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/lit/ - Literature

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12169291 No.12169291 [Reply] [Original]

I've read books like Lolita, Crime and Punishment, Death of Ivan Ilyich, Hunger, To the Lighthouse... Will I be able to understand Pale Fire? It'd be my second Nabokov. Is there something else I should read before Pale Fire instead? Thank you.

>> No.12169324
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Here's the /lit/ Nabokov guide.
Still, Pale Fire isn't so difficult that you're not gonna be able to read it. It's a harder read than anything listed there but as long as you pay attention you're not gonna get lost or frustrated as you might with something like Ulysses or Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.12169326

Oh neat, Nabokov released a new novel

>> No.12169756

how difficult is Lolita?

>> No.12169768

It would seem she's pretty easy.

>> No.12169774

No you will not be able to understand Pale Fire

>> No.12170795

How is this list assembled? By difficulty?

>> No.12170801

For me, it's Zembla

>> No.12171603


>> No.12171623

It's still a mystery to me why do people take Nabokov's writing serously. Maybe he was a smart teacher, but his similies are sophomore tier.

>> No.12171734

>Pale Fire
Is this really that hard?

>> No.12171736


>> No.12171895

It's very dense. Filled with anagrams and puns that only make sense in other languages. It's crazy shit

>> No.12171906

Ada is easily the hardest text Nabokov ever wrote

>> No.12171920

Good meme, my friend.

If you have a firm grasp on English, it's not too hard. I haven't really read anything beyond web articles in years, and I'm reading Lolita and 1984 to get back into actual books. Both are working well.

>> No.12171979

Don't treat it as a riddle and you'll be fine. Treat it as a puzzle.

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