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12155805 No.12155805 [Reply] [Original]

Black holes are Atlantean archons: the event horizon of a black hole temporalizes space while spatializing time. In other words, causality becomes traversable, like a landscape, while space is steadily pushed towards an immanent "future": the singularity. The forward progression of time becomes all space hurtling towards Null. This corresponds exactly to the CCRU's interpretation of the Omega Point: all time condensed into Borges' aleph, where Beginning and the End become visible to a unary perspective: inside the event horizon, all light from the black hole's past, and all the light that entered after you, /is actually visible to you simultaneously/. Western thought is the bootstrap engine of the Omega Point: pure spiration, the teleology of negativity and the negativity of teleology: time is the mouth that eats itself. In other words, Dugin, Evola, Land, Laffoley, Heidegger, etc. were absolutely right: Western civilization is temporal to its roots, its essence is its transpiring, its /historicism/, but an historicism bent towards killing its own Buddha: with the Omega Point, time is no longer experienced under ontological duress: the self is released from its having to "unreflectively coincide" with moment after moment, hour after hour: the mundane is the negation of eternity, only the brush with death breaks the spell of clock time: time is auto-habituating, and for Hegel: habituation is ideation. /Boredom is dialectical/: immediacy forces the mediacy of reflection. God made man small so he wouldn't get bored with the whole universe. Now his god is a counterfeit, a hypostatized longing to escape. The Eye that sees its own nerve: your internality to the world /just is/ your (figurative) incapacity to see behind your own back: inside the black hole's photon sphere, photons are bent into orbits, and you can actually see the back of your own head in front of you. Just as with Kant: freedom is the misrecognition of causality, it is only being on the /inside/ of my subjectivity that freedom is possible: immanence /is/ freedom, but also determination: in Schelling, the highest freedom coincides with the highest determination, because true freedom can be nothing other than absolute adherence to one's nature in a way that leaves no room for disagreement: necessity isn't just chafing under some determination, necessity is that determination that, for whatever reason, /we cannot endorse/. The West, at its heart, remains irremediably Platonic: for both, self-identity is freedom, truth and goodness remain an affirmation of the principle of non-contradiction, and like a cancer cell Western thought becomes the metastasis of A = A.

>> No.12155808
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Universes are autophagic: smart matter converts silence into an echo chamber for the Word, Western time as a Mandelbrot zoom: the infinite (dialectical) elaboration of the One. Black holes are /spatial/ singularities, while white holes are /temporal/: just as time can't help but flow into the future, space can't help but flow into a black hole's center. Now reverse it: just as all worldlines caught within the event horizon converge on the singularity, so /do all worldlines in a regular old spatiotemporal universe dissipate into heat death/. Black holes and white holes are Schelling's negative and positive potencies, respectively. For Schelling, the self (Hadit in Crowley's system) is fundamentally contractive, the periphery (Nuit, otherness, objectivity) is entropic, dilutive, it eternally threatens the sovereignty of the center, just as the center threatens to swallow the periphery into the abyss of self-sameness: civilization was the body's domestication of the earth, now it is being conquered by the mind. Globalism as noetic terraforming. It's no wonder falling into a black hole is analogous to the mystical experience: mysticism is the descent into the windowless void of selfhood, where the God within coincides with the God without, and an absolute centripetal force recoils into the birth-cry of a universe. Not a simple dualism of light and dark, but a redoubled dualism of contraction and expansion: the Night of inwardness is /both/ the principle of selfhood and the inertia of identity, the Sun of Love is /both/ the principle of predication /and/ the threat of dissolution into those predicates. Like yin and yang, each planted in the seedbed of the other: white holes produce universes whose children fall down Kantian/Hegelian recursion spirals, black holes condense tremendous mass and energy into points that "bang" into new universes. Black holes are escape chutes into the Ain: strange loop gods that haunt the stars. The Platonic Sun is black. The Landian Sun is white. The Middle Way is colorless.

>> No.12155819


>> No.12155822

write a book stop shitposting on here

>> No.12155879

not OP but I love these, besides, philosophical systems are antithetical to enlightenment

>> No.12156062
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White holes, despite being the principle of life, also are - by "energizing" the forward movement of causality - the principle of death.

Black holes, despite being the principle of death, also are - by reproducing pre-big bang conditions within themselves - the principle of life.

Think of two cones superimposed over each other, facing the opposite direction.

The white cone begins with a "point" (the Big Bang) and dilates into its "base" (heat death)

The black cone begins at its "base" (the roiling hydrogen chaos of the universe in its infancy) and articulates into its "point" (stars, galaxies, life; negentropy, cybernetics).

Land rejects the latter as the human security system, the Matrix. Plato rejects the former, by naming the Absolute he dooms it to the gravity of the dialectic.

Plato could not have known he would become the first heretic of the religion (of identity) he himself founded.

>> No.12156072


>> No.12156090
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>> No.12156100

I was beginning to worry we had lost you, dishevelled anon

>> No.12156131

You're even worse than OP for enabling this pseud behavior.

>> No.12156140

He's not crazy, just disgustingly pretentious. This is what happens when you don't discipline your kids during their developmental years. They never learn how to not embarrass themselves.

>> No.12156382

If a line like "black holes are Atlantean archons" doesn't at least pique your interest, you don't belong here I'm afraid. Half of /lit/ is r/books and the other half is shitposting from the supernal.

>> No.12156390


>> No.12156399

Should post this on /x/, they'd appreciate it.

>> No.12156400

okay, but what about the lemurians

>> No.12156430

Lemurians are the dissipative white potency. A white hole would be a Lemurian aeon, but that might be stretching it, I'd hardly associate Bataille and Land's thought with gnostic aeons

>> No.12156779

He's not pretentious if you actually grasp what he's trying to say. The only reason people get annoyed by his posts is because most of it flies over their heads.

>> No.12157012

Comparing this to timecube is just dumb

>> No.12157028

Who on earth is comparing this to timecube?

>> No.12157106

The guy who posted it ITT

>> No.12157110

And the third half is people "cringing" and posturing like hipsters despite being completely anonymous.

Go on, OP.

>> No.12157116

>temporalizes space while spatializing time
I was reliably informed that those are each the same thing.

>> No.12157415

Well something funky definitely happens in the event horizon

>> No.12157439


I'm assuming this is the same dude who wrote the "Incels are being genetically segregated out of their host populations...... " post. Did this guy make any other posts like these and can someone send me the link to the archive of them?

>> No.12157470


>> No.12157487

cheers friend

>> No.12157507


>> No.12157514


This is the next page and has all the posts from the summer. Warosu is weird and unintuitive. I like to have it all in one place.

>> No.12157520

yawnfag remains unimpressed

>> No.12157652

based as fuck thread OP

>> No.12157908

thanks again kind friend

>> No.12158096
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>> No.12158189

Anon did you write this?

>> No.12158196

Also anon have you ingested psychedelics in your life?

>> No.12158486

The image of thought is Deleuze’s characterisation of what comes before thinking: that which philosophy implicitly presupposes and explicitly projects, a prephilosophical and natural and hence dogmatic image of what thinking is. The dogmatic image supposes that what thought wants, wants both materially and wilfully, is the true. Morality leads us to presuppose this. It is pre-supposed in the sense that everybody knows what it means to think, as though it were common sense. We all have this common picture of what it means to think. It’s an image in which subject and object and being and beings are already assigned their proper place and relation one to the other. And so long as philosophy holds to this image it does not matter what it goes on to think conceptually. If the image of thought guides the creation of concepts then those concepts will be part of the same image projected. Moreover, it is the supposition of a natural capacity to think in this way that permits philosophy to claim to begin without suppositions. It is a supposition which is endowed with the power to undercut the conditions of the present moment and its attendant perversions.

>> No.12158765

can i get a TL DR on this pls

>> No.12159056
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what happens inside black holes directly corresponds to what CCRU thinks is the logical consequence of Western history: the complete subjugation of time and reality to technology, the singularity - or oneness - of the universe is both what creates it, and what sits at the end of its development, reproduced technologically as the Omega Point - Western thought is just the process by which it gets there.

then it's compared to Schelling's doctrine of the potencies, the two fundamental principles of the God, the negative, contractive force, and an expansive, life-giving one, systole and diastole, the former is the motor of the Western dialectic (and the principle of selfhood), because Schelling compares it to the original, dark inwardness of the Godhead, completely self-immersed, self-swallowing, which "bangs" into a universe, but ultimately returns in another shape through Western "philosophy of identity": there also some parallels with Freud here, the death of the obscene father who haunts the symbolic order as its principle and Outside.

the latter force is what Land's thrown his chips in with (and also the principle of otherness, alterity, not difficult to see why Land would), it is the rejection of totalizing identity, of the subsumption of difference into transcendental, conditioning structures, and ultimately of the entire Western enterprise itself. The Black is the System, the White are the termites that want to drag it back into the soup, the roil, heat death, chaos, what have you.

Basically, age-old dualities manifesting themselves cosmologically, technologically, and historically.

>> No.12159061



>> No.12159144

based. what is your comparative take on Badiou? have you got the chance to check out the final installment of his system, The Immanence of Truths?

>> No.12159152

Besides the basics I've honestly never really engaged with the guy, but he's on the list. I didn't know he released a new book. Care to talk about it anon?

>> No.12159173

i haven't either, but thought you may have. just havd read Ruda's article on him and Hegel, and from his own books, Pocket Pantheon (which was garbage).

>> No.12159222

Can you link the article? Are you the guy trying to read The Dash? I stole the "time is the mouth that eats itself" line from that, kek.

>> No.12159254

it's in this paper collection:

>> No.12159272

i can agree with A = A

>> No.12159301

IQ 115 things. The problem is maldigestion of other people’s thoughts and magical thinking that isn’t quite controlled at that intelligence level.

>> No.12159318

I think you're confusing style for maldigestion. Nevertheless I'd like to hear you expand on this. Magical thinking?

Based, thanks.

>> No.12159657

Reading recommendations on the topic of spacetime?

>> No.12159698
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I'm assuming you don't strictly mean physics. Pic related is a good start. Black holes and white holes at the bottom.

The Omega Point stuff is from here:

Bigbrain primer on the physics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KePNhUJ2reI

Schelling's Ages of the World and Inquiry into the Essence of Human Freedom will take care of the light and dark potencies.

>> No.12159737
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>> No.12159751

based ww poster

>> No.12159903
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i'm really happy to see this, thanks

Basically what I'm trying to do is articulate a Way Out of the globalist-accelerationist impasse, a middle way between Collapse and Full Throttle (which of course bend into a horseshoe).

I won't sit here and tell you I'm on the cusp of the next Kantian breakthrough because there's something obscenely hubristic about that (not to mention it's not something I'm really aiming for or capable of), but I will tell you that my heart's just not really in either the posthuman (sounds more and more like the anti-human these days) or humanism proper. Though I'm definitely sympathetic to the cosmotech aesthetic and mode of thought you see here on /lit/, which I'm very happy to contribute to in my own small way. There is power here.

With what limited cognitive resources allotted to me, I want to at least accomplish this for myself, and in myself, even if the world never hears a peep, and it honestly probably never will.

I use stellar imagery because the hydrostatic equilibrium that keeps stars together is a perfect balance of the centripetal force of gravity, and the centrifugal push of energy radiating outward. Remember also in Kabbalah Tifereth represents the balance of cosmic polarities.

Of course when stars die in the penultimate moment they have to throw their chips in with either one or the other black hole or supernova. But wait, what about white dwarves? What vision of humanity's destiny, of technology and the soul, of God and mysticism, would correspond to the fact that white, brown, and black dwarves last so long they basically short-circuit time itself? Could we use metaphors as a springboard into something New? I don't know. But so far it's clicking together pretty well.

I'll probably take a hiatus soon and let this all percolate a bit more.

>> No.12159906
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Well, based, you have the Heideggerian talent for echolocation

Have you seen the Light anon?

>> No.12159910

I think I have friend, I think I have.

>> No.12159964
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I mean you could take a bunch of LSD and experience some Plotinus shit if you wanted

>> No.12160020

I don't doubt that I would, honestly, just can't find it around here. Have you done the same? /x/-tier LSD mysticism is one thing, but what are psychedelics like when you've studied philosophy and mysticism, as I assume you have?

>> No.12160040
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>> No.12160049
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>> No.12160102

dank aesthetic, who is making these?

>> No.12160116
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You can order it pretty easily from the dark web, pay with Bitcoin etc, strange but true

I dunno how much a difference the reading makes, maybe more the temperament of one who would read that etc

Anyway, by orders of magnitude the most profound experiences I've ever had, St Teresa and Plotinus shit one is not worthy of :[

>> No.12160144

I know that feeling. I always end up betraying that light, sooner or later you lose your temper with something or let small, petty things occupy your thoughts. It's hard. I know what alchemists mean by the duality of the self.

>> No.12160207
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And now at last the highest truth on this subject remains unsaid; probably cannot be said; for all that we say is the far-off remembering of the intuition. That thought by what I can now nearest approach to say it, is this. When good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the footprints of any other; you shall not see the face of man; you shall not hear any name;--the way, the thought, the good shall be wholly strange and new. It shall exclude example and experience. You take the way from man, not to man. All persons that ever existed are its forgotten ministers. Fear and hope are alike beneath it. There is somewhat low even in hope. In the hour of vision there is nothing that can be called gratitude, nor properly joy. The soul raised over passion beholds identity and eternal causation, perceives the self-existence of Truth and Right, and calms itself with knowing that all things go well. Vast spaces of nature, the Atlantic Ocean, the South Sea; long intervals of time, years, centuries, are of no account. This which I think and feel underlay every former state of life and circumstances, as it does underlie my present, and what is called life, and what is called death.

>> No.12160232

Based dishevelled pepe and wojak poster

>> No.12160244

Hey OP, you're the guy who made the cosmotech threads, right? Or you at least participated in them. Love your mad energy and your interesting posts, you should genuinely consider compiling them.

I posted quite a bit in the cosmotechs as well but from a more pragmatist point of view. I almost invariably agree with your viewpoints on the subject, but as you and others have pointed out numerous times the key here is WESTERN thought is the motor driving the singularity forward. perhaps the biggest concern for people invested in such a thing is keeping Western thought as a thing in the world i.e. keeping the West Western. I'm sure you know what I mean by this. It won't be the West much longer if the rest of the world comes to live here and actual Westerners and hence their way of life and thoughts are subsumed by non-Westerners and non-Western thoughts/values/ideals.

Land himself has made many dogwhistling posts and a few that outright state as much. You don't get to a singularity when the average IQ is 80 and people have little to no time preference.

>> No.12160263

How come every single larping schizo types like they've never heard of a comma before? Its like they're intentionally trying to be unintelligible to seem more "esoteric" and "uncomprehensible".
Pretty gay if you ask me.

>> No.12160272


TAKE IT TO >>>/x/
>TAKE IT TO >>>/x/
TAKE IT TO >>>/x/
>TAKE IT TO >>>/x/

Mods pls relocate thread.
OP please remain in your containment board.

>> No.12160321

That's actually girardfag/landposter, I won't claim credit for those threads, they've done quite a bit to raise the culture of this board.

You make an interesting point. I think the Westernization of the East is already happening, even Evola recognized it back in his day. They don't necessarily need to come here.

The groundwork, the philosophical skeleton for a singularity, is already here, absolutely no doubt about it. Now it just comes down to momentum, whether the system is already going too fast to be slowed down by mongrelization/the threat of dysgenic collapse. Once gene editing goes mainstream dysgenics/miscegenation will be a non-issue, as soon as we can customize biology it's ogre. Then we're looking at the monster of genetic segregation, pleasure domes, that whole nightmare scenario.

>> No.12160323

looking forward to the next posts, anon!

>> No.12160401


I mean there's a double movement here, Western technology and lifestyle is saturating the East, while the East (and Middle East, etc.) are getting their tendrils into the West. But there's definitely some give-and-take: China adopts a brand of capitalism suited to its temperament, America subsumes the negroid pleasure drive into its youth culture, fueled by ideologized ressentiment.

Basically, the West is only turning into brown slush at ground level, the tip of the Pyramid is just getting more powerful, inscrutable, domineering. I gotta side with Nietzsche here, the higher are getting higher, the lower are getting lower. Each side its accelerating into its "notion", as it were.

To sum up: I don't think there's really any danger of the West no longer being Western, as long as the hands on the steering wheel remain white. Unless the elites themselves join us in committing ethnic suicide (doubt it, the Central Command of nu-liberalism are not as naive or pathological as their tools), that motor will keep on running, mongrelization is just the lube, dissent getting bred out like a maladaptive trait.

>> No.12160404

absolutely worth it, memes aside. I'm no psychonaut but I've tripped hard enough times to feel that it can render philosophical insight. i don't find the value is so much in having philosophical "breakthroughs" while tripping, but more so that you can embody a philosophical system in a way much more visceral than its intellectualized form you experience while studying it. on a good trip the world is pure wonder, which as we know from artistotle is the origin of all philosophy. psychedelics in a way are like forced philosophy--by being ejected from its usual conceptual framework as provided by the dominant culture, your mind has no choice but to philosophize itself a different system. you may end up in buddha or nietzsche or kant, maybe even a divine synthesis of all of the above. you might not understand anything better afterwards, but i've found it's given me a wider breadth of phenomenal experience that's made me quicker at identifying the *feelings* various philosophers are evoking in their concepts.

HOWEVER, be careful to resist the temptation during the trip to describe it to yourself in philosophical terms. if you are too self-conscious in evaluating it you can find yourself in a precarious place. better to let yourself be willingly wiped clean and let the concepts come as they will.

>> No.12160467

Yeah I've noticed weed has the same effect, suddenly what these guys are talking about becomes so comprehensible that you kind of realize philosophy 40% language, and 60% temperament, I don't want to say 'feeling', more like a kind of inner condition drugs can be a shortcut too.

I'm gonna try and find some shrooms.

>> No.12160542

yeah, temperment is a better word. it's basically the argument nietzsche makes in his book on the presocratics: the point of reading another philosopher is not to discover if they've done better than others about rationalizing their way into thinking of the world in the way that makes the most sense, but is instead an attempt to experience a unique worldview (for lack of a better term) that a philosopher has formed by thinking through the coherences of their lives.

good luck on getting shrooms! i'd recommend taking around half an eighth (no point in going overboard your first time), spending time in the woods, and considering heidegger.

>> No.12160568

>as long as the hands on the steering wheel remain white
This is where the issue comes in. Those hands are either people pretending to be white i.e. jews, or as we see more and more become the case, non-whites who are given the highest tiers of power via quotas in some kind of attempt at restorative justice crap that gets peddled by progressives.
I think I'm overall more blackpilled about our future prospects. I suppose I agree that if the hands steering the ship remain Western then maybe there wouldn't be an issue (ignoring of course that whites will become minorities in their own countries - I don't believe that a people should have to justify their own sovereign existence), but those hands are becoming less and less Western as time moves on.

>> No.12160635

Well I think the point is, whether or not they remain white - whether or not they express some fidelity to a nation or a race - will become irrelevant, eventually the car will learn to drive itself. See, here's the thing: I just don't think you can have your hands on the steering wheel of a machine this large and intricate and REMAIN committed to some ethnic stock or some national interest, it's alienating in its essence. Whatever color the hands are, they've already pledged themselves to a vector that recognizes nothing, certainly not cultural heritage.

We're headed for a bad time.

Yeah it really clicked with me when Deleuze said comparing philosophers is like comparing painters, it's about being introduced to a whole different bandwidth of cognition that enlarges your own, instead of autistically picking apart axioms and arguments.

You seem to like Heidegger. Is there any literature on him or by him that's sort of in the same stream as these threads? I really need to read his essay on technology.

>> No.12160658


Unironic and underrated.

>> No.12160690

>tfw you're picking up hints of Heisman in fucking timecube

the rabbit hole is too deep bros

>> No.12160693

The book Question Concerning Technology is good for the title essay and "Age of the World Picture," both of which are relatively easy to understand without having to get deep into Heidegger. I would put him in the category of cosmotechnic thinkers only with the caveat that he describes the system mostly to criticize it. there are implications throughout his writing that man can adapt his use of technology to have a closer relationship with Being, but for the most part his discussion of technology centers on describing its ontological properties to show that it is a mode of thinking that must be escaped. if you're already deeply read in more contemporary cosmotech thought (eg deleuze, land, simondon, yuk hui) I'm going to guess you won't find the intellectual content of his more cosmotechnical discussions that original, though stylistically it is enthralling and worth reading just for that. from the historical perspective as well it's really cool to see him laying much of the groundwork for most of the current cosmotech thinkers.

much of what is posted here about how truth manifests itself in space and time has strong parallels to heidegger, so if that's your interest as well then I think all of his writings cover some aspect of that.

for additional recs that might be up your alley:
Being and Time's discussion of tools
Heidegger's Confrontation with Modernity gets posted a lot here, but I haven't read it

>> No.12160707

>yfw even the schizos are profoundly boring
Why do you waste your time writing this?

>> No.12160716

Why is it boring?

>> No.12160720
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and this

>> No.12160723

aw shit dont tell me this nigga is arborescent

>> No.12160749

All right I will, yeah I'm familiar with this milieu so shouldn't be too hard going.

>much of what is posted here about how truth manifests itself in space and time has strong parallels to heidegger, so if that's your interest as well then I think all of his writings cover some aspect of that.

I'm unfamiliar with Heidegger's late thought besides Ereignis and Lichtung, what do you mean by this?

>> No.12160753

These are great, whose making these?

>> No.12160759

>using philosophical concepts to describe black holes in correlation with spatio-temporal existence (describing temporality and spatial occurrence in black holes), despite black holes being only an anomaly that can also be destroyed via heat death, just as the universe could be

>> No.12160771

>he took it literally

baka senpai

>> No.12160784

How in the fuck are black holes to be considered "metaphorically"? Are you just attempting to say "abyss" instead?

>> No.12160785

>in black holes

No, within the event horizon, not the singularity proper, big difference.

>> No.12160790

it's all in the OP

and the materials here >>12159698

>> No.12160880

But space and time still necessarily function in a unity in that moment (there still remains an existence of the object, therefore meaning that the form of space-time correlates with the events of the event horizon, despite an outside observer being ultimately unable to apprehend the phenomena), making the condition of the black hole still relevant to the terms of the universe, hence meaning that both the event horizon and singularity are subject to the similar existence of space-time, and that there is no necessity towards the conversation of space and time working in a disjointed process (temporalization of space and spatialization of time), as the functionality of black holes are entirely based around its difference towards the universe, and not of time and space itself fragmenting in absolute terms. Even something like accretion disks still has the maintained property of matter representing the speeds, and not of the temporal entirely working upon a potential "wholeness" of space. The black hole is not simply a phenomenological thing, it is discernable only to the extents that apply of the universe as a whole, and not towards an intentionality formed of its existence. The reason why I mention this is precisely due to your interpretation of this physical thing as something to be regarded epistemologically, as if this state is comparable in any fashion to the knowledge of humans, in the sense of apprehending time or space. It's a futile task that can only be regarded by those who would read Bergson over Einstein.

>> No.12160884

Heidegger categorized his later work as a philosophy of Ereignis, so if you understand this concept then you might be able to imagine how it forms the basis of truth being distributed on historical grounds. basically, the fact that Being can cohere itself into "things" (meant in a specifically heideggerian way) that can connect up with other things and form systems/cultures means that the manifestation of any given thing is determined in an everyday sense by how a culture appropriates an Ereignis into a coherence that functions in a communicable sense. for instance, his dictum "Language is the house of Being" illustrates this: just as different styles of houses give us different ways to live, different languages give different "places" for how Being shows itself to us. although Being eclipses every culture, man's only path to Being is through culture, so much of philosophy is about how locating various the various openings to ontology within our culture that it receives from Being. a good example of this (though written before he became more explicit about the term "ereignis") is the greek temple in "the origin of the work of art." the temple receives its fullest manifestation of Being as being a PLACE where properties of the physical earth are given a historical rootedness in the sacred practices of man that usher in a Truth specific to the place. this is the sense of "History" that heidegger brings up in contradistinction to our usual sense of hisotriology (as in, the scientific study of the events of the past to determine what "really" happened) [best source on this is Basic Questions of Philosophy].

the book that encapsulates this is the Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), but this is his most difficult work and you can't tackle without being familiar with Heidegger for a while. the best avenue into it is reading a bunch of his post Turn works, which you could roughly say are all investigations into specific manifestations of Being in various historical forms. so his analyses of poetry are always tied closely to earth-related imagery, investigations into language focus on the "gathering" power of words within communities, meditations on architecture are asking about how a building creates a distinct sense of place in its presence. The two collections Poetry, Language, Thought and On the Way to Language are recommended for this aspect of his thinking.

>> No.12161136

I do. there will be more, later, when wojak posts next thread, whenever that is.

>> No.12161184

Well I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I'm a physicist but it's pretty obvious these are phenomenological/mystical interpretations of cosmological phenomena, what a black hole is corresponds pretty closely to what Schelling's negative principle in God, which lines up pretty well with the Platonic conflation of unity/oneness with identity, which itself sheds some interesting light on Western temporality and the presuppositions that drive it, etc. etc.

Okay anon, thank you, Heidegger really is the mac daddy of this isn't he?

>> No.12161333

In terms of explicit influence, Heidegger is most responsible for several of the most pertinent lines of thinking in cosmotechnics today. however, you see a lot of the strains of his thinking arise in a few different philosophers in the late 19th-early 20th century. the one that springs to mind most readily is bergson, whose critique of science as being confined to the "pure exteriority" of space could serve just as well as the foundation for much of continental thought today. german thought in the 30s and 40s was very attuned to the metaphysical implications of man merging with machine (as you might expect from a society so affected by industrial warfare), so there was plenty of precedence in the issue when Heidegger threw his hat in the ring with Question Concerning Technology. for instance, Ernst's brother Friedrich Junger had been writing about how man metaphysically alters himself in serving machines. you can detect these concerns in walter benjamin as well. Heidegger became the most influential philosopher on the issue, but it was on the mind of many intellectuals in the decades before and after the world wars. today this influence is most explicit largely from post-structural thinkers (most notably foucault and derrida) crediting him for opening up the philosophical mission they were now continuing and/or critiquing

If you're interested, Rudiger Safranski has a great chapter on the german intellectual atmosphere toward technology in his book Heidegger: Between Good and Evil