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12181647 No.12181647 [Reply] [Original]

i'm an alcoholic. what non-self-help books can i read to try and deal with this

>> No.12181654

try any of the numerous other "give me self help books, but not actually self help books" threads

>> No.12181670

nigga what

>> No.12181725

The subtle art of not giving a fuck, 12 rules for life, meditations. Ordered from least to most heavy, all great archetypal books.

>> No.12181754

12 Rules for the MAGA Mindset.

>> No.12181760

Now I must admit that I could not read at all and take your problem to be some inane bullshit.

Go to the shower and sleep. To work tomorrow. No other advice will come.

>> No.12181870

Under the Volcano

>> No.12181908

Read about end stage cirrhosis. That should heal you fast

>> No.12181911
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>> No.12181943

nigga who

>> No.12182007

this. the author was a recovering alcoholic and there's a lot of addiction and AA stuff in there. its great

>> No.12182024

Anything my Charles Bukowski. His works are about getting drunk, fucking bitches, and hating people, all while loving every minute of it.

>> No.12182972
File: 76 KB, 300x250, aa-big-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got me through that hell.

>> No.12182986

>not spending every free penny you have on books, so you can't afford to drink
nigga are you stupid

>> No.12182991

(Not OP) what are you supposed to do if youre a heavy drinker (6 pack of strong beer a night) but you have enough control to avoid rock bottom or escalation. Ive been keeping this pace for 3 years, can quit for days or weeks at a time but always end up back in the loop. I dont make reckless decisions and I dont see this ending with a DUI or some calamity.

Are you allowed to go to AA without burning the house down or getting court ordered there?

>> No.12183015

The Lost Weekend
Alcohol Explained
This Naked Mind
Under the Volcano

>> No.12183024

>Are you allowed to go to AA without burning the house down or getting court ordered there?
Yes, you are just "high bottom"

>> No.12183035

Shit. I am a god damned alcoholic. How the hell did this happen? Im more embarassed than anything else.

>> No.12183037

Tortilla Flat will at least make you lament not having a stable of comrades with which to practice your gallant alcoholism.

>> No.12183120

Not your fault, I got clean after smoking too much weed and doing other psychs and shit, it's god damned easy and life gets way better after you figure yourself out. Find someone in a meeting that you trust/don't hate and let them show you the way.

>> No.12183129

Read something unrelated that you enjoy and go to a therapist or a doctor, you fucking dullard. Books and thinking aren't going to fix your alcoholism, acting on it now will.
Wishing you the best.

>> No.12183148

Just go to AA you dumb faggot. Sit in the church basement with the rest of the drecks and listen to the horror stories (they're actually funny, now). Bond with sad old men over the tragic comedy of your collective lows. All the "Oh I've been there too. Get a load of this one time..."s. Drink the free coffee (decaf, it's the midnight meeting after all) and chain smoke on the bench outside before and after. It's cold and dark out there, like everywhere. You'll miss the drink, the spice-like warmth in your guts. But it's warm in the basement too, with all those sad friendly faces.

>> No.12183158

No book with help you with alcoholism OP. Once you're an alcoholic you can't undo it without a strong willpower that doesn't come from books.

>> No.12183163

alcoholism is not an illness, think of it as a lifestyle that comes with a high price.

>> No.12183172

Excellent post. Stick around here, will ya?

>> No.12183202

agreed, this was a pretty good read.

>> No.12183704

i'll try pal thanks

>> No.12183800

>tfw relapsed on poppy seed tea after 3 months clean last week

>> No.12183810

What exactly is the criteria for alcoholism? Drinking every day?

>> No.12183812

If your drinking negatively impacts your health, your occupation, your family, or your social life

>> No.12183815

Needing it for emotional stability. When you try to quit you get snippy and agitated.

also a good marker: An alcoholic can never have "just one drink."

>> No.12183816

Okay I really dont think it does but I still feel sort of guilty for drinking a few times a week because I'm afraid of becoming an alcoholic but love the lack of anxiety I feel after getting even just a bit buzzed.

>> No.12183827

Just don't get addicted buddy. wait long intervals between taking it from now on please. It's the comfiest I've ever been been but don't forget the sweetness of abstaining.

>> No.12184135

Stop drinking. No book will change he who does not wish to change himself.

>> No.12184149


>> No.12184174

Hey, I’m a recovering heroin addict and alcoholic and help manage a sober house. When I was interested to the program my (now) best friend introduced me to a daily practice of yoga, which will help you to detoxify your mental, physical, and spiritual body. It will also help you with distress tolerance, experimenting in a safe environment with uncomfortability in a manner that translates to circumstances off the mat, things that may cause you to drink.

He also referenced me to “Prometheus Rising” and “The Kybalion”, two books that really helped open my mind to experiences like AA and sponsorship, which can be genuinely helpful.

The Brothers Karamazov and Tropic of Cancer actually helped me too, strangely enough...

Best of luck to you anon, you can do it.