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12153775 No.12153775 [Reply] [Original]

The other thread turned out to be a disaster because I used an unrelated pic, and people fixated on it instead of discussing the topic.

So I will try again. Are there any good books that discuss narcissism, its causes, and its affects on society?

>> No.12153778

hi incel hahahahaha

>> No.12153786
File: 70 KB, 1030x727, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elliot rodger's youtube diary desu

>> No.12153798
File: 98 KB, 611x623, my_problem..._is_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12153805

Fucking hell, I hate when people make that spelling mistake and here I am making that mistake

>> No.12153806

I don’t know. The image you posted this time is pretty cool. I only want to talk about that.

>> No.12153811 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, incel.

>> No.12153844

The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch

>> No.12153862

>its affects on society

>> No.12153867

A narcissist is someone you don't like who has more self confidence than you

>> No.12153872

that's what you get for posting a clearly provocative image, you fucking frog-nerd

>> No.12153873
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inadvertently derails his own thread again

>> No.12153875


>> No.12153879

OP is a fucking incel who literally only has frog memes on his computer LMAO

>> No.12153884


Blogs are literature.

>> No.12153889

Is there anything more spaghetti than making two of the same threads and derailing them yourself? Just come back online tomorrow OP, everything would have blown over then

>> No.12153900

kek, i feel bad for you op.

I don't know of any books on the subject you're talking about, but I can recommend you go back and read the Greeks. Look up the story of Narcissus. Take note of how narcissism is connected to pride. Personal pride. In one's appearance foremost but also possessions*, or even one's own virtuousness.

*Elliott Rodger's BMW, for example, which he believed should have bestowed on him something he deserved (female attention)

Also read about Girard's mimetic theory of desire. Read his book The Scapegoat, it's good.

>> No.12153926

literally in the Psychology section of the Narcissus article on wikipedia:

In 1898 Havelock Ellis, an English sexologist, used the term "narcissus-like" in reference to excessive masturbation, whereby the person becomes his or her own sex object.[9]

In 1899, Paul Näche was the first person to use the term "narcissism" in a study of sexual perversions.

Otto Rank, in 1911, published the first psychoanalytical paper specifically concerned with narcissism, linking it to vanity and self-admiration.[9]

Sigmund Freud only published a paper exclusively devoted to narcissism in 1914, called "On Narcissism: An Introduction".[10]

>> No.12153973

I don’t think you know what a narcissist is.

>> No.12153981

OP here, I’m going to cry if you narcissists don’t stop

>> No.12154002

Hahahahahahahaahaha I remember reading that in the other thread. He even used a frog meme here hahahahaha

>> No.12154021

A definition narcissist will typically mistake their delusion for “confidence.”

>> No.12154067

maybe you should take your medication

the big,scary world of books is not for you

>> No.12154212

Please I just want to talk about books

>> No.12154279



>> No.12154502

the need of sex with a woman runs through my beins - 20 year old and days counting, virgin

>> No.12154524

Trust me anon, if you haven't had sex before then you don't really desire it. You only want some fantasy produced by your increasingly frustrated sexual instinct. The longer you wait, the more you'll glorify it and the more you'll be disappointed when you actually do it.

>> No.12155651

Bump for the big gay OP