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12161840 No.12161840 [Reply] [Original]

Writing for movies seems extremely easy. All you have to do is study the current market and give the suits what they want. What am I missing here?

>> No.12161859

You can achieve the same thing without needing connections if you self publish shitty erotic fiction

>> No.12161879

How long do they have to be? People actually buy that stuff?

>> No.12161887

Youre missing the corruption, nepotism, and thievery.

>> No.12161902

Are you in the film industry?

>> No.12161912

everything terrible you hear is true, at least in a metaphorical sense.
It's literaly the worst business environment for people who use logic and reason.

>> No.12161918

well, you're still there though

>> No.12161923

>He thinks screenwriting for Hollywood is a meritocratic industry as opposed to the pursuit of Hollywood insiders connected to the bigwigs.

Shameful OP.

>> No.12161924

because of nepotism, corruption and because i allow people to rob me for career advancement.

>> No.12161938

is the book industry any better

>> No.12161940

But at least the barrier of entry is higher.

>> No.12161941

youre a nobody and nobody wants any of the shit you write

>> No.12161951

Instead of having to be a jew you have to be a minority

>> No.12161970

Yea I think Im just going to write romance and crime under different pseudonyms.