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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 360x480, julius_evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12178832 No.12178832 [Reply] [Original]

is he worth getting into?

>> No.12178836
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, Evola Comprehensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12178848

Yes if you want someone to laugh at

>> No.12178863
File: 1.25 MB, 994x4724, 1541650393281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use this, it's shit.

>> No.12178870

No. Try Schuon or Guenon.

>> No.12178933

what is this spergery?

>> No.12178948

No. Esoterica is just over-intellectualised wish-fulfillment.

>> No.12178958

yes, he is comfy to read, a bit too autistic about race and pretending to be above morality, but really good otherwise

>> No.12179176

Yes, but first you must read some books of ernest jünger

>> No.12179209

wasn't jünger a pleb that redpilled himself by getting bullied or something?

>> No.12179416

>read evola
>start shitting in the street and believing i can conjure up gold by drawing snakes on the floor
You tell me

>> No.12179441
File: 122 KB, 840x554, tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no? he fought for the french foreign legion as a teen, was a lieutenant in the wehrmacht during ww1, and had a long successful career writing literature throughout the 20th century.
yes, very comfy reading. in his main works he was trying to outline a way to live in the modern world in a way that is both stirnerian/nietzschean and traditionally-minded. ride the tiger is far and away his most interesting book but i'd put path of cinnabar, revolt against the modern world, and men among the ruins as pre-reqs for it.

>> No.12179443

Start with at the Mountains of Madness

>> No.12179462

unironically pretty good image, agree with almost everything on here

>> No.12179469

what are you talking about?

>> No.12179475

nah its all meaningless bullshit
people only give a shit about evola because all the alt right kiddies need to have some kind of "intellectual" justification for reactionary fascist ideology

>> No.12179477

you forgot to add "no homo"

>> No.12179479

except nobody has read anything on the alt right

>> No.12179482

Not really, no one really reads him, especially the people who've "read" him.

>> No.12179491

you're right but they'll pretend they have read him to appear like their reactionary meme politics have some kind of intellectual tradition behind them

>> No.12179495

By the way you write everyone can tell you've never read a single right wing author.

>> No.12179501

evola's message is mostly anti-society elitism
alt-right is just a mix of 1789/1932 populism and frogs
pick one

>> No.12179506

you forgot to mention conspiracy theories but otherwise you got all the important buzzwords.

>> No.12179507

you seem to think /pol/tier reactionary politics are rational and intellectually consistent with the figures they latch onto. You're wrong.

I've read some.
Its usually all just endless drivel

>> No.12179511

The fascists and the reactionaries did not even get along in the 20s/30s/40s, like lol what are you talking about lol read a fucking book you mong

>> No.12179517

>trigger le nazis epic style

>> No.12179518

>I've read some.
Yes, I bet you did that with your girlfriend that goes to another school.

>> No.12179520

post about evola on pol and you will get tons of people making fun of you, calling him a schizo or a sperg
pol is crypto-nazbol, not traditionalist at all

>> No.12179522

reactionary right wing politics isnt intellectually consistent

if evola contradicts national socialism ideology it doesnt fucking matter to the /pol/ type that is just desperately looking for intellectual justification

you and I both know that isnt true.
any /pol/ book thread will always have recommendation for evola

>> No.12179531

no politics are consistent, specially when you blur the line between theory and propaganda which everybody does

>> No.12179539

thats what im saying. Evola is just this mystical figure for alt-right /pol/ types to have SOME intellectual behind their ideas even if they dont match up entirely

reactionary politics doesnt have an intelelctual tradition so they latch on to the very few authors there are to say "look my ideas are justified! see theyre old just like liberalism or marxism or whatever!"

>> No.12179540

>reactionary right wing politics isnt intellectually consistent
Reading you is like reading people who write about "a cure for cancer". It's so apparent that you don't know anything about what you're talking.

>> No.12179542

yes it is, you are making conclusions based on a priori synthetic assumptions concerning things you think you wouldn't like
there's no way a faggot like you would actually take the time to read one of evola's books; you already know what your opinion about it should be based on a one-paragraph description of it

>> No.12179551

you really think a bunch of horny and lonely 17 year olds on /pol/ give a shit if evola wasnt really a fascist? they just want SOMETHING to cling on to that validates their ideas.


oh look a /pol/ book thread
oh look people recommending evola

>> No.12179556

i don't think anybody in reactionary politics is deluded enough to think there's a decent unbroken tradition of reactionary politics, that's why everybody is looking into old authors and some meme blogs that hit it big

the thing is that liberalism and marxism are a joke at this point, so people are looking for alternatives, of course the alternatives will look like a joke for a while when people are figuring things out, and everything may turn out to be just another joke, there's no reason to be optimistic about any of this

>> No.12179562

>oh look a /pol/ book thread
>oh look people recommending evola
11 replies on the fastest board on this site, that thread is just a few guys that got lost

>> No.12179564

>one post
>also implying this has anything to do with evola's actual work
radfems like nietzsche, does that mean i shouldn't read him? you're just full of shit guy.

>> No.12179570

moving the goal post

I dont give a shit what you read. evola is just reactionary trash. people only give him the light of day because theyre looking for intellectual justification for their own reactionary meme ideology.

Im just repeating myself over and over
how are you dullards not understanding this

>> No.12179576

i understand what you are saying, but your point is small-brained "racists like papa john's so i'm not eating at papa john's" tier garbage.
>I dont give a shit what you read
missing the whole point, you are a total mong

>> No.12179579

you dont have to avoid papa johns because racists like papa johns, but papa johns is still poor quality garbage food that will probably make you sick

>> No.12179589

>somebody said something once in a place
doesn't mean it's representative of the place

>> No.12179592

but in this case it is

>> No.12179599

Don't think that's correct, but isn't that nearly every red-piller?

>> No.12179693

I love these hot takes from people who clearly know nothing.

>> No.12179750

Yes, so you can laugh at what fascists ACTUALLY believe

>> No.12180173

>ITT: 1 fucking retard ruins everything by being a fucking retard

>> No.12180185

>"Im just repeating myself over and over"
>"Why are you idiots not agreeing with me yet"
Fuck off, faggot