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/lit/ - Literature

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12151905 No.12151905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>sat down tonight to read a few chapters of "the logic of sense" with gf and her pal tonight
>it is lots of fun, we take turns reading passages and discussing them
>see the two off at the door when the night grows old
>sit down on my couch and stare at the floor for a half-hour, suddenly lonely and confused
book for this feel?

>> No.12151919

pls tell me you've read Aristotle's Organon, Kant's Critiques, and Hegel's Logic too.

>> No.12152904

Did you read Nietzsche & Philosophy and all the other books leading up to LoS?

>> No.12152908 [DELETED] 


>> No.12152909

>he didn't crack open a bottle of wine and sleep with them both

>> No.12152932 [DELETED] 

I, too, love discussing books with my gf and her bull

>> No.12152936
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It's so nice having a girlfriend to cuddle with, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Part of what Deleuze and Guattari called Body without Organs referred to how the body has certain "modes" that change the way we perceive our environment, like how when you're aroused and in love the very way you feel someone's touch is different from everyday sensations of touch. Imagine the bliss of that sweet peach fuzz on her skin as you gently caress her. The body has certain erogenous zones like the neck and upper chest that require the lightest touch to send shivers down your spine. You don't even need that, her sweet soft voice can do that without any direct contact at all, even a cute smile can do that sometimes. Of course nothing beats kissing someone you love and trust, taking all the time you need to enjoy the moment without any pressure to quickly have sex and leave. Some of the best parts of desire are these in-betweens where you're content to just hug her to feel her soft breasts against you.

>> No.12152944
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> with gf and her pal tonight
> see the two off at the door


Are you sure you're using gf correctly?

>> No.12152949

corny af

>> No.12152955

You’re seriously a cuck for allowing your girlfriend to have friends and read books.

>> No.12152959

I know, the point was to trigger incels.

>> No.12152962

>not seeing your gf and her bf at the door after getting cucked


>> No.12152975


>> No.12152984
File: 44 KB, 500x506, APQLMWVDZB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cucking relationship is not a gf-bf relationship, but rather more resembles that of master and slave

OP is literal genetic garbage whom is getting his most valuable assets sucked out by a woman

Good luck, you can break free and become a man, you can do it

>> No.12153044

>if I can't be happy in an open relationship, nobody can
Pretty narrowminded of you senpai

>> No.12153051
File: 15 KB, 300x260, IOZWVZVJQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real man doesnt let his waifu/3.14qt get fucked by another man

That goes against every definition of a man in existence

If you are in an open relationship you may as well kill yourself

>> No.12153057

>le trigger le incels
mission accomplished

>> No.12153065

Literally every time a deleuzian opens their mouth what comes out is "live laugh love" tier. You're literally pink floyd spiritual boomers. I can't imagine anyone who's ever had an inner life becoming a deleuzian because everything in deleuzes philosophy is just "muh tingles" transgressive hedonism for the normiest of normies. It's also a literally luciferian philosophy in its obstinate refusal to acknowledge the lack inherent in the material world. Deleuzes view on religion were literally shrek fedora level of Reddit and I'm glad he's dead

Honestly, like that other anon once said, the best thing deleuze ever did was become a body without organs by throwing himself out of a window

This post made by lacan gang

>> No.12153107
File: 521 KB, 826x436, 13680558_1613539638976090_4095982779136291606_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleuzes philosophy is just "muh tingles" transgressive hedonism for the normiest of normies
Deleuze wasn't a hedonist, he was influenced by Nietzsche too much for that to be the case. Please be more detailed if you're arguing against Deleuze rather than whatever art sluts pretend to read him.

>It's also a literally luciferian philosophy in its obstinate refusal to acknowledge the lack inherent in the material world
There are ways of viewing the world where lack isn't meaningful and there are ways of exacerbating lack.

>Deleuzes view on religion were literally shrek fedora level of Reddit and I'm glad he's dead
Please elaborate on this, he seemed perfectly reasonable to me. He wasn't a militant atheist afaik.

>> No.12153280

>real man
Go home boomer

>> No.12153288 [DELETED] 
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> t. cuck

>> No.12153294

>space after >

>> No.12153303

>book for this feel?
Can't help ya, I'm not into the cuckoldry thing.

>> No.12153304
File: 147 KB, 434x987, 1543385438144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ posters are literally getting retarded these days

please go away, school should have already started

>> No.12153318

Lol you're getting cucked.

>> No.12153343

I like Deleuze, but this is a superb post.

>> No.12153375

>his gf doesn't live with him

>> No.12153379

I hate this shit. The ENTIRE point of the cuckold fetish is that it makes you feel bad, it fills you with adrenaline and feels intense because its something you don't want to happen, something you're anxious about and something that makes you feel pathetic. Its like a huge release of anxiety where you finally pull the curtains back and feel a certain sense of momentary "relief" or possibly even power over your anxiety, kind of like you don't have to worry about it for a little bit because its right there in front of you.
It gets tied into your sexual habits, it turns you on but it brings you back to that mindset every time, where you're tormented with anxiety and have to fap to release the pressure.

You really need to just stop and get into a better state of mind, i did, my anxiety lessened and my dick doesn't even respond to that kind of material any more.
I pity the faggots who make this shit into a lifestyle. The idea that as long as someone consents its A OK is infuriating, you do not magically transform into a different person during sex where everything within the act is somehow isolated from everything outside and vice versa, like sure some people are just "into" starring in wildly humiliating and degrading pornography and its totally not just perpetuating some emotional problem they're suffering from.

Fuck you.

>> No.12153382

Deleuze has contributed to the modern world as much as Hegel has, both of these sophists achievements speak for their selves

>> No.12153419

If you haven't read Deleuze maybe.

>> No.12153421

>both of these sophists achievements speak for their selves

neo-/lit/ is both retarded and illiterate it seems

>> No.12153438

You realize idioms are colloquial right? The intended meaning is still correct you troglodyte.

>> No.12153616

People like you are a diamond dozen. Don't play the doubles advocate.

>> No.12153632

That's silly anon, you're just projecting. Whenever my gf has sex with a stranger in front of me I'm very happy that she's satisfied and relaxed that she doesn't cheat on me and the rest of our every day life is perfectly happy and content.

>> No.12153634

You okay bro? You seem to be projecting some issues. Need help or something? You know a lot of people into cuckoldry just enjoy watching their wives get fucked by superior males. Not everything is some deep-seated trauma.

>> No.12153698
File: 132 KB, 500x441, friendship-endled-with-lacan-low-deleuze-i-miy-best-tiend-24326874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is reading deleuze with your GF and her bull peak /lit/?

>> No.12153709

Are Deleuzians cucks and their gf's bulls are Nietzscheans?

Bear in mind Deleuze basically followed Kaufmann's example of toning-down (or ignoring, even outright inverting) the parts Nietzsche's work that remain "problematic" to liberal academics (N. himself wasn't a state philosopher).

>> No.12154128

> kys

>> No.12154240


Women can't even do fascism right apparently.

>> No.12154482
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That is so fucking wrong though, evolutionary speaking.

Are you sure you dont have mental issues?

>> No.12154517

good post, buttmad ressentiment clones will not recover

>> No.12154548

I like everything about this post

>> No.12154613
File: 70 KB, 436x600, 1542609732016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude lmao its not that deep

All sexual desire is pathological (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and your coy attempt to seem completely at ease with your fantasies is understood as an uncanny denial by anyone who isn't in such a weird state of socially castrated self-delusion already. The idea that "there's nothing wrong with fetishes" completely undermines the existence of fetishes. >>12153379 based postcuck poster understands this and attributes it correctly to unresolved anxiety and issues of possessiveness instead of some hoodoo genetic inferiority/predisposition for s*y, which is crucial because he can resolve anxiety, whereas the /pol/ explanation only serves to inflame the self-loathing by convincing someone they are "essentially" a cuck.

There are plenty of fantasies that cannot be, or at least should not be, realized, and they fill out and give a basis for our sexual experiences. That does not mean that realizing those fantasies in reality is in any way liberatory or positive, that is fucking stupid, and if you're trying to make something like cuckoldry seem helpful to women or appropriately humbling to men you are really extremely cucked in an entirely different way that there might not be any coming back from.

>> No.12154691
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>Honestly, like that other anon once said, the best thing deleuze ever did was become a body without organs by throwing himself out of a window

>> No.12154748

not as seething as this anon but his analysis of fetish as pathology is certainly right to a point. Zizek makes a big deal of this, for example, the woman with fantasies of being raped can have the most traumatic experience from having that fantasy fulfilled, and cuckoldry is basically the male negative of the rape fantasy

>> No.12154771

yup, Fanon also talks about this in reference to race fetishism, people black or white who heavily fetishized the other race would in case studies express disappointment and strange resentment even after overall positive sexual experiences with someone of the fetishized race

>> No.12154845

fucking lmao

>> No.12154859

>That is so fucking wrong though, evolutionary speaking.

Not true anon, letting an alpha have sex with your wife because he is superior and that makes her happy makes sense evolutionarily.

>> No.12154903

I fucking know, right?? Tin-foil hat on over here, but I swear they are all reddit-overflow since the whole "channel" bullshit
>"ooh 4xhan now haz sfw bords? Il jes visit those cuz now they are safespaces for normiea like meow! lel"
Fucking christ

>> No.12154909
File: 26 KB, 460x565, 18157665_10208670726185611_4375858455032970321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sexual desire is pathological

Calm down Lacan, you may be projecting a little bit. Not everything has to be transgression, anxiety, castration, repression and other such crap. It's okay to hate cuckolding because it's stupid or because it doesn't solve the problem of desire if you frame it in a certain way (much like eating a sandwich doesn't forever solve the problem of nutrition or hunger), but there's no need to add all kinds of unconscious (as in unobservable without confirmation bias) mechanisms that aren't there to begin with.