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/lit/ - Literature

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12146799 No.12146799 [Reply] [Original]

Was 2012-2015 the best years for book fans?

>> No.12146803

Why are women such dumb whores?

>> No.12146811

It's in their nature

>> No.12146815

She said book stan you idiot

>> No.12146819

Yeah that mistake ruined OP for me. Better luck next time.

>> No.12146824
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, CFF9EB842B71417FB74E519226770396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another twitter screencap episode

>> No.12146828

There is no evolutionary incentive for women to be anything but. The issue is the jews running our publishing and media arms and manipulating them into either indulging in their idiocy or believing they are liberating themselves through whoredom or by acting as economic competitors of their own men. Women are not the problem, and will fall in line and become whoever the top males in society want them to be; the problem is the jews, who have used propaganda tools to take over that role of determining social behavior standards.

>> No.12146839
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>> No.12146859
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Why don't women resist being like this?

>> No.12146876

incel detected

>> No.12146967


see, she is a critical consumer

>> No.12146973

>critical consumer

>> No.12148198

Roastie detected

>> No.12148209
File: 222 KB, 1200x1368, goodMenGone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never had to anything their entire lives, and they still don't all while society tells them that they are great.

>> No.12148235
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>> No.12148250

Women have never in their life experienced someone imposing standards to them. Standards are vital for self-development. You have to live up to standards in order to overshoot and overcome them, setting new standards.

A great man excels, but even a shitty man at least understands what excellence is and wants to excel. Women don't even know what excellence is. Esther Vilar has a good quote somwhere that a woman could be replaced by a chimpanzee with makeup on it and it would take a week for anybody to notice, because it'd be just about the same.

Women do nothing. Women are nothing. Only a sick society gives them a platform for their nothingness and pretends it's something.

>> No.12148260


>> No.12148263

Stay in your containment board, disgusting subhumans.

>> No.12148264

Let's be honest, isn't women, is americans.

>> No.12148266

We're already here

>> No.12148268

based Boris bringing the truth

>> No.12148297

It's not Americans, it's Jewish controlled media in America.

>> No.12148308

Nah, definitively is the american.

>> No.12148334

>/lit/ - movie adaptations
>/lit/ - twitter whore discussion
>/lit/ - upset man babies
Delete yourself

>> No.12148337

evolutionary incentive? wtf women are a different race now?

>> No.12148344

based photo

>> No.12148387

What's up fellow book stans

>> No.12148389

>the issue is the jews...

off to a bad start

>> No.12148402

Need for attention and to stand out

>> No.12148438

How do people still get mad at tweet screencaps in 4channel in the ear 2000 + 18? it's like complainging about anime reaction images and wojacks.

>> No.12148447

>Omg like who are you to judge s m h let people live theyre live its none of your businses anyway cant you just be nice

Pathetic woman.

>> No.12148493

um no sweaty, I would love to be a girl but I'm actually a boy.

>> No.12148515

Jesus christ dude, all that resentful anger is gonna give you a stroke

>> No.12148530

we can dress you as a girl!

>> No.12148538


>> No.12148540

way ahead of you, creep. Dont @ me again.

>> No.12148608

After living in a handful of western and eastern european countries let me tell ya the worst women on this entire planet, the top 100 of them, all live in the UK

That place is an absolute shithole, the women almost all have severe mental illnesses, don’t know how to dress or put on makeup and have no interests (which is normal in general) and sound like goats. I feel deeply for any man living in that shithole of an oversized Walmart. It’s not all women in every place as korea was nearly the exact opposite, to my great surprise

>> No.12148765

It's the jew. The jew runs 94% of American media and controls the major institutions thru and thru which is why they're about to get kicked out again, for their continual propagandistic bad behavior.

Women are subject to different biological selection pressures than men, is that really that complicated for you?

>> No.12148821

But since jews seem to be the ruling alpha of the world, why don't they do like all others alphas ?

Checkmate atheist.

>> No.12148856

The jewish ability to hold onto power has a poor track record, and their strategy toward power acquisition is the opposite of alpha and literally involves them pretending to be weak victims then screeching like chimps when anyone questions their chosen status.


>> No.12148869

What's a "book stan?"

>> No.12148895

I want to have sex with women but I don't know if its cool in the grand scheme of things to fuck them because they are dumb and bad for me. #just4channelthings

>> No.12148916

I'm glad there's a family-friendly website like 4channel to discuss things like this.

>> No.12148937

Every 4chan board is r9k with a different flavour

>> No.12148957

only lit really did come from r9k getting fed up with our big boy philosopher words making it past the robot

>> No.12148984

I dare somebody to try convincing me that women should have suffrage.

>> No.12148993

Suffrage is for untermenschen

>> No.12148999

it was clearly a typo, she meant to say "fan"

>> No.12149000

Do people really think these books were THAT amazing?
Why are there so many retards who think Looking for Alaska is deep?

>> No.12149010

What the fuck does this even mean? Why has the English language deteriorated to the point where social media cretins just drop in whatever word they want and pretend we’re supposed to get their meaning? Why are we still here?

>> No.12149021

It's probably just a typo, or her phone's autocorrect

>> No.12149055

stan = "stalker-fan", originally
now it just means to be a big fan of something

>> No.12149060

What the fuck hahahahaha. I thought it was a mistake

>> No.12149260


I thought it was a Chad/Stacy type of thing, with it being a self-aggrandizing term instead of derogatory. fucking genre Stans baka

>> No.12149307


>> No.12149531

Women ruin everything.

>> No.12149554


Its from a fucking eminem song
so much for this board "reading the classics," huh?

>> No.12149565

this, checked btw

>> No.12149568

imagine being this upset at other people having opinions

>> No.12149569

Retard posto

>> No.12150410

nayrt, but you can hardly say a two word response constitutes as upset.

but while we're at it, imagine being such an incel you go on an anonymous board to complain all women are whores haha
Truly sad


>> No.12150427

God, I wish I wasn't a virgin.

>> No.12150434
File: 107 KB, 613x533, 1540995299861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book stan is probably the gayest thing I've seen typed out in awhile

White pipo shouldn't be using hip hop lingo, it comes off as forced and uncomfortable, like all those videos of boomers attempting to not throw their hips doing fortnite dances

>> No.12150447


>> No.12150448

The word 'stan' has been around since 2000, its not new, its from an Eminem song. It just means an obsessive fan, named after the main character in the song. But I do agree with >>12150434 that 'book st*n' is a phrase that should never be typed again, especially if it relates to YAshit, especially especially if according to >>12146839 she didn't even read them

>> No.12150450

holy fucking SHIT

>> No.12150457


>> No.12150496

sounds like my gf, she has a sweet voice though

>> No.12150510


>> No.12150519


>> No.12150547

If looking up unfamiliar words or concepts as soon as you encounter them isn't second nature to you by now, you won't make it.

>> No.12150556

stop gaslighting, no one cares about you but the zionist media blah blah

>> No.12150561

When you think they can't sink any lower...

>> No.12150574

I hate when leftoid eggshell-walkers pretend ebonics isn't just as retarded when black people do it.

>> No.12150580

grug thingk diffrant behavur dum

>> No.12150598
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>> No.12150898

>and sound like goats
This explains why Muslims like going there.

>> No.12151064

I thought she meant "book stand"