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/lit/ - Literature

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12147083 No.12147083 [Reply] [Original]

This Eve, everything is the same. The cold blue light shimmers through the window pane and the quiet descent of snow makes the outdoors silent and still. Mother pulls out tin after tin in endless precession - the quiet whine of the oven, the air warm and sweet with the smell of baked goods. Father is outside, the gentle thud of the axe splitting the wood to feed the fire in the living room, the fire, a roar not an hour ago, is now but a slow pulsing crackle. Sister is nestled under a red blanket asleep, alone and quiet beneath the soft light of the empty Christmas tree. You sit within a nook in the window, half your shoulder chilled by glass, a thick wool sweater covers your body - the slow heat of the house moving across your skin. A hot tea steaks between your legs, you reach down and pick up your book as the rhythm of the night fills your ears with its familiar and nostalgic sound. You open the book and begin to read.

What is it you read?

>> No.12147084

a lilliputian tome, the Loeb Classic Library of Catullus' poems about ravaging well toned young man-ass

>> No.12147294

KJV Old Testament is comfy christmas reading, then theres Anna Karenina, very comfy and christmas-ey, also a million times more readable than the bible. Merry christmas OP

>> No.12147325
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I've always found Meditations to be comfy winter reading.

>> No.12147403

i keep imagining me asking my crush out and going ice skating on a romantic wintery evening near christmas, with lights and bustle in the background.

>> No.12148388


>> No.12148457

I usually re read A Christmas Carol
Gets me out of my resenting the money I’m spending, the commercialism, (and I used to hate going to the mall to shop but I pretty much do everything online now)
It gets me out of my humbug mood a bit.

>> No.12148486
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This book has some of the more magical wintery descriptions I've come across. It's a short read too that you can easily finish in one sitting.

>> No.12148500
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Houses with big windows aren't comfy a comfy house needs to have small windows because big windows dissipate a lot of heat and in a cold winter climate it is important for the house to conserve heat. You can have big windows on your house in a winter climate but for that you need modern electrical heating systems and they are nowhere near as comfy as traditional heating methods (open fire in a hearth) therefore big windows on houses are not comfy

>> No.12148519

I did that a few years ago, would recommend.
of course it didn't work out but for that moment it was nice

>> No.12148542
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Can be a bit harsh and upsetting if mental illness and poverty are family issues for you too.

>> No.12148772

>A hot tea steaks

>> No.12148775

I live in a cold country and have big double glazed windows. Comfy.

>> No.12148859
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>> No.12148887



>> No.12148906

Probably something about a mentally ill NEET hermit alcoholic in a small apartment in a dystopian city since I'm in bizarro world.

>> No.12148913


Do it anon!

>> No.12148927

I've never been in the city for Christmas, I've always gone back to my parent's house in the country. Is it bad anon?

>> No.12148972

I think it's mostly very ugly. Around the world everything from the pre-industrial area was very beautiful and now almost everything is very ugly.

>> No.12149057
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>> No.12149075

There’s this book I liked as a kid called Stories from the Old Squire’s Farm. It’s comfy stories about people growing up in Maine around 1900. Haven’t read it for a while but there’s comfy stories about sledding and such. Makes me want to move to New England (I’m stuck in Los Angeles but occasionally go to NE. Was there last Christmas and it snowed in Christmas morning in New Hampshire.)

>> No.12149442

>Los Angeles
How do you deal with this?

>> No.12149471

I like to stay inside a lot. I only work two days a week (I'm in grad school). Usually I do alright, but whenever I have to get on the train to go to work and I start seeing other human beings (specifically the type who ride public transit) I begin to hate everyone and everything, but then I cool off on the days I don't work. I'm hoping to move away before I have kids because I don't want them to grow up here where they'll be constantly harassed for their skin color. Also the future of California is just more homeless people and higher taxes, so I don't see the point in staying.

>> No.12149522

Holy shit, how much gay erotica does one even need?

>> No.12149530

The Old Curiosity Shop, The Castle, the first ~100 pages of Moby Dick, The Canterbury Tales, and Dubliners
I think these are quite comfy

>> No.12149616


>> No.12149618
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The history of Rome by Titus Livius.
Book V

>> No.12149701

brb cooking a tea steak

>> No.12149726

I feel like this thread could be better than what it is.

>> No.12149765

it's not very wintery today were I live, hard to get in the mood

>> No.12149809

global warming breh

>> No.12149865

>tfw is hasn't snowed more than a few inches in my town since I was a small child
>tfw /pol/ people call me a retard for believing in climate change
>tfw liberals call me a retard for not knowing the difference between weather and climate
all I know is it used to snow a lot and now it doesn't snow at all

>> No.12149879

>splitting firewood when snow is already here and it's actually snowing
>not having split the 13 cords of wood the house needs for the winter in early fall and have the wood all properly piled and ready to use
is dad retarded?

>> No.12149896


>The cold blue light shimmers through the window pane

>quiet descent of snow makes the outdoors silent and still.

>Mother pulls out tin after tin in endless precession - the quiet whine of the oven, the air warm and sweet with the smell of baked goods.
sounds like a slave

>Father is outside, the gentle thud of the axe splitting the wood to feed the fire in the living room, the fire, a roar not an hour ago, is now but a slow pulsing crackle.
Axes are loud. It's sound is only suppressed because you are indoors.

>Sister is nestled under a red blanket asleep, alone and quiet beneath the soft light of the empty Christmas tree.
redundant, atmosphere is already sounding boring. I'd fall asleep to if I had to suffer through talking to you

>You sit within a nook in the window, half your shoulder chilled by glass, a thick wool sweater covers your body - the slow heat of the house moving across your skin.
Then why is your shoulder chilled by glass? There is a buffer through your skin and the window. Use more descriptive language.

>A hot tea steaks between your legs, you reach down and pick up your book as the rhythm of the night fills your ears with its familiar and nostalgic sound. You open the book and begin to read.
Winter night are generally pretty silent and solitary. If you're referring to a lack of sound, explain the feelings and sensual indications that coincide with this.

>> No.12149902

pls don't bully the alienated urbanite with his quaint depictions of wholesome traditional life being wildly inaccurate. how could he know?

>> No.12149936
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>> No.12149968

at least it's not manga or some baitshit

>> No.12149982

Are you legitimately autistic?

>> No.12149985

No one is splitting firewood in the winter but when you're building up a fire you have to chop kindling and chop smaller logs. I lived in the country for years, never used electric heating, never bought any firewood.

>> No.12150017

why did you leave?

>> No.12150028
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>> No.12150644

I always prepare enough kindling at the same time as I'm splitting wood. Why wait to need them before chopping them?

>> No.12150846

>Sister is nestled under a red blanket asleep, alone
>a stirring in my loins awakens a strange primal urge I haven’t felt before

>> No.12150855

That’s why you get to read what I write for free :’(

Jk I’m not op.

>> No.12151068

Nah, but maybe. I was bored. Also you could just ask “are you autistic?”. The legitimacy would be implied in both the sincerity of the question and my response. Are you retarded?

>> No.12152055


I legit wrote it in a few minutes, on my phone, half asleep in the middle of the night in order to set the mood for the question. Not trying to impress anyone. Thanks for the honest criticism though.

>> No.12152685

It's not such a big deal to just chop kindling in batches throughout the winter. You can always leave aside a few day's supply, and it's easier to stack firewood than it is kindling.

>> No.12152764


Almost every German author is a good winter read for me. But in general northern European books

>> No.12152796

Can we get some actual suggestions in here? Not OP but been following the thread. Gonna have some time off during the holidays and want some comfy reads.

>> No.12152850

heart of darkness

>> No.12153305

Maybe he's a collector

>> No.12153308

Doctor Glas.

>> No.12153311

>I'm hoping to move away before I have kids because I don't want them to grow up here where they'll be constantly harassed for their skin color.
>When you realize there are literally millions of guys like you all over the Western world
I sometimes feel like the last white man alive when I go downtown.

>> No.12153972

Really any comfy Russian book