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/lit/ - Literature

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12176877 No.12176877 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing great or important has been written in over a decade now. The tradition is over.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.12176883

I can't. You're right.

>> No.12176892

>i don't personally know any examples, therefore it doesn't exist
i haven't listened to a contemporary album for over a decade. i conclude that music is dead

>> No.12176899

>judging the state of music by the state of popular music

>> No.12176910

Wow a decade literature truly is dead, as is OPie because apparently he is a bug with a life span of 30 years.

>> No.12176911

>a decade
lol more like three decades.

Honestly, if you're only a reader this isn't really a problem since there's already more good stuff written than you can read in one lifetime. But anyone trying to write books in 2018 is completely wasting their time.

>> No.12176913

So you concede I'm right then?

>> No.12176919

I concede my interest in this thread.

>> No.12176926

Music is alive and well, but full length albums are a dead format. Similarly, there is plenty of stuff being written, it's just that books have become obsolete.

>> No.12176933

Can a book be great without being important? Also I'm betting your standards for 'important' are quite arbitrary.

>> No.12176937

You're wrong and I've no need to prove you wrong because it is obvious
if you're posting Evangelion spurdo memes as an op image then I'm not sure who you expect to be taken seriously by anyway
I hate these threads

>> No.12176938

Pale King was 2011 you mongrel

>> No.12176941

>The tradition is over.
lol'd at that for some reason

>> No.12176946

How do you know when a book is great or important? Don't you have to wait for proof of time?

>> No.12176956

>it agrees with his worldview

>> No.12176963


>> No.12176967

And yet...

>> No.12177037

>i don't read anything nor even try to look
there is great writing going on all the time, as long as human beings write there will be great and important work done. you are accustomed to being spoonfed all of humankind's achievements over the last 4000 years within the 8 years of reading in high school and college. just because that rate does not continue and no one is spoonfeeding you with a syllabus (complete with analysis and unpacking of allusions and context from your teacher and secondary material) does not mean literature is dead.

rambhadracharya's epic poems, that's all i'm going to mention. there are others, but your pretentious, shit attitude deserves even less than the one i gave

>> No.12177044

No because part of the tradition itself is the cultural significance. It’s over.

>> No.12177073

>can only offer up second rate work by a literally who
>accuses others of being pretentious

Literature really must be dead.

>> No.12177077

By this definition literature becomes subcultural. Based on this, we can conclude that it is not the primary engine of culture, but it is heavily influential to some, many of whom make up the greater culture.
If this is the case then literature is still important to culture as a whole.

>> No.12177079

the point

>> No.12177098

It's about as influential as Opera.

>> No.12177117

demonstrably false. kafka burned most of his writing while he was alive. what we have now is only what his friend decided to share with the world against kafka's dying wishes. keats died at the age of 25 believing he was a failure. his poems were not received well at the time by critics. dickinson published only ten poems her whole fucking life and also died in obscurity. kennedy toole was only discovered after his mom got it published after he died. melville also went to the grave believing he was a failure, he sold only about 3200 copies of moby dick during his life. here are others but those are among the more famous cases.

speaking of melville, hawthorned wrote to melville once complaining that the best-selling books were all sentimental trash written by "scribbling women." that was 150 years ago. and yet look at what was written since then, that however much it did not crack the NYT best-seller list, has taken a permanent place on high school syllabi across the anglophone world. tif you're the same guy as OP i am going to reiterate: shit attitude, pretentious. and on top of that you're a pseud. log off 4chan and start fucking reading you godless crank

>> No.12177157

>second rate work
you clearly didn't even bother to look into him. they are epic poems with multiple varieties of meter and rhyme, densely allusive, his work synthesizes six traditional types of literature, and some sections revive a 2000 year old style, among other things.

>by a literally who
oh, so it has to be a name you already know for it to possibly be good. i'm fucking done here. your aesthetic dehydration is as self-imposed as it is deserved

>> No.12177286

damn that guy was blinded at two months old and memorized the entire fucking gita at the age of five. Now I really feel useless

>> No.12177291


Ma Jian - The Dark Road
Ma Jian - Beijing Coma
Nathan Hill - The Nix
Colson Whitehead - The Underground Railroad
Jonathan Franzen - Purity
Thomas Pynchon - Bleeding Edge
Ahmed Saadawi - Frankenstein in Baghdad
Mo Yan - Frog
Haruki Murakami - 1Q84
Min Jin Lee - Pachinko
George Saunders - Lincoln in the Bardo

>> No.12177378

That's just not true. Opera lacks relevance partially because of its steep fee to entry. Books, on the other hand, are quite cheap. You would be surprised how many people are directly affected by literature.

>> No.12177397
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>tfw you realize there will never be a Great American Novel in your lifetime

>> No.12177404

Music IS dead, though.

>poetry, novels, music
>millennials continue to kill art by putting zero effort into producing more

>> No.12177413

>best-selling books were all sentimental trash written by "scribbling women."

War. War never changes.

>> No.12177433

>tfw you won't write the great american novel

>> No.12177464
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>> No.12177507
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>there are no good contemporary write-

>> No.12177527

It's dead but that doesn't mean it can
t come back

>> No.12177579

this meme is overrated. there was some good stuff but overall the 18th C was slow for literature - few or no GOAT poets, a few good novels but little compared to the 19th C. things seem slow but it will take another 100 years at least to tell if the decline is terminal

>> No.12177652

Only time can tell. Moby Dick was forgotten and only rediscovered like 60+ years after it was published.

>> No.12178068

>but full length albums are a dead format
I'd say that the situation is the opposite, considering the revival of vinyl.

>year 110
>Nothing great or important has been written in over a decade now. The tradition is over.
>Prove me wrong.

>year 800
>Nothing great or important has been written in over a CENTURY now. The tradition is over.
>Prove me wrong.

>year 1700
>Nothing great or important has been written in over a decade now. The tradition is over.
>Prove me wrong.

>> No.12178083

old = good
new = bad

>> No.12178101
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are you 12 years old, anon

>> No.12178310

This right here. Not to mention you can’t decide what is important in your own time. Needs historical context, hindsight, or the measure of the influence of the work.

>> No.12178328

Even if nothing great was written in the past decade, how does that show that the tradition is over? You are implying that there has never been a point in literary history where a decade went by without a great work being written which is another absurd claim.

>> No.12178334

>lives in the age with highest level of literacy and most amount of people reading books daily

>> No.12178349

What about knausgaard or that guy in australia who’s like 80 and has never left his town? Murnary or something

>> No.12178357

90% of this board never reads anything released in the last 50 years, yet will boldly claim that it's because "nothing great was written". Ability to think critically is something denizens of /lit/ are yet to evolve.

>> No.12178374

>Blood Meridian for the Oprah audience

>> No.12178379

a large number of people on this board have read 2666 and Submission both of which were released in the last 20 years

>> No.12178382

whoa... it keeps happening...

>> No.12178398

It’s not a matter of good books being undiscovered or unwritten as there are plenty. It’s a matter of us being in a position where people simply don’t read or discuss literature anymore similar to before we had the printing press. There’s just too many competing options for entertainment. No reason to be so nasty.

>> No.12178434

It would probably be better if even less people read. Make the club a little bit more exclusive. That way the masses don’t spread their tendrils and ruin my hobby

>> No.12178469

Just because nothing POPULAR or WORLD KNOWN of substance is written doesn't mean smaller authors aren't publishing quality books retard

>> No.12178481


Screen arts are literature. They all started out as a script.

>> No.12178490
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>Nathan Hill - The Nix
>Jonathan Franzen - Purity
>Thomas Pynchon - Bleeding Edge

>> No.12178512

>Screen arts are literature.

but as in literature, the vast majority of movies are trash

>> No.12178570

While I understand the logic behind this especially in the age of hyper sensitivity and censure I’d like to discuss books with other people. It hardly ever happens.

>> No.12178612

It is true. Opera's lack of relevance has very little to do with how much it costs.
The steep prices are necessary to its survival. If it was cheaper, the whole industry would go under because demand is so low. Pulp fiction and self help are the things that are keeping the publishing industry afloat.

Rates of reading are plummeting and will continue to do so until it joins the likes of Opera and Ballet as exclusive habits of the middle class pseud.

>> No.12178621

Your shit self published novel isn't quality anything, your pathetic cunt.

>> No.12178629

What happened in your childhood that made you such a hipster pseud?

>> No.12178637

Do you know you'll be dying tomorrow?

>> No.12178651

>implying anyone really cares about this besides English teachers or newspaper writers

But I agree. Our generation will end up more voiceless than previous ones.

waitin' for that societal collapse.

>> No.12178901
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Trips and Gen-Z saves art for all humanity

>> No.12178905


>> No.12178915 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1542842554669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there hasn't been any writing to OP's the past decade
>therefore literature is dead
>what was the dark ages?

>> No.12178924
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>there hasn't been any writing to OP's standard in the past decade
>what were the dark ages?

>> No.12178931

If I get dubs, literature confirmed to be dead.

>> No.12179029

It's funny how despite our ability to be heard is greater than it has ever been before, we have used it to say nothing of lasting value.

Well, nothing that we know of at least, it's hard to say what has lasting value at this point in time, since we can't see the aftereffects yet.

>> No.12179039

>An unfinished novel by a '90s literary icon (((published))) several years after he an heroed

Maybe if he'd actually completed the thing and it had been good you would have a point.

>> No.12179051
File: 22 KB, 675x844, enard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished masterpiece tier, questionable

poetry in translation tier, no idea

Mixed bag. Haven't read them all, but that's a bad Murakami and the Saadawi is a failure.

Not my favourite McC, but fair answer.

>Rates of reading are plummeting
Although book sales manage to consistently climb?

>> No.12179072


>> No.12179085

this alcoholic goblin is literally the only one

>> No.12179091

The underground railroad was only so-so

>> No.12179095

Literature was dead in the dark ages

Literature is dead now

Both these things are correct. Literature can be reborn but it will take a huge change in culture. As one technology gave literature eminence (printing press) another set of technologies (the one two three punch of film, television and the internet) have taken it away. There is no telling what the future holds but for now the book is closed.

>> No.12179102

>Although book sales manage to consistently climb?
Ask yourself what they're buying.

>> No.12179127

>epic poems with multiple varieties of meter and rhyme, densely allusive, his work synthesizes six traditional types of literature, and some sections revive a 2000 year old style, among other things.

sounds *epically* dull and academic wanking hiyo!!!

>> No.12179131

>but for now the book is closed.

Soumission was published 3 years ago, on the same day as the Charlie Hebdo attack. This book is as or more culturally relevant than any other piece of art produce in the last 3 years.

>> No.12179133

go back to your free amazon romance misspelt cum covered shitstain

>> No.12179143

music is dead too
the internet killed everything

>> No.12179144


>> No.12179151

Thats because most important works were obscure as fuck, when books were the primary source of entertainment people read extremely shit stuff just like ya today, but only the best books endure

>> No.12179162

it's only ironically dead imo

>> No.12179180



>> No.12180357
