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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 550x449, dfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1218484 No.1218484 [Reply] [Original]

DFW is the greatest writer of the last few decades and the voice of the last two generations. Yes?

>> No.1218497
File: 14 KB, 480x268, david_foster_wallace_snoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1218503


>> No.1218506

David Foster Wallace was like a young man going to an Episcopalian church. He delighted the people there because he indicated to them that their model of reality wasn't dead. He found it worthwhile to write a big novel of ideas. But he did it badly. It's kindest not to compare Infinite Jest to Gravity's Rainbow or The Recognitions, and indeed none of the old men and women he charmed wanted to put him to that test, which they never imagined he could pass. But the irrelevance he'd condemned himself to by his very values ended up being the death of him. He couldn't find enough value in the communitas to enable him to continue. When a young man stops going to church, the old people feel sad, but not for long. They half-expected it; young people don't have our staying power, they think. And so David Foster Wallace left the old men and women behind, with their once-read copies of Infinite Jest on the bookcase bearing witness to how much faith they still felt capable of before... before Bush, before the war, before the crash. In his photographs, Wallace looks more quaint with every passing year, with his casual dress and his ludicrous headband, signifiers of an outdated concept of youth, as irrelevant as the notion of writing a 1000-page novel on the meaninglessness of life.

No, OP, he wasn't the voice of the last two generations. He may yet be the voice of the gap - the difference, that feels much greater than probability would indicate it ought, between the generation who were 18 in 1996 and the generation who were 18 in 2006. Today so many of the previous generation's enthusiasms and worries look naive in a moving way.

>> No.1218508
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>> No.1218509

It's pissing into the wind because you've no argument. I could list FIFTY presses that aren't famous enough for your pig-like New Yorker-reading mind to respect that nonetheless published key works. Grove Press introduced Burroughs and made their living from pornography. There's no contradiction. You're appealling to the authority of worldly prestige. I am not Tao Lin or an employee of Tao Lin. I've read his work and Wallace's. Tao Lin's is better - he just understands what the novel is for better, and isn't so consumed with the desire to impress Grandpaw by writing exactly as he did.

>> No.1218511
File: 15 KB, 480x268, david_foster_wallace_plzdont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1218512

HAHAHAHA, no, the majority are by previously untranslated European writers you assumed were also dead when you recognised some dead names. It's a serious press, they have absolutely nothing to apologise for, except for disqualifying themselves from your definition of seriousness by not being able to afford the middlebrow payola that dictates your taste. Quote Updike, smear yourself in his fucking blood. It's all one to me. You declare yourself to be counted with the enemies of literature. End of discussion, really.

>> No.1218517

does God approve of it because it is right?

If things are right because God approves of them, then your God is contingent and arbitrary. He could have said rape is right and it would not make any fucking difference since whatever he says is right, is right. And he is arbitrary in that case because there's no real rationale behind his actions.

But he's infallible and not irrational, right?

Then he approves of good things because they are inherently right. And God's judgment has no effect.

>> No.1218521

Is this some kind of "greatest hits" thread?

>> No.1218522

I like DFW, he started what I aim in comope[pgiabk,i0oabjuabjmadbj-markmi,gh09mgiuq,rc 08yq€ HAHAHAHAH I;M THE DEBIL MY PRICK'S INSIDE YA YA FUCKING DOITY NIGGA JSJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJDJD

>> No.1218528


No, it's where people who evidentally can't take a lesson get the same thing repeated until they get the message.

>> No.1218531

Navel-gazing, post-modern bullshit.

>> No.1218532
File: 14 KB, 480x268, david_foster_wallace_wazzat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1218534


Explain Bataille's comparison of the activity of the "intellect" with the acquisition of rank through giving gifts. What is the effect of the activity of the intellect on objects? How and into what does it transform them? Is this sort of effect in any way similar to the functions of money? Is money itself an intellectual phenomenon?

>> No.1218539
File: 26 KB, 475x321, 4_richard-nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keiko slowly reached her hand up along Tao Lin's smooth, muscular chest, until her fingers reached his nipple. She pinched it lightly between thumb and forefinger, and listened with satisfaction as Tao moaned pleasurably in his sleep.

Keiko felt herself becoming deliciously wet at the thought of what else she might do to Tao Lin as he slept.

Then she realized a figure was silhouetted in the doorway. Hunched shoulders, a cheap polyester suit...then a familiar gravelly voice spoke the words:

"Is Richard Milhous Nixon gonna hafta choke a bitch?"

Keiko sat up and covered her pert nubile breasts with a towel, as she realized President Nixon had discovered her illicit liaison with this sleeping boy.

"Don't stop, Slanty-eyes," said President Nixon, slipping out of his cheap suit and revealing a 10-inch erection and a hairy sagging body that was covered all over with lurid and obscene jailhouse tattoos.

Keiko gasped at the size of President Nixon's cock

"So what's first," said Nixon, grabbing Keiko by the nape of her neck and pulling her face into his fragrant scrotum. "Shall I assfuck you while I fist your sleeping friend, or vice versa?"

>> No.1218543
File: 60 KB, 800x552, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

President Nixon laughed manically, but still Tao Lin did not wake. Keiko was terrified. She was helplessly wet between her legs, though, and Nixon's sturdy quaker penis bobbed in frustration. And it looked so....manly. Rugged. Ten inches of ropy veiny republican manmeat.

"Kissinger once said power was the ultimate aphrodisiac, Keiko," said President Nixon in his characteristic gravelly mumble. "Would you agree? Like our covert 1971 carpet-bombing of neutral Cambodia. That kept you slopes safe from the Red Menace, didn't it? And it certainly made MY tricky dick stand up and salute the flag!"

He waggled his oversized ropy veiny reactionary penis in her face, dickslapping her across the Oriental eyefolds.

Keiko nodded wordlessly and leaned back, pulling her moist pink labia open to show President Nixon her open willing cunt.

"You're not a Jew, Keiko, are you?" said Nixon, suddenly paranoid. "I mean, I know you're a Jap, but there's a lot of motherfucking Jews on my enemies list. Woodward and Bernstein, Lowenstein, Davidoff. I just want to make sure a pretty little piece of submissive geisha sushi isn't another god- damned Jew."

>> No.1218545
File: 22 KB, 325x336, Nixon37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No," said Keiko, "but I am a virgin."

"Bullshit," said President Nixon, as he approached, with his angry penis aloft, a pearly drop of precum glistening at the tip of its glans.
Nixon was clearly out of his mind with sexual frustration.

He threw himself on Keiko and began to titty-fuck her, between her modestly-sized Japanese tits, while with one liverspotted hand he began to grope Tao Lin's erection through the boxer shorts shoplifted from American Apparel.

Tao moaned pleasurably but still did not wake...

"My God, I've wanted to do this ever since I first escalated the war in Vietnam!" cried Richard M Nixon, out of his mind with insane lust. "I wanna bury my face in your assholes so you can give me some SGR"

"What's SGR?" asked Keiko, hesitantly.

>> No.1218546

This is excellent, especially if Keiko is meant to be the wife of British novelist David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.

>> No.1218549

Bataille discovers evidence of our basic ambiguity in the potlatch. With that in mind, comment on this passage: "It [human existence] places the value, the prestige and the truth of life in the negation of the servile use of possessions, but at the same time it makes a servile use of this negation."

>> No.1218551
File: 24 KB, 460x300, richardnixon4601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Stiff Gook Rimming," replied Nixon lubriciously. "I would get General Westmoreland to send me the freshest VC corpses from Hamburger Hill, then I'd use an x-acto knife to extract the anus and lick it and treasure it, even wear it like a cock ring. My GOD I love you delicious little Asians with your kimchee bodyodor and your submissive sexual depravity!"

With each thrust of his ropy veiny penis powerfully gliding between Keiko's pert
breasts as he titty- fucked her, President Richard Milhous Nixon swore lewdly that this was even hotter than his covert 1971 carpet-bombing of Cambodia.

Keiko couldn't take her eyes off Nixon's leathery hand, which had now removed Tao's erect prick from the waistband which pinned it all 3 inches against the sleeping boy's body.

Nixon was yanking Tao's little yellow penis with long expert thrusts, and a little flourishing flick of the wrist, to match his own relentless titty-fucking...where each thrust ended with Nixon's long muscular penis poking Keiko in the chin, dabbing her with gossamer threads of pre-cum...

"Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto!" roared Nixon, insane with lust.

Keiko was thinking about her virginity. She had wanted to save it, and offer her virgin body to Tao Lin draped with sashimi, unagi on the nipples, California Roll on her mons veneris, et cetera.
But now, she was moved by desire.

Desire for President Richard M. Nixon.

>> No.1218555

> "Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto!" roared Nixon, insane with lust.

This is masterly.

>> No.1218557


Feeling a slight twinge in my dickveins. Moar please.

>> No.1218559
File: 22 KB, 305x432, nixon-bowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nixon-san," said Keiko, submissively, with a little bow, "I want you to be my first." Keiko could scarcely believe she was saying this.

Perhaps she was just jealous, because Nixon seemed to take no interest in her moist cunt, he was concentrating more on dickslapping her, while he expertly stroked Tao Lin's hard three inches of Asian manhood.

Tao still hadn't woken up, thought Keiko. Which is a shame, since he really likes President Richard M Nixon.

"Keiko, come here," said President Nixon. "Let me taste that delicious pink rice pussy of yours. I want to bury my face in it up to the jowls, while I discuss how I defeated Helen Gahagan Douglas in the 1950 congressional elections."

Nixon ceased dickslapping Keiko's face and wanking Tao Lin, then he buried his face up to the jowls in Keiko's moist tender opening.

He murmured between her cuntflaps something about Alger Hiss, and Eisenhower, and Communism.

His own angry erection suddenly slapped Keiko in the knee. She fell backwards, and Nixon began to work his big toe into her virgin pussy.

>> No.1218561
File: 11 KB, 300x400, Nixon-Cambodia-Cover-Up17nov05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Nixon's unclipped toenail abraded against Keiko's quivering hymen. "Mr President," she screamed, "What are you doing?"

Nixon responded "It's called FOOTING, Keiko. Kinda like fisting. In my country, it's the only way that one lesbian can get another lesbian pregnant. Would you like me to FOOT you, Keiko?"

Keiko looked confused. "But I'm---I'm a virgin."

Nixon chuckled. "Why do you think I've been keeping Tao Lin's rock hard 3-inch boner at full-mast? You can mount him, but first why don't you get ready for a little Nixon-san podiatrical hentai, as my toes climb up and get ready to tell your cervix about my role in the Red Scare of the 1950s..."

>> No.1218562

The pornography about Nixon is my favorite Wallace work.

>> No.1218566

Am I supposed to be enjoying the Nixon-Keiko story so much? Is it wrong that I am?

>> No.1218565
File: 153 KB, 454x375, nixon_mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Rim me, bitch!" screamed President Richard M Nixon, sitting on Tao Lin's face. "I'm almost ready to pop my cookies!"

Tao Lin, still asleep, began obediently to lick the puckered poohole of Tricky Dick. But Keiko could not have been more aroused.

The sight of Tao Lin with his tongue between the furry globes of President Richard Nixon's rump was enough to make her as moist as a snack-cake.

"Tongue-fuck me, Tao! My God, you're even better than Gordon Liddy," Nixon swore lustily, and banged his ass against the Asian boy's face with powerful thrusts.

I don't want Tao Lin's dick inside me, thought Keiko, I want President Nixon...

"Oh please President Nixon" screams Keiko, "Fuck me!"

Nixon leaps upon her and thrusts ten inches of angry reactionary Yorba Linda whitesnake into her expectant opening, hammering against the entrance of her womb.

Keiko moans with delight.

"I want to open your cunt the same way I opened up relations with Red China," growls Nixon, "Be my Chairman Mao, Keiko. Be my Deng Xiao-Peng."

>> No.1218568
File: 21 KB, 400x473, RMNixonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keiko moans loudly as Richard Milhous Nixon pushes his ten inches in and out of her pink pussy.

"Yeah!" Nixon screams. "How does that feel!"

"American Hentai!' screams Keiko. "I am horny Tokyo Business Woman, you are long Imperialist tentacle of American President! Very big penis! Angry penis!"

"God damn right," swears Nixon. "I'm gonna fuck you harder, bitch, than Rodan fucked Mothra"

Then Nixon swivelled his head around, his jowls wobbling, and fixed a gimlet eye on Tao Lin.

"Did I tell you you could stop licking my winking brown eye, you nervy little slope?" asks Nixon. "Don't make me drop another Fat Man and Little Boy, because this time I'll aim for Kyoto and Tokyo."

Traumatized by the reference to the atom bombs dropped on the industrial cities of northern Honshu, Tao Lin obediently bows, and kneels, and starts rimming President Nixon again.

"Mmmmm," purrs Nixon, "you're such a good little faggot, just like Mishima Yukio. Worship the anus of American power. Lick my asshole like it's made out of green-tea ice-cream. Tongue-fuck me like it's exam season and you're my mother trying to encourage me to study hard. I love a good slow rimjob from a geisha....the love of the cut sleeve, they call it, Tao, as you probably learned at NYU. Gimme some lovin'."

>> No.1218570

>Worship the anus of American power.


>> No.1218571
File: 57 KB, 526x363, nixonwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Holy motherfucking Jesus on a pogo-stick," screams President Nixon. "I GODDAMN LOVE IT."

Tao Lin merely murmurs obediently as he continues to lap his pert tongue against the nether orifice of America's 37th President.

Meanwhile Keiko's sweet cunt begins to contract involuntarily, gripping President Nixon's penis like a warm friendly hand, as though she is eager to milk the lovejuice from his ten remarkable inches.


Keiko screams with delight as President Richard Milhous Nixon begins to flood her with copious amounts of hot, sticky seed....the pure jism of the most powerful man in the free world.

President Nixon collapses onto the floor, mumbles something about the SALT 2 treaty discussions with Premier Brezhnev, and promptly falls asleep.

Keiko looked at Tao Lin.

"Wow," says Keiko. "So that's President Richard Milhous Nixon."

"Yeah," says Tao Lin. "I know."

"What a weeaboo," says Keiko, and giggles decorously behind her hand.

"I'm not asleep, you cunt," says Nixon, and suddenly with a swift flick of his wrist, he hurls two ninja throwing stars (also known as "shuriken") at the Asian youths, landing each solidly in the middle of their foreheads.

Tao Lin and Keiko die before they know what hit them.

Nixon laughs---an ugly sound---and gets up.
"I guess they never realized," says President Richard Milhous Nixon as he gets back into his cheap polyester suit. "That I am Richard Nixon....but I am also...a SHINIGAMI."

He looks at their corpses and murmurs..."Youth in Asia....hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

And with that, Richard M Nixon laughs cruelly and returns to the nether realm, until he is next summoned to perform the rites of love and death on young Asians who dare to lose their virginity.

The end. (OR IS IT???)

>> No.1218586



>> No.1218616
File: 38 KB, 550x303, glorious yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1218637
File: 25 KB, 400x524, poor hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this story makes me contemplate suicide

I will never read anything this amazing again

>> No.1218668

is this really richard nixon / tao lin erotic fan fiction? or did i just drop two tabs of acid? or both?

>> No.1218675
File: 79 KB, 428x507, stonedlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Stiff Gook Rimming," replied Nixon lubriciously. "I would get General Westmoreland to send me the freshest VC corpses from Hamburger Hill, then I'd use an x-acto knife to extract the anus and lick it and treasure it, even wear it like a cock ring. My GOD I love you delicious little Asians with your kimchee bodyodor and your submissive sexual depravity!"

What the FUCK am I reading

>> No.1218676

I don't know whether to masturbate or laugh, brilliant stuff

>> No.1218683
File: 627 KB, 1366x3745, Nixon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped for your convenience.

>> No.1218693

Thank you. And thank you, writer-anon!

>> No.1218694 [DELETED] 

If he's so great how come he's dead?

>> No.1218717

My life...it's...it's different now...

>> No.1218742

ITT: some retard thinks everyone cares how much he hates DFW. Stop making these threads please. It's pointless.

>> No.1219248


This thread is the Richard Nixon/Tao Lin story thread.

>> No.1219259
File: 116 KB, 480x268, DFWTAINMENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1219261

let it die...

>> No.1219281

Why would I read a 1000 page books by a loser co-dependent depressive ? Why ?

>> No.1219689


We'd rather YOU die, dear. Please. Soon.

>> No.1219693

Why not?

>> No.1219706

Why has this been bumped?

>> No.1219727


Because /lit/ is going to promote "Richard Nixon by Tao Lin" to Tao Lin as hard as Tao Lin promotes "Richard Yates by Tao Lin" to /lit/.