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/lit/ - Literature

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12175457 No.12175457 [Reply] [Original]

are there any books that will bluepill me again? is there a going back brehs?

>> No.12175464

Just install league of legends and game your days away

>> No.12175510


>> No.12175565

The redpill is an illusion, a trap for the ego.
There are no pills.
Just you and your retardation.

>> No.12175859

Believing you are redpilled is ironically the biggest blue pill you can have.
Instead of searching for the actual truth, you have a set of beliefs others told you how the world works.
Books can help, but its your own journey man. But if you want the biggest "bluepill" just do exactly what others do around you.

>> No.12175897
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maybe psychiatric medication and mainstream media but it won't help completely.

porn might help, and weed and reddit and cartoons. maybe play some fortnite and watch female game streamers and grow a beard and get a nintendo switch and drink craft beer and read some steven pinker and listen to sam harris podcast and get a 'curvy' gf that does rollerderby.

>> No.12175904

i reblupilled myself by listening to zoomer hiphop music

>> No.12175906

almost forgot: get a cat and joke about how you are in a submissive relationship with it and tell the world how she always gets what she wants and call yourself a 'hooman' servant. maybe be vocally childfree and retweet articles about climate change.

>> No.12176134

>be vocally childfree
What's wrong about hating children? They are fucking shit

>> No.12176149

I'm adulting! I did a thing today! I'm adulting!

>> No.12176169

>soiboi getting a gf
if you do all this prepare for that girl to eventually cuck you for a real man

>> No.12176191

-t "everyone is wrong - everyone except ME!"

>> No.12176205

Oh give me a break christfag

>> No.12176216

I don't want to live anymore

>> No.12176282

True enough but that is not gonna help us

>> No.12176292

>climate change isn’t real
>cats are bad and also reddit

>> No.12176310

this plus:
make facebook and reddit account

>> No.12176312

>implying these people care about anything other than the headline of the article
>implying cat people arent fucking weirdos
>>also reddit


>> No.12176315

>implying cat people arent fucking weirdos
you're a weirdo

>> No.12176323

>ironic reddit appropriation isn’t a sign of a collapsing and profoundly banal counterculture which has none of the right to its previously natural imperiousness towards outsiders
you all are kind of gay and haven’t noticed

>> No.12176329

non-working animals are a substitute of children

>> No.12176330

It's not about climate change being real, it's about our ability to stop it.

>> No.12176337

much better than children

>> No.12176359
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>and get a 'curvy' gf that does rollerderby.

Having any kind of girlfriend puts you about 10 steps ahead of all the bitter incel permavirgins who invented the numale character just to feel better about themselves.

>> No.12176395

You don’t need books for that. It’ll happen inevitably in your early thirties, one you realize that you’ve been an edgy, contrarian youngster with delusions of intellectualism and seeing beyond the pale.

>> No.12176431

See this is the problem with the fucking internet. It promotes these inherently unrewarding parasocial interactions between people with nothing in common but a pathology, whether that's incels or enabling people to act like children well into their adulthood. It's just a delusion. There aren't 'pills', just opinions. If you truly don't wanna hold your opinions anymore, it's as simple as changing them. The real answer here is to read and consume media produced by people who challenge your current worldview in a productive way that you can engage with. In other words, read everything. Read Plato's collected works, then Aristotle, then Augustine, then Aquinas, then Kierkegaard, then Marx, and everybody else. Read literature and engage with its complexity, not with any single interpretation. Talk to real people, laugh at things, write, pick up a form of physical creative expression (music, painting, woodworking, etc.). Exercise, too. Do as much as you possibly can to engage with the best parts of your humanity. Don't live jealously or self-critically.

I'm assuming that by 'redpilled' you're talking /pol/ shit, and not just the run-of-the-mill disillusionment that comes with gaining a philosophical hermeneutic that tells you just how fucked everything is. If you are talking about the latter, then no, there really isn't a way to come back from that without giving up and living ignorantly. You'll make peace with it if you live long enough.

>> No.12176433

/lit/ is a traditionalist Christian board these days

>> No.12176449

/lit/ is a shithole populated with nothing but play actors.

>> No.12176453

It's just a coincidence

>> No.12176467

>get a girlfriend
>let her make all of your decisions for you
>go on anti anxiety medication

>> No.12176503

These two have it right. You are too deep into pol culture. I’m sure that when emo kids from the early 2000s started growing up and meeting people outside their echo chamber, they realized they looked and sounded retarded, and had the same issue.

>> No.12176504

Try to swallow the "reality" pill, it's one step beyond the redpill, when you know that you are like one tiny little ant floating in a tiny little ball in space and nothing whatever you do matters then suddenly everything gets better, you stop to see yourself and people in terms of "us vs them", any political stance lose any power over your persona and suddenly you are free to make you own thoughts and your own way without the fear of being "wrong", words like "aryan", "sub saharan african", "semitic" and the inherent tribalism haplogroups can bring lose any meaning, you start to think and see people in terms of Logical-Mathematical intelligence and the Fitness (Biology) they display and the benefits this can bring, overall it looks like whatever you do works with reality instead of trying to work with preconceived ideals, and life gets easier and therefore way more better.

>> No.12176514

They pretend to be Christian "be fruitful and multiply" types though, because they think it runs counter to mainstream culture.

>> No.12176643
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>> No.12176696

10 steps ahead towards being bluepilled.

there's a reason all the great men of history were celibate or at least bachelors.

>> No.12176707

I did the psychiatric thing. Now I'm subjected to what seems to be a crippling egotism and a slowed mind; however, the thoughts of societal taint and destruction are still persistent. Marijuana acted as a determining factor of my psychosis. For once I saw the means by which society truly operated; the medications helped to bring me down either from thinking more acutely or from not thinking properly at all. I suspect the former, of course, since medications are an enforcement of bio-power in the world organism.

I wish I could smoke weed. I wish I could play videogames and watch cartoons. Pornography helps me to forget sometimes and allows me to become further entrenched in the machine. It, after all, co-opts ones sexuality and causes one to become weak in mind and spirit. But the further I go along the more I realize and become more attentive to my own weakness. I know there must be more to live for. I know there has to be a way out. But it's still hard to find.

>> No.12176709
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Easier life is better? That's pretty counter intuitive to a European mind. Are you Jewish by any chance? Asking for a friend...

>> No.12176749
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>I know there must be more to live for.
Why, because that would be pleasant?

There can also be great relief in forgoing wishful thinking and stopping to think about existence as some friendly and orderly thing in which humans can live happy and meaningful lives and just resign to thinking of yourself as a meatpuppet with consciousness as a thermostat in charge of not letting the suffering get too bad until you die. Life can become almost agreeable if you're not constantly demanding it to be more than it is. Just feed yourself and learn to sleep well and try not to be too bored during your waking hours.

>> No.12176771

the biblel

>> No.12176778

Yeah, I'm whatever floats your boat m8

>> No.12176805

Just do the leap of faith and pick up any scripture, the rest follows from there

>> No.12176813

No! There has to be more. There is always more literature and philosophy to read, always more people to talk to, always new places to see and experience. The world, though filled with hate and vitriol, is also filled with love, beauty, and wonderful art. But I have to concede on one point--the idea to not demand, to understand that life is fleeting and to stake out a little piece of ground which one can escape from any pain, and to make it as beautiful a place as possibly can be.

>> No.12176826

all the great men of history had wives or at least fought for women lel

>> No.12177160

However miserable I am now, it's nothing compared to the misery of having successful normie lives rubbed in your face everyday on social media. No thanks.

>> No.12177204
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>No! There has to be more. There is always more literature and philosophy to read, always more people to talk to, always new places to see and experience.
Often these things make life worse though, especially chasing after them and requiring constant novelty.

It's best to be content with as little as possible, I think.

>> No.12177256
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>> No.12177330


Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life

>> No.12177745

I'm forced to listen to this all day because it's literally all my college roommates listen to.

>> No.12177756

>tfw I'm the second option
I want to die

>> No.12177855

A lobotomy might do the trick

>> No.12178077

should've stayed at home anon. don't tell me you went out of state?

>> No.12178086

Yeah me too, but it's not a good move yet.

>> No.12178095

How redpilled are you exactly OP? If you still believe in space and politics you have a lot of work to do.

>> No.12178104

I did and I hate everything about college

>> No.12178125 [DELETED] 

Happened to my asian friend who excelled in school but is about ready to give up on college. I feel you anon.
After scholarships I pay less than 5 grand annually for tuition because of in-state+basement living. Actually been able to save a lot.

>> No.12178193

The mathematical-logical viewpoint is itself a bluepill. For Pythagoras numbers had a spiritual value. The Romans never knew algebra, they had other means of building bridges, cathedrals, and aqueducts. Jewish science aims at the destruction of the Aryan world and has culminated in construction of the atomic bomb.

So I guess, yes. If you want to be bluepilled, study math.

>> No.12178219

Mountain Dew, especially the blue one. Just avoid code red or Christmas brew.

>> No.12178802

i was bluepilled until i became a 30yo boomer, as in i was a liberal and i believed permanent liberation and transgression were leading to something even though i was never a rebel because i never hated anybody

also how is being edgy not mainstream and bluepilled? except for being edgy about a few special topics that are untouchable, everything else is encouraged to be trampled and mocked

i am not pol but i understand what pol is reacting to, even though i think most of their solutions are dead-ends

>> No.12178820


>> No.12178831

>control + F "pinker"
>see this post
Literally perfect lol.
This would bluepill someone but deep down their soul would be tormented from a biting sensation that they're fundamentally doing the wrong thing and are wasting their lives away.

>> No.12178842

Anything by Hegel or John Green

>> No.12178861

>beyond the pale

>> No.12178885

tfw rebellion against the degeneracy of this age is the main reason you're Christian

>> No.12178891

I thought that was the main reason always in all ages.

>> No.12178913

What's wrong with doing what you want on a Saturday morning? That pic doesn't prove that the person doesn't spend the rest of the day learning Latin or reading Kant or something. Don't be a hypocrite, you probably do things much more pathetic in your free time.

>> No.12178940

we all do shameful things, there's a mental shift though from that to posting images of it on the internet as if you were proud of it

>> No.12178972

>don't know who this is
>look him up
>immediately horrified on so many levels

>> No.12178995

Okay, good point.

>> No.12179013

Pinker fans also love Peter Singer, world renowned for his advocacy of consensual dog fucking.

>> No.12179014


>> No.12179187

that steak is raw

>> No.12179208

only in the blueray version

>> No.12179516

>Believing you are redpilled is ironically the biggest blue pill you can have.
>Instead of searching for the actual truth, you have a set of beliefs others told you how the world works.
>Books can help, but its your own journey man. But if you want the biggest "bluepill" just do exactly what others do around you.
This. Was gonna say anygghing rec'd by pol

>> No.12179524

Powers that be are anti-natalist. Doesnt mean its wrong.

>> No.12179561

Sure, learn to be content with as little as possible. That's fine. But the idea that a man can live without any novelty or anything worthwhile to do is absurd. Even if all you've staked out in life is a patch of wood in an apartment building and a gaming PC, you're still craving new things in the form of videogames--you can't play the same ones forever. And besides that, you'll never surpass a base level of suffering if all you do is play vidya, browse 4chan and wageslave your way to the grave. There are other experiences worth having that'll also induce suffering, much more suffering, but you get more happiness in turn. It's part of what makes us human.

>> No.12179610

having children is literally the most NPC thing you can do

>> No.12179640

Redpill? More like red flag lmao.
Like, prepare yourself for a lecture on how jews control everything with fluoride and blacks and women are inferior because Stacy thinks you smell like moldy socks.

>> No.12179661


>> No.12179765


>> No.12180366
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>Sure, learn to be content with as little as possible. That's fine. But the idea that a man can live without any novelty or anything worthwhile to do is absurd. Even if all you've staked out in life is a patch of wood in an apartment building and a gaming PC, you're still craving new things in the form of videogames--you can't play the same ones forever. And besides that, you'll never surpass a base level of suffering if all you do is play vidya, browse 4chan and wageslave your way to the grave.
I don't have a job or play vidya and still feel like I could fill my time with stuff that is interesting enough to keep me content for at least a few centuries. Even the internet and books and music often seems like too much novelty, I take regular breaks from them to just live without media for a bit and experience physical reality. I think it would be better to learn to sit quietly under a tree or walk around and be content with that than getting caught up in an arms race between your reward system and the video game industry and depend on that for your well-being.

>There are other experiences worth having that'll also induce suffering, much more suffering, but you get more happiness in turn. It's part of what makes us human.
I think most of these are actually not worth the trouble and based on tricks and social coercion because they serve the system but not the individual. A lot of the things generally deemed worth having are trash.

>> No.12180549

> I think it would be better to learn to sit quietly under a tree or walk around and be content with that than getting caught up in an arms race between your reward system and the video game industry and depend on that for your well-being.
This is actually good advice.

>I think most of these are actually not worth the trouble and based on tricks and social coercion because they serve the system but not the individual.
Which things? If we're talking about interacting with others and enjoying experiences with them then of course not; we need social interaction to live. Of course it's "social coercion" because you're necessarily inculcating yourself into becoming one with the hive mind, to some extent. But what if the people you interact with also hold the same values as you, and have become disillusioned as OP perhaps had? Then that is, of course, a person you'll want to spend some time with.

>> No.12180581

Nothing but Post-Colonial novels and critiques of Harry Potter as literature

>> No.12180848

Now I must admit that I could not read at all and take your problem to be some inane bullshit.

Go to the shower and sleep. To work tomorrow. No other advice will come.