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12161274 No.12161274 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Is Jordan Peterson a crazy person?

>> No.12161283

You can stop shilling your book here, Vox.

>> No.12161288

He is Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12161293


Go back to sperging out about accurate reviews of your book, Vox.

>> No.12161299

(00-25) Yes.

(26-50) No.

(51-75) Maybe.

(76-99) It depends.


>> No.12161323

check em

>> No.12161326

What he's written is pretty typical of a jungian. I don't really get why people keep talking about him when JP hasn't said anything that original.

>> No.12161328

Vox has been caught shilling his shit before then lying about it even though his own email was tagged lol, so I wouldn't be surprised. He's trying to cash in on someone else's fame, which is low. But I suppose this could be good if it introduces Petersonfags to the JQ, which Vox, to his credit, is usually pretty good on, though he brings his idiotic Christian baggage to it.

>> No.12161339

He explains a lot of stuff about humans personnality, biology, that kind of stuff. He's also a pretty good speaker.

>> No.12161346

>The JQ

Schizophrenic rambling. Don't fall for the middleman minority meme, Abdul.

>> No.12161353

>t. chaim

>> No.12161372

>middleman minority
Jews are a social plague, they're much worse than that, redditbitch.

>> No.12161400

>jews get suppressed for centuries
>antisemitism become more and more shuned
>Society advance faster and faster
>meanwhile islamics jews hating-shithole are behind the philosemit west by severals generations

What an awful plague.

>> No.12161418

Fuck off Vox. We're not even pirating that refuse

>> No.12161423

Jews have been "suppressed" and removed historically due to their behavior. And jews are the ones importing their arab cousins into the west. Learn to speak English and be less retarded.

>> No.12161425

>muh gamer gate
>muh shitty band
>muh literal christianity
>Has a forward by a fag

why do boomers pay attention to this fag

>> No.12161436

Well, yeah, they were middleman minorities AND their entire religion and culture was born out of a want to make themselves stand out from their culturaly similar neighbords.

Anyway, it's still true that antisemits countries are rather shit, which prove you wrong.

>> No.12161452

>culturaly similar
>antisemits countries are rather shit
Arabs and jews are semitic cousins. You have no clue what you are talking about. Don't insert yourself into discussions about the jewish problem from here on.

>> No.12161460

Are you okay? You seems rather upset.

By culturally similar I was talking about OG Israel neighbords.

>You have no clue what you are talking about.


You still haven't answered my question btw.

>> No.12161471

Peterson is what I like to call "conservative progressive" meaning he doesn't actually disagree with the progressive agenda, he just recognizes that they're asking too much of the common man too quickly. Because he has the same goals as progressives he acts as a mediating influence for the right. He's intentionally trying to market himself to right wing youth in order to convert them and he'll even admit it.

And yes, he is actually insane.

>> No.12161487

Vox, go back to your cuck porn.

>> No.12161492

It's always the same thing with you cultists.

>> No.12161497


>> No.12161501

Right. A cult of people cleaning their rooms. How terribly unacceptable.

>> No.12161506

You can't even speak English, bro, don't comment on the JQ here.

>> No.12161518


Ah, I see I have broken the bot, it's looping now.

>> No.12161533

Everything I see about Vox- just makes him more of a loser. The one thing he'll never grasp is that he is a SJW on the opposite end. Really though, this is hardly a book worth talking about on /lit/

To summarize his "points" in the book:
-Jordan is anti-christian, he's evil
-Jordan has connections to the (((UN)))
-He's not a white identitarian, boo-hoo
-He's just using pseudo-science, what does he know- he just has a doctorate and hundreds of papers- but I'm sure it's a phony science doctorate

aka- some <200 pages of Vox writing a book for people who already agree with him- trying to sell copies off of Jordan Peterson's fame.


>> No.12161582

You realize "antisemitism" was still fairly common around the west up until after WW2 Moishe?

>> No.12161588

Amazon Sold Copies Calculator: x<750 copies of the electronic only Jordanetics have been sold since release.

Quick google of Peterson sales- (hardcover only or electronic- not sure): Almost 20,000 last week. Not to mention how many languages and formats it's in?

Who's doing the sold out international speaking tour, and who's a envious leech?

>> No.12161659

He is just a bad sophist that is good at sophistry who became famous due to very good marketing and gamergate retards. Vox Day is almost certainly much worse.

>> No.12161873

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