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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 289 KB, 546x701, robert-crumb-works-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12173801 No.12173801 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the amount of anglocucks on these board so high?
When there's for example a "Which translation of Iliad should I read?" thread everyone is just assuming the OP needs English translation.
It's .org website, not .uk or .us.

>> No.12173804

excellent bait

>> No.12173808

Wretched and cursed woman drawing.

>> No.12174068

Why is the amount of Jezebels posted in this board so high?
When there's an example of "genuine literature thread" everyone is just jerking off to OP's alluring picture.

>> No.12174085

The Internet belongs to America, and anxiously awaits the arrival of our cybermen.

>> No.12174102

L'internet est sous domination anglo-saxonne, mais il ne faut pas cesser de lutter contre l'envahisseur. Bon courage.

>> No.12174112

It it out of a Robert Crumb comic?

>> No.12174116

Littérateurs de tous pays unis, contre le nivellement anglais du monde !

>> No.12174133

>why is the website in english? baited op, in english

>> No.12174137
File: 303 KB, 600x600, 1542720955967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? That doesn't change what it is. It's vile, and most evil image that distorts what beauty is (concerning which, this is absolutely not). A product of a diseased mind. I looked this author up, and he is a member of that loathsome tribe, the one that despises beauty, and actively attempts to destroy it. Utterly disgusting, and perverse, like all his kinsmen and their "art". I await the day where these putrid visual renditions are condemned to the bonfires.

>> No.12174194

Because Ingrish is international language. Besides, you can use Google Chrome and translate it to any lingua you want.
Thicc was the original beauty standard. Hollyweed Anglocuck anorexia propaganda is the one that became a trend in the late 20th century.

>> No.12174271

It's just burgers being burgers.

>> No.12174277
File: 159 KB, 489x375, revolting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This grotesque depiction of a female is not a standard for anything, in anytime. Even looking at the proportions, it's abhorrent to anyone who has ever formally studied art, no, even anyone capable of simply processing the world around them. This has no redeeming qualities about it whatsoever. It just so happens that you fell for this, probably masturbated to it, and now, you just have a classically conditioned Pavlovian response to it. That's it. There's no processing to how or why this is. Your very discussion of beauty has to be defended with some sort of convoluted conspiratorial side-stepping which is mental gymnastics at its finest. There is no golden ratio. There's nothing that is even aesthetically appealing. Standard? More like delusion! Just like a homosexual, your mind is sick. You wouldn't recognize beauty it came up and bit you in the face. Enjoy your detestable, myopic, prognathized, hooknosed, thunder-thighed, sweethearts with fetal-alcohol syndrome anthropometrics, but don't ever think again that this, this "thing", is normal. We're done here.

>> No.12174285

>ITT: silly Anon complains about Robert Crumb being a degenerate pervert
In other news, water is wet

>> No.12174289

Crumb is a huge fucking degenerate and has masturbated to one of his own works wherein he is cucked by Donald Trump (This was made well before his presidency btw) and proceeds to masturbate while two huge amazons give him a swirly.

Crumb's women have an actual mathematical proportion, or rather skewed proportions; they're intentionally inhuman, no woman can have proportions like that.

>> No.12174291

>Crumb is OG degenerate slime
>gets called a racist homophobic transphobic misogynist be the newer generations

>> No.12175520


>> No.12175582

lmao didn't read

>> No.12176063

It's an English speaking board you absolute imbeciles

>> No.12176254
File: 9 KB, 246x245, __ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12176841

Just realized, even the meme trilogy is anglocuck

>> No.12177000
File: 1.02 MB, 2400x2993, Francis_Bacon,_Viscount_St_Alban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is the dominant literary language as well as the dread and envy of all other (and hence, lesser) languages because we have the Planet's greatest writer, Shakespeare, heading the Planet's greatest canon.

>> No.12177016


>> No.12177025

Looked him up? You knew his name, and you know of his success. Who is your publisher?

>> No.12177188

You also have the planet's worst writers - JK Rowling, Stephanie Mayer, Rupi Kaur etc.

>> No.12177220

Crumb is literally /ourguy/. God bless that pervert.

>> No.12177234
File: 188 KB, 1140x1490, rcrumbjew1.gif-CRUMB-CARTOON-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see you try to draw a woman anon

>> No.12177257

bro i see r.crumb chicks irl all the time. and they're strictly for patricians

>> No.12177519

Yep, we hit the highs and the lows! But even when we are lying in the gutter, we are looking at the stars!

>> No.12177530


>> No.12177546

ps te borran los pos si no posteas en ingles we jajaja salu2

>> No.12178576

Please tell me why should I reveal the identity of my publisher. Did I offend poor little Mr. Robert Dumb? Take a number pal, you're not the first and certianly won't be the last reader to have a beef with my racist, homphobic, antisemetic, misogynistic, "themes and commentary".

>> No.12178580

Take this bullshit to tumblr

Lol oh wait