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12163829 No.12163829 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw realised that proper grammar is merely a social construct and I only restrict my genius by following the made up rules of correct syntax

>> No.12163851

Ok buddy go write your magnum opus in Ebonics then.

>> No.12164000

Even Mozart followed rules of music theory; he just knew the appropriate times to break these rules. It's the same with writing - the rules are important to follow, but you need to know the appropriate times at which they can be broken.

>> No.12164643

>niggers were is misunderstood geniuses all along

>> No.12164646

>thinks social constructs are inherently restricting

>> No.12164819
File: 437 KB, 1351x1054, Trivium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the machine does not bend to my will, it should be allowed to lay silent only by some token of grace, for I have and will not longer suffer the rational enclosure of which you and those tabernacle menaces and royal dreammongers would have of me, that being none and by myself even none, none of even potential identity, nor none not even to earn capital to become but a part, no but simply to do and do only by rote command on the pain of suffering an instance of reckless enthusiasms such that I bare here for you, a cascade of indifference and solicitude announced beyond your mere McCarthism you festering mules.

>smokes cigerello.

>> No.12164830

>I'm groundbreaking, yo! Imma revolutionize language mah niggas!

>> No.12164832

why the racism?

>> No.12164838

It's a question of stylistic quality more than merely one of correction

You can break rules all you like, you'll just come across as a mouthbreathing prole unless you actually know what you're doing (you don't)

>> No.12164846

Op is a nigger

>> No.12164857
File: 326 KB, 700x416, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point dipshit! I fucking hate you and think you're a pretentious twat that's more invested in maintenance of a festering corpse which should be put out of its misery by force, and I'll do it so that it burns inside your souls, with a thousand thankyous for ugly ruinous beauty! Hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.12164861

sure thing, prole

>> No.12164863
File: 3.09 MB, 1791x4145, ChristPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12164921

make up your own language too you fucking retard

>> No.12164927

why not?

>> No.12164943

The rules of grammar exist so others can understand you. Let's say you really are the smartest person in the universe. Do you want other people to recognize that fact by following the rules, or do you just want to be seen as a gibbering drunk fucktard?

>> No.12164974
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But grammar as a subset of language, is communicative by nature, Anon. If your subject finds it hard to understand your Ebonics, then your writing loses all it's value.
The most groundbreaking thinkers in any field don't outright reject proper form, they evaluate it and adhere to it til they gain the clout to influence convention according to their will.

>> No.12164976

proper grammar is class oppression.

>> No.12165023

>proper grammar is class oppression.

>proper grammar is IQ chauvinism thus implicitly racist, sexist, classist, ageist, and ableist [and that's a GOOD thing]

>> No.12165032

l;kjjy 42W ;KEL gr [0i[ yt2t[0p9jWG J;IJ gfs;LKN GRS[Po 24jpii h42[PJIH

>> No.12165068


>> No.12165081

I can see it...it's beautiful

>> No.12165091

Language is "merely" a social construct. That doesn't mean it's "made up". Following the rules will help you be understood.

>> No.12165108

I know what-that you don't, on grammar and it's rules. It's a game, a playset, a place for my tile of words to be layed down and fit snuggly in the pass of lucidity, liqued virtue lined by the silver graces of rules but with a punk attitude, fuck the system bend the fools twist their thoughts, wrap it around and back again, you need a system that loops one two two one two then play with the pattern, one two one two one one two show them something new, three.

>> No.12165115

stop whitemansplaining to me

>> No.12165127

go back to the jungle monkey boy

oo oo ah ah

>> No.12165134

looks like OP got another D- in Remedial English class

>> No.12165138

of corse any sole nos that

>> No.12165140

>small brain = thing thats supposed to be good big brain = thing thats supposed to be bad
when I was in high school I used to text very proper like but nowadays I text like I'm mentally ill

>> No.12165142

>degrading virtues is a good thing

>> No.12165143

dam its supposed to be as any fule no
Are the molesworth books any good?