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12185923 No.12185923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just fucked my best friend’s girlfriend. They have been together for years and will probably get married someday. I didn’t wear a condom and I busted inside her. I don’t regret it at all and would gladly do it again. Books for this feel?

>> No.12185929

How To Kill Yourself

>> No.12185939

Take a hard look in the mirror. You don't need a book to tell you that's a deplorable way of being.

>> No.12185940

You should read the Selfish Gene, this is a common mating strategy for some female animals, it means you have good genes for attracting women, and your best friend has good genes for providing for children

best case scenario here one of the kids ends up being yours and the other one is his, assuming she has 2, meaning all 3 of your strategies pay off somewhat

>> No.12185943

This happened to me as well. She and my friend fought and briefly broke up. I was consoling her, next thing she's sucking my cock. In the end they went back together. She was a whore and this little game probably happened a thousand times. I eventually stopped seeing both.

>> No.12185944

Is she hot?

>> No.12185945

Probably anything by Henry Miller. Also fuck you.

>> No.12185947

You two nervous that I’d be able to do the same with your girls if I were around?

>> No.12185951

She’s chubby and round faced but has amazing tits.

>> No.12185955

Nice. Worth it.

>> No.12185962

Bataille, perhaps. But I hope life punishes you hard for this.

>> No.12185964

Kinda sad you're larping about something like this on 4channel

>> No.12185967

Is she Asian?

>> No.12185971

She doesn't exist retard

>> No.12185974

No. She’s white.

>> No.12185977

you're an awful person. repent

>> No.12185979

Was she on the pill or did you impregnate her like a madlad and burden your best friend with your bastard son
That would be pretty based ngl

>> No.12185982

>round-faced and big tits
>fucks her bf's best friend
Sounds like white trash to me. Maybe from Alabama.

>> No.12185992
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>> No.12185994

No, you fucked a pointless nobody who's in a relationship to a pointless nobody.
They mean nothing to you, aside from what you can exploit from them.

You have no friends. No family. You are the loneliest person alive, even if you don't realize it yet.

>> No.12186000

I spent the past 5 days cumming in a (baby hungry) girl who's boyfriend was out of town.

She has a nice apartment and bright future (getting her masters in math at Berkeley) while I'm quasi NEET and live in a room that was, up until recently, used to dry weed. I was really nervous / felt like she didn't like me much until I got her to try LSD with me on my second night there. During which she asked to 'talk about our relationship' etc.

I am better looking than her but I see her as being really good for me. She is going to take a brake with her boyfriend soon, at which point I plan on moving in.

Thank you for reading this journal entry

>> No.12186003

She’s on the pill but I wish i could impregnate her or anyone.

She’s from California but definitely trashy.

>> No.12186007

>my best friend
>I don’t regret it at all and would gladly do it again.
Either you're underage or one of those things is false.

>> No.12186008

Much Ado About Nothing

>> No.12186016

>They mean nothing to you, aside from what you can exploit from them.
Sounds like how God views His followers.

I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.12186018

Diary of an Oxygen Thief

Also you're trash.

>> No.12186023

Reddit is that way retard

>> No.12186030

>homewrecking blogposter has a god complex

>> No.12186034

I don’t know why everyone’s so mad at me. It’s really not a big deal. If he found out he’d be super pissed for like a week then he’d start realizing it doesn’t mean much and eventually it’d be fine. I know him.

>> No.12186038

theyre mad because theyre all subconsciously afraid of getting cucked

>> No.12186039

You’re wrong people are fragile

>> No.12186042
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>> No.12186049

Cuz it's a shitty thing to do. You didn't get their permission. You did it behind his back. The problem isn't that you fucked his gf, it's that you betrayed his trust, which is what friendship is built upon. Why would anyone just let that shit slide if they really were your best friend?

>> No.12186054

Some people are. But he isn’t. And besides he knows she’s slutty. She once drunkenly asked some random guy if she could suck his dick at a party my friend was with her at. He’d get over it. I’ve known him since we were kids. I outrank a fat slut.

>> No.12186059


>> No.12186065

She sounds like trash. You should probably get him a better girl, m8.

>> No.12186068
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meh, women are whores, they always cheat on better looking guys while staying with the beta for the bucks.

redpilled guys know this, only betas think women would be loyal to guys and they think she only had two partners when she fucked the entire team in school.

good on you, you triggered a bunch of lit betas.

>> No.12186072

He just sounds like a pushover surrounded by assholes who don't care about him.

>> No.12186076


I'm not OP but I did post this:
I don't see a 'god complex' as a negative thing. You have a slave mentality.

>> No.12186077

You're both dysfunctional losers and your pathetic relationship will end badly

>> No.12186078


Also this, women just can't be loyal, it's in their nature

>> No.12186081

You’re right. Maybe I will and then just keep his current girl for myself. I’m not picky.

>> No.12186082

ive slept with girls with boyfriends too dude it doesnt make you a god, it makes you a dildo or sperm donor

>> No.12186090

You faggots need to stop using /lit/ as your diary.

Making blog posts about some shit you wanna talk about in your own life and then following it with "Books for this feel?" is the most transparent, performative faggotry found on this dumb board.

Congrats. I've been there. You're a garbage person and a garbage friend. Your pride in your actions confirms this. People will see through you eventually, know that. You're not as slick as you think. You'll hit a wall someday if you don't change. I lost pretty much all of my friends because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants. Have fun with that, you boastful faggot.

Also lmao at coming on 4chan to brag about this. You really had to make a whole thread to convince yourself that you're cool and fuck.

>> No.12186096

>derides blogposting
>still feels compelled to mention his sexual exploits
oh no no no

>> No.12186104


>> No.12186116

>Making blog posts about some shit you wanna talk about in your own life and then following it with "Books for this feel?"
That's like 95% of the board

>> No.12186118


>> No.12186123

I never said I'm a God.

Lets put aside the fact that the Abrahamic God isn't omnipotent - a real God would be. Which is to say 'everything that happens would be His will'. Well if a man controlled everything that happens, then he'd be God.

Putting myself in a better position of power (in this case getting a nice home, a math tutor, and a connection to an industry I'm interested in) is literally getting closer to God. Doing so consciously is that much better.

I'm just pointing out the hubris in your worldview.

>> No.12186133

Figured OP would discount my advice unless he knew I'm also a CoolDude who f u c k s based on his other posts in thread. Just cause he's a faggot for making the thread doesn't mean I have to completely ignore the post.

I tried to keep personal experience as small a part of my statement as possible

>> No.12186142

oh wow, OP you're so cool, sugoiii sempai :P

you fucked some beta guy fat gf, how amazing is that, you clearly are a role model and I'm jeallous of you fucking some fat fuck white trash.

wow, jelly.


>> No.12186153

how do you know what my worldview is exactly? and good for you, i hope your goals work out, but you can never even come close to 'controlling everything', you can never do much but try to stay afloat the insane waves that carry you along

>> No.12186157

Try reading Don Giovanni. It perfectly illustrates the type of sociopathic bullshit you're up to

>> No.12186165

>being this insecure

>> No.12186170

Thanks, I’ll look into it.

>> No.12186174

That just makes it pathetic desu.

>> No.12186175

>being this naive and inexperienced

>> No.12186178

You're revealing more of your worldview with every post, and I see nothing but hubris.

>you can never even come close to 'controlling everything
Impossible to know
>you can never do much but try to stay afloat the insane waves that carry you along
Not proven in the slightest

I believe that Yaweh - a name based on Hebrew for 'I Am' - is essentially the God of humans. It's absolutely possible to become Yahweh, or at least very close. It's possible to be, at he very least, a demi god of this world.

>> No.12186183

>bitter frogposting incel

>> No.12186185

I hope you find someone you love and they cheat on you when you least expect it

It’s not a good feeling and it messes you up forever

>> No.12186187

>accusing me of hubris while saying you can become a demigod

>> No.12186192

Not him but you're clearly inexperienced.

I'm not saying the example you posted doesn't exist, but it's not common.
Also contemporary women generally don't stay for money. If they stay with the beta while cheating with a better looking, more charismatic guy it's because the guy wont commit.

>> No.12186200

True, but then again, a relationship susceptible to cheating is probably one not worth continuing anyways.

>> No.12186206


I've been in a relationship for 2 years and previously was with someone for 5, plus one night stands, friends and dating. Inexperienced I'm not.

Why are you so distrustful and scared of women? Like on a real note. I conceed that some people are cheating garbage but it's ridiculous and absurd to truly believe that all women, unanimously, are untrustworthy, cock hungry, cunning, cruel, cheating pieces of shit.

>> No.12186211

I wouldn’t have done it if I thought he truly loved her. Probably. Also, just so everyone knows: the demigod guy is not OP. I am. I don’t want to be associated with him.

>> No.12186216



Intentions don't matter, fact is you did it.

>> No.12186217

Everyone thinks this until it happens. It's a complete gut shot. You can intellectualize it all you want, it doesn't change how much it hurts. You know that someone who would do this to you isn't worthy of your love anyways, but then why the fuck does it hurt so bad?

You don't know until it happens I guess. It cuts so insanely deep.

>> No.12186219

im not that guy but i think women are somewhat hardwired to cheat, and it's not really their fault. It's just that the guy they can get to commit is enver going to be as attractive as the guy they can get a one night stand with.

its not like men arent also hardwired to cheat, for a different reason, but it's still there

>> No.12186224

I don't want to be associated with you.
You fucked an trashy slut and bragged about it here.

I'm utilizing hypergamy in a way that coincides with a well defined ideology that no one can refute.

>> No.12186225

> it's because the guy wont commit.
Not the other guy, but what does this mean? Commit?

>> No.12186232

>a well defined ideology that no one can refute.
you just stated with no evidence or argument that you can become a demigod
there is nothing to refute

>> No.12186233

Commit to a relationship.
Google the word

>> No.12186236

Well, I wasn't denying it, redditspaceman.

>> No.12186240

the fact is that 80% of guys are disposable betas, and women know this fact.

the top 20% of guys women wont cheat or women are atractive have diferent girls chasing them.

women wont cheat if they think they can lose a very good piece of meat by doing it.

but 80-90% of males are losers and women know they can find a better or equal provider in five minutes.

>> No.12186249

>women wont cheat if they think they can lose a very good piece of meat by doing it.

>> No.12186250

I made a clear argument.
In simpler terms: a person can gain a massive amount of power over other humans. Capitalism abstracts power into money, so this can mean something as mundane as getting rich. Which is pretty close to what I'm talking about.

>> No.12186253

>Why are you so distrustful and scared of women?
Been cheated on, or been the cheat-ee in every single relationship I've had. Women cheat, period.

>> No.12186257

Some people are more prone to cheat than others, but you're misinterpreting how women experience attraction. Time and time again it's been proven that most women feel sexual attraction based primarily on emotional intimacy. They can and will have sex with people just cuz they find them attractive, but that represents a very specific and low-effort/low-value interaction. Women aren't as visual as men. A woman is much more likely to desire a man if she actually likes his personality and interactions rather than his looks. The whole premise of women looking for attractive Chads is a fallacy born out of thinking women experience sexual attraction exactly like men do, coupled with straight up misoginy and frail masculinity.

>> No.12186262

That’s what you would think, but it doesn’t make it easier in any way.

It’s the worst feeling I’ve ever had and the only people I would ever want to suffer it are the ones who ruined other relationships by being the one who a partner was cheating with.

>> No.12186266

Shitty people cheat, not women exclusively. I'm sorry that happened, it's incredibly painful and shitty and I hope you're in a better place. But that pattern is the result of coupling with shit people who don't respect you. It has nothing to do with them being women.

>> No.12186269

>but 80-90% of males are losers
I like this coping mechanism where worthless incels try to extrapolate their undesirability on as many people as possible.

>> No.12186276

i didnt say anything about what theyre attracted to, i just stated the very logical notion that the guy they can lock down is not going to be as attractive to them as the guy who will sleep with them for a night, almost certainly when you think about

>> No.12186284

There are levels of worthlessness, of course, but his point remains.

>> No.12186288

This. And the problem is really that “betas” are really self absorbed narcissists who fail to make and continue deep interaction

>> No.12186289

pareto rule.


I don't get what's shocking about good looking males being physically atractive to girls.

Should I'll be shocked that hot girls are hot for most guys?

>> No.12186292

Fundamental if true.

>> No.12186294

Why would the one night stand guy be more attractive than a committed partner in, what I assume for the sake of argument, is a fulfilling, nurturing and happy relationship? And attractive in what sense?

>> No.12186299

>women possess some omniscient ontological understanding of men and innate machiavellian acumen that isn't shared mutually with the opposite sex

funny how bitter incels put women on a higher pedestal than the average sub-man beta "white knight" whose sole identity is defined by the apotheosization of pussy

>> No.12186301

I hope you don’t have actual feelings for this girl. Speaking from experience she will not want to be with you once she goes on this “break”

>> No.12186313


80% of males are just ugly to women.

>> No.12186316

But the thing is, they were not shit people, they were normal people. They weren't obvious human trash like op's girl. Normal girls are perfectly capable of cheating. They're perfectly capable of fucking you without telling you they're in a relationship already. Those relationships went fine until they didn't.

>> No.12186318

whatever they find attractive there is going to be an elite of that right, and it's likely to be out of their league, but those guys will still sleep with them for a night because guys are just like that

just putting aside for a second that women do find tall, muscular, angular faced men attractive and will often sleep with them just based on that, the charismatic guys are also an elite of sorts in the same way

>> No.12186319

Is your 'friend' a cuck or are you just being a cock?

>> No.12186320

Sounds like some hard hitting research

>> No.12186329

which God is this?

>> No.12186330

>retards defending OP, not realizing the problem isn't that girls are whores but that he betrayed the trust of his bestfriend.

>> No.12186331

>dating app where 90% of people just swipe based on photos
I'm not sure what you think linking this ancient /r9k/ meme would prove, newfag.

>> No.12186334

You look at attractiveness in a static, essentialist way which is ridiculous and false, being attractive is dynamic and dependent upon so many contingencies that fucking is a little miracle and I hope everyone gets to experience it as much as they can

>> No.12186335

Things like that don't just happen. And shitty people don't come off as such all the time, not especially when you love them and try to accept their flaws. I don't know you or your past partners but I'd urge you to really distance yourself from the fact and think about both parties actions critically. Usually cheating comes from dissatisfaction.

>> No.12186338

read the article, buffoon.

Tinder success rate for average males is less than 1%.


physical attraction.

>> No.12186343

>basing anything on tinder stats
I’ll clue you in on something, the world doesn’t revolve around that app and also last I heard its stock was tanking

>> No.12186344

so the woman is free of guilt? lmao the west has fallen

>> No.12186348

>prove physical attraction
Woah, illuminating.

>> No.12186354

It's not essentialist there are a number of qualities that attract people, and if you have some of these in a large amount than it will be easy for you to have a lot of casual sex

>> No.12186356

humans aren't monogamous, fucktards.

humans during millions of years didn't have monogamy, which is a western invention.
It's not even the normal thing among all cultures on history.

there's plenty of modern countries where monogamy isn't the norm.

>> No.12186366



The idea of a sexual market, although not entirely off base, is erroneous. People are complex and attraction is subjective. There's a myriad of reasons why people sleep with each other, and very few of them function in the way you're describing. Sex isn't a marketplace or a race til the end (not at this stage in human history anyway). It's more like a nebulous cloud where interest is peaked by context, desires, previous experiences, environment, etc. It's insanely complicated.

>> No.12186368
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monogamy is just the social arragement so betas don't revolve and keep being good guys.

I though you guys were redpilled.