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File: 300 KB, 900x1228, 900_Socrates and Alcibiades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12175715 No.12175715 [Reply] [Original]

>Socrates in particular seemed to have embodied a transformative presence. One need only consider his description by Alcibiades in the Symposium . The following testimony of Aristides captures vividly the power of Socrates as an embodiment of divine wisdom. He says: «By the gods, Socrates, you’re not going to believe this, but it’s true! I’ve never learned (mathein) anything from you, as you know. But I made progress whenever I was with you, even if I was only in the same house and not in the same room – but more when I was in the same room. And it seemed, to me at least, that when I was in the same room and looked at you when you were speaking, I made much more progress than when I looked away. And I made by far the most and greatest progress when I sat right beside you, and physically held on to you or touched you.» (Theages 130d2- e2)


>> No.12175741
File: 32 KB, 243x226, am_i_the_only_one_who_has_an_erection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu I always got better grades in college when I touched my tutor

>> No.12175862

Let's try to consider if the characters in the Platonic dialogues are actually not just people, but some of them or maybe even all of them embodiments (avatars/emanations) of gods like it was said that Plotinus' soul was godly.
I'll start Charmides could be an emanation of Eros, and Socrates an embodiment of Apollo.
Let's first try to recognise a pattern before we determine if it's valid or not.

>> No.12175902


You might look at the names for clues.

The name Polemarchus means something like war-band leader, and the character is quite spirited in the Republic. Might he represent a god in Ares' retinue? I don't think so...., but maybe?

>> No.12175919

It's just a hypothesis that I came up with on the spot, but I find it intriguing.

>> No.12175921


Thats retarded, the people that participated in the dialogues were real people, and some of thee dialogues really did take place, like the symposium or Platos apology. It is cetrianly the case that Plato constructed these dialogues or litterary and philosophical purposes, but he didn't make up those people.

>> No.12175950

It doesn't change the possibility that they could be avatars or that only Socrates could be.

>> No.12175965

Daily reminder Plato is in unrequited love with Socrates and very envious of those Socrates actually likes. Socrates supposedly gives up Alcibiades's perfect ass to pursue wisdom and lectures as the opening to so many Platonic dialogues it's like the snape/malfoy of the genre

>> No.12175978

Is this why there's always bitching in the dialogues about Socrates' wife? Or is it just because Plato thinks women are stupid?

>> No.12175985

Why were the greeks such fucking faggots?

>> No.12176003


>> No.12176606


>> No.12176662

Did you see Alcibiades bod? He looks like a chubby trap.

>> No.12176694

Why’d he shave his legs and body hair?
Fucking degenerate