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/lit/ - Literature

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12177346 No.12177346 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I started writing a passive aggressive sentence or two about some student's feedback calling a central character in my unfinished story derivative of Frankenstein, accidentally sent it. I then found myself writing 4 emails trying to apologize explain to them not try and explain their criticism any more, even though it probably would've been better to just leave it as is or not try to apologize so fucking hard since it was only passive aggressive any way and he probably could've even read the tone that well.
>tfw I wrote all that immature self-conscious shit despite the fact that I'm trying to start a writing club
>He didn't even hate everything I wrote, just the central element that isn't even half-way finished
God fucking damn it I'm such a child. Now I have to wait to see if he e-mails me back.
What the hell have I done

>> No.12177356

when you see him in person tell him that you are a child and he'll understand probably.

>> No.12177361

disliked, unsubscribed

>> No.12177363

Eh, live and learn. Nobody cares that much.

>> No.12177379

Here's how you were supposed to handle it
>it's derivative of Frankenstein
>so what
Imagine what the drones these days would say about Virgil or Dante's work. Then imagine if Virgil or Dante actually listened to the creative writing course plebs.
"Academic" literati are the antithesis of genuine artists.

>> No.12177380

Ah nothing you can do now.
>talking about philosophy with some people
>mfw someone uses logical arguments to critique it like some autistic person would out of no where

Why? It wasn't formal, it wasn't set philosophy, it was general thoughts and feelings.

I hate smugness.

>> No.12177426

Yeah, I mean that's the thing is what am I even supposed to do about "derivative"? To me, it seems like all that really means is this idea isn't finished yet.

>> No.12177461

But of course, I shouldn't be expecting perfect feedback like that. Half these students still don't yet know what they're even saying when giving feedback and its not always that easy.

Its just sad because there's a chance I lost some help with starting the club, but whatever. I'm not required to read any email he sends me after the fact any way.