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/lit/ - Literature

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12161807 No.12161807 [Reply] [Original]

Language thread, discuss the usual
Given up yet? More motivated than ever?

>> No.12161818

folly given all this

>> No.12163173

Been studying German, just started on French. Mostly using Duolingo and Memrise, with some Michel Thomas courses from /t/. The goal is to be able to read Celine in French, and meme philosophy books in German.

>> No.12163181

Google Translate is the new Tower of Babel

>> No.12163184

Es gibt auch andere lesenswerte deutsche Bücher als nur die über Philosophie.

>> No.12163192 [DELETED] 

American website. No orc tongues allowed.

>> No.12163207

Learning more than one language is abomination and not speaking your ethnic tongue is genocidal brainwashing.

>> No.12163211

Americans are orcs though

>> No.12163220
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Learning German. Duolingo and Memrise make me feel like a retarded robot, like its not the greatest use of time. Have the German for Reading pdf and a Schaum's Grammar Book, plus been listening to German poetry and watching movies and that sorta thing. Still, I feel like there's something more substantial I could be doing. I really wanna chew on the language and learn concretely each day... online gamified stuff feels like fluffing around the edges. Some of its been useful but I feel like it might do more harm than good. What should my locus of language learning be? What's a solid activity I can orient it around? I feel like I have lots of good supplements but no core.

>> No.12163225

My dad is of Irish and Scottish descent and my mom is of Russian, French, Belgian and Jewish descent...

>> No.12163231

Time to invent a new ethnic tongue for yourself. Gaelo-Yiddish.

>> No.12163232

into the pit with you mongrel

>> No.12163238

There's only one race, dude, the human race.

>> No.12163246 [DELETED] 

>the level of subhuman anglo cope

>> No.12163249

language is logos, English is a plague on all peoples, most of all the anglos themselves who have their identity butchered.

>> No.12163250
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I've recently used Duolingo and it only feels retarded. My native tongue is spanish, and I've been learning english since the age of 2. I recently started the english course on Duolingo to get a feel for it, and my impression was that, if I didn't knew english already and I took the english course, I'd learn fucking nothing.

What are some non-meme ways of learning languages?

>> No.12163256

Spanish and French. Fuck you, I'll never gibe up.

>> No.12163263

Focus on reading comprehension. You don't really need to communicate with Germans at all.

>> No.12163266

Esto, cuáles son algunas maneras rojopiladas de aprender lenguas?

>> No.12163267

Name a good German prose stylist.

>> No.12163292

Nietzsche, Kafka, Mann, Walser, Musil, the list goes on...

>> No.12163293

Actually talking and using the language you're learning is the stuff you're looking for, learn the grammar and some vocabulary then move to the country its language you're learning and interact with the people there, it's the only significant way. The second best is reading as much as you can, relying on the dictionary as little as possible.

>> No.12163298

Kneechee, that Sarasota book is really good

>> No.12163377 [DELETED] 

Charlotte Roche

>> No.12163470

My advice: Rush through Sandberg up to chapter 10-15, to get basics down, then just start doing one chapter a day (or two days or whatever you prefer) while reading real articles/books/etc. Something at a lowish skill level, like journalistic prose, and within your interests.

>> No.12163675

Any languages with straightforward/reduced preposition usage? And in general is it fair to say a language with a more involved case system will make less use of prepositions?

>> No.12163681

Looking at japanese poetry at the moment
The modern ones are easy enough, but the poems from Ogura Hyakunin Isshu are exceedingly difficult, even if they're the poems everyone knows in Japan. I'm guessing it's the dated language.

>> No.12163686

Taking German classes at uni on the side. It forces me to study and learn new words regularly, which is good because I have a tendency to quit new stuff easily, but it's also taking a bit of fun out of the experience, especially now that I'm getting semi-fluent (B1) and it's more about vocabulary and comprehension than grammar.

>> No.12163695

You can tell from his classroom German that he doesn't have the faintest fucking clue about German "style."
It's likely that he can barely read. It probably took him 5 minutes and the assistance of multiple online resources to type that sentence.

>> No.12163696
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I had studied latin for about 2 years, then didn't practice for another 3 and forgot most of it. Somebody just fucking shoot me.
So far my lingustic stats are
>native: russian
>english: can read/can talk
>spanish: can read
>latin: can read simple texts
Wish I had the motivation to study an asian language, but I'm not a weeb or koreaboo, so it's hard to think of an endgoal to such undertaking.

>> No.12163702

>I really wanna chew on the language and learn concretely each day
Why are you learning a 2nd language with your English in this sort of state?

>> No.12164044

I found German a bit easier to learn after I got myself a couple of books I want to read in the language, I have some Hesse and Kafka and they motivate me.
Other than that, I don't really understand people that learn a language just for the fun of it and picking a random internet popular language such as Japanese. I eventually want to live in a German speaking country. But maybe I'm a pleb gaijin idk.

>> No.12164445

Ich bin Deutscher, Idiot.

>> No.12164875

I just want to read Kafka, I have zero interest in communicating with retarded Germans

>> No.12164892

>Other than that, I don't really understand people that learn a language just for the fun of it and picking a random internet popular language such as Japanese. I eventually want to live in a German speaking country.
Maybe they want to live in Japan? And popular internet language like Japan? Every other person on this board is trying to learn German, by far the most popular language on here. Learning a language is a fun and fulfilling endeavor regardless of whatever reason you have for doing it

>> No.12165057
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Learning Japanese.
Haven't taken JCAT nor JLPT but I'd guess I'm mid to high N3.
As of late it feels like I've arrived at or am getting close to "intermediate hell" since I find myself looking up like 5 words per sentence sometimes but only 1 grammar point per paragraph or even page.
Probably wrong in my self assessment though, I haven't picked up serious literature yet.

>> No.12165214

I've been working on my Latin through Lingua Per Se Ilustrata Familia and I'm fairly proud of my progress. I've barely started but the lessons seem to be sticking in.
If possible, I'd like to have some good Roman writers recommended for the future; aside from the obvious ones such as Ovid, Luciano and Virgil I'd like to know about all the hidden gems.

>> No.12165334

Martial is great if you want some entry-tier poetry.

>> No.12165358

I've been working on a paper about him (among many other authors) and he seemed interesting enough, but I'm happy to have him recommended. Thanks.

>> No.12165793

Are you taking a class?

>> No.12165800

I'm working on English
Its the only language I know but I'm still working at it

>> No.12165891

Not currently but I did take 101 in Uni. Took a whole semester to get through 3 chapters of the standard textbook that everyone starts with (Genki). I had already started my self study by that point so it was really useless. Also, the one time I actually had a question for the professor she couldn't give me anything concrete. Guess she never studied her own language formally.

>> No.12166748

I'm wanting to start self studying it, do you have any resources or tips to recommend?

>> No.12166814

Apuleius is pretty significant as he wrote the only
Latin novel to survive in its entirety, but that's going to be far down the road.

>> No.12167079

I'm sure you can find your way just by using Google, it's what I did. There's a thread on >>>/int/djt that's dedicated to learning, they even wrote their own guide and made a website for it. Thread's currently down but someone will make a new one soon.

Most of my tips that I didn't see in beginners resources aren't in them because they're sort of meant for people who already have their bearings on how to go about learning. It's easier to explain them once you know about the common methodologies, resources, etc. If you want I can do a write up for you to save and go back to later but honestly I feel like most of it is something you'll find out on your own if you persevere diligently.

>> No.12167083

Cool LARP thread

>> No.12167316


>> No.12167476

About to graduate and then planning to do a Master's in Germany next fall.

Basically going to spend the next 10 months doing intensive German study and hopefully over half of that actually in Germany too.

My methodology at this point is just reading and memorizing vocabulary. Going to add in a composition component too as I need to be able to write pretty well in German for my program. I grew up speaking German so this will be pretty easy, but with no formal education I really need to hammer out my grammar and vocab.

>> No.12167702
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Have a 4 month break from uni so decided to teach myself Italian. 1 month in and I feel I'm doing alright with the genders, plurals, articles and some verbs down. Found a grammar pdf of a book online which I just do lessons from since I decided to start with the very foundations of the language rather than the normal way of learning a whole lot of common phrases first.
Doing 4 papers in Chinese starting next year at uni too which will be interesting since I can compare and contrast it to self-teaching a language. I was considering doing Japanese since it would probably be more fun but it'd be best to learn Chinese first for business opportunities and teach myself Japanese post-uni.

>> No.12167721

>Given up yet?
These threads are always so negative. You want people to fail, don't you?

>> No.12167743
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Once you get a manageable mix of grammar and vocabulary, go on the /int/ Deutsch threads.

>> No.12167763

Get the Simon and Schuster Writer's Handbook.

>> No.12168010


Not him but curious what you have to say

>> No.12168603

Пpoвёл гoд изyчaя pyccкий в вoeннoм yчилищe, нaвepнo yмeю выживaть в кaкoй-нибyдь cитyaции ecли нaдo иcпoльзoвaть язык

>> No.12169032

>I've been doing everything but paying for a german course, anybody knows why I feel like I don't learn shit?
>Being such a mongoloid
Listen pleb, go to a Uni or a Language Center and enroll on a class.

>> No.12169044

*Justamente esto ¿cuáles son algunos métodos rojoempastillados de aprender lenguas?

Obviamente pagar y asistir a una clase presencial con un método del idioma. No todo se puede aprender en Youtube y en apps gratuitas, plebeyos

>> No.12169103

дa, нaпpимep ecли пpидeтcя чью-тo жoпy лизaть

>> No.12170211

just a little meme you pussy

>> No.12170256

Hyakunin Isshu isn't that bad once you get used to classical Japanese. I still can't handle a lot of Manyoshu era stuff very well, though. It's good to practice reading that stuff though since Japanese literature was written pretty consistently with Heian-era grammar up until to modern age.

>> No.12170272

Courses can certainly be a great help but I don't feel it's absolutely necessary with a language like German. You just need to get out and use the language as much as possible, and if a course is what gets you to do that then that's great.

>> No.12170502

Any tips on how to become more familiar with it? Any stuff written on this?

>> No.12170660

I remember feeling the same way when I started learning French. My advice would be to jump straight into these language learning apps where you talk to people who are native in the language you're learning.
Sometimes they are retarded are and make mistakes in their own language, but it's much more natural nevertheless, and you also meet some fun people if you're lucky.

>> No.12170986

Don't feel bad. I took French in school for almost 4 years and I don't remember ANY of it.

>> No.12171000

>pyccкий в вoeннoм yчилищe
What the fuck. Eggsplain.

>> No.12171069

tienes espanol impecable. perdon la ausencia de marcas corectas pero yo onions demasiado perezoso para encontrarlas en la red

>> No.12171142

Russian in military school?

>> No.12171150

I learned Japanese so that I could watch anime without English subs and feel that I'm being productive by practising Japanese. I've achieved my goal and it honestly feels amazing.

>> No.12171151

>be me
>at least 30% scots-irish
>at least 40% franco-germanic
>1/8th cubano (which I have renounced since childhood)
What language, oh great ruler, shall I proceed to become fluent in?

>> No.12171168


>> No.12171177


>> No.12171206

How did you start? How long did it take you to reach your current level?

>> No.12171227

Started and proceeded with DJT guide from >>12167079 (the guide is great even if the threads themselves are shit). Took a bit more than a year and a half, all while I was generally lazy about shit but autistic about writing practice which took a third to half of the total study time. So at a more reasonable pace a year is more than enough to get to my current level.

>> No.12171257

Been learning Japanese for about 10 months now using Wanikani for kanji (lvl 36) , bunpro for grammer (just finished JLPT N4 grammer). Do most of my podcasts now in Japanese to practice listening. Probably can understand roughly 70% of what's being said depending on the podcast / topic