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/lit/ - Literature

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12158787 No.12158787 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about turning from a cute, sensitive, artistic and somewhat rebellious guy in his early 20s into a dead-inside "good boy" wagecuck by his late 20s?

>> No.12158792

you are going to do it regardless, you are not strong enough to live true.

the worst thing is, you will always be aware of it, everyday of your life, a waste, as it slips away

>> No.12158801
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BEE in general desu

>> No.12158807

it's called being a cuckold

>> No.12158810

If you don't like how you turned out you can change yourself. It's as simple as that.

>> No.12158827

>you can change yourself

People don't change. Not even if they want to.
This is a basic fact of life.

>> No.12158872

Religion grabs people and changes their moral compass. That doesnt mean they arent followers still, but their inner guidance changes fundamentally.

>> No.12158881

lol. Clearly, you have not lived very much. Some things in people cannot change, that is true, but many things can and do.

>> No.12158883

Case in point, myself.

>> No.12158916

This. My methhead uncle wanted to change. He went to rehab and a month after he was out he binged on meth again and beat his wife and kids.

>> No.12158924

duh you can't change after you burn out your dopaminergic nerve endings with neurotoxic drugs taken for recreation. lol, he is just some idiot pleasure fiend, something that isn't even human. "people" susceptible to drug addiction in the first place are the definition of NPCs.

>> No.12158930

Wife works in heroin/fentanyl recovery clinic. your anecdote does not stand up to the data, dartmouth medical finds that 78% of individuals who are administered suboxone/social recovery efforts after an OD when they are dopesick have successful recovery over multi-year periods. People can be shocked awake.

>> No.12158932

Amsterdam Stories - Nescio

>> No.12158949

Rehab must be shit where I live. I have multiple family members who've been to rehab only to fall back into addiction a few months after they've left. One thing I've noticed is how religious they become afterwards. It's like they've been brainwashed.

>> No.12158952

My diary, desu

>> No.12158955

World's End by T.C. Boyle might be something like what you're looking for. Read it anyway because it's my favorite book.

>> No.12158958

My wife's recovery program isnt religious, its a non-profit hospital based one.

>One thing I've noticed is how religious they become afterwards. It's like they've been brainwashed

more to the point, people can be changed, in this case by repetition of a new moral code established as a norm. Even my drunk-ass POS cousin now knows his actions are wrong after AA, even though he failed it.

>> No.12158993

Literally read Infinite Jest

>> No.12159990

And everything you said was wrong. The anon you responded to spoke of meth, not heroin or any other form of opioid.

>> No.12159995

Ivan Karamazov is that, read TBK

>> No.12160009

Coming up for Air by Orwell

>> No.12160024

Similar principles apply and in most cases meth is easier to kick anyway

>> No.12160599

Is the Pale King the wrong book to get started with David Wallace on?
I'm really msot intrigued by it, especially since /lit/ spoiled my appetite for his other works, yet somehow usually leaving "The Pale King" untouched from ridicule or obsessive praise.

>> No.12160646

Counter-example: I was the most popular guy in my group of friends (which was a pretty large group), had the highest grades and graduated with top score of my class. Then I discovered 4chan and 8 years later I'm an antisocial wreck and by far the least intelligent and educated worker at my job, despite being among the oldest ones.

>> No.12160657

People can and do change. But change requires a massive amount of sacrifice. Without sacrificing whatever you hold dear, change is nearly impossible.

>> No.12161590

Can someone please explain the boomer with monster meme?

>> No.12161621

>Can someone please explain the boomer with monster meme?
Remember when Newfags were ashamed of their newfaggotry.
I bet most of you other users were ready to write him a paragraph explanation on the boomer mentality.
Fuck you nigger, go read a book.

>> No.12161624

The biography of Rimbaud

>> No.12161636

Your uncle is based and redpilled

>> No.12161650
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>gotem - /lit/

>> No.12162739

huysmans life can be describe like this he went from rebellious to catholic his books were proofs of this change.

>> No.12162743

crime and punishment deal with this topic too, an idealistic protagonist who cannot commit what he preaches

>> No.12162747

start with adam smith, the man who started this bullshit

>> No.12162794

You responded wrong. But thats okay. Welcome to the 4chan (4channel ;) ) website, zoomber ;) ;) ;)



Have a loook at the rules. Just pm me if u have any questions ;) check your inbox for a *free* monster ultra energy drink. We here on /lit/ like our noggins going hard (lol!!!).

>> No.12162843

Wait until you get older and start realising you changed despite your efforts not to.

>> No.12162862

Weird. I ended up not changing despite my efforts to change.

>> No.12163288

Read financial books instead of books to cope with your misery so that you can achieve financial independence and have freedom to do whatever you want. Once you have money, you can have whatever lifestyle you want to a certain extent

>> No.12163296
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Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell

>> No.12163379

Start with his essays to cope with massive meta footnotes and overcompensating details. Also you should read conspiciously young before the meme book to understand what he's goal was.

>> No.12163902

>One thing I've noticed is how religious they become afterwards. It's like they've been brainwashed.
It's because you live in a shithole and have shitty healthcare.

>> No.12163947

>Then I discovered 4chan and

Are you implying some kind of causation, because there surely isn't. You are just burnt out

>> No.12164332

Here's a tip for all you brainlets: high school grades don't mean shit. Just cause you got A's in high school doesn't mean you are remotely intelligent.

>> No.12164383

once you became the apex you loose all the potential to change.

>> No.12164405
File: 54 KB, 600x380, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not turning from a cute, sensitive, artistic and somewhat rebellious guy in his early 20s into a complete resignationist 30yo comfydoomer

>> No.12164412

I too received bad grades in high school and am insecure about my intelligence :^)

>> No.12164440

Not at all unironically, but have had several "smart" friends from HS who amounted to absolutely nothing. the high school "education" is rather a day care system.

>> No.12164447

i dont know why the white sip specifically but when i once had been drinking the white sip (because usually monster costs 1,60 euro where i live but the white sip was on sale for 85 cents because it tastes like garbage compared to the other monsters like assault and nobody buys them) my philosophy prof (who is 45 years old, has a garage band with some other 40 somethings, has his gray hair always geled up like danzel and always wears jeans and a black jacket and/or t-shirt) happened to see me and came up to me and told me (rough translation) "mhm yes this is a good one i also like to drink this one" so i guess take that as anecdotal evidence

>> No.12164602

It's way easier to kick meth than heroin.

>> No.12164606

Any books about turning from a dead-inside "good boy" wagecuck in his early 20s into a cute, sensitive, somewhat rebllious guy in his late 20s?