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/lit/ - Literature

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12180584 No.12180584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im finding a tough major to pick between something like computer science/IT and something like nursing. I am self diagnosed autistic and just want something that will provide me the lit lifestyle...and celibacy

>> No.12180591

You should study some psychology to better understand that self diagnosis is improper and you're probably just lonely

>> No.12180657

If you become a nurse you must interact with people all the time though

>> No.12180661
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>self diagnosed autistic

>> No.12180670

Doctors are /lit/, nurses are not.

t. doctor

>> No.12180681

Do what you think will please you, not what you think will provide a "lit lifestyle"

You fucking imbecile.

>> No.12180713

You dont understand. Im totally incompetent in the "real" world. I need something to go into that will provide enough security so i dont have to worry about shit

>> No.12180765

Why would you think that nursing is a suitable profession when you're "totally incompetent in the "real" world"? A programming/IT job would be more suitable in that case. You still have to interact with other people, but at least it's not the core of the job, as it is in nursing.

>> No.12180792

what do you do if nothing pleases you but you don't want everyone to hate you for doing nothing

>> No.12180799

The only lit lifestyle is not playing the game at all

>> No.12180802

Now I must admit that I could not read at all and take your problem to be some inane bullshit.

Go to the shower and sleep. To work tomorrow. No other advice will come.

>> No.12180803

nursing is for fags

>> No.12180816

Yes, nothing is more /lit/ than handling shit-filled bedpans, changing blood-soaked dressings and speechlessly obeying brainlets with enormous ego that.

>> No.12180820

If you are bad with people, then you might want to consider surgical nursing. Half the people who work in surgery are autists, especially the surgeons. Can't speak towards it being conducive to celibacy however, considering the nursing profession is currently 80-90 percent female.

>> No.12180824

I'm doing a creative writing major. Nothing more /lit/ than a starving writer.

>> No.12180828

All I'm saying is that if you are going to make life choices based on the arbitrary values of others, at least make it so those values aren't from a fucking 4chan(nel) board

>> No.12180899
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/thread. OP, >>12180584, listen to that guy.
If I may add, even if you felt that it may be useful before med school as a fallback option, nursing is a bad major that will wreck your GPA because the candidates within it are those who do not respond well to testing. As such, there is a plethora of busybody work (homework, projects, etc) to make up for poor test performance. You will be inundated. You'll be in an 80% Jezebels enviroment in nursing.

Computer science is not /lit/ either. Nor is it a logical career choice; if you do not have a strong knowledge of C++ already, forget it. Why hire you when they can H1B a more energized man from the Indian subcontinent for half of what you're willing to work? Again, the same sort of dilemma applies to the course of study itself too. Busybody work. Why do I mention this? Because you need to keep up your grade point average if you want to go into medical school; doing that is easy if you choose a conventional major such as biology or chemistry depending on your intelligence (you should have no difficulty understanding either). If you can plan the required courses in advanced, you could even study humanities in undergrad provided you take oChem, biology, etc (check the websites of medical schools for entrance requirements). In retrospect, I should have studied philosophy or even literature. My undergrad education was utterly worthless in terms of teaching me anything that I didn't already know or couldn't easily learn.

OP, if you have no plans for graduate education, don't go to university--- nearly all majors are too saturated and unless you come from a wealthy background with people able to get you jobs, or have many friends and connections, then you'll struggle with employment even if you are intelligent, and yes, even if you were a good looker and were socially agile and adept. I used to think 50k starting salaries were low back in 2012.... the situation has gotten worse. I ask recent graduates how much they're making sometimes---- 30s and 40s starting. Abysmal. That + loan repayment makes it not simply not worth wasting 4 years of your life; you're gross income (what actually matters) is too low to do anything but just survive, additional debt is a non-issue in comparison. Trade school is better than undergrad by itself. Now, if you want to go to graduate school, and study medicine, get a PharmD or go after a funded PhD....by all means carry on with undergrad, which is a necessary evil for entrance into these programs.

Careers suggestions?
-Radiologist as mentioned is probably your best bet.
-You might also enjoy being a hospital pharmacist, consider pharmacy school. Much better than a nurse and less social interaction required.
-Have you considered becoming a priest? Or perhaps a monastic? I'd advise you to contact Opus Dei; some of their members take a vow of celibacy, so you could experience the lifestyle.

Either way, I wish you luck, hope you get this sorted out.

>> No.12180981

I’m currently studying to be a paramedic. Even with a basic EMT licence there’s lots of cool stuff that can be done: fire fighting in the summers, plus oil fields pay a shitload for some pretty cozy work (12-24h shift, mostly of sitting around reading).
Eventually I’d like to get my licence, join my countries armed forces, finish up a BSc or BA in something cool with two years of paid education, and work in a field hospital in some war-torn shithole for a few years.
I’d say the coursework is pretty /lit/, lots of learning about medical systems and cool hands on stuff, plus I get to learn Greek and Latin stems. Nursing always seemed like a field for women though, probably personal prejudice but it often seems that way. Also I’m pretty sure that paramedics out-rank nurses despite having as many years of training.
Have you considered teaching? I worked it for a few years and it’s comfy af. Just sit around and be knowledgeable all day long, while a bunch of nymphets compete for your affection. It takes about the same amount of time as any career, plus you can get easy work experience by joining peAce corps and traveling for a year or two.

>> No.12181016
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Is being an electrician /lit/?

>> No.12181246

It's respectable. Not a pseud line of work like other fields.