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/lit/ - Literature

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12153454 No.12153454 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write better?

>> No.12153482

The same way you get to Carnegie Hall.

>> No.12153483

yep, go to new york op

>> No.12153664
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>> No.12153712
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>> No.12153733
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this is now a critique thread, allow me to get it started.
The other one
This keyboard is cancer

There is no other one
Tryuing to bring thuth tho papre is aimpossible on this key oq;’
,e kavknBVDbjk.CASCSbjn,.CSbkh. CASbklh..CA

>> No.12153740

tfw no asian stacy gf

>> No.12153977

I wish I knew

>> No.12153985

don't post jezebels ffs

>> No.12153986

We wish we all knew that m8

>> No.12154257

what an I say your picture attracted me to read your shitpost

>> No.12155119

By writing a lot and reading good books. Preferably at the same time.

Also throw away your early works, nobody wants to read that shit. Just write. Write a lot. Doesn't matter what it is. Even if it is horrible clichè genre fiction. Better get it out of your system.

>> No.12155213
File: 57 KB, 380x676, mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the FUCK can a literal nigger pajeet get a qt3.14 gf but I can't? And you people dare look at this shit and tell me there's a God.

>> No.12155303

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

>> No.12155310
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>> No.12155323

bring back jezebelposting

>> No.12155358

but seriously, stop comparing yourself to others and focus on rectifying the sources of your own suffering.

>> No.12155365

I don't suffer I just crave the coochie

>> No.12155401

if you didn't give a fuck, or had little self-awareness, you'd just do your thing whenever you meet a chick. some of the shit you'd be spraying would eventually stick, somewhere, and you'd get laid. rinse and repeat.
you probably either a) overthink things and as a result can't simply, mindlessly, attempt to establish communication as often as pajeet does, or b) are such a sperg that nothing with a vagina will ever respond positively to your tactics (i.e. the bob + vagene dudes)
either way, go read one of those seduction books and practice approaching girls to gain confidence. it's not my style but i've seen it work for others.

>> No.12155455

That man probably isn't depressed or otherwise mentally ill.

>> No.12155638

low effort version of an already old pasta, kys

>> No.12155676

>When she finally opens bobs

>> No.12155704
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coochies are gross, ew

>> No.12155726


>> No.12155733

But also redpilled?

>> No.12155739

(Insert "i wish that was me" meme)

>> No.12155753

Not quite redpilled my friend, I'm getting more of a Based and BasedPilled vibe off of that one.

>> No.12155823

Women never even notice me. I don't go talk to them, I'm afraid they think I'm creepy (like a Pajeet) and I get labeled a pervert.
I rarely am in situations where I think it socially acceptable to approach girls. Also girls never start small talk with me or anything like that. I wish the culture in my country wasn't so cold. I'd rather live in the 19th century or before, in a cruel world but with a socially healthy culture.

>> No.12155838

what country

>> No.12155865

>Women never even notice me. I don't go talk to them, I'm afraid they think I'm creepy (like a Pajeet) and I get labeled a pervert.
Stop comparing yourself to pajeets, for one. Two,
>I rarely am in situations where I think it socially acceptable to approach girls. Also girls never start small talk with me or anything like that.
NOBODY just talks to people randomly, and if you're waiting for anyone--let alone a woman--to notice you, you're only sabotaging yourself. Go to a bar, have one beer, and talk to people. You're not going to get a gf from the grocery or at the bus stop.

>> No.12155876

Ad block all thumbnails on this site. Problem solved. That's what I do.

>> No.12155881

proof or it didn't happen

>> No.12155887

Bars are gay

>> No.12155890

>Bars are gay
That's probably exactly what girls think about you.

>> No.12155911

there was a time when finns weren't hyperintroverted autismos?

>> No.12155913
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What about the girls that don't drink? Where can I find one of those?

>> No.12155921

Have you tried asking Google? I'm sure it'll be something similar to finding where to catch a Pokemon, right?

>> No.12155922
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Yeah back when we lived in our tribes and knew and could trust everyone in it. Finns weren't made to live in the modern world.

>> No.12155931

But seriously. The mall, school, library, hobby shops, I don't know what you like or what you're expecting your future gf to like.

>> No.12155939

just download tinder you fucking autist.

>> No.12155945

>going to the library to talk to people

>> No.12155953

>Expecting your future gf to just randomly talk you up while you're at home on 4chan

>> No.12155962

I'm not the tfw-no-gf-finnjävel I just know how to behave in a library.

>> No.12155972

The only other place to get a lit gf is at a bookstore. Maybe school.

>> No.12155977

not that anon but fuck no
I'd rather die alone

>> No.12155984

not an excuse

>> No.12156008

>He hasn't stalked a girl through the library while she researches your favorite philosophers and then waiting outside for her to come out so you can talk about the cats she was looking at on her phone when she thought nobody was looking
What are you, gay?

>> No.12156172

Bottom line is to write more while pushing yourself to develop new skills beyond what you already have.

Also build up the minimal amount of social gumption needed to go to writer's workshops and other writing groups. Expect disappointment, but know they're better than nothing. Plus there are real 3D girls for you to ogle and resent.

>> No.12156246

Might, though only retards need online dating. Guess Im retarded

>> No.12156269
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filter 4chan.org/* (I think thumbnails still use this URL)
and 4channel.org/*