in establishing a viable revolutionary movement dedicated to this aim is to spread anti-tech ideas as far and wide as possible. The vast majority of people will not be convinced by the ideas. But an effective revolutionary movement only needs a tiny minority of highly committed individuals.

>> No.12192523

>As Kaczynski himself has pointed out, there are individuals who have a far less powerful drive to experience the "power process" or who can more successfully sublimate their "power process" through surrogate activities.
In my view, it is the other way around: it's Ted and the people who can't successfully sublimate their "power process" through modern social activities who have a far less powerful drive. Society has become increasingly abstract over the centuries, not decreasingly so; to be able to experience the "power process," per Ted's terms, shouldn't be getting easier then, but harder, by definition. Which means the ones who are calling modern social activities "surrogate activities" and are now anxious, depressed, and unhappy, are the ones who are not strong or intelligent enough to continue experiencing their own power. The problem is with Ted and these depressed types, not everyone else.

>They would realize that their real "passion" is to be at one with the wilderness.
This is highly delusional and untrue. A ton of people who are happy today are not even physically fit enough to experience joy in a hunter-gatherer society. Plus, you seem to think that our passions are 100% inborn and universal among our species. Nurture plays some role in the process of configuring an individual for certain passions, and there's variations between all individuals, genetically and psychologically speaking.

>> No.12192527


>> No.12192536

but you're leaving out the fact that Marxism shook the world. Russia fell to the Bolsheviks, when the Bolsheviks only numbered in the 1000s. Marxist revolutionaries failed the world over because they tried to create utopias. Anti-tech revolutionaries have no such pretensions. They simply want to destroy the current system. And destruction is far far easier than construction.

>> No.12192582

I have it ruined my life. I quit my job as an rf engineer and went live in a commune for a year. Then I went thru a few years as a van living neet activist for the alt right. And now my mom is sick and about to lose the house and I cant get a job cause of my longterm unemployment and wasted my twenties doing jack shit and earning no money

>> No.12192593

that sux dude. seppuku is the honorable way.

>> No.12192640

you haven't read his work if you think this

go read

>> No.12192653

Technology could benefit humanity if everyone saw its dangers like Ted does. Competition between countries, or competition in general, is the leading factor for the uneccessary and unregulated growth of technology. It can be controlled, but humans must be controlled, first.

>> No.12192675

Impossible. People are addicted to technology, literally 99% of people can't get through day w/o checking their updates on phones. Can you imagine that those people will do if their goverment stopped technological progress for the sake of "freedom" and "dignity of humanity"? We are doomed, live in the wild cites while there are any, enjoy food/nature/sex, and forget about fate of humanity altogether. We are doomed.

>> No.12192722

So pessimistic...

There exist certain timelines where everything goes smoothly. I imagine one to go something like this:
>country develops advanced genetic engineering
>create super IQ people to advance tech even more, especially in military technologies
>eliminate other countries in a large war
>reduce the population
>create one central hub of technology and research and hundreds of small, isolated villages of people with varying lifestyles, testing for the right balance between autonomy and technology to have fulfilling lives
>the city continues to advance technology while keeping in mind its dangers with religious adherence

>> No.12192731
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This. Going to have smart people with their smart phones and their smart television living in their smart home in a smart city using a smart grid which receives more smart technology from a smart drone checking their smart tablet. Plus the elites are planning to kill off 90% of the population eventually. It's over.

>> No.12192768

You sound very close-minded. Being close-minded and pessimistic is a deadly combination.

Why is there nothing about modern society that you seem to enjoy? I'm inclined to believe that maybe you just aren't aware of much that's out there today.

>> No.12192816

is there a text where Ellul gets into this?

>> No.12192871
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This book

>> No.12192889

You are have ham on your eyes, you cannot see
You're the one who's close minded

>> No.12192987
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>> No.12193004

the marxian solution is organizing on a massive scale to take over the state
the kaczynskian solution is dropping out of the system and destroy its foundations
these are not the same thing

>> No.12193071

>but there is no solution
What do you think the "Why and How" means?

>> No.12193107


>> No.12193121

I'm well aware of the good things we've lost over time. The one here who seems to lack awareness, i.e. is close-minded, is you, who is claiming that we're doomed and appearing to think that everything we have now is rotten and wrong.

>> No.12193280

he never states the actual "how". All he is saying is that we must find the opposing ideology to technoindustrial values such as progress, but he coudn't even name name thing that revolutionary movement could use as the basis of their ideology. I mean look at the anarcho-primitivism, people know about this merely from memes. Everyone memes about it, noone in the right mind actually believes that such movement will ever succeed.

>> No.12193438


Don't second guess yourself, find creative ways to stick to it. Your life is far from "ruined', you only need to rebuild your ideas of "ruined" and "success". I'm now in my 40s, with no income, no retirement, no "home", and yet I do not think of my life as "ruined". Get...creative...

>> No.12193455

It's such a meme. You work all your life for the system just for the mere hope of 5-10 years of 'free' life in the unforeseeable future. I mean look at the modern pensioners, they are fucking miserable. Rotten memory, fucked up life, no future, one leg already in the grave. Giving the fact that modern life is even more unfulfilling, todays people's retirement will be even more depressing and empty.

>> No.12193471


Indeed, that's exactly the kind of thing I realized in my 20s and wished no part of it. Too many people have lived and died upon this ball flying through space in too many interesting ways to give into such a shitty narrow meme.

>> No.12194334

Read his theological work, especially The Meaning of the City.

>I describe a world with no exit, convinced that God accompanies man throughout his history.

>> No.12194547

The fallacy here is the elimination of competition. Just because there are no other nations to compete with you, doesn't mean the competition for power disappears. There will always be factions. What if I want more power in the city and recruit all the people from the villages with a promise for improved material conditions?

>> No.12194554

Unabomber is the reason why STEMtards should be kept in tight cages and not allowed to think outside of their specific fields of autism

>> No.12194561

>engineer the perfect technician,enact a totalitarian system, break down society, kill most of the population, devote all your time to furthering technology, try to find out how to perfectly sedate people

>everything goes smoothly

yikes, technique has gotten this one

>> No.12194704

>Plus the elites are planning to kill off 90% of the population eventually. It's over.
more on this?

>> No.12194712

They're gonna use the 5g networks to give us all cancer. Just ask /pol/

>> No.12194720

but /pol/ is retarded

>> No.12194805

When automation entirely replaces the need for an underclass of workers the elites will retreat to walled-off and fully automated cities and let the rest of the world starve.

>> No.12194808

Pretty much this, the majority of people even now are economically completely irrelevant and the trend shows no signs of stopping. Why give gibs to billions when you can kill them.

>> No.12194823


>> No.12194829

>implying any of that is irrational

>> No.12195197
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Does he royalties? If so, how well off is he in prison?

>> No.12195909

He receives no renumeration from these books

>> No.12195930

The inertia is too strong to stop whats coming

>> No.12195956

We are mid jump onto eternity, there is no stopping, we either make it or we dont

>> No.12195964

Who will buy the products made with automation?

>> No.12196501

I find it unlikely considering the book came out in 2016, and the series of events you just described takes place over "your twenties"

>> No.12196531

me take stick and hurt big computer

>> No.12196641

The confusing part is that it seems like many of Ted's fans are Christian fundamentalists, which makes no sense, because technology can't just magically become at odds with God's plan at some point in history without pulling some shit out of your ass to try and justify why.

>> No.12196654

Has this guy ever used the Internet?

>> No.12197487

Technology never "became" at odds with God's plan, it has always been that way. Technology is satanic and it's not an ass-pull to say so

>> No.12197516 [DELETED] 

My internet friends say loli is okay and I'll literally throw my corpse against your front door until it falls if fill your harddrive with boku no pico stills if you say otherwise.

>> No.12197524

My internet friends say loli is okay and I'll literally throw my corpse against your front door until it falls if fill your harddrive with boku no pico stills if you say otherwise

>> No.12197531

You weren't right about shit big boy. You went at it alone. That was your big mistake. You thought you could outsmart the resources and empires arrayed to oppose you.

Did you really think you were going to change things with a few stupid bombs!? That's comic book villain tier thinking and we know how that ends.

Look at you, posting from your snug little cell! ;^) do you love it in there with all your interesting and profound ideations?

>> No.12197543
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*presents a solution in your path*

Heh, nothin personnel...kid

>> No.12197555
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No one cared who he was until he packaged the bombs

>> No.12197561
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>thinks he's living life so correctly he has the right to correct the way other people live their lives
>doesn't understand why this makes him a condescending prick
>all while being a poster on 4chan

>> No.12197592

So clothes are a form of technology, right? The first form of it in fact, according to the Bible?

How can Christian fundamentalists not see what a giant circlejerk such a philosophy is? "You've sinned since the beginning, and you MUST sin to survive this world, in which you were born against your control — that's why you need to love God and... donate to the church."

>> No.12197619

>not see what a giant circlejerk such a philosophy is

Not sure what you meant by this.

>you MUST sin to survive this world

While it's inevitable that you'll sin, there are people in the Bible who were considered blameless despite this fact. I think it has something to do with malevolent intent measured on an individual basis and the fact that some people in the Bible actively did everything possible not to sin for love of their creator and his moral guideline.

>that's why you need to love God and... donate to the church."

It's more of a give what you have mentality than one of having to give.

>> No.12198007

>While it's inevitable that you'll sin
According to the Bible, the sinning was done before we were even born. People have been entering the world for the past ~2M years at least, unable to live a life 100% "free" of the use of technology depending on where they were born due to societal pressures, and for the past ~50,000 or so, practically no one has entered the world "free" of it. And I wrap free in quotations because our relationship to technology being a form of slavery is a matter of perspective.

>It's more of a give what you have mentality
Sounds like a threat either way.