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12187584 No.12187584 [Reply] [Original]

When will modernity end?

>> No.12187706


>> No.12187814


>> No.12187845

Cringe but also Based

>> No.12187857

Based or cringe depending on your sexual orientation.

>> No.12187865


>> No.12188052

When Hitler returns from Aldebaran and liberates the human race from the Kali Yuga.

>> No.12188059

Whenever we have a generalized Western collapse, that'll probably be the start of it. It'll only accelerate until then.

>> No.12188060

Not based but bluepilled in a redpilled kinda way

>> No.12188061

Modernity is defined by the worship of Eros and will end when super gonorrhea makes this deadly.

>> No.12188064
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It won't, we're supposed to lose, but this is a scripted death anyway.

>> No.12188066

joke's gonna be on you when hitler ufo's come after you with their laser guns.

>> No.12188071

Read Spengler and then afterwards the Fourth Political Theory.

>> No.12188159

t. anaemic death worshiper

>> No.12188988

Right now

>> No.12188997

Crased and bingepilled

>> No.12189005
File: 35 KB, 352x500, francis-icon-dove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernity has already ended. It ended either with World War I or with World War II. All the dreams of Modernity--all the dreams of the Renaissance, of the Enlightenment, and of the Romantic Era--died in the poison gas attacks of the Great War. We've gradually grown to hate every single thing we loved in the Modern age.

We're now in a new age, one that won't get defined properly for a while yet because it's still so new. I personally think our age will be categorized by recovering the learning of the Middle Ages; I think we're in a "rebirth" age, like the Renaissance. I think our age will be to the Medieval era what the Renaissance was to the Classical era.

>> No.12189009


>> No.12189018


>> No.12189058

It ended after WWII.

It’s debatable whether we live in a postmodern age or a post-postmodern age.

>> No.12189156

It ended with the election of Donald Trump.

>> No.12189176

I fucking hate the clunky “ post-post-modern” tag. It’s emerging as metamodernity. Also modernist works languished all the way into the 60’s.

Post-modernism has been ending before most of us here were even born.

>> No.12189201

Big if true

>> No.12189335
File: 122 KB, 697x1080, 820D6AA2-6AD4-448C-B325-5A79B773EDB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernity ended with Nietzsche and Heidegger due to their nihilistic criticism. We killed God and discovered the absolute wall of enlightenment. Everthing that contains any merit now is irony, ironic sincerity, regurtations of power struggles, etc. see pic related

>> No.12189352
File: 199 KB, 1036x1200, C1_jIz2UcAA1u6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, since we always redefine modernity.

>> No.12189370

i hope so

>> No.12189529


>> No.12189906

Technically this is post modernity now.

>> No.12189913

When the bomb is dropped and not before

>> No.12189924

>tfw I was the first person to post this picture here
I still get excited when I see people post it. Feminine nurturing is beautiful.

>> No.12189926
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This is the first /lit/ thread I've visited.
>Cringe but also Based
This is the last /lit/ thread I'll have visited.

>> No.12189932

Not really, you are just deluding yourself, instead of cultivating immortality you are doing something completely unrelated and trying to create an offspring, then you will realize when your body dies your ego dies too.

>> No.12189975


>> No.12189992

Modernity has ended, and I call the new age the Age of Ghosts. All our moral beliefs and ideas are just ghosts haunting us from the past. They no longer have any weight, but we cling to them, hoping they will regain their vitality, even though we know they won't.

>> No.12190200
File: 64 KB, 1200x675, 1516580992262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modernity has already ended. It ended either with World War I or with World War II. All the dreams of Modernity--all the dreams of the Renaissance, of the Enlightenment, and of the Romantic Era--died in the poison gas attacks of the Great War. We've gradually grown to hate every single thing we loved in the Modern age.

such a shame

>> No.12190202

>then you will realize when your body dies your ego dies too.
What's your point?

>> No.12190244

This, terrible board even /b/ is better at this point

>> No.12190266

Based if true

>> No.12190319

Bro you know it's probably like 2 guys right

>> No.12190327
File: 60 KB, 600x336, find-your-zen-with-endlessly-looping-fighting-game-backgrounds-x-gifs-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I call the new age the Age of Ghosts

based ghostmodernist

>> No.12190633

Never, as its legacy will be unshakeable for generations to come.

It died, however, in the concentration camps, the atomic bombs, the napalm, the fall of the USSR, the fall of the Twin Towers. We are slowly transitioning from modernity out into something we still cannot fathom while we're still deep inside in the maelstrom.

>> No.12190671

no one cares lol

>> No.12190759

it's called AIDS

>> No.12191448

there isn't one
anon's just afraid to let go

>> No.12191595


>> No.12191597

When you lose your virginity you inbred american magacel autistic bitch

>> No.12191648

How hopeful. I think the opposite though, the way things are going at the moment it will be more like the dark ages that befell Europe just after the fall of the Roman empire than anything enlightening and innovative

>> No.12191660

This is actually a good explanation in the Frankist Hell we currently live in

>> No.12191764
