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/lit/ - Literature

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12171163 No.12171163 [Reply] [Original]

literally no country can compete it is obvious from this list America has the best literature

>> No.12171180

>Salinger thrice
>Nabokov is a American
nice b8 m8

>> No.12171183

you put salinger 3 times you shit

>> No.12171186

You really seem to like Salinger. Here I took a liberty to clean up your list from all the second-rate garbage:

>> No.12171191

Pyки нaхyй yбpaл, зaнимaйcя cвoим гoвнoм вpoдe Пyнь Чoнa.

>> No.12171200

nabokov is an american writer and definitely considered himself so

>> No.12171202

>No Gass
>Keeps Bellow

>> No.12171203

Why can my big bitch Willa Cather not even make it on to a barrel-scraping list like this?

>> No.12171213

You can choose your nationality now just because you wrote books on that country?

>> No.12171259

You can choose your nationality when you explicitly become a citizen of another country. Why are you SEETHING so much, Ivan?

>> No.12171533


>The Donald

>> No.12171604

you forgot to get rid of oconnor and poe and whitman

>> No.12171998

well then take TS Eliot off the list you fucking retard.

>> No.12172017

>O'Connor, Steinbeck, Brodsky, Bellow are included
>James, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald, Twain, Emerson are excluded
I hate this board tbqh

>> No.12172022

>fucking retard.
Pls refrain from such language on this board. Ty:)

>> No.12172026



Its been a bad several decades for them, but this is a fucking list

>> No.12172033

wrote very little poetry worth preserving, was a poor caretaker of his talent
C;mon. You could list Newman, Butler, Brown, Donne, Addiosn...anything but this recent trash into which British literature has petered out.

>> No.12172048

suck my dick you fucking retard

>> No.12172052

No bandana man?

>> No.12172060


>> No.12172131

I will suffocate you, teabagging you with my hairy-ass nuts.

Eliot stays.

>> No.12172139

Cleaned up the list a bit:

>> No.12172145

you'll do as youre told or you'll do nothing at all you fat bitch

>> No.12172151

You and op both forgot about McCarthy

>> No.12172252

no I think they were trying to make a list of good authors.

>> No.12172257

your a retarded

>> No.12172261


even though I like Cormac

>> No.12172269

>what is Suttree

Yeah even I will admit Blood Meridian is mid-wit tier but Suttree is incredible. His masterpiece. Every single line in that book is poetry.

>> No.12172308

it was a corncobby shitshow. It reeked of pseudo-intellectual vagrancy and a half baked love of violence and alcohol. I thought it was utter trash.

>> No.12172318

Stop it I’m going to cry

>> No.12172339

Someone hasnt read Nabokov's Mary. To learn which nationality his considered his own.

>> No.12172360

Every book is pseudo intellectual.

>> No.12172366
File: 40 KB, 634x650, 756432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bob Dylan

>> No.12172374

He could barely speak English. He wrote it like a god, though. If you people don't recognize and mock legal spics for not speaking good English and for not being born in America, then you could apply the same to Nabby. Double standards.

>> No.12172375

this. Literature is a pseud hobby. Real intellectuals prefer live interactive pornographic theater.

>> No.12172422
File: 12 KB, 403x450, 1531899786286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12172429

Nice argument, burgerboy.

>> No.12172431

Live interactive pornographic theater is for the unkempt, real intellectuals prefer written tableaus of pornographic theater.

>> No.12172457

>citizen of country
>wrote and published in primary written and spoken language of country
>part of country's modernist canon
Wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.12172472
File: 9 KB, 213x237, 852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually a fucking drooling brainlet or is this b8?

>> No.12172668

>No Borges
What a peasant

>> No.12172679
File: 1 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12172681

he's Argentine, m8, not from USA

>> No.12172685

amerishit is the second worst lit country after russia. i only read things that come from germans or italians.

>> No.12172687

thanks for your input, champ.

>> No.12172695

i think that was the point, anon

>> No.12172704

Ah, so the anglos are the best at genre fiction. Good to know.

>> No.12172749


>> No.12172858


>> No.12172870


>> No.12173000


>> No.12173025


Eliot belongs to us. Get your own Eliot, fag.

>> No.12173035


Cather is tripe.

>> No.12173424


>> No.12173432

I see you're emulating the writing style of esteemed American author, Nabokov (he was a citizen, after all!)

>> No.12173438
File: 7 KB, 139x186, 1539833112160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot m8 you went and forgot top lass

>> No.12173443

Agree OP. Literature is one of the few things america has done right. Probably because it's such a massive clusterfuck of cultures and conflicts.

>> No.12173444

>female authors