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File: 119 KB, 768x1024, Don-Ivan-Punchatz-Ayatollah-Khomeini-Unpublished-Alternate-Time-Magazine-Cover-Illustration-Original-Art-1984.-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12185219 No.12185219 [Reply] [Original]

Is Iran all that /pol/ makes it out to be? Is it the most philosophically literate and informed state in the modern world? Does it compare to Plato's Republic?

>> No.12185225

no and you're a faggot

>> No.12185390

every intelligent Iranian moves somewhere else. their populace is highly educated and highly unemployed, so they all go where there are jobs

>> No.12185416

>their populace is highly educated and highly unemployed
Isn't this the case all over the industrialised world? There are more people with degrees than ever before and most of them that have a job at all are in different fields to what they studied in. I was wondering more about the philosophical foundations of the state rather than their economic problems.

>> No.12185449
File: 1.48 MB, 642x800, 6a017ee66ba427970d01b8d209f377970c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Iran the ideal Platonic State?
Not of all time, but certainly in the modern world. The best example of a platonic state would probably either be Ancient India (Megasthenes the Greek when visiting them wrote about how it was an example of philosophers guiding/ruling society). Out of all the modern countries in existence it's the closest to putting it in practice though, they essentially have a religious-based form of it which includes a partial compromise by allowing their populace to have limited input on electing officials.

>Is Iran all that /pol/ makes it out to be?
In some ways but /pol/ mostly likes Iran because of their feud with Israel and muh no Rothschilds-owned banks but not for any deeper reasons

>Is it the most philosophically literate and informed state in the modern world?
One of them for sure, not in terms of quantity of well-read people who study philosophy but qualitatively. Large portions of the west despite having the 'best' universities is in a total shitshow and identity crisis for all of its philosophy professors. Iranian universities and theological schools may not be studying Critical Theory and Heidegger but they are reading the Islamic equivalents of the mystical Platonic tradition like Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra, many of the people involved in founding of the Islamic Republic had studied thinkers like those and they remain influential among Iranian intellectuals, since the 70's and 80's the Traditionalists like Guenon and Nasr have become semi-popular among the literati as well. ZOG-media likes to paint the Iranian government/clergy as a bunch of fundamentalist crazies like ISIS while in actuality there is something more mystical and intellectual going on, at least in certain corridors of Iranian power. They are very much aware of the idea of modernity as a metaphysical degeneration; if you switched around a few words, many press releases by the Iranian gov. or statements from one of their leaders would be indistinguishable from a passage from one of Evola's books.

>> No.12185976

This. What Plato proposes in The Republic is basically varnasrama dharma.

>> No.12187113

they hand out medical degrees like candy

>> No.12187132

It's a theocracy. TF you smoking man

>> No.12187140

>It's a theocracy.
That sounds far superior to the globohomo capitalist technocracy we're living in now. I can't imagine anything worse than what we have now.

>> No.12187340

>many press releases by the Iranian gov. or statements from one of their leaders would be indistinguishable from a passage from one of Evola's books.
Really? All I can find online are foreign gov statements about Iran, but I really want this to be true.

>> No.12187349

That doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.12187360

Plato would have most likely abhored such a state, run by fat clergy and dogma.

>> No.12187385

It means exactly what I think it means. Do you seriously think western societies are not being controlled by finance and those with the technical ability to control finance?

>> No.12187400

>globohomo capitalist technocracy
>It means exactly what I think it means. controlled by finance and those with the technical ability to control finance
All these words to say "I'm american*

>> No.12187407

HAHAHA I'm not even american you stupid cunt

>> No.12187539

My dad didn't want to move he had no choice. Being a nuclear physicist in Iran during the 80's meant Israel is coming for you

>> No.12187567

What do you/your dad think of the Revolution? It seems to me that most Iranians in the West who came out just after the revolution seem to have supported the Shah but most of the Iranians still in Iran or who have emigrated more recently have a more favourable view of Khomeini than the Shah