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/lit/ - Literature

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12169502 No.12169502 [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah I'm out of highschool and still read young adult genre fiction. You got a problem with that?
>Part of growing up is not worrying what other people think of you!

>> No.12169632

enjoy ur low testo and naive vision about world

>> No.12169646


>> No.12169648

>reading YA after high school
Literally who does this

>> No.12169660

>Part of growing up is not worrying what other people think of you!
OP, you are the NPC

>> No.12169663
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>yeah I'm not yet out of high school, but already post intellectual adult NPC meme pictures. You got a problem with that?
>Part of being le patrician is worrying what other people think of things you don't like!

>> No.12169690

I also worry about what anonymous strangers on the Internet think about me

>> No.12169712

>I'm out of highschool and still read young adult genre fiction.
who fucking does this?

>> No.12169730

Pretty much every girl who says she reads

>> No.12169762

>posting a completely uncontroversial opinion on /lit/ to jerk yourself off about being superior to vapid tumblr whores
Op truly is a visionary genius

>> No.12169780

What are your favourite YA novels, OP?

>> No.12169821
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>Yeah I'm out of high school and still read novels


>> No.12169841

NPCs detected