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/lit/ - Literature

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12165417 No.12165417 [Reply] [Original]

is everything, incliding art and literature, political?

>> No.12165437

maybe, but regardless of the truth, that statement is still just a pathetic excuse used by mindless “socially-minded” drones to not engage with deeper philosophies and schools of thought

>> No.12165438

only if ur a moralistic murican

>> No.12165439

Is it possible to make art that's NOT inherently political?

>> No.12165440


>> No.12165449

fuck no. If you think this you suffer from political brainrot

>> No.12165450

No unless you want to grasp the bottom of the barrel, everything is however, egoistical.

>> No.12165452

a little

>> No.12165479
File: 10 KB, 202x250, carl schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything CAN be political if you apply a friend-enemy dichotomy to it. In liberal democracy (which is a total state), everyone participates in the political and all categories of life partake to a degree in the political. So literature will inevitably become politicised.

>> No.12165493

If you mean that some of the author's opinions regarding how their country should be run will sneak in, then yes, it's almost impossible not to. Whether it's overtly or intended to be political is another thing, and again people can usually wring whatever readings they want to out of a work no matter what was intended.

>> No.12165503

how boring

>> No.12165509

The human condition is inherently political. Therefore every piece of art about humans is political. However the modern understanding of politics is quite restrictive, and the political elements of an artwork do not have to confirm to our partisans views about politics, nor does politics have to be activelly adressed by every piece of art.

There is a good quote in Aristotle Politics about man an politics :

>[...] man is naturally a political animal, and that whosoever is naturally and not accidentally unfit for society, must be either inferior or superior to man: [...] he that is incapable of society, or so complete in himself as not to want it, makes no part of a city, as a beast or a god.

>> No.12165537

I think that comes down to how broadly you define political, but at least narrative art will hold some kind of thought for the creator or viewer.

>> No.12165662

I think you misunderstood Schmitt, he basically says the opposite of what you're saying. His complaint isn't that liberalism isn't political enough, not that it's too political.

>> No.12165697

Politics is the extension of ethics applied onto the behaviour of the masses, insofar as they impose rules upon each other and act with the intention of impacting the collectivity. Sociology and social anthropology partly overlap with political science in this respect.
Ethics is, in turn, the branch of philosophy that explores the causes for actions, and casts judgement upon them according to their correspondence with moral values.
Ethics and aesthetics fit into a branch of philosophy I'd call the philosophy of values.
Metaphysics deals with being. All that is is a being. Pure truths, free from all subjective judgements or opinions, are what metaphysics seeks to find. "Kikes should be gassed" is an example of a statement that is subjectively true, according to a certain person's set of values, and it is objectively true that a person, like an average Stormfront user, might almost certainly believe in this subjective truth. Therefore, metaphysics would seek to understand the mode by which a belief comes into being, and how it exists in relation to factual, objective truths.
A person is only political in relation to others, and the ways by which they are all governed by the same set of rules, but on their own, their thoughts and experiences are more likely to be interpreted by psychology, which is turn a part of metaphysics.
Therefore, art is metaphysical. TV is metaphyiscal. Frogposting is metaphysical.

>> No.12165700

based and collectivistpilled

>> No.12165703

In some way i guess. But usually i see this posted in response to someone saying that video games or movies shouldn't be packed full with some kind of fringe political agenda. Its stupid because obviously they mean "politically controversial" not just "involving something that could be construed as political if we were working under a completely different set of assumptions". Also video games aren't art and i don't care if they are, wish people wouldn't project this worry so much.

>> No.12165841


>> No.12166182

Don't post that fucking picture, don't make me remember *that* scumbag

>> No.12166205

It is when looking through the lens of politically unstable pair of glasses that have nothing else going on in their lives.

>> No.12166210

politics can be inferred from anything but not everything is reducible to politics

>> No.12166330


>> No.12166376

Absolutely, disgustingly, apocalyptically bad. You know how I said that Through The Panama felt longer than Soundtracks For The Blind? This feels like an hour long album with bad pacing.

It's 16 minutes long.

This album is a complete meme, and not in an ITAOTS way where you have to realise that the album is more than a meme, not in a Grimes way where you just have to ignore the fanbase, not in a Death Grips way where you have to put yourself in a certain state of mind, or even in a Lil Pump/Peep/Xan/pretty much every Lil _____ except Lil Ugly Mane way where you have to have an IQ under 60 and take at least 5 Xanax, preferably not laced with fentanyl (too soon?). I would much rather listen to Gucci Gang for 15 minutes than this.

No, this album is a meme starting right from where I found it, a 2017 AOTY thread on /mu/ with OP desperately shilling/baiting this album. It's a meme from the cover to the genre (experimental post-nightcore - try saying that with a straight face) to the song Bass塊, which is essentially an earrape meme that lasts 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

This album takes pixie vocals from Grimes (except they're samples and they're sped up to be even higher), the experimental nature from Death Grips (except when this album does it it has massive air quotes around 'experimental'), the mind-numbing repetition from the Lil-rappers-except-Lil Ugly Mane, the idea of an 'album' under 25 minutes from Lil Peep (is it okay to criticise his music yet?) and XXXTentacion (which is nice to minimise the pain but results in even less substance) and the irritating anime aesthetic from nightcore (why?) to make an album which cannot be taken seriously or enjoyed unironically without having suffered severe brain damage. If you can release 10 albums in 2016 you're clearly not trying very hard.

>> No.12166382

I really want to reach out and help Plastic Neesound out of this dark stage in his/her/xyr life. He/she/xe/it really needs to stop using Tumblr and /mu/ (it's so sad that they can be compared in some aspects) and realise that irony and anime aesthetics will not get you everywhere.

On the bright side, I now have a 0.5 rating to show off that isn't quite as try-hard as reviewing Brokencyde or Jacob Sartorius.

>> No.12166424

the polis was a mistake

>> No.12166566

No. Everything, including art and literature, is indicative of the artist's/writer's core beliefs, but not necessarily one's political beliefs.

>> No.12166589

“The personal is political” was a meme started by feminists to get back at their shitty boyfriends and intelecrualize their interpersonal relationships. Then it spiraled out into retard territory.

>> No.12166591
File: 17 KB, 220x324, Oscar_Wilde_3g07095u-adjust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

>> No.12166603

Please start reviewing music.

Bravo anon.

>> No.12166643

Why do people study metaphysics if it is completely objective?

>> No.12166672

i think you can make an argument for it being so, yes.
even the availability of cultural items such as art and literature can be political e.g. in discussions about censorship or poverty
but, discussing things like that makes you fucking boring, so it's best not to think about it really

>> No.12166678

Metaphysicians don't actually study metaphysics itself. They study the metaphysical aspects of physical stuff. The meta of metaphysics is 'pataphysics, which isn't actually philosophy, but rather an absurdist parody of it.

>> No.12166699

Thanks anon. Before reading this I actually didn't really know what metaphysics was, because I thought even caring about such a term that isn't the real study of matter and energy or any other science studying the real world would be a stupid waste of time. You've changed my mind. This could be useful.

>> No.12166753

I'm not sure whether or not you're being serious (most likely not), but I did notice you used the word "useful".
Traditional Aristotelian physics and metaphysics studies the causes and ends of matter as it develops into specific or particular forms.
What is said to be useful is that which has fulfilled its end through which it becomes capable of being used by something for the sake of doing something else.
A skeptic philosopher like Pyrrho of Elis or David Hume would claim that use is just a human invention, a projection of one's feelings onto the reality of things. Therefore, no action can be said to be more valuable than anything else.
A person who is eternally depressed and under unbearable pain will have no desire to survive, and will thus find no use in taking care of their house.
A person who hates music will never be able to enjoy going to a concert or listening to a rock music CD the same way somebody who loves music would.
There might be ends which things develop into (for example, all humans eventually die and turn into humus), but use itself depends almost exclusively on individual emotional inclinations.

>> No.12166766

people who politicize art should be shot

this is my only political position

>> No.12166770

I'm saying that with a decent amount of observation on a person it could be used to predict certain things about that person

>> No.12166778

Also thanks for the post. I appreciate your well rounded reply anon.

>> No.12166796

Is there more of it?

>> No.12166811

Please elaborate

>> No.12166912

no, you fuckerimg libtard

>> No.12167044

not everything, but specially art.

in the sense that we are all socially conditioned then "everything is political" but that's a buzz phrase used to manipulate the rubes

>> No.12167784


>> No.12167787


The tendency of reducing everything to the political is a sign of modern decadence.

>> No.12167794
File: 332 KB, 1500x1123, 1458452726655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it backwards. Everything, including politics, is art.

>> No.12167842

You're implying that I agree with Schmitt's premise. He thinks we can't go back to the neutral state of the 19th century and are stuck with the total state. I think we can go back and should.

This, of course, would mean an end of popular democracy but I'd be willing to sacrifice that for a more civil general conduct.

>> No.12168110

No. Nothing has to be inherently political, however anyone can read a political interpretation of anything.