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/lit/ - Literature

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12163113 No.12163113 [Reply] [Original]

Post all the books you read in November.
I'll start
>The Fall
>Transparent Things
>A Hero of Our Time
>Dune Messiah

>> No.12163117

>Sex and character
>The histories
>Thus spoke zarathustra
>Lyrical Ballads
>The alchemist
>Enquiry concerning human understanding

>> No.12163121

WHY? WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME WITH THESE JEZEBELS? Every day I come to /lit/ and every day it's the same thing: incredibly attractive cuties posing coquettishly for the camera, as if to seduce the reader. As a celibate person, I must protest these puerile distractions. They have nothing to do with the subject of literature and only celebrate the lowest of low culture. Please, go with God.

>> No.12163126

>The catcher in the Rye
>Melmoth the wanderer
>The House on the Borderland
>The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.12163127


>> No.12163282

>A Hero of Our Time (Nabokov translation)
>Storm of Steel
>The Gulag Archipelago (Abridged)
>Prometheus Rising

>> No.12163305
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>those faggots who claim to have read 1500+ pages in a single month
either stop skimming, or get a fucking job

>> No.12163309

I have ~2 hours of train commuting every workday, it'd be pretty hard not to hit 1.5k even if I didn't read at home

>> No.12163311

>~2 hours of train commuting every workday
Get a different job, Jesus

>> No.12163312

The fuck? A page per minute is slow for most books. 1500 minutes is a mere 25 hours. In a month.

>> No.12163313

1500 pages / 30 days = 50 pages/day


>> No.12163320

eh such is NYC life, I'm really not that much of an outlier

(I do agree that it sucks though, moving in January)

>> No.12163322

>The Way of Kings
>Words of Radiance
>Red Rising

Been a weird month

>> No.12163325

Jokes on you, I read there too

>> No.12163331
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>those faggots who claim to have read 150+ pages in a single month
either stop skimming, or get a fucking job

>> No.12163358

I read that a day

>> No.12163375

I can read 100 pages an hour of a modernish novel. Some books are more complex and take longer, but say, Murikami? I blew threw 1q84 in a week.

>> No.12163382

Stop posting this lewd shit. Do you think this is 4chan? Well its not, kid.

>> No.12163574

>tfw read 3000 pages in November
I challenged myself to do 100 pages a day. Some writers are easier than others - had to swap out a couple to read later, as no way I could do 100 pages in the time I had.
Aiming for half that this month, but to read some poetry and drama too.

>> No.12163586

What do you mean by "modernish". I haven't read contemporary lit in the last few years, but personally, I find realist and - stuff like Balzac, Turgenev, Hardy - I can blow through quickly, while Modernist writers like Joyce, Proust and Kafka take me much longer. Nabokov too.

Like I said, I haven't read much contemporary lit, but I'm sure there's some difficult stuff - I'm not counting genre fiction - that takes longer to digest.

>> No.12163588

I read 30 pages a day before bed. You can't read 5 pages a day? You may actually be brain damaged, retarded frogposter.

>> No.12163591

He's making fun of this guy>>12163305

>> No.12163594

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.12163624

>Les Fleurs Du Mal
>Une saison en enfer
>À rebours
>Franz Liszt by Oliver Hilmes
>The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Busy month but got a lot of reading done anyway lads.

>> No.12163631
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>Catcher in the Rye
>Death of a Salesman
>Of Mice and Men
I’ll make it one day, fellas.

>> No.12163639

>I can read 100 pages an hour of a modernish novel.
yeah no, fuck off speedreading scum

>> No.12163647

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Birth of Tragedy
The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories
Signs and Meaning in the Cinema

>> No.12163662

I spent the whole month reading collection of Keats' poetry, I think I'd like to know Lamia by heart at some point. Apart from that, I've only read about 200 pages of Sanderson's "Way of the Kings". It's trash but it's not like I got anything better to do at work.

>> No.12163667
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The overcoat - Gogol
The nose - Gogol
Tales of Pirx the pilot - Lem
More tales of Pirx the pilot - Lem
Star Diaries - Lem

>> No.12163682

oof i remember reading this, that girl is naughty

>> No.12163784

Never let me go
The stranger
The remains of the day
Just gave kazuo ishiguro a try and Im in love

>> No.12163799
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The Trial -- Kafka
Naomi -- Tanizaki
Uncle's Dream -- Dostoevsky
Fractal Prince -- R. Hannu
Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination -- Edogawa Ranpo
V for Vendetta (followup on reading the Gunpowder Treason)
Wild Geese -- Ogai Mori
Vita Sexualis -- Ogai Mori
The Fairy Tale Book -- Osamu Dazai
Darker Shade of Magic -- VE Schwab
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- Joyce
Shadow of the Torturer -- Gene Wolfe
Thousand Cranes -- Kawabata
Setting Sun -- Osamu Dazai

>> No.12163811
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I have 4 hours a day, plus audiobooks while at work. I don't even read on weekends.

>> No.12163813

Ban all anime posters

>> No.12163887

>520 pages in The Man Without Qualities
>120 pages in This Spoke Zarathustra
>90 pages in The Kreutzer Sonata
I started the last two between the last 2 weeks. I actually didn’t finish any book in November. I’m disappointed. I read like 4 in October

>> No.12163985

>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- Joyce
Just started this. Will I keep having to spend more time learning about Irish history/politics and Parnell then reading the book?

>> No.12164015

>~2 hours of train commuting every workday
one page in 100 seconds, while that isnt out of a doable range of actual reading, its fast for train reading

do you read 80% of those 2 hours on transportation reading without feeling any lasting side effects? how long have you been doing this?

(turns out retinal detachment isnt knowably a risk factor in retinal detachment)

>> No.12164032

thus spoke zarathustra
notes from underground
for whom the bell tolls
the curse of lono
the great gatsby
the crying of lot 49
no longer human
tales from the gas station

>> No.12164033

>Mysteries of the Worm: Twenty Cthulhu Mythos Tales by Robert Bloch (I started reading it near the end of October)
>The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions by H. P Lovecraft and others (1989 edition)
>My Work Is Not Yet Done by Thomas Ligotti
>Songs of a Dead Dreamer by Thomas Ligotti (Penguin Classics edition)
I'm currently reading Grimscribe: His Lives and Works by Thomas Ligotti. I like spooky things.

>> No.12164039

kazuo ishiguro - never let me go (reread for my book group)
thomas ligotti - teatro grottesco
stella gibbons - cold comfort farm
frederik pohl - gateway
the first book of the idiot by dostoyevsky (reread for myself)

>> No.12164045
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>those faggots who claim to have read 15+ pages in a single month
either stop skimming, or get a fucking job

>> No.12164108
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>these faggots who claim to have read pages in a single month
either stop skimming or get a fucking job

>> No.12164119
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Do you want to be able to understand every single aspect of it? Yes, there are prerequisites, most of which you won't know you need until you encounter a reference in the text. Do you want to get the general gist of it? Just read the fucking thing. Worst case is that, maybe in the future, you want to read those prereqs and reread it. Oh well. Any reasonably educated individual should know enough history and literature to make it through as is. Just read eternal angl*id memes on /pol/ or /his/ and you'll get the gist.
Personally I had an Irishman as a psychology professor in college, so I got a bonus course on Irish history from there. Death to the Engl*sh.
>on an anime fanboard
>wants to ban anime posters
Animeposting is the pleb filter. Go back to facebook, cum guzzler.

>> No.12164134

The problem is, my edition has a lot of notes in the end, and 50 pages in I'm already almost on note 100. Some are skippable, but some are necessary for context, and it's not always clear which is which, so I keep having to break from the text every other paragraph to check.

But checking the book, there's only about 270 notes in as many pages so it must cool down a bit at some point.

>> No.12164164
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If you have an annotated version it should already have everything you need to know in it. What are you even complaining about? Read your fucking footnotes.
Oh god, how horrible, you might need to READ something.

>> No.12164166

Post quality would improve tenfold if weeaboos stayed in their shitty containment board, prove me wrong.

>> No.12164232

You're not understanding, I was just saying it was annoying because it was breaking up the flow of reading. I tried reading through them beforehand, but I found by the time I got to the text it referred to, I couldn't properly recall or went to check anyway to be sure. Or the note by itself didn't make sense without reading the text first.
I like annotations, but 2 per page on average is enough to annoy me.

>> No.12164343
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I've read more books than you have this past month. Prove me wrong.
>by the time I got to the text it referred to, I couldn't properly recall
I'm sorry. It must be difficult for you.

>> No.12164360

>I'm sorry. It must be difficult for you.
To be clear: I only process the information with context, thus can't recall unless I read at the proper point, which breaks up the flow of the text. I have a good memory for the information I've processed

>I've read more books than you have this past month. Prove me wrong.
Light novels don't count.

>> No.12164381

the only ones I completed were the ascent by ludwig hohl and a short story collection by hans henny jahnn, together culminating in a total of marvelous 300 pages, marking november as my weakest month this year. I read a lot for uni though, and about 150 pages of the magic mountain by mann

>> No.12164427
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>Light novels don't count.
>implying anyone in this thread has listed LNs
Thanks for plaaaaaaaaaayyying.

>> No.12164438

Actually, the implication was that weebs who post anime pics read light novels.
It's not my fault you have poor reading comprehension.

>> No.12164477

The Western Way of War
A few of Aristophanes plays
Norwegian Wood

>> No.12164499

A as much history books I find available in kindle unlimited
Some fiction too if I find shit I can't anywhere else

>> No.12164506
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>say stupid shit
>get called out on it
>hurrr that isn't what I meant

>> No.12164509

>The Book of Enoch
>Dharma Bums
>The Hobbit (for the first time since I was a kid)

How did you like Gilgamesh? It's one of my favorites

>> No.12164521

Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Politika
Tales from Jabba’s Palace
Artist of Life by Bruce Lee
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Night Moves

>> No.12164530

>The Haunting of Hill House
>The Word for World is Forest
>The Illustrated Man

>> No.12165249
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>tfw I work on a riverboat four weeks at a time
>too tired to read on my off watch
>only two weeks home
>drink every night
>too hungover to read in the day time
>rinse and repeat
I wish I had never dropped out of college.

>> No.12165263

Get the Norton Critical edition. It'll provide you with all the context you need. As a secondary text, there's a Joyce book in the Cambridge Companion series.

>> No.12165276

metaphysics of war
the hermetic tradition
the path of cinnabar
the crisis of the modern world
storm of steel

>> No.12165336

Should have been more clear, I have plenty of annotations for context on my version (too many actual, many are pretty basic, you don't need to tell me what the Count of Monti Cristo is), it's just annoying me how it's breaking up the flow of the text to keep skipping to the back to make sure I'm not missing out on contextual information. 50 pages in already on note 100.
I should probably just read and only look at the annotations if I'm actually confused about the meaning, because most of the meaning is clear from the context, but I can't seem to stop compulsively checking everything.

>> No.12165382

>The Edge of Running Water by William Sloane
>Call of the Wild by Jack London
>A More Complete Beast by Jack Donovan
>Great Book of Amber by Zelazny
>The Other Side of the Mountain by Bernanos

good month

>> No.12165546

Norton Criticals have plenty of background texts, essays, criticisms and plenty more other than just annotations tho, they're really great.

>> No.12165570

I'll keep them in mind for future purchases - maybe Moby Dick, been meaning to buy that.