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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 977 KB, 1024x950, 1541084506683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12189931 No.12189931 [Reply] [Original]

are Caesar's Commentaries worth reading?

>> No.12189948

I bet you think your pic related isn't related. They're pretty easy to get through and mostly battles and ethnography and occasional gay jokes. It's a good start for learning Latin but it is a bit Tin Tin the Explorer tier for history.

>> No.12189957
File: 277 KB, 2048x1536, 1541090671865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't a picture of Caesar claiming victory over the Gaul's be related?

>> No.12189994

I want a copy just because I think anything that titles itself as being "commentaries" will be a comfy read.
I'm trying to find a copy that has that word in it instead of just "Gallic Wars".

>> No.12189998

/a/ is one of the best improvements in classics since pharr.

>> No.12189999

my mum is asking me what I want for Christmas so I'm thinking of books I'd like
to be honest I just like the idea of a first hand account by such a titanic figure as Caesar.

>> No.12190026

I really, really like this image.

>> No.12190054

based velites

>> No.12190205
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>> No.12190213
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Wordless post

>> No.12190246
File: 334 KB, 392x714, romaposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are Caesar's Commentaries worth reading?
what do you think, dissolute. ... forget i asked.

>> No.12190252

get Will Durant's Caesar and Christ. it's mostly about Romans.

also if you can get a giftcard or raincheck or whatever, the paperback Landmark Caesar comes out in February

>> No.12190260

>are Caesar's Commentaries worth reading?

Yes, but never forget that Caesar was an evil person, and that his assassins were heroes.

>> No.12190314

they're a bit corny iyam

>> No.12190325

>tfw bought the caesars commentaries version that /lit/ recommended and all the text is in ugly bold style

Never trusting /lit/ again

>> No.12190739

>be Gaul

>> No.12190743

I hate you so fucking much.

>> No.12190747

The Greeks.

>> No.12191363

Y'know, it's pictures like this that make me want to figure out a way to reconcile my desire to see my wife dominate another woman with my belief that homosexuality is degenerate and against Christ.

>> No.12191379

Durant is top comfy.

>> No.12191387

Its ok when girls do it.


>> No.12191402
File: 46 KB, 852x464, fnvcia_christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12191522

Where is this from

>> No.12191666

Is there a /lit/ guide to the Romans like there is for the Greeks?

>> No.12191678
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>> No.12191691
File: 3.20 MB, 4800x3834, 1542244806069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, Satan.

>> No.12191700

>all these faggots posting their hot opinions
>not one can tell me what "Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres" means

>> No.12191723

is this the only image or is it part of a longer story?

>> No.12191725

Thanks bros

>> No.12191733

That's Latin 101 my man de Bello galico is the first book you read after learning some grammar

>> No.12191883

>no legate waifu to force you to beat the shit out of your best friend with rocks

Why even live? How could our society have fallen so far?

>> No.12191893

>is there for you
>cares for her men

>> No.12192097


>> No.12192109

That's maize in real English, colonial.

>> No.12192110

I know it's you Cicero. Go Republic somewhere else.

>> No.12192117

Gaul is divided in three parts.

>> No.12192125

No, that's corn in the Queen's English. Maize refers to the new world crop known in the US as corn. Corn in the Queen's English refers to the chief cereal crop in a given area.

>> No.12192156


>> No.12192191

I'm referring to anon's referent. He means maize. He's being a dick and you can tell he's American by the repetitive and loud stupidity of his post.

>> No.12192202

I really, really like this image.

>> No.12192351

>preferring Suetonius to Tacitus
>Augustus personal propaganda instead of Cassius Dio
>two TV shows instead of Juvenal, Martial, Catallus, Horace, Lucan or Lucretius
Unironically a terrible chart

>> No.12192431

>This Tumblr may contain sensitive media

>> No.12192434

What about Plutarch?

>> No.12192496

Time to make a Tumblr account

>> No.12192529

Not for long.


>> No.12192646

ALL Gaul, you imbecile. Now let's proceed to the relative clause: quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostram Galli appellantur.

>> No.12192659


Plutarch is a king

>> No.12192749

I can tell what this means just from speaking a Romance language.

How hard would Latin be for a native speaker of a Romance language to learn?

>> No.12192784


>literally just 2d phalluses going into stomas
>slut shame cartoon porn
I swear to god it must be terrifying being stuck inside the average person's mind. the mentally ill are everywhere.

>> No.12192785

what does gallia mean

>> No.12192888

Uncensored version: https://flickich.tumblr.com/post/178825817764/flick-the-thief-caesar-chan-and

>> No.12192897
File: 53 KB, 640x512, 1499332677071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes. guess i'm terribly out of touch because this is the first time hearing about it. surely tumblrites are upset about this? is that what those protests in france were about?

>> No.12192933

Can you share your login with me anon, I don't want to make one.

>> No.12192951

I will make on for you mate

>> No.12192962

Thank you, I appreciate it.

>> No.12192980

gaul, obviously

>> No.12192997

email: pdneunfw@mail.com
password: dumbfuck12
even made safe mode off

>> No.12193019
File: 840 KB, 1291x533, 1474713764708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has posted it yet

>> No.12193027

Amusingly, lightning just struck and my internet went out between this post and my last one. Not going to try to use tumblr on my phone, so I won't be able to make use of your kindness.

Thanks again, though.

>> No.12193040

God is telling you to stop looking at porn

>> No.12193051

I made use of his kindness for you.

>> No.12193052

95% of ancient literature that is not strictly theological, philosophical, or engineering is just people complaining about the grain, that there is no grain, or that jombob owes him money for the grain. It's very dull.

>> No.12193059

Lands of the cocks

>> No.12193061

That picture needs more Druids.

>> No.12193075

Don't forget all the wisdom literature about not trusting women.

>> No.12193160

>surely tumblrites are upset about this?

>> No.12193200

Galli Kentuckieni more coquati

>> No.12193206

beta and mentally ill

>> No.12193310

Caesar did nothing wrong.
The republic existed only to protect the Optimates and their latifundias.

>> No.12193344

but the Empire became even more Authoritarian and had less liberty for the common man
if anything the average citizen had a lot of power in the Republic especially in the latter Republic

>> No.12193421

But anon is Caesar not a pleb

>> No.12193460

no he wasn't, he was from an old noble family, he just pandered to the plebes for power

>> No.12193584

heliogabalus supports this

>> No.12194384

Wait. Why is Edward Gibbon crossed out? I was thinking of getting The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Are you saying it's bad or what?

>> No.12194415

Nvm, I found some answers.
>Please ignore the people suggesting you read Gibbon's Decline and Fall. That is a great work of antiquarianism and beautifully written, but it is wildly out of date - not surprising given it was written back in 1776. Gibbon wrote a century before modern historiography was developed and his work is as much a polemic about his own time as it is a history of the past. And he wrote before modern archaeology, documentary analysis techniques, economic analysis and a range of other historical tools were developed. As a result he gets a great many things wrong and his biases against things like Christianity make his conclusions little more than quaint today. He should only be read after reading modern analysis, not as an introduction to the topic.

>> No.12194444

I have a copy because it's still a great set of volumes to read
And Gibbon was a real fan of the republic which I enjoy

>> No.12194451
File: 3 KB, 225x225, 9999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His commentaries are good reads but they have propaganda level bias.

>> No.12194471

>unironically recommending HBO Rome
the absolute state of 2018 /lit/

>> No.12194493

99% of people who say this have never read a page of Gibbon hence why they can never name a single one of these many apparent errors. They are just incestously repeating the same little digression they they remember from reading a third rate modern Anglo classist in uni. Gibbon had absolute mastery of the Greek/Latin narrative sources up to the Arabs and as a rendering of those sources into English TDAF has never been surpassed. By all means read modern historians, but plz read Gibbon guys

>> No.12194514
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen anything else cover so much ground but it does indeed have some glaring issues. I read nine external texts to help me get through Decline, which I believe kept it a little more honest.

>> No.12194564

no historiography is perfect
I think his coverage of the Republic/Early empire is unparalleled aside from contemporary period sources

>> No.12194572

I was really bummed on him for a while because of the investment that I had made. I got eaten alive over some migration issues in which he apparently erred. I got eaten alive in a discussion regarding the topic. It was many years ago and I have gotten over it. For the most part, I do not regret my NEET year of Decline with the previously mentioned supplementary texts. I wanted an overview of the formation of modern Europe and I got it. I salute Gibbon for a work of which scale I could never attempt to create in either scope or accuracy.

>> No.12194590

>we're taking over but won't ban porn
>lmao we're gonna ban porn

>> No.12194635

It means: learn how to use a search engine. First hit on google:

>> No.12194650

velites best gril but I like equites too she has a horse

>> No.12194763

Hot picture but the giant eyes ruin it.

>> No.12194799
File: 105 KB, 720x960, 1534133306928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first of which, the belgians inhabith, the other, the aquitanis, the third, those who are called -in their own tongue- celts, in ours, gauls

>> No.12194818

Harder than you might think, easier than you could fear. I'm giving it a shot now and while I have much left to go, I think I'm doing alright.

>> No.12195209

>That is a great work of antiquarianism and beautifully written
Implying this isn't the best possible reason to read it.

Virtually all history writing is polemical and of its time. Especially nowadays, when it's being written by "woke" academics. If you don't like the sound of that, don't read history.

>> No.12195225

Caesar was unironically one of the greatest writers of antiquity. Plus his books are full of battles and dirty politics. You couldn't ask for a better combination of style and content.

>> No.12195397

This is true