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/lit/ - Literature

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12177323 No.12177323 [Reply] [Original]

post your novel ideas

>> No.12177329


>> No.12177355

It’s summer. Some people meet on the beach or in different parks. They don’t know what the fuck to do with their time.

>> No.12177358

Apes aren't monkeys

>> No.12177359

Dragons arguing.

>> No.12177362

No, they're going somewhere this time

>> No.12177364


>> No.12177371

badman inna di street dem a go pow pow pow

>> No.12177372

based dubs
what are they arguing about

>> No.12177387
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a school of thought/pseudo-religion/philosophy inspired by the occult and the ctmu. tries to mix mysticism and cybernetics with applications that would directly benefit me.

there would be a novel would then be a series of aphorisms and short stories made of an aspect of my creation. oh wait! im already working on that. well, a corpus of teachings at least. too bad im not going to share with anyone here

>> No.12177439

Group of people are sharing stagecoach to knowxille, 1880. Stagecoach gets robbed on a bridge but the driver sends the coach down a cliff in an attempt to escape. Only a man and a boy live. They trek through the snows of Tennessee wilderness for a while and quickly become friends. Kid slowly begins to realize that the man is wanted and the coach robbers were actually bounty hunters. Ends with a big shootout where the kid escapes and a few years later he sees him being hung in town square.

>> No.12177547

Character dynamic between a ballerina and rugged, elderly man who comes into watch. Setting is a fictional police-state that is influenced by southwest Europe, in the 1970s. Probably less of a novel, and more of a short story. I don't know yet.

>> No.12177583
File: 56 KB, 580x387, CC521D4D-204B-44DA-A663-852779D225D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A feeling of ennui begins to infect the populace. First at a small rural community where farmers stop farming and fisherman stop fishing. Then in suburban areas where soccer moms stop shopping and kids stop playing. Then to the more metropolitan areas. Telecommunications, electricity, water, and all other utilities are shut down as the workers no longer work. The disease does not leave North America as the pilots no longer fly their planes. Eventually people stop eating, drinking or sleeping and they all waste away. Some time later other countries send over highly trained medical personnel to figure out what happened but they too are overcome by the ennui and end up bringing the disease back to the rest of the world. Thus humanity ends in a fit of boredom.

>> No.12177730


>> No.12177736

Give us a sneaky tease though.

>> No.12177740

Hunt for the Wilderpeople was cool.

>> No.12177748

A western fantasy where cowboys ride winged horses.

>> No.12177795

Gay and fabulous

>> No.12177802
File: 728 KB, 768x768, Untitled391-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story where 3 teens wander into an abandoned mansion and end up finding a door to another world made by a clockmaker who used magic, steampunk, end up having to make sacrafices as an oath to help save that world, which is full of semi immortal Clockwork people. End up fighting a Cobalt dragon with a gold and silver dragon, youngest kid fucking dies.

Pic related, doing art for my story.

>> No.12177813

The theme is steampunk,*

>> No.12177857

Bunch of teenage boys are having a cigarette rolling competition when time fractures and now they are doomed to endlessly repeat the same slight rolling motions with there fingers forever, completely conscious yet unable to act. Their craving for nicotine is fueled by the perpetual sight of the nearly rolled cigarettes, growing and growing until they accept their fate. Time heals itself but being forced to stare at the strands of tobacco for who knows how long in standard time has put them off, all except one boy who begins rolling again and refractures time.

>> No.12177872


>> No.12177957


>> No.12178419

Fuck, I've got too many

>a spice vendor and a lunar princess get chased across the deserts of mars by a drug kingpin
>the subway makes an unscheduled service change into another universe and now the passengers have to walk home through every city's weird side
>a plantation slave has her own rebellion pulled out from under her when her runaway brother returns bearing dark powers and an ancient and powerful patron
>a roman girl learns her father is the god Vulcan, which would have been enough of a problem if it wasn't currently the renaissance. Now she has to escape the inquisiton
>the intentionally scandalous and wildly unbelievable autobiography of a certain mad chocolatier

>> No.12178440

I like the third one, but I'm not too big on fantastical elements, personally. Of course, this is just my opinion, but I think you could definitely write something based off of the same premise but instead of bearing dark powers, the brother comes back as a slave owner himself à la Django Unchained.

>> No.12178517

honestly, that's the one I'm the least proud of. The story's actually supposed to be an edgy retelling of the book of exodus with Miriam as the main character. If I do it, I'll have to change the ending to give her some kind of catharsis.

>> No.12178807

Sounds like it could be fun kid's fantasy. Good luck anon.

>> No.12178817


>> No.12178843


Do you take requests?

>> No.12178935

Australia, really hot summer, police station in some shithole. It's a night and one of cops get a weird phone, begging for help. He decides to check it - while he drives to his destinations (one of the campings nearby) , he bumps into weird creature and have odd visions/hallucinations. Anyway, when he finally arrives to the place he got phone from, he finds two confused people. They don't remember anything but they are so fucking scared that he don't even check place where it all happened, but quickly take them to the doctor.
He can't quite forget about all what happened and end up doing research on his own - he discovers that some nasty things happened in this area in the past. Soon, it all starts happening again. He is not sure if it all really is real or it is only him that can see that. Some paranormal stuff happens and really brutal murders. Idk what next, you can give me some ideas.

>> No.12179297

would read

>> No.12179591

this is a cool idea. you could find some archived /x/ greentexts and get some ideas from there (they always use the same tropes in every story) and put your own spin on them so they aren't tired cliches

>> No.12179800

Why don't you like fantasy?

>> No.12179838

They are arguing about /lit/ meme philosophers: Land, Evola, Guenon, Hegel, Heidegger, Foucault, etc. That, and the occult, because they're dragons and magick is real for them.

>> No.12181399



>> No.12181422


You should call it "Thank You for Smoking"

>> No.12181438
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Erotic novel where Anne Frank becomes pregnant with Peter van Pels' baby while around late 1943, setting in motion a chain of events that saves them from the dreadful destiny of the concentration camps, but leads to their being caught up in the midst of one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War.

The idea is that Anne and Peter both live in constant terror of the Nazis and it drives them into an intensely sexual relationship because it's literally the only thing that alleviates that fear. Anne (naturally) winds up getting pregnant. Increasinly affected by hormonal changes, Anne finds herself even more gripped by fear than she was before (fear of not just the Nazis or even of giving birth, but of what her parents will say, of "ruining" her body, of becoming an outcast in Dutch society once the war is over), causing her to turn even more to sex as a means of coping. A girl who previously was rather dismissive of religion, Anne finds herself silently praying and pleading with God for someone, anyone to help her, save her, Peter, and their baby from certain death.

Peter on the other hand has largely rejected spirituality and believing that his own death is imminent seeks Earthly pleasure. Mostly in the form of Anne, whose changing body has aroused a lust within him that he no idea he even had (his budding pregnancy fetish is so strong that he finds it inconceivable that Anne would find herself unattractive in the slightest).

Ultimately, whether by chance or divine intervention, Anne's prayers are answered, but not in the way she imagined. Not by God per se, but by men, clad in grey, from a Land of Deepest Shade that she knows virtually nothing about, but fight with an animalistic ferocity that terrifies her as much as it does the Germans. As if demons sprang from the Earth to hold the Nazis to account for their sins.

The book reveals midway that Anne and Peter's destiny was altered not by the conception of their child, but by an event that took place nearly a century before either of their births on the other side of the world. One that cast a long and bloody shadow in its wake.

>> No.12181446


>> No.12181450

why do i want to read this

>> No.12181475 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Becauseit's wholesome..

>> No.12181485

Would read. Gave me a big ol boner

>> No.12181490

where can i get more pics like this

>> No.12181501 [SPOILER] 
File: 712 KB, 889x1216, 1543959444057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's wholesome.

Like Anne squealing with joy as she feels Peter grabbing her massive round naked belly and popped navel bulge as he shoots his hot sticky load deep inside of her.

>> No.12181506 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12181539

This just sounds like my last acid trip

>> No.12181949

Lonely wagecuck stumbles across a website for racist artists that tells him to buy a mysterious internet commodity known as “LINK”. This makes him a millionaire over night. He quits his job, tells everyone in his life to fuck. The mysterious LINK disappears and he is left with nothing. It’s a morality tale and a fairytale.

>> No.12181953

* racist autists, silly autocorrect.

>> No.12181957

*racist autists, silly autocorrect

>> No.12181962

*racist artists, silly autocorrect

>> No.12182000

thats some baboon you got there OP, can I see more

>> No.12182012
File: 31 KB, 495x329, foxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old man meets young girl. They fuck she gets pregnant the baby is born they call it Chet. The old man’s wife finds out and kills the young girl and then herself. The old man blames it on Chet, leaves him in the woods or some shit. Chet gets raised by Foxes and becomes Vulpine Man, his special power being that he can detect babies in need everywhere on earth and then he rescues them and stores them in his gigantic fox hole. But then this gigantic vulture villain comes called Vulture Man, literally devours children it’s the only way to survive, you understand? and he’s devouring kids left and right and it’s super grousome. And Vulpine Man comes back to his foxhole one day and sees these babies being devoured and it really fucks him up mentally. So he says “Vulture Man why are you doing this,” and Vulture Man, being a sort of tortured character, says “I hate it, Vulipine Man, I hate that I have to do this, but I have to.” And Vulpine Man breaks his neck with a large stone, puts him out of his misery. But now the big foxhole only has a few kids left, the rest are just one gelatinous heap of blood and bones. And Vulpine Man, he’s fucked up. He goes to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist says, “you have PTSD,” and they put Vulpine Man on Lexapro. He wasn’t really warned about the side effects. He can’t sleep, because of the medicine and because he keeps replaying the images of babies being eaten alive, wailing and shit, and Vulture Man just chomping. The sounds, the crunching. And so anyway he goes out to the overpass there beyond the park and he’s looking out over the traffic. And there is pain in his heart. And so he jumps down into traffic and he’s hit by an Eighteen Wheeler, you understand? And then the book ends.

Book Two he comes back as Roadkill man. Any questions?

>> No.12182023

are you the dude who writes the wojack threads about blackholes and incels and shit? thoroughly enjoy them

>> No.12182053

A group of beatnik rockstar scientists living in an abandoned factory in the 22nd century

>> No.12182060
File: 45 KB, 640x346, The_Ballad_of_Buster_Scruggs-01-1542217968-640x346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a cowboy trades his spurs for wings

>> No.12182076

Caveman convinces other cavemen to hunt for larger animals. He calims it will work because he is a wizard. The cave wizard is actually Alan Moore (it is hinted though the story) and after they succeed, he registers the hunt in the walls of the cave as if it was a comic book.

>> No.12182082

a generic beta-male self-insert is slowly seduced into being a boypussy loving faggot by an hypersexual androgynous catamite he met on a /soc/ meetup

>> No.12182174

Conversationist film where Bobby fischer goes to africa to save the elephants.

"I'm very concerned because I think the Jews want to drive the elephants to extinction because the trunk of an elephant reminds them of an uncircumcised penis. I'm absolutely serious about that... Jews are sick, they're mental cases"

>> No.12182581
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>> No.12182930

A guy declares his house independent from all government. Everyone thinks its a joke. Buddy is serious though and the idea starts to catch on. By the time the government starts to take it seriously a full civil war breaks out. I trying to make it a comedy which is the difficult part.

>> No.12183013
File: 150 KB, 787x768, 1535927011094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future humanity has colonized most of the solar system and has successfully terraformed Mars. But it all falls apart when humanity is attacked by a hive mind race that destroys the Earth, creating a new asteroid belt. Mankind ultimately survives and defeats the aliens, but the Martian government, pampered by a century of reliance on the government of Earth, is under prepared to lead what's left of humanity.
Now, at the turn of the new millennium, the Mars government is growing more totalitarian as it seeks to unify the remaining colonies, leading to the rise of several rebel factions. The book would open with one of these rebel ships, a larger mining cruiser converted into a warship, fleeing into the Terrian debris field after a crushing defeat at the hands of the Martians. The ship is capable of boring into asteroids to create basic infrastructure for out posts and colonies, so the newly appointed captain decides to do just that in order to build up the shattered fleet before making their next move.
Unbeknownst to anyone, the asteroid they're hallowing out was once a mountain on the island of Japan, and contains a dormant minor Shinto deity. She is awakened by the crew's work and begins to cause various super natural phenomena as she gets her bearings. When she finally reveals herself to the circle of main characters they believe her to be a stress induced hallucination. However, since the ship is now technically a part of the mountain she protects, she promises to bring them good luck if they preform various Shinto rituals (none of the crew would be Japanese) and let her play harmless tricks on them from time to time.As time goes on she would go from a smug prankster, to the guardian spirit of a stellar fortress. I would have the aliens from the invasion have psionic powers that would still not be fully understood so the Shinto magic weirdness wouldn't be completely without president. I'd aim for a fun clash of hard military sci-fi with Japanese fairy tale folklore, but I want to wait until I move to Japan so I can do the Shinto stuff justice.

I for one welcome our new orangutan overlords

>> No.12184116
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Would you like to know more?

>> No.12184329

Journalism student wants to find his mother's killer after many years, he gets help from a moth that appears in his room at night, offering him the truth but in return he has to uncover 5 deaths that happened in his city where the murderers escaped justice. In the end the mother abused her son and his father so much that he eventually killed his own mother, in pure trauma self-inducing amnesia to forget about it and covering it up with positive memories of his mother.

>> No.12184369

Would read, but hated the last part.

Why the fuck go through all this if the man will just end up hanged? Find out he died to save someone or something, and that the kid made him a better person somehow and the dude actually did something good for once.

>> No.12184371

Liked it. But if everyone is just slobbing around, what will the plot be?

>> No.12184375

Very fun.

>> No.12184390

You stole my idea.

>> No.12185669 [DELETED] 


I like it

>> No.12185678

Is it okay to post ideas that are novel in the sense that they're new?

>> No.12185682
File: 1.04 MB, 2147x2997, Anne Frank x University Greys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What was it about Bobby Fischer and Jews?

>> No.12185805

good story idea anon. also agree that orangutan are best
yes please
based realistic twist
would read if it were serious story but would be even better as a comedy

>> No.12185808


>> No.12186199
File: 14 KB, 259x193, 1528665336953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid gets sent to Hell and goes on adventure with a group of shapeshifting succubi in an attempt to restore his soul. Along the way, lots of lewd encounters are had, the structure of Hell's society is explained upon, and, as he starts to become closer to his sexy demon friends, he fosters enough power to possibly take over and usurp Satan's mistress' mistress as the leader of the Underworld.

>tags: futanari, mindbreak, urethral penetration, scat, rape, transformation, ageplay, guro, hyper

>> No.12186285


Nice one, Punchy.

>> No.12186345

> Le Silent Hill twist

>> No.12186916
File: 169 KB, 1080x1005, adorable sleeping kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who's this Punchy?

>> No.12186929


>> No.12187210

Beauregard Clinkenbeard is an American insurance adjuster flown in to Japan to assess the damage done by Godzilla.

>> No.12187409

>paltry moralizing

>> No.12187545
File: 494 KB, 1000x865, 1400196945867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like La Vita Nuova, but its about an anime girl I've loved as a man-child instead of a childhood friend I loved and lost

>> No.12187638

A group of middle school friends reunite in a refugee camp while the world ends and share their stories.

>> No.12187694

based and wholesome
based and wholesome

>> No.12187734

A blended family where two precocious step-brothers invent massive contraptions over the summer to spend their time while their older step-sister attempts to bust them in their often dangerous doings.

>> No.12188679



>> No.12188960

I had this idea when I listened to this soundtrack

Idea- In an alternate timeline, Ancient China actually decides to start colonizing places, such as the Philippines, Australia, Hawaii, and the West Coast of the USA. They done it during the early ages of colonization, around the same time European powers were establishing permanent colonies. Fast forward, the US is independent, and has a whole load of manifest destiny in their system, so they decide to move settlers west in the Chinese California (like they did with Mexico) . This story follows the journey of a young American bandit who travels across Chinese California and has adventures and shoots shit and all that and its all western/chinese themed and it's awesome as shit there's like kung fu fighters and mexican bandits and I want to add a part with a fucking bear like holy shit im on cocaine

>> No.12188963
File: 1.00 MB, 724x960, 1538377032601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most of you are sharing plots but not any real, substantive ideas. Why don't you take an idea and write a story to fit it?

>> No.12189115

would you stop posting this you fucking faggot
I know you've written a substantial amount of it too

>> No.12189121

My nigga finna write Finneas and Ferb.

>> No.12189159

Dalai llama dies
A new child is chosen as llama by China for political reasons
Meanwhile the real llama was reincarnated into poverty and struggle
A little "hero's journey" crap
Real llama and fake llamas paths cross as they grow up

That's as far as I got.

>> No.12189316


I'd read it

>> No.12189353

A man sucks too much dick and his dick breath begins to effect his work life and marriage. One day he finds that if he licks his dogs asshole in just the right spot his breath stops stinking like dick for 48 hours. This is all well and good untill his wife catches him doing this and shoots the dog after a couple of days. The man is then forced to go on a dog asshole licking spree.

>> No.12189362

strong idea lad

>> No.12189363

i find myself stimulated. please, do proceed

>> No.12189365

and the nobel prize goes to -

>> No.12189378

The idea was that a man writes a novel idea for a web forum thread but dies before he could click submit. The idea was that a man writes a novel idea for a web forum thread but dies before he could click submit. The idea was that a man writes a novel idea for a web forum thread but dies before he could click submit.

>> No.12190665

Is that a samsquanch?

>> No.12190672
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Guess I'll start with greentexting the first chapter

>it began with a whisper
>the rolling fields of roses from the Earth withered and turned to dead twisted shrub
>the blue sky darkened as black clouds swirled in from ever direction
>the sound of singing birds was drowned out by the shrill howl of the cold wind whipping against her skin
>she grabbed his hand and held it tight
>they were children, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatened to swallow them whole
>her grip only grew tighter when she saw "it" approaching
>she knew what "it" was, she had seen it before
>she suddenly felt herself lose her grip, she let go of him as he vanished into the vast nothingness
>she was alone
>with each approaching step, the figure grew
>it grew, and grew, and grew
>until it was not only a giant, but the cruelest Fascist in the world
>she felt its cold lifeless hands touch her and she let out a scream, but she could not hear
>she let out another scream, but all she heard was the endless silence
>she had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she couldn't even cry for help
>as the Fascist raised her into the air, as if to savor her before devouring, she heard a sound, the most terrifying sound she had ever heard
>never before could she have imagined a sound like this
>it was more terrifying than any sound the Fascist had made
>it was an animalistic shriek, the bark of a dog, with the screech of a monkey
>she watched the Fascist's face turn white with horror
>she looked and saw a demon rise from the Earth, as if Hell itself had sent it
>it let out another terrible shriek
>she cupped her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the sound but it penetrated through, filling her with a terror greater than even the Fascist
>the apparition charged right at her
>she felt as she was thrown into the air as something impacted the Fascist, causing it to drop her
>she landed on the cold hard ground with a thud
>she looked up to the demon and the Fascist locked in deadly combat
>it was ghost-like, evading most of the Fascist's blows effortlessly
>the ones that did find their mark went through the ethereal being as if it were a cloud of smoke
>the apparition moved with such speed and agility that she could barely make out its form
>its mass was grey like the darkened sky
>it seemed half-beast, half-man
>it looked and moved with the grace and purpose of a man, but fought with the ferocity of that of an animal
>the duel between the Fascist and this phantom went on for hours
>finally the demon let out another terrible howl and raised its arm for the final blow
>the howl turned to words
>"Wake up Anne..."

Like it so far or no?

>> No.12190680

Do you mean the response or do you mean "Dragons arguing"? Would you believe I'm not always the one who posts it?

>> No.12190701

i like this anon

>> No.12190974

would read, don't listen to >>12184369

>> No.12191669


We all do

>> No.12191673

A kantian and a stirnerite move into the same college dorm. High jinx ensues