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/lit/ - Literature

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12160965 No.12160965 [Reply] [Original]

>fucks Calypso in all holes for 8 years
>Penelope expected to masturbate only on the assumption that he MIGHT be alive

Why does /lit/ get so butthurt when John Green calls the Odyssey sexist? The book was written almost 3000 years ago, it's not like it's a shocking revelation that it would be sexist, and there's still a lot about the story to enjoy in 2018 in spite of that.

>> No.12160978

meaningless term for testosterone deficient faggots like you

>> No.12161050

Women are children and must be treated as such

>> No.12161128

Because it's fucking retarded to judge a 3000 year old poem by modern day social standards

>> No.12162107

the patriarchal society depicted in homer is normal,the city states and kings.it has been that way since agriculture was invented up until recently.

>> No.12162168

Sexism has nothing to do with it.
Odysseus paid for her, she was his property. She was his means of continuing his bloodline. This was entirely normal and culturally appropriate. Guys could fuck whatever they liked, as could whores. Wives were property.

>> No.12162195

It's okay to judge and call it unfair

>> No.12162207

Calypso kept Odysseus as her sex slave for years on end, promising him immortality and eternal bliss. Odysseus rejected that.

>> No.12162225

She detained HIM. The story is a metaphor for how sexual activity enslaves even the greatest of men and how one should strive for moderation and chastity.

>> No.12162239

The Odyssey is undeniably sexist but literally who gives a shit. Sexism isn’t bad

>> No.12162275

John Green relies on the emotions of 16 year old girls to make money. Degrading one of the most inspiring artistic achievements of human history by reducing it to mere identity politics is not something he cares about.

>> No.12162315

Odysseus was literally Calypso's sex slave, couldn't leave her island, all while under duress, which under the modern definition, is rape. He also looked out to sea and cried every night, thinking about Penelope. John Green conveniently fails to mention any of this, and is a giant disingenuous faggot.

>> No.12162328

>Because it's fucking retarded to judge a 3000 year old poem by modern day social standards

you say that, but when you look down at your 4 inch mutilated dick, you rage uncontrollably at your father for being fooled by a jewish kabal into doing it. some things are just self evident, kiddo

>> No.12162380

>He also looked out to sea and cried every night, thinking about Penelope
He cried every night thinking about the fact that his great deeds would never be remembered because he might never return from sea.
He cares about Penelope because she’s a good woman and adds honor to his name, but he’s not particularly loyal to her either. He doesn’t hesitate to shag every goddess he comes across.

>> No.12162472

Weaving is a metaphor for masturbating guys I've figured it out now

>> No.12162720

>reads one of the most importants works of literature
>focus his attention in banal things like sexuality
yep brainlets

>> No.12162725

jesus christ how does john greene even still identify as a man

>> No.12162779

Weak bait OP you have to step it up

>> No.12162792

Odysseus was raped by a deity for 8 years.

>> No.12162824

like who?

>> No.12162834

>mfw no Calypso waifu

>> No.12162848

>banal things like sexuality
cringe. un-greek attitude. anaemic anglo.