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/lit/ - Literature

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12188924 No.12188924 [Reply] [Original]

To the Anon who tried to tell me that this sucked, I'm sorry I didn't listen. I can't even believe that I slogged through all 300 pages of this, what a fucking snooze fest.

>> No.12188976

I didn't love it, but it has some good moments. I really liked the bits about the character devoted to writing the perfect opening sentence to his novel.

>> No.12188980

What do you people do with books you bought but didn't like?

>> No.12188992

Put them on my bookshelf, with all my other books.

>> No.12188996

Really? Back in the day I used to give away all the DVDs of films I disliked, to my cousins. But I think it'd be stupid to do so with books.

>> No.12189001

>be stupid
>read the stranger
>well, that wasn't so great
>read some smart person's analysis/interpretation
>yeah, it was pretty good after all

What am I fucking retarded?

>> No.12189022

First Man is the best Camus book, even better than the Stranger. Best example of bromance/teacher-student relationship

>> No.12190474

oh come on, it’s not that bad

>> No.12190479
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>> No.12190481

Ha same, read Kafka and thought wtf this is bad, read some more about it and realized I'm just a brainlet.

>> No.12190620

I want to read How To Read A Book, what is it about? What does it go into?

>> No.12190627
File: 13 KB, 330x499, 31Qf34qKiWL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, OP here, I posted the wrong pic

>> No.12191244

its not bad because its fucking awful. it was my school lecture when i was 16 and 6 years later i still fucking hate camemeus

>> No.12191259

plebejusz wykryty

>> No.12191294

i think i read this for high school like 15 years ago. is this the one where one of the characters insists he will be a great novelist but he's just rewriting the first sentence of his first novel endlessly, and the sentence is something about an amazon riding a horse through a park...? because if so then i liked it.

>> No.12191403

>I don’t remember this book or what it’s about, but if it contains this one extract of my memory then I like it.

>> No.12191417

no but whats that book it sounds familiar

>> No.12191456

i remember liking it at the time and i'm just trying to make sure i'm not confusing it with one of the other 100 fucking books i read that year, chill out you autist.

no, it was the plague, i looked it up.

>One fine morning in May a slim young horsewoman might have been seen riding a handsome sorrel mare along the flowery avenues of the Bois de Boulogne.